Rending Split

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Rending Split
A technique that leaves its victims feeling as if they have been ripped in half.

Deals physical damage against all enemies in an area in front of the user, with the damage based on the user's Melee and a skill modifier of 140.

Type • Active
Affinity • Slash
Action Type -
Cost • HP 13%
Inheritance • Weapon
Effect -
Modifier • 140
Stat • Melee
AOE Type • Frontal
Activation Range • 40
AOE Range • 40
Incantation • 0.2 seconds
Cooldown • 6 seconds
Knockback • 70

Learned by:

Already Learned

Lv 50-59

Lv 60-69

Lv 70-79

Lv 90-99

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