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  • The maximum number of quest you can take at a time is 20 quests.
  • If you did not lower your quest number (by completing it), you will NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE ANOTHER QUEST.

Quest Bonuses

Current bonuses, as well as codenames, can be checked by clicking the second button at the bottom of the quests menu.

Quests completed Effect Codename
10 HP + (Quests / 2) Helpful
20 Strength/Magic/Speed + (Quests / 8) Can not refuse
30 Summoning speed + 15 Worker
40 Critical Defense + (Quests / 4) Hard Worker
50 Support + (Quests / 8) Enthusiastic Worker
60 HP regeneration + 6 Yes-man
70 MP + (Quests / 4) Workaholic
80 Vitality/Intelligence/Luck + (Quests / 8) Pure sweat
100 Ailment Defense + 20 of Exhaustion
120 Critical + (Quests / 4) Needs a drink
140 Melee/Ranged/Spell + (Quests / 8) Too much
160 MP Regeneration + 3 Always gets up (?)
180 Physical/Magical Defense + (Quests / 12) Won't lose to the rain
200 Limit Break chance/power + 10% Tokyo is my garden
220 Slash/Blunt/Thrust boost + (Quests / 15)% Hawkeye
240 Ranged/Penetrate/Spread boost + (Quests / 15)% Growing Potential
260 Fire/Ice boost + (Quests / 15)% After hours
280 Electric/Force boost + (Quests / 15)% Cost cutter
300 Expel/Death boost + 50%
Almighty boost + 10%

Home III

Total Quests: 27.

Father Figure Guard
Home III [X16:Y19]

The Guard's Desire   (守衛の想い)

  • An introduction quest that unlocks the Virtual Battle and other areas.


Former DB Guard
Home III [X26:Y21]

Delivering the Goods   (荷物の受け渡し)

  • Find the person with a Pixie.


Former DB Guard
Home III [X26:Y21]

Meeting DB Harumi   (DBハルミに会いに行こう)

  • Talk to DB Harumi.


Former DB Guard
Home III [X26:Y21]

Gathering Remains   (亡骸を集めよう)

  • Collect 20 Empty Can: Oolong Tea and give them to the Former DB Guard.


Former DB Guard
Home III [X26:Y21]

Pixie Hunt!   (ピクシー討伐!)


Former DB Guard
Home III [X26:Y21]

Kodamas in the Wastelands   (荒地のコダマ)


Discarded Woman
Home III [X27:Y21]

Believe   (信じるが故に)

  • Your client believes her husband has run off to Shinjuku Babel. Look for him.


Discarded Woman
Home III [X27:Y21]

Meaning of Support   (支えのある意味)


Experienced Demon Buster
Home III [X23:Y20]

Fellow Adventurers   (冒険の仲間)

  • Bring a party to the Experienced Demon Buster.


Experienced Demon Buster
Home III [X23:Y20]

Let's Trade!   (トレードをしよう)

  • Once you've traded a Trade Ticket (A-E) for any Trade Ticket other than (A-E), report back to the Experienced DB.


Home III [X20:Y21]

A Superficial Contract   (浅はかな契約)

  • Find DB Oki


Jack Frost
Home III [X21:Y20]

Stray Jack Frost   (迷子のジャックフロスト)

  • Rescue Jack Frost's friends


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Home III (Cathedral of Shadows) [X--:Y--]

Soul Shards: The Sequel   (続・魂のかけら)

  • Gather 20 Soul Shards and deliver them to the Master of the Cathedral of Shadows.


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Home III (Cathedral of Shadows) [X--:Y--]

Demon Equipment   (悪魔装備)

  • Bring 1 Incense of Adventure to the Master of the Cathedral of Shadows.


Card Maniac
Home III [X20:Y22]

Card Maniacs   (カードマニア魂!)

  • Depending on what you were asked to get, acquire a specific traesto for unique DCMs.


Mr. Hakamada
Home III(Hakamada Weapon Shop) [X--:Y--]

Class Preparation: Item Delivery   (教習準備~物資調達~)

  • Collect the requested items and report back to Hakamada.


Mr. Hakamada
Home III(Hakamada Weapon Shop) [X--:Y--]

Class Preparation: Demon Hunt   (教習準備~悪魔退治~)

  • Defeat the specified demons that come out in Suginami at night.


Mr. Hakamada
Home III(Hakamada Weapon Shop) [X--:Y--]

Class Preparation: Behemoth Hunt   (教習準備~巨大悪魔討伐~)


Mr. Hakamada
Home III(Hakamada Weapon Shop) [X--:Y--]

Gun Practice   (銃の試射)


Mr. Hakamada
Home III(Hakamada Weapon Shop) [X--:Y--]

Correct Way to Use a Gun   (正しい銃器の使い方)


Dr Aya's Medical Shop
Home III(Dr Aya's Medical Shop) [X--:Y--]

An Invitation to Mixology   (調合の誘い)


Home III [X--:Y--]

Yaginuma's Letter   (ヤギヌマの手紙)

  • Deliver the letter to Yaginuma at Nakano. A PvP tutorial quest.


DB Kano
Home III [X18:Y20]

Criticals and Limit Breaks   (クリティカルとリミットブレイク)

  • Learn about how Critical and Limit Break works


DB Kano
Home III [X18:Y20]

Pursuit   (追撃)


DB Kano
Home III [X18:Y20]

The Secret of Gunfighting   (初めての課題)

  • Learn how to use a gun by asking Mr. Hakamada


Kissy Pixie
Home III [X25:Y19]

A Deranged Scheme   (狂おしき想いの主)

  • Gather information about Pixie Alpha.


Aya's Clinic (Home III) [X--:Y--]

Mandala Melon Recipe   (まんだらのレシピ)

  • Collect 10 Egg: Sliver and an Aello's Crystal in order to unlock new Mixology Mixing recipes.


Special Quest (Home III)

Beginner's Area

Total Quests: 15.

Beginner's Girl Izumi
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Earn 10000 Macca   (10000マッカを稼ごう)

  • Report to the requester when you collect 10,000 Macca.


Beginner's Girl Izumi
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Collect 1000 Magnetite   (1000マグネタイトを集めよう)

  • Collect 1,000 Magnetite


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Lessons of the Past   (過去の教訓)

  • Learn how to Control


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

The Surly Gunfighter   (無愛想な銃士)

  • Learn how to battle


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Demon Hunt: Inexperienced Orthrus   (討伐:未熟なオルトロス)


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Negotiation: Wanderer Nozuchi   (交渉:流離いのノズチ)


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Negotiation: Inexperienced Garm   (交渉:未熟なガルム)


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Fusion: Wanderer Alp   (合体:流離いのアルプ)


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Supplies to the Suginami Tunnels   (スギナミ魔階坑道への支援物資)


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Demon Hunt: Nekomata   (討伐:ネコマタ)


Beginner's Girl Rika
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

Fusion: Shikigami   (合体:シキガミ)


Beginner's Girl Isami
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

The first collection   (はじめての収集)


Beginner's Girl Isami
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y25]

G1 challenge   (G1への挑戦)


DB Bacchus the Drunk
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y23]

One who Thirsts   (渇望セシ者)


DB Bacchus the Drunk
Home III (Beginner's Area) [X20:Y23]

Alcoholic Snake Hunter   (辛党のスネークハンター)


Virtual Battle

Total Quests: 5.

Virtual Battle [X--:Y--]

Demon Buster Basic Training 1


Virtual Battle [X--:Y--]

Demon Buster Basic Training 2

  • Use "Guard" and defeat 3 Preta


Virtual Battle [X--:Y--]

Demon Buster Basic Training 3


Virtual Battle [X--:Y--]

Demon Buster Basic Training 4


Virtual Battle [X--:Y--]

Eternal Rest   (永遠なる安らぎを)



Total Quests: 22.

DB Yuki
Suginami [X18:Y17]

A Trial from Kano   (カノウの課題)


DB Yuki
Suginami [X18:Y17]

Kano in Nakano   (ナカノのカノウ)

  • Meet up with DB Kano in Nakano


Suginami [X18:Y17]

Close Counters   (カウンター!)


Suginami [X18:Y17]

Scaredy Guard: Cait Sith   (守衛の不安 ケットシー編)


Suginami [X18:Y17]

Scaredy Guard: Onmoraki   (守衛の不安 オンモラキ編)


Suginami [X18:Y17]

Scaredy Guard: Cu Sith   (守衛の不安 カーシー編)


Friendly Demon Buster
Suginami [X14:Y20]

Gain Expertise in…!   (エキスパート『アタック / ショット / 破壊魔法』習得!)

  • Raise either Attack, Shot or Destruction Magic Expertise to Class 2.


Dabster Demon Buster
Suginami [X21:Y20]

A Gentleman's Lesson   (紳士の教え)

  • Defeat 5 Kissy Pixies while using Dodge.


DB Harumi
Suginami [X18:Y17]

Understanding Plasma   (プラズマの理解)

  • Acquire 20 Empty Cans: Oolong Tea and 10 Wrinkled T-Shirts: Sweaty by connecting with Plasma.


DB Harumi
Suginami [X18:Y17]

Extract the Aluminum!   (アルミを取り出そう!)

  • Extract the Aluminum from the Empty Cans: Oolong Tea.


Suginami [X14:Y19]

Troubled Pixie   (悩めるピクシー)

  • Use the DC Memory: Jack Frost to register an Inexperienced Jack Frost into your Compendium, and then report back to your client.


Dabster Demon Buster
Suginami [X20:Y21]

To My Beloved   (愛しき貴女へ)

  • Gather information about Pixie Alpha at Home III.


Hardworking Yagiya
Suginami [X22:Y24]

Errand for the Newbie Yagiya   (新人山羊屋の頼み事)

  • Have the item appraised at the weapon shop in Home III or Shinjuku Babel.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Demon Hunt: Giant Beast Garm   (討伐:巨獣ガルム)

  • Defeat the Giant Beast Garm in the remotest part of Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) and report to the requester.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Demon Hunt: Giant Beast Garm (x5)   (討伐:巨獣ガルム(5回))

  • Defeat the Giant Beast Garm in the remotest part of Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) and report to the requester.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Demon Hunt: Beast Nekomata   (討伐:魔獣ネコマタ)

  • Defeat 3 Nekomata in Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) and report to the requester.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Demon Hunt: Jirae Sudama   (討伐:地霊スダマ)

  • Defeat 10 Jirae Sudamas in Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) and report to the requester.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Demon Hunt: Divine Angel   (討伐:天使エンジェル)

  • Defeat 3 Divine Angels in Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) and report to the requester.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Demon Hunt: Raptor Onmoraki   (討伐:凶鳥オンモラキ)

  • Defeat 4 Raptor Onmoraki in Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) and report to the requester.


Suginami [X18:Y24]

Supplies to the Home III Camp Ground   (第三ホーム野営地への支援物資)

  • Deliver the supplies for Camp Ground to the Guard in the Home III Camp Ground.



Total number of quests: 46.

Nakano [X16:Y22]

Nakano Yagiya Support 1   (ナカノ山羊屋支援1)


Nakano [X16:Y22]

Nakano Yagiya Support 2   (ナカノ山羊屋支援2)


Nakano [X16:Y22]

Nakano Yagiya Support 3   (ナカノ山羊屋支援3)


Nakano [X16:Y22]

Nakano Yagiya Support 4   (ナカノ山羊屋支援4)


Nakano [X16:Y22]

Nakano Yagiya Support 5   (ナカノ山羊屋支援5)


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

The Great Garm Hunt   (ガルムの大退治)

  • Defeat 50 Garms.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in East Nakano 1   (カノウの課題:ナカノ東部討伐1)

  • Defeat 20 Mou-Ryous.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in East Nakano 2   (カノウの課題:ナカノ東部討伐2)

  • Defeat 20 Cockatrices.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in East Nakano 3   (カノウの課題:ナカノ東部討伐3)

  • Defeat 20 Gyukis.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in Central Nakano 1   (カノウの課題:ナカノ中央討伐1)

  • Defeat 5 Jack O'Lanterns.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in West Nakano 1   (カノウの課題:ナカノ西部討伐1)

  • Defeat 20 Will O'Wisps.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in West Nakano 2   (カノウの課題:ナカノ西部討伐2)

  • Defeat 10 Azumis and 10 Kelpies.


DB Kano
Nakano [X20:Y21]

Hunting in West Nakano 3   (カノウの課題:ナカノ西部討伐3)

  • Defeat 10 Bicorns.


DB Yamaguchi
Nakano [X20:Y20]

Yamaguchi's Challenge: Healing Demon   (ヤマグチの課題:回復の得意な仲魔)

  • Summon a Unicorn and show it to Yamaguchi


DB Yamaguchi
Nakano [X20:Y20]

Yamaguchi's Challenge: Melee Demon   (ヤマグチの課題:近接の得意な仲魔)

  • Summon a Momunofu and show it to Yamaguchi


DB Yamaguchi
Nakano [X20:Y20]

Yamaguchi's Challenge: Magical Demon   (ヤマグチの課題:魔法の得意な仲魔)

  • Summon a Feng Huang and show it to Yamaguchi


Nakano [X25:Y24]

Clash of the Titans: VERSUS   (竜虎相搏つ処―VERSUS)

  • Join FATE!


DB Tanaka
Nakano [X26:Y18]

Shouldering Burden   (借金の肩代わり)

  • Pay off DB Tanaka's Debts.


Hua Po
Nakano Underground Ruins (Gold) [X - :Y - ]

Door-Opening Gem   (扉開く赫い玉)

  • Thrust the Branch of Fuhito.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Gaia's Punishment   (膺懲の大地人)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Rhapsody of Freedom   (自由人の狂詩曲)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Agent of Divine Punishment   (神罰の代行者)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Great Queen   (大いなる女王)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

I want to see a rare demon   (珍しい悪魔が見たい )


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

God of Swords   (剣の神 )


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Recovery of Messian's reports   (メシアンズレポートの回収)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Things you want to protect   (守りたいもののために )


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Ghost of the Bottomless Swamp   (底無し沼の亡霊)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

In order to become stronger   (強くなるために )

  • Summon a demon that knows Awareness 3 and show it to her.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Supply of Goods   (物資の補給 )


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Something you can do yourself   (自分にできること )

  • Summon a demon that knows Diarahan and show it to her.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

A woman's sex appeal   (女の色気とは)

  • Summon a demon that knows Frolic (Female version) and show it to her.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Archduke of Hell   (地獄の大公爵)

  • Summon a Flauros and show it to her.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

What is fashionable these days?   (オシャレしたいお年頃 )


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Special Moves Research   (必殺技の研究)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

A Demon on good terms   (ツーカーの仲魔)

  • Summon a demon that is Open Hearts or Linked By Fate and show it to her.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

In search of a Clan   (クランを求めて)

  • Join a Clan and talk to her.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Master Smith Dwarf   (鍛治師ドワーフ)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Awakening of Demon Force   (デビルフォースの覚醒)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Spirit Shot   (スピリット・ショット)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Digitalize   (デジタライズ)


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Aims of the Teacher   (師を目指して)

  • Gain a Class B DB License.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Full-Fledged DB   (一人前のデビルバスター)

  • Talk to her while Level 75 or higher.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Rainy Days Never Stay   ( 「Rainy days never stay」)

  • See page.


Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

The die is cast   ( 「The die is cast」)

  • See page.


Black Maria
Nakano Campsite [X - :Y - ]

Rainy days will never change   ( 「Rainy days will never change」)

  • Defeat the Baal boss that is a part of the "Rainy days never stay" instances and speak to Black Maria again.


Shinjuku Babel

Total Quests: 33.

Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Hohenheim's Embryo   (ホーエンハイムのエンブリオ)

  • Collect 30 Soul Shards.
    Alternatively equip an Azoth Sword in order to complete the quest.


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Nettesheim's Biblio   (ネッテスハイムのビブリオ)

  • Collect 5 Makanda Stones.


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Albertus' Oratorio   (アルベルトゥスのオラトリオ)

  • Acquire 1 Faded Earring: Garnet.


DB Saito
Shinjuku Babel [X19:Y22]

Seeking Demon Info!   (悪魔情報求む!)

  • Register an Accomplished Hua Po and an Hua Po into your Demon Compendium.


Masterly Dwarf
Shinjuku Babel [X25:Y17]

The Ultimate Equipment   (天下無双の高み)

  • Learn about modifying equipment (Level 20 Required).


Masterly Dwarf
Shinjuku Babel [X25:Y17]

Where Spirits Reside   (心霊の宿るもの)

  • Find the Hihi-irokane Armor and bring it back to the Masterly Dwarf.


Masterly Dwarf
Shinjuku Babel [X24:Y17]

The Road to Smithing   (鍛冶師への道!)

  • Learn about compounding melee items.


Masterly Dwarf
Shinjuku Babel [X24:Y17]

Smith Crown   (スミス・クラウン)

  • Learn about compounding ranged items.


DB Watanabe
Shinjuku Babel [X19:Y23]

Apprentice Mechanic - Tired Out   (整備士見習い ~ タイヤ編 ~)

  • Acquire a Motorbike coupon (Single Use).


Card Maniac
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y20]

Tales Of Nerddom   (キミはオタク?)

  • Find Alice Card (White).


Man fleeing from his Past in Babel
Shinjuku Babel [X17:Y18]

For the Fortune of Others   (幸運は誰の手に)

  • Defeat the legendary gambler!


Man fleeing from his Past in Babel
Shinjuku Babel [X17:Y18]

Beginning of vengeance   (復讐の始まり)

  • Bring the man a weapon.


Man fleeing from his Past in Babel
Shinjuku Babel [X17:Y18]

Target of Revenge   (復讐の対象)

  • Find the Woman Gambler, Kyoko.


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Shinjuku Babel [X--:Y--]

Unity of the Vessel Spirit and Bond   (器と精神と絆の始まり)

  • Complete Master of the Cathedral of Shadows request.


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Growth of the Vessel Spirit and Bond   (器と精神と絆の成長)

  • Complete Saint's Germain's impossible request.


Shinjuku Babel (Central Control Room) [X--:Y--]

Brother and Sister   (兄妹)

  • (WILDCAT) Explore the Deepest part of the Demonic City.


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Shinjuku Babel [X -- :Y--]

Insert Thunder   (雷挿すプラグイン)

  • Register a Nue into your Demon Compendium


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Shinjuku Babel [X -- :Y--]

Insert Smoke   (煙挿すプラグイン)


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Shinjuku Babel [X -- :Y--]

Insert Evil   (疫挿すプラグイン)


Master of the Cathedral of Shadows
Shinjuku Babel [X -- :Y--]

Insert Bottle   (瓶挿すプラグイン)


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Release Maximum Expertise (1)   (エキスパート上限解放のために①)


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Release Maximum Expertise (2)   (エキスパート上限解放のために②)


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Demon Growth Support   (仲魔成長支援)


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Mastery of Three Forms of Life (1)   (三元の巧上位スキルについて①)


Saint Germain
Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y19]

Mastery of Three Forms of Life (2)   (三元の巧上位スキルについて②)


Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y18]

Expertise Special Training   (エキスパート上限開放の特訓(1-3))

  • Bring her various items to increase your maximum Expertise; total of 3 quests


Shinjuku Babel [X20:Y18]

A White Demon and a Mysterious Man and Woman   (白き悪魔と謎の男女)


Shinjuku Babel (Cathedral of Shadows) [X -- :Y -- ]

Shiho's Request (Law)   (シホの依頼 (L))

  • Show her a Mitama fused Angel, Archangel, Harpy, Macha, Kodama, Sudama or Hua Po


Shinjuku Babel (Cathedral of Shadows) [X -- :Y -- ]

Shiho's Request (Neutral)   (シホの依頼 (N))

  • Show her a Mitama fused Pixie, Jack Frost, Jack O'Lantern, Cait Sith, Nekomata, Inugami, Erthys, Aeros, Aquans or Flamies


Shinjuku Babel (Cathedral of Shadows) [X -- :Y -- ]

Shiho's Request (Chaos)   (シホの依頼 (C))

  • Show her a Mitama fused Shikigami, Koppa-Tengu, Azumi, Cockatrice, Tarasque, Poltergeist, Preta, or Yakkha


Shinjuku Babel (Cathedral of Shadows) [X -- :Y -- ]

Another Door   (アナザー・ドア)

  • Speak to DB Sakuragi


Shinjuku Babel (Weapon Shop) [X -- :Y -- ]

A Hidden Talent   (隠れた妙技?)

  • Upgrade Servant Rabbit


DB Okabe
Shinjuku Babel [X17:Y17]

Mount Quest

  • Go through all 4 lessons to receive a Nimble Cerebus and Mounting Ring. (Not actually a quest.)


Special Quest (Shinjuku Babel)

TMG Building

Total Quests: 1.

DB Asada
TMG Building [X--:Y--]

Where the TMG Blueprint Lies   (トチョウ設計図の行方)

  • Give TMG blueprint to DB Asada.


Special Quest (TMG)


Total Quests: 2. Alternate dimension of Shinjuku (Can be accessed by going through a black dot (Vortex?) in normal Shinjuku. Require DB license.)

Newbie DB, Shadow Chaser
??? [X--:Y--]

Shadows in the TMG Building   (魔階トチョウの影)

  • Talk to DB Asada inside the entrance hall of the TMG Building, thus getting further in.

Then quest to open up the Heliport, by talking to the "fly brothers" NPC from eldest to youngest, and thereafter go there to fight a manifestation of Beelzebub by talkin to the "eldest" fly-NPC. After defeating Beelzebub five times, you'll be sent back to the entrance.


Shadow Chaser
??? [X--:Y--]

Lord of the Flies   (蠅の王)

You can reach the obelisks in the alternate dimension throught other Vortexes in the area. To find the entrance of each Obelisk you'll need a specific item, which is provided to you by the shadow chaser every time you need it. After defeating three mini-bosses inside the Obelisks, the Shadow Chaser will send you back to the TMG Building to fight Beelzebub again.



Total Quests: 5.

Protopia [X18:Y20]

Hidden Dreams   (潜む意志)

  • Hand over the Innocent Plant data to Kawata.


Protopia (Armor Shop) [X--:Y--]

Reward for Abundant Food   (満腹のお礼)

  • Upgrade Servant Puppet.


Robed Man
Protopia (Magic Shop) [X--:Y--]

Crafted in Secret   (秘中の細工)

  • Upgrade Servant Dragon.


Protopia (Pharmacy) [X--:Y--]

Medicine for a Fox   (良薬狐に苦し?)

  • Upgrade Servant Fox.


Barong Worshipper
Protopia [X21:Y17]

Subdue Rangda!   (ランダ討伐)



Total Quests: 7.

Shibuya (Yagiya) [X--:Y--]

Shibuya Yagiya Support 1   (シブヤ山羊屋支援1)


Shibuya (Yagiya) [X--:Y--]

Shibuya Yagiya Support 2   (シブヤ山羊屋支援2)


Shibuya (Yagiya) [X--:Y--]

Shibuya Yagiya Support 3   (シブヤ山羊屋支援3)


Shibuya (Yagiya) [X--:Y--]

Shibuya Yagiya Support 4   (シブヤ山羊屋支援4)


Shibuya (Yagiya) [X--:Y--]

Shibuya Yagiya Support 5   (シブヤ山羊屋支援5)


Fairy King Oberon
Shibuya Quartz [X--:Y--]

Dewdrops from a Flower   (華の露)

  • Search for the purple flowers that bloom by the water in Nakano.


High Pixie
Shibuya Quartz [X--:Y--]

That's the way Love Goes   (愛の行方)

  • Find a cure for Titania.



Total Quests: 3.

Insomniac Templar
Shinagawa [X18:Y17]

Lights Out   (眠れぬ夜)

  • Travel to Souhonzan (cannot be done simultaneously with the "Wake Up Call" quest).


Knight Templar Amami
Shinagawa [X21:Y24]

Healing Wind   (癒しの風)


Home II [X--:Y--]

Three Forms of Life (3)   (三元の巧上位スキルについて③)



Total Quests: 31.

Robed Man
Arcadia (Magic Shop) [X--:Y--]

The Magician's Apprentice   (魔術研究への助力 ~ 聖都編 ~)

  • Bring various items. (16 Quests)


Arcadia [X20:Y21]

Land Clearing Investigative Report   (整地作業調査報告)

  • Travel to the quarry sites.


Arcadia [X28:Y19]

The Oppressed   (虐げられる者)

  • Collect the money from the loaner.


Arcadia [X21:Y28]

Arcadia Wars   (アルカディア・ウォー)

  • Kill the invading demons. (8 Quests)


Arcadia [X21:Y21]

Days of Happiness   (幸せな日々)

  • Use the DC Memory: Angel to register a Lucky Angel into your Compendium and then report back to your client.


Knight Templar Sakaki
Arcadia [X23:Y20]

A Complex Quandary   (博覧強記な問い)

  • Kill the specified demon (4 Quests)



Total Quests: 47.

White-Haired Young Man
Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold, B108) [X--:Y--]

Recipe for Passion   (七宝行者の秘術)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

Fourth Material Research: LAW Edition 1   (第4物質の研究~LAW編1~)

  • Bring 1 Medium Runestone of Knowledge, 1 Repaired File (Mou-Ryou), and 5 Turquoise.


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

Fourth Material Research: LAW Edition 2   (第4物質の研究~LAW編2~)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

Fourth Material Research: NEUTRAL Edition 1   (第4物質の研究~NEUTRAL編1~)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

Fourth Material Research: NEUTRAL Edition 2   (第4物質の研究~NEUTRAL編2~)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

Fourth Material Research: CHAOS Edition 1   (第4物質の研究~CHAOS編1~)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

Fourth Material Research: CHAOS Edition 2   (第4物質の研究~CHAOS編2~)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

The Fourth Material Dances - Bladesmith / Swordsmith   (刀匠)

  • Bring various items. (10 Quests)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

The Fourth Material Dances - Gunsmith / Arms Maker   (アームズメイカー)

  • Bring various items. (10 Quests)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

The Fourth Material Dances - Item Alchemy / Synthesis   (融合士)

  • Bring various Items.(10 Quests)


Ichigaya [X19:Y15]

The Fourth Material Dances - Armor Alchemy / Craftsmanship   (煉丹術士)

  • Bring various items. (10 Quests)



Total Quests: 4.

Oversleeper Gaian Priest
Ueno [X20:Y15]

Wake Up Call   (目覚めぬ朝)

  • Deliver the Wakeanol to the Oversleeper Gaian Priest (cannot be done simultaneously with the "Lights Out" quest).


Gaian Priest
Ueno [X18:Y21]

Changing Thoughts   (歪む想い)

  • Find Mai.


Gaian Priest: Chikusyo
Ueno [X18:Y16]

Find the Map of Souhonzan!   (総本山地図を入手せよ)

  • Kill a Gorgon, Taraka, Yomatsu-Shikome when it is daylight, and a Madness-Stricken Legion at night.


Gaian Priest
Ueno Mirage [X23:Y21]

Brass Tears   (真鍮の涙)

  • Clear the rooms with dyed-red water.


Ueno [X21:Y26]

Manifestation of Masakado   (将門顕現)



Total Quests: 35.

Robed Man
Souhonzan(Magic Shop [X--:Y--]

The Magician's Apprentice   (魔術研究への助力 ~ 総本山編 ~)

  • Bring various items. (16 Quests)


Gaian Priest: Ningen
Souhonzan [X24:Y21]

Overcoming Fear   (克服への道)

  • Use the DC Memory: Preta to register a Deformed Preta into your Compendium, and then report back to your client.


Reckless man
Souhonzan [X21:Y22]

A Simple Quandary: (Cases 1 - 6)   (軽妙洒脱な問い)

  • Defeat the demon described by the client's hints, and then report back to the client.


Gaian Priest: Sakon
Souhonzan [X22:Y19]

Defend Souhonzan!   (総本山を防衛せよ!)

  • Defeat Invading Divines. (8 Quests)


Planning Gaians
Souhonzan [X26:Y19]

Fanatical Gaians   (狂信的ガイアーズ)

  • Fuse a Fomorian with Maragi, a Turdak with Lightning Thrust, and a Kushinada-Hime with Mamakakaja.


Gaian Priest: Ningen
Souhonzan [X24:Y21]

Beastly Desires   (欲望の獣)


Yoshikuni the Gaian
Souhonzan [X24:Y20]

Requiem of Fire   (鎮魂火)

  • Find the missing Gaian Acolytes.


Rangda Worshipper
Souhonzan [X20:Y19]

Subdue Barong!   (バロン討伐)



Total Quests: 24?

Ikebukuro [X17:Y19]

New world   (新しき世界)


Ikebukuro [X17:Y28]

The Sky is Falling   (ブッ飛んだ世界)

  • Find the person or creature the punk saw flying into eastern Ikebukuro.


DB Sakuragi
Ikebukuro [X17:Y29]

Suginami Tunnels BEARCAT Survey 1   (裏・スギナミ魔階坑道(銅)調査1)


DB Sakuragi
Ikebukuro [X17:Y29]

Suginami Tunnels BEARCAT Survey 2   (裏・スギナミ魔階坑道(銅)調査2)


DB Sakuragi
Ikebukuro [X17:Y29]

Suginami Tunnels BEARCAT Survey 3   (裏・スギナミ魔階坑道(銅)調査3)


Ikebukuro [X27:Y16]

Caring World   (労わりある世界)


Ikebukuro [X21:Y17]

Unreasonable World   (理不尽な世界)

  • Find the Punks who disappeared with the money.


Ikebukuro [X20:Y18]

Bloody World   (血生臭い世界)


Ikebukuro [X18:Y17]

Kannabaru   (神那原)


Herculean Dwarf
Ikebukuro  [X24:Y15]

Consonance with the Soul   (宿魂の共鳴)

  • Kill various enemies in Ikebukuro.


Herculean Dwarf
Ikebukuro  [X24:Y14]

Original Form   (在るべき姿に)


Gambler Kino
Ikebukuro [X21:Y16]

It's not all about money   (金に従革と曰う)

  • Gather information for Kino.


Ikebukuro [X22:Y17]

Punks Fight: Round 1   (パンクス・ファイト)


Ikebukuro [X22:Y17]

Punks Fight: Round 2   (パンクス・ファイト)


Ikebukuro [X22:Y17]

Punks Fight: Round 3   (パンクス・ファイト)


Demonic Researcher
Ikebukuro  [X24:Y16]

Research achievements in the outland   (辺境の研究結果 )


Demonic Researcher
Ikebukuro  [X24:Y16]

Sands of Logic   (理の砂による理 )

  • Trade various racial gift melons for Sands of Logic used in Devil Force.


Lily-livered Punk
Zoushigaya cemetery [X12:Y12]

Shadow standing in the Crimson Evening   (赤宵に立つ影)

  • Gather information about the shadow standing in the crimson evening(?)


Stray Demonic Researcher
Ikebukuro [X24:Y16]

Research of Dissimilant Variants   (異類異形の研究)

  • Introduction quest to special G1 Runs


Kakyo Castle

Total Quests: 14.

Kakyo Castle (Hourai Club) [X--:Y--]

Ikebukuro Demon Bash   (イケブクロの鬼退治)

  • Investigate the Punk Tsunagi's whereabouts.


Perceptive Woman
Kakyo Castle [X17:Y23]

The Fountain of Youth   (培養と外丹と煉丹術)

  • Bring 1 Element: Holy Mane, 1 Relic Piece: Axe of Pluto, 1 Four-Leaf Clover (Class 3) (1.2x), 1 Grain of Sand: Black, 1 Cabinet Pro, and 1 Dirt of Ymir


Inquisitive Woman
Kakyo Castle [X17:Y24]

Father's Medicine   (父の薬)

  • Give her 5 Kreuz.


Singer-seeking Man
Kakyo Castle [X18:Y17]

Proof of Brotherhood   (同志の証)

  • Give him 10 Chakra Crepes


Singer-seeking Man
Kakyo Castle [X18:Y17]

Tears of the Brotherhood   (同志の涙)

  • Give him 20 Upper Beers. (If you have done Proof of Brotherhood, you cannot accept this quest until 20 real-time hours have passed.)


Item-holding Man
Kakyo Castle [X19:Y18]

So She'll like Me   (好かれるために)

  • Bring him a flower.


Man who came out of the Weapon Shop
Kakyo Castle [X19:Y22]


  • Bring him a Type 38 Rifle, yo!


Man who escaped from the Punks
Kakyo Castle [X20:Y24]

Running Away   (失踪の為の疾走)

  • Bring him an Upper Beer.


Man who escaped from the Punks
Kakyo Castle [X20:Y24]

Begging for help   (他力本願な頼み懇願)

  • Bring 5 Tokens of a Leader.


Dejected Girl
Kakyo Castle [X22:Y17]

Right Brainer   (右脳人間)


Youngster roaming the streets
Kakyo Castle [X22:Y22]

Play Catch   (イマドキキャッチボール)


Suspicious Man
Kakyo Castle [X24:Y18]

Amnesia   (ココドコボクダレ)

  • Give him the requested Demon Snack


Woman who loves poems
Kakyo Castle [X19:Y25]

Sudden Completion   (コンプリートは突然に)

  • Show her Chizuru's Poetry Collection (1-3)


Man filled with despair
Kakyo Castle [X24:Y21]

10 Diamonds   (ダイアモンド10)

  • Give him 10 diamonds.


Permanent Events

Suginami [X25:Y19]

Foreign Country in the Woods: Introductory Chapter   (森の中の異国:序章)

  • Search for Setanta in the Forest of Nakano


Suginami [X25:Y19]

Foreign Country in the Woods: Middle Chapter   (森の中の異国:中章)

  • Search for Chu Chulainn in Ikebukuro


Suginami [X25:Y19]

Foreign Country in the Woods: Epilogue   (森の中の異国:終章)

  • Speak with Scathach in the Forest of Nakano


Suginami [X25:Y19]

Foreign Country in the Woods: ? Chapter   (森の中の異国:章)

  • Speak with Alice.


Any dungeon lobby [X - :Y - ]

The Maiden of the Lake's Trickery Quest   ( クエスト「湖の乙女の姦詐」)

  • Bring Vivian 50 Crystal Magic Apples
