Quest: Understanding Plasma

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Quest NPC

DB Harumi - Suginami, Home III Camp Ground [18:17]


Starting the Quest

Understanding Plasma
Plasmas are these little balls of light you can see floating around. If you click on one, you will be taken to a mini-game screen. When the mini-game starts, the Timer will start counting down. And the Market will begin to move.

You need to freeze the Marker in place by clicking the STOP button. If you manage to freeze it in the Success Zone. You'll be able connect with the Plasma. If you successfully clear the mini-game. The Plasma will change colour, and you can take the item it holds inside.

But if you can't make the connection, the Plasma will instantly disappear. A lot of items they leave behind are called Remains of Tokyo. And you can collect them, sell them, or use special tools to turn them into raw materials.

Well, I suppose I'd like to have some Remains of Tokyo in return. You should try everything once. Can you collect some Remains of Tokyo for me? Lets see. You should be able to find some Plasma a short distance southwest of here (located at 16:18 and 16:19). I'd like you to go there and look for 20 Empty Can: Oolong Tea. And 10 Wrinkled T-Shirt: Sweaty and bring them back to me. Once you collect them all, come talk to me again!

Finishing the Quest

Thank you so much! You didn't seem to have much trouble with that.


  1. Talk to DB Harumi
  2. Connect the White Plasmas around the area and collect the items she wanted.
  3. Talk to DB Harumi after you have 20 Empty Cans: Oolong Tea and 10 Wrinkled T-Shirt: Sweaty on your inventory box


  • 2,200 bonus XP


  • You can buy the items from others.
  • She will not take the items.