Quest: Shadows in the TMG Building

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Quest NPC

Shadow Chaser - ??? (southwest of TMG Building Entrance when facing the building)


To be added.


After initiating the quest, head into the TMG Building and speak to the DB inside. "Ask about the investigation" will put you into the dungeon proper.
Each level of the dungeon is an unmapped group of simple hallway/hallways, most of which are populated with easy to kill but irritating Fly enemies. Almost always will they drop nothing and give 0 XP, so avoid them if at all possible.
Your goal is to find the Fly brothers and have them deactivate the locks to the Helipad. Starting from the floor you entered on, you must find and talk to the 5 Fly Brothers in descending age (oldest, second oldest, ect)

  • It is advised to use a Mount to ignore the flies and speed through the tower.

From ground floor up, the order you find them in is:
Fifth Oldest - Floor 1
Third Oldest - Floor 4
Oldest - Floor 6
Second Oldest - Top Floor(Floor 11)
Fourth Oldest - Floor 8

After speaking with the fifth and unlocking it's lock, return to the Oldest to be given access to the Helipad and battle against Beelzebub.
NOTE: Each party member MUST do the flies themselves and cannot have one person activate all flies for themselves in order to be able to teleport up. You can however, do the climb ahead of time to get your fly locks open and then gather for the fight proper. ANOTHER NOTE: Once you reach the top floor, the teleporter allows you to choose which way to go, with "Path of the South" starting you at Floor 1, and "Path of the North" being the top floor. Use this to your advantage to unlock your fly locks.

The rooftop battle against Beelzebub is rough but not unwinnable. He has a powerful (200-250ish) heal spell, as well as other buffs/debuffs that he'll cast thoughout the fight. Focusing on physical attacks FROM DEMONS seems to be the most effective way to bring him down. He DOES have a limit of MP, so if you're keeping the pressure on, he will eventually run out. Once he falls, he will spawn a clone of himself and continue the battle. Fight 5 Beelzebub's in total for victory, and return to Shadow Chaser to finish this quest and start the next.


None; next quest Lord of the Flies


This quest takes place entirely in the alternate dimension of Shinjuku and it's TMG Building, not to be confused with the Shinjuku and TMG Building directly outside of Shinjuku Babel.