Quest: Clash of the Titans: VERSUS

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Quest NPC


  1. Join FATE by talking to Yaginuma
  2. Wait for the queue to have at least 12 persons
  3. Wait for 120 seconds (2 minutes)
  4. Accept the request box and go to Fujimi Midgard Battleground
  5. Get ready within 60 seconds (1 minute)
  6. Do your best to win the match.
  7. Talk to Yaginuma after the match ends.


  • 500 BP if you win / 20 BP if you lose
  • PvP is unlocked and restricted to enter until your level is 30+


  • You will not lose durability and will gain some XP after the match.
  • In order to finish this quest, you must talk to Yaginuma at Nakano. Other Yaginuma do not count.