Quest: Class Preparation: Demon Hunt
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Level Requirement | - |
Alignment | - |
NPC | • Mr. Hakamada |
Location | • Home III (Hakamada Weapon Shop) |
Repeatable | • Yes - Talk with Mr. Hakamada |
Other | • Quest: Class Preparation: Item Delivery must be completed first |
- Talk with Mr. Hakamda; "Ask about work", and next "Ask about demon hunt".
- Defeat 1 Preta, Onmoraki, and Alp that appears in Suginami at night.
- Defeating other demons outside of Suginami field will not count.
- Report to Mr. Hakamda.
Alp | [X16: Y17], [X21: Y22] |
Onmoraki | [X17: Y17] |
Preta | [X16: Y17] (In the little area above the bridge) |
[+]Location of the Demons (21:00 ~ 6:00) |
- 1,000 XP
- Quest: Class Preparation: Behemoth Hunt is available after completion.