Quest: The Oppressed
From Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Wiki
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Quest NPC
- Deadpan Messian
- Left side (from home-point, Yaginuma view) of the residential area.
- Arcadia
- [X28:Y19]
- Find and Talk to Deadpan Messian
- Accept his request and head to Nakano
- Talk to DB Tanaka (Nakano: x27, y18)
- Pick your answers (2,200 / 5,000 / 11,000 [Cause minor Chaos shift])
- Return to Deadpan Messian to return the money you get from DB Tanaka.
- Head to Shinjuku Babel and talk to Man Fleeing from His Past (Shinjuku Babel: x17, y18)
- Pick your answer (Make him pay 30,000 / You pay 30,000 for him [Cause minor Law Shift])
- Head back and talk to Deadpan Messian to finish the quest.
- 20% of macca collected each time you talk to him.
- If you pay for the Man Fleeing from His Past , he will give you a Family Portrait, a valuable item.
- This quest must be completed to unlock the Quest: For the Fortune of Others
- It is suggested to do Quest: Days of Happiness if you are level 48 and above.