Wind Cutter

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Wind Cutter
Type • Active
Affinity • Force
Action Type • Spin
Cost • 14% HP
Inheritance • Unlimited
Effect • Stun (70%)
Modifier • 180
Stat • Melee
AOE Type • Surroundings
Activation Range • 50
AOE Range • 60
Incantation • 0.2 seconds
Cooldown • 6 seconds
Knockback • 70

Learned by:

Lv 50-59

Level Demon
57 David

Lv 80-89

Level Demon
80 Gogmagog
83 Chi You
86 Noble Demon King Kurama-Tengu

Lv 90-99

Level Demon
90 Fortuna
90 Lucky Fortuna
93 Godly Golden Winged Bird Garuda
95 Abraxas
96 Anat