Template:Boss+: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "| Species" to "| Family"
m Text replacement - "{Species" to "{Family"
Line 16: Line 16:
| width="125px" |{{{Race}}}
| width="125px" |{{{Race}}}
! width="126px" style="background: #5C0F21"|<font color=#D6727C>Species
! width="126px" style="background: #5C0F21"|<font color=#D6727C>Species
| width="125px" |{{{Species}}}
| width="125px" |{{{Family}}}
!  style="background: #5C0F21"|<font color=#D6727C>Alignment
!  style="background: #5C0F21"|<font color=#D6727C>Alignment

Revision as of 21:05, 27 January 2024

http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/5029/warningjm.png This demon cannot be obtained in any way, as it is enemy only. http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/5029/warningjm.png
Demon Statistics
{{{Picture}}} Name
Race {{{Race}}} Species {{{Family}}}
Alignment {{{Alignment}}} HP {{{HP}}}
Appearance {{{Appearance}}}
Drops {{{Drops}}}
Slash Thrust Blunt Long Range Spread Penetrate Fire
{{{Long Range}}}
{{{Long RangeNAR}}}
Ice Force Electric Expel Death Magic Nerve
Mind Almighty Recovery Support Kotodama Special Suicide


<!-- Demon Statistics -->

| Picture	= 
| Name		= 
| Race		= 
| Family               = 
| Alignment	= 
| Appearance	= 
| HP            =
| Drops         = 
| XP            = 

<!-- Affinity Statistics -->

| Physical Resistance	= 
| Magical Resistance	= 
| Slash		= 
| SlashNAR	= 
| Thrust	= 
| ThrustNAR	= 
| Blunt		= 
| BluntNAR	= 
| Projectile	= 
| ProjectileNAR	= 
| Spread	= 
| SpreadNAR	= 
| Penetrate	= 
| PenetrateNAR	= 
| Fire		= 
| FireNAR	= 
| Ice		= 
| IceNAR	= 
| Force		= 
| ForceNAR	= 
| Electric	= 
| ElectricNAR	= 
| Expel		= 
| ExpelNAR	= 
| Death		= 
| DeathNAR	= 
| Magic		= 
| MagicNAR	= 
| Nerve		= 
| NerveNAR	= 
| Mind		= 
| MindNAR	= 
| Almighty	= 
| AlmightyNAR	= 
| Recovery	= 
| RecoveryNAR	= 
| Support	= 
| SupportNAR	= 
| Kotodama	= 
| KotodamaNAR	= 
| Suicide	= 
| SuicideNAR	= 
| Special	= 
| SpecialNAR	= 