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Revision as of 22:00, 12 May 2021 by imported>Lord inioch (Adding missing demon.)
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Demons Datsue-Ba • Acheri • Taraka • Gorgon • Yomotsu-Shikome • Leanan Sidhe • Yuki Jyorou • Lamia • Clotho • Arachne • Lachesis • Yaksni • Atropos • Dakini • Rangda
Variations Lucky Datsue-Ba • Inexperienced Datsue-Ba • Lucky Acheri • Deformed Taraka • Deformed Gorgon • Deformed Yomotsu-Shikome • Deformed Lamia • Lucky Arachne • Accomplished Yaksini • Inexperienced Yaksini
Limited Lucky Leanan Sidhe • Inexperienced Clotho • Inexperienced Lachesis • Inexperienced Atropos
Enemy Inhabitant of the Night Datsue-Ba • Employed by Punks Datsue-Ba • Datsue-Ba (Boss) • Twilight of Hades Acheri • Imp of Chaos Taraka • Imp of Chaos Taraka (Service Entrance A) • Inhabitant of the Night Taraka • Inexperienced Taraka • Invading Taraka • Employed by Punks Taraka • Superior Demon Taraka • Denizen of the Dark Gorgon • Employed by Punks Gorgon • Invading Gorgon • Inhabitant of the Night Yomotsu-Shikome • Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome • Denizen of the Dark Lamia • Spinner of Fate Clotho (Greater) • Superior Demon Clotho • Darkness of the Abyss Clotho • Twilight of Hades Arachne • Measurer of Fate Lachesis (Greater) • Superior Demon Lachesis • Darkness of the Abyss Lachesis • Dabster Yaksini • Superior Demon Yaksni • Yaksni (JB) • Cutter of Fate Atropos (Greater) • Superior Demon Atropos • Darkness of the Abyss Atropos • Invading Dakini • Superior Demon Dakini • Fierce Invader Dakini • Witch That Endlessly Fights Rangda
Event None
