Critical: +10 Close-range Damage: +3% Long-range Damage: +3% Magic Damage: +3% Close-range Damage Received: -6% Long-range Damage Received: -6% Magic Damage Received: -6% Durability: 30/30 [30]
Enchant Info
Spiritual Mixing: Yes Tarot Fusions: Yes
Modification Slot
• During the day, +3% Close-range, Long-range, & Spell Damage • +10 CRT to your Partner
The shoulder bag has a blue distinctive line. The strange thing is, can't put anything in it. Whoever wears this becomes energetic in the strong sun.
Critical: +10 Close-range Damage: +3% Long-range Damage: +3% Magic Damage: +3% Close-range Damage Received: -6% Long-range Damage Received: -6% Magic Damage Received: -6% Durability: 30/30 [30]
Enchant Info
Spiritual Mixing: Yes Tarot Fusions: Yes
Modification Slot
• During the day, +3% Close-range, Long-range, & Spell Damage • +10 CRT to your Partner
The shoulder bag has a blue distinctive line. The strange thing is, can't put anything in it. Whoever wears this becomes energetic in the strong sun.
Where to Obtain
Glare Avatar Data Ticket
Fortune Cards