TMG Building (False)

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Revision as of 20:40, 20 December 2023 by >Kaisen (Updated most of the page)
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Map Structure

Floor F06
South F05 North F05
South F04 North F04
South F03 North F03
South F02 North F02
South F01 North F01*

* Player starts here upon entering the run


Entry Requirements

  • Character is LV70+
  • Character has B-Class DB License or higher

Important Items

The Two Towers

This dungeon consists of two tower - North and South - which connect on both the top and bottom floors. Enemies in the North tower nullify all magical affinity skills and enemies in the South tower nullify all physical affinity skills.

The blue arrows that appear throughout the dungeon point in the direction of the top of the tower. Interacting with them will give the player a short boost of speed.

The player will enter the dungeon on North F01 and must speak to Yaginuma to progress.

Upon reaching the top floor of the tower, the player is able to freely move from the top floor to the bottom and vice versa.


Ten ghosts in the form of plasma reside on the top floor of the tower. Initially, they are all inactive. However, they can be activated by fulfilling the requests of the Fallen on each floor. Each activated ghost will increase both the power of Lucifuge and the rewards gained by beating him.

The Fallen

Demons of the Fallen race appear throughout the dungeon in the form of NPCs. Upon being spoken to, they will give the player two options:

  • Fight : Spawns a group of Will O'Wisps for the player to kill
  • Give Macca : Offer up 1000 Macca to avoid fighting the Will O'Wisps

Upon fulfilling either condition, power will be restored to one of the ghosts residing at the top of the tower.


A resident of the TMG Building and is the first NPC the player will encounter. She will assist the player in several ways upon being spoken to:

  • Opening the Door : Speaking to Yaginuma will open the first door of the dungeon
  • Move to the Top Floor : Allows the player to move to the top floor. Can only be used if the top floor has already been reached
  • Show [Great Magic Book] : Allows the player to immediately move to the top floor of the dungeon. Can only be used if the player has the Grand Grimoire equipped
  • ...What are you lookin' at? : Allows the player to immediately move to the boss room with a Lucifuge powered up by all 10 ghosts. The player must be at least Lv95 and the clear rewards for defeating Lucifuge are slightly lowered.


Another resident of the TMG building. He waits for the player on the top floor of the tower with the 10 ghosts. He will assist the player in several ways upon being spoken to:

  • Go to the Roof : It is only possible to move to the roof of the tower by speaking to Yagishima
  • Move to the First Floor : Allows the player to move back to the first floor
  • Show [Great Magic Book] : Allows the player to activate or deactivate ghosts of their choosing. Can only be used if the player has the Grand Grimoire equipped


  • Treasure Chest (Brown Box)
Item Quantity Chance
Hazel Branch 1 100.0%
5 10.0%
10 7.5%
20 5.0%
Magnetite 100.0%
  • Clear Reward (Green Box)
Item Quantity Chance
Normal Skip
MAG Presser α 2 100.0% 100.0%
Fighting Spirit 1 25.0% 20.0%
Reason Sand Set A 1 20.0% 15.0%
Reason Sand Set B 1 20.0% 15.0%
Ace Card 1 12.5% 10.0%
DCM: Lucifuge 1 12.5% 10.0%
Demon Soul (Lucifuge) 1 12.5% 10.0%
Hazel Wand 1 5.0% 2.5%
  • Clear Reward (Purple Box)
Item Quantity Chance
Hazel Branch 10* 100.0%

* 12 if the player has Grand Grimoire equipped