Quest: The die is cast
Condition: clear Quest: Rainy Days Never Stay
Location: Talk to Yagiya at Nakano Campsite to teleport to Shinagawa Catacomb of the Templar Knights (Alternate).
Experience: None
In this location, you can face three different bosses in five combat dungeons. To complete the quest you must defeat them in order, but once it is done, you can repeat any fight you want.
Talk to Gryphon NPC in Shinagawa Catacomb of the Templar Knights (Alternate).
South Route leads to Diana for a fight, then again for another fight.
Diana (Gimmick): Diana is invulnerable, defeat one of her sheep to obtain a buff, when taking damage from Diana she'll hurt herself instead.
True Diana: Regular boss fight, Mithra will attempt to destroy your defenses, while constantly respawning Legion channel Megidolaon.
North Route leads to Abraxas for a fight, then again for another fight.
Abraxas (Gimmick): Abraxas is invulnerable, and in company of three transfigurating demons, kill them to get them to transform. Three Djinn make him vulnerable to force, and three Ifrit will make him vulnerable to fire.
True Abraxas: Regular boss fight.
Talk to Gryphon and go to Black Maria for the final fight.
Maria(Gimmick): Defeat until only Aeros is left (Flamies ⇒ Aquans ⇒ Aeros ⇒ Earthies) or Black Maria will be invicible. Defeat her to finish quest.
After Collecting 32 Shard [NPC] Abraxas will give the option to fight Black Maria once again for Plug-In:Black Maria
If you defeat Black Maria before any Will o'Wisp die, you'll be awarded Black Maria plugin.
- Will O'Wisps can be Muddled and Charmed to prevent self combustion
- If failed Ziotite Crystal will be required for reentry