3rd Patrice de Leonor

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http://i.imgur.com/EsT827L.png 3rd Patrice de Leonor

Type: Back
Affinity: -
Sex: Male
Physical Defense: +1
Magic Defense: +3
Durability: [30]
Spiritual Mixing: No
Tarot Fusions: No
Soul Fusions: No

  • +2% success rate for Negotiation skills

Created to commemorate the 3-year Anniversary. Ahead of you lies only darkness; behind you glitters the last glimmers of twilight. Few know of this cloak that has protected travelers of all kinds of ages.
* Cannot be traded.

Created to commemorate the 3-year Anniversary. Ahead of you lies only darkness; behind you glitters the last glimmers of twilight. Few know of this cloak that has protected travelers of all kinds of ages.
* Cannot be traded.

Basic Info

  • Type: Back
  • Affinity: -
  • Sex: Male only

Usage Info

  • This is not tradable.
  • This cannot be SI'ed.
  • You cannot synthesize crystals onto this.

Key Features

  • Durability: 30
  • Physical Defense: +1
  • Magic Defense: +3
  • +2% success rate for Negotiation skills

Where to Obtain

3rd Patrice Outfit Data Ticket