Boomerang Frost Teleios

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Boomerang Frosterius
A finishing blow on par with the Galactic Frost Punch, involving a "perfect" Corkscrew Hook unleashed at the moment when all five senses have been refined to the max. A Special Move that inflicts Ice-based damage and Freeze to all enemies directly in front of the user.
Type • Active
Affinity • Ice
Action Type • Spin
Cost • HP 10%, Mag 100
Inheritance • Impossible
Effect -
Modifier • 180
Stat • Melee
AOE Type • Frontal
Activation Range • 40
AOE Range • 40
Incantation • 0.2 seconds
Cooldown • 4 seconds
Knockback • 70

Learned by:

Lv 30-39

Lv 60-69

Lv 70-79

Lv 80-89

Lv 90-99

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