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"Clans" are player-created communities. Clans provide features that make player interaction more enjoyable and event more useful, you can be closer with your friends when they join your Clan.

How to Make a Clan

  • Talk to the female NPC Terminelle in Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Protopia, Arcadia, or Souhonzan to start your clan. They stand next to the terminal machine.
  • Purchase a "Permit Clan", the prices varies in each city but is between 10-100k macca.
    • Home III Clan Permit can be found in Act 3 Clear Reward after defeating the Taraka boss.
    • The base of the clan you form is automatically set to to the location you buy the Permit at. For example, if you buy the Permit from Home III, your home base will be at Home III. Also, you cannot change your clan base, unless you disband and buy the permit for that location.
    • If your Clan is based on Arcadia or Souhonzan, you will get a discount on alignment weapons.
  • Enter your desired Clan name.

Advantages & Disadvantages of a Clan


  • With your fellow clan mates, you can share tips, advice, and information with each other.
  • You can set up a party quicker instead of waiting around until people invite you.
  • You can see clan-mates talking in the Clan Chat.
  • Joining a Clan will give you a boost on your character such as extra HP, MP, EXP, and etc.
  • If your Clan is based on Arcadia or Souhonzan, you can get 1 Messian Traesto or Gaia's Traesto every 24 hours after talking to the NPC Home Point Girl.


  • Your clan-mates can keep track who's online and offline by the clan's player symbol.
  • Some clan leader may create a lot of rules for people to follow. It may prove a nuisance but it can keep the clan under control.
  • Clan chat may overflow if the clan is actively chatting using the Clan chat.
  • You may get kicked for bad behavior or being inactive.

Master & Sub-Master

The player who brought and used the Permit Clan will be appointed as the Master. Sub-Masters are appointed by the Master.

  • Recruit members (max member for clan is 100).
  • Input your Clan data to the Terminal to recruit new members (Lasts for 3 weeks).
  • Can accept and deny clan application.
  • Boot members out of clan.
  • Promote and demote Sub-Masters.
  • Change Master.


  • Recruit members.
  • Boot members out of clan.
    • Cannot boot Master and Sub-Masters.

Clan Level/ Skill/ Emblem

Clan level is determined of active (logging in) and the player's level. If you leave the clan, you will lose the clan icon and the clan bonuses.
When the Clan reaches a certain level and unlocks "Heraldry", the clan emblem can be edited and displayed. But, only the Master and Sub-Master can change what symbol and color will be. Master will determine the final confirmation.

Level Name Effect
Level 1 Shall we Dance?
  • All member acquire "Dance Emotion"
Level 2 New Union
  • All member acquires +5% XP
Level 2 New Bond
  • All member acquires +5% Expertise
Level 3 Heraldry
  • Can display and edit Clan Emblems
Level 3 On Guard
  • All member acquires +1 Physical Defense and Magic Defense
Level 3 Omen of Success
  • All member acquires +1 Luck
Level 4 Kindred Support
  • All member acquires +10 MAX HP
Level 4 Noble Mind
  • All member acquires +5 MAX MP
Level 4 Proof of the Pact
  • New Clan Emblem are available
Level 5 Prestige
  • Your Clan name displayed overhead is now orange
Level 5 On Guard
  • All member acquires +1 Physical Defense and Magic Defense
Level 5 Omen of Success
  • All member acquires +1 Luck
Level 6 New Union
  • All member acquires +5% XP
Level 6 New Bond
  • All member acquires +5% Expertise
Level 6 Proof of the Pact
  • New Clan Emblem is available
Level 7 Daily Devotion
  • All members acquires +3 Magic
Level 7 Noble Mind
  • All members acquire +5 MAX MP
Level 8 Proof of the Pact
  • New Clan Emblem is available
Level 8 Group Action
  • All member acquires +3 Speed
Level 9 Strength in Unity
  • All member acquires +3 Strength
Level 9 Kindred Support
  • All member acquires +10 MAX HP
Level 10 Prestige
  • Your Clan name is displayed overhead is green
Level 10 New Union
  • All member acquires +5% XP
Level 10 New Bond
  • All member acquires +5% Expertise
  • 15% XP and Expertise
  • 2 Physical Defense and Magic Defense
  • 20 MAX HP and 10 MAX MP
  • 2 Luck
  • 3 Magic
  • 3 Speed
  • 3 Strength