Club Hourai

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Located in Kakyo Castle, Club Hourai is a fancy place for people who want to have a good time with demons and idols. Using the Interaction Time system it is possible to have conversations to gain affection points and receive rewards.

  • Due to the nature of this system, you are required to have a minimum of japanese reading skills (or if you feel lucky, choose randomly w)

Number Contents Details
Affection Gauge (Large) Will gradually fill with each correct choice.
Affection Gauge (Small) When the large gauge is full, one of the hearts will light up.
Relationship Level 初見(First Meeting)→顔見知り (Aquaintaince)→仲良し (Getting along)→友達(Friends) →親愛 (Beloved)→絆で繋がる(Bonded)(Final stage) ※After the Aquaintance stage, mini-quests will occur. (Once all 5 small gauges are filled, it'll pass onto the next stage)
Choices A 4-choice option, sometimes it'll be 2 for quest acceptance or presents.
Countdown Timer You must choose an answer before the timer expires.

How to

Repeat Condition: Every 20 real-time hours (Can be resetted if using a Club Hourai VIP Seal)

  • Only one NPC at the time

1. NPCs: Oboro in Home III, Aoi, Murasaki, Pixie and Dominion in Club Hourai
2. Quests given by these NPC DO NOT COUNT for the Quest bonuses.
3. Quests can be repeatable.
4. There are 3 "questions" a day. *VIP Seal will allow unlimited for 24 hours*
5. Refusing a quest will end the conversation.
6. Equipped items like Hourai Charm will increase the affection given.
7. If demons are requested, they must be summoned to report. The NPC will NOT take the demon.

Home III

Oboro (朧)

Location:Home III (X22, Y20)
MAX Affection Reward (Bonded) : Oboro's Dress (Top, Non-Trade, Female only), Event: HELL or HEAVEN song performance in Club Hourai.

※ After hitting MAX Affection, talking will give you an Incense of Mastery (Small) (Bound) ※ Most liked gifts: Rose > Gerbera > Lily (in order), diamond, sapphire, pearl, topaz


Quest Item req. Reward
瞬間移動の石 Traesto Stone Card:Jikokuten
悪魔飛ばし Napalm Burst Card:Strawberry Frost
求むクレープ Chakra Crepe x2 Card:Black Frost
限界突破の薬? DB Kano's LB Potion Card:Zhu Que
ジャックフロストカードが欲しい Card:Jack Frost Taurine Drink x10
無くした指輪 Topaz Bread of Inspiration x10
怪我した子供の為に Ointment x1 Mana Seed x5
ヒノキを探せ Element: Cypress x1 Candy (Blue) x3
お守り的宝石 Garnet or Aquamarine Candy (Red) x3
犬の首輪 Garm's Collar (M or F) Candy (Yellow) x3

Affection Rank Up Quests

Quest Item req. Reward Affection level gauge to clear
光る石を見せて Glittering Ore Candy (Red) x5 顔見知り(Aquaintance)
夫を探して Card:Oberon Candy (Blue) x5 仲良し (Getting Along)
カハクに会いたくて Bring her a Hua Po (variations are not allowed) Candy (Yellow) x5 友達(Friends)
守り石は何処に Protection Stone x10 Ruby x10 親愛 (Beloved)
幸せの歌姫 Bring her a Lucky Hua Po Oboro's Dress (Top) (F) 絆で繋がる(Bonded)

Club Hourai

Aoi (葵)

MAX Affection Reward (Bonded) : Aoi's Dress (Top, Non-Trade, Female only)

  • If wearing any Furisode the affection point gain is doubled (α, VA sets included)

※ After hitting MAX Affection, talking will give you a Kakyo Castle Traesto Stone ※ Most liked gifts: Gerbera > Rose > Lily (in order), diamond


Quest Item req. Reward
海底の醜き神様 Bring her an Isora (variations are not allowed) Candy (Yellow) x20
鞍馬山の天狗様 Bring her a Kurama-Tengu (variations are not allowed) Candy (Blue) x20
相撲の祖 Bring her a Take-Mikazuchi (variations are not allowed) Candy (Red) x20
遮光器土偶に似た神様 Bring her an Arahabaki (variations are not allowed) Incense of Learning
神器をモチーフにしたネックレス Yasakani no Magatama (F) Incense of the Novice (Non-trade)
情熱という言葉を持つ花 Rose Mana seed x5
国と神を産みし矛 Piece of Heaven and Earth Easter Bunny Chocolate
シナツヒコの力が宿る剣 Blade of the Wind God Ambrosia
国を平定させた剣 Futsu-no-Mitama Madra
蛇の中にあった剣 Kusanagi DCM: Beiji Weng

Affection Rank Up Quests

Quest Item req. Reward Affection level gauge to clear
服の色と同じ宝石 Amethyst x10 Mana x10 顔見知り(Aquaintance)
知恵を授けた神様 Bring her an Omoikane (variations are not allowed) Diamond 仲良し (Getting Along)
口論を仲裁した神様 Bring her a Kikuri-Hime (variations are not allowed) Incense of Experience (3x, Non-Trade) 友達(Friends)
目的地へ案内した鳥 Bring her a Yata-Garasu (variations are not allowed) Incense of Experience (Demon) (3x, Non-Trade) 親愛 (Beloved)
アメノウズメに会わせて Bring her an Ameno-Uzume (variations are not allowed) Aoi's Dress (Top, Non-Trade, Female only) 絆で繋がる(Bonded)

Murasaki (紫)

MAX Affection Reward (Bonded) : Murasaki's Dress (Top, Non-Trade, Female only)

  • If wearing Hourai Charm the affection point gain is doubled (?)

※ After hitting MAX Affection, talking will give you a Orb of Contract ※ Most liked gifts: Madra, Candy (Red) / (Yellow), Rose > Gerbera > Lily (she will only accept gifts after hitting Beloved)


Quest Item req. Reward
微力な祝いのオープスはいかが? Kreuz x1 OOPTHS of Small Celebration
ジップはいかが? Kreuz x1 Zip
華梟城へ移動する石1つはいかが? Kreuz x2 Kakyo Castle Traesto Stone
華梟城へ移動する石5つはいかが? Kreuz x9 Kakyo Castle Traesto Stone x5
ユミルの土はいかが? Kreuz x3 Dirt of Ymir
ラクタヴィの血石はいかが? Kreuz x11 Raktavija's Bloodstone
カジノのお守りはいかが? Kreuz x45 Casino Charm
契の玉・回はいかが? Kreuz x55 Orb of Contract
HEPAはいかが? Kreuz x140 HEPA
VIPチケット(1日)はいかが? Kreuz x2500 VIP ticket (1 Day)

Affection Rank Up Quests

Quest Item req. Reward Affection level gauge to clear
角を持つ悪魔を知りたいの DCM: Gandharva Aquamarine x10 顔見知り(Aquaintance)
あなたって強いのかしら Kill Punks Leader x20 Ruby x6 仲良し (Getting Along)
あなたになら頼れる気がして Kill The Flood caller Mizuchi and The Flood caller Kelpy x30 each VIP Ticket (1 Day) 友達(Friends)
この角って何なのかしら Bring her a Fomorian Ruby x12 親愛 (Beloved)
真実の姿を知りたくて Bring her a Tao Tie Murasaki's Dress (Top, Non-Trade, Female only) 絆で繋がる(Bonded)

The Flood caller Mizuchi and The Flood caller Kelpy's spawning spots are in Ikebukuro (X17, Y27 / X20, Y26 / X19, Y27 ), only one spawns in any of the spots (sometimes two)


MAX Affection Reward (Bonded) : Dreaming Pixie

  • If wearing Pixie Wings the affection point gain is doubled (?)

※ After hitting MAX Affection, talking will give you a Kiss of Love ※ Most liked gifts: Aquamarine, Mandala Melon


Quest Item req. Reward
小さい反抗 Kill 1 Rowdy Avatar Cait Sith Pledge of Friendship
キス魔に注意 Kill 10 Kissy Pixie Kiss of Love
人を襲っちゃだめ Kill 3 Bucca-Boo Orz
噛まれて痛いの Kill 5 Cu Sith Incense of Experience
メロンが食べたい Mandala Melon Beads of Swiftness
文字の書かれた珠 Mystical Bead Cup of Twilight
アクアマリン大好き Aquamarine Mirror of Moonlight (Lunar Eclipse)
遺物コレクター? OOPTHS of Small Celebration Incense of Heredity
馬のような友達 Kelpie Ashes of Seance
幸運を探せ Lucky Pixie Easter Bunny Chocolate

Affection Rank Up Quests

Quest Item req. Reward Affection level gauge to clear
お店の人へのプレゼント Aquamarine x10 Casino Charm 顔見知り(Aquaintance)
巨人を懲らしめて Kill 5 Fomorian Easter Bunny Chocolate x3 仲良し (Getting Along)
靴を直したい Repair Kit Elixir 友達(Friends)
誑かした王様? Kill a Electronic Fairy Oberon Elixir x3 親愛 (Beloved)
女王様から身を守れ Kill a Strong Wife Titania Demon: Dreaming Pixie 絆で繋がる(Bonded)


MAX Affection Reward (Bonded) : Snowflake Dominion (??)

※ After hitting MAX Affection, talking will give you a Cup of Twilight ※ Most liked gifts: Mandala Melon, Mandala Melon for Divines, Turquoise (high increase)


Quest Item req. Reward
箸より重い・・・・・ Fomorian's Crystal Beads of Speed (?)
不運な主 Omoikane's Crystal Suginami Tunnels Plate (Unknown)
科学かぶれ Elf's Crystal Crystal of Sublimation
特殊な頭脳を治すには? Valkyrie's Crystal Valuable Card
決断力が望まれている Ganga's Crystal Medical Wind x50
三十六計逃げるに如かず Zhen's Crystal Elementine
不名誉な二つ名 Kaiwan's Crystal Mana x40
アンチ・マジック・デーモンパワー CritAvdarabia's Crystal Tinted Rosary: Expel
せめて、アルミ缶は Fenrir's Crystal Messian Traesto x5
決定力を持とう! Morrigan's Crystal Kakyo Castle Traesto Stone

Affection Rank Up Quests

Quest Item req. Reward Affection level gauge to clear
「幸運」は何処に Lucky Angel Shining Feather 顔見知り(Aquaintance)
「異形」は不安を解消する!? Bring him a Deformed Archangel DCM: Power 仲良し (Getting Along)
「非凡」な癒し手 Bring him an Accomplished Principality DCM: Uriel 友達(Friends)
小さき彼を求めて Bring him an Inexperienced Dominion Madra 親愛 (Beloved)
贖罪 Bring him an Uriel Demon: Snowflake Dominion 絆で繋がる(Bonded)