Defense Yaburi

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Defense Yaburi
A technique in which an enemy is struck by a blow so powerful that it destroys their defenses.

Deals physical damage against a single enemy, with the damage based on the user's Melee and a skill modifier of 200.

更に、高確率で対象に30秒間、斬撃、突撃、打撃、射撃、貫通、散弾、火炎、氷結、電撃、衝撃、破魔、呪殺耐性が 100%減少する状態変化を付与する。

このスキルは、ダメージやノックバックによって 詠唱を中断されない。


Type • Active
Affinity • Thrust
Action Type • Rush
Cost • 2% HP
Inheritance • Impossible
Effect • All Melee/Ranged/Elemental/Expel/Death resistances - 100% for 30 seconds
Modifier • 200
Stat • Melee
Activation Range • 25
Incantation • 0.25 seconds
Cooldown • 0 seconds
Knockback • 22

Learned by:

Level 90-99