Demon Equipment

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It is a system that can temporarily replace the effect of a feature with Demon Equipment items (Epitaph parts). Details about it in game is at Jakyou quest "Demon Equipment" in Home 3:

Condition: Act 2 cleared

Experience reward: 6,000

Item reward: Epitaph parts 【Training of breeding】

Description: Talk about work with Jakyou. Give 1 Incense of Adventure to Jakyou. Listen to the explanation about demon equipment, get the reward and complete the quest.

  • Features of the same type/affinity can not exist at the same time.
  • Some variants Features such as "inexperienced" and other unique Family Features can not be replaced.
  • Drag and drop the Epitaph from the inventory to the icon frame of the "Feature" tab. (Only works on summoned demon)
  • Also, in order to prevent the item to be lost, the demon will be auto locked when equipped, and the lock can not be released while equipped.
  • Therefore, you can not fusion him, rebirth or crystalize while your demon equipped.
  • Demon with summoner boost Epitaph will continue to be effective even if he dies while equipping it.

Epitaph Bases:

Epitaph base I: Used in item mixing to create another Epitaph parts Reward from Valuable Challenge runs

Epitaph base II: Used in item mixing to create another Epitaph parts Distributted by CP campaign

Epitaph from NPCs and Dungeons:

Epitaph parts 【Training of breeding】: Experience +5% Reward: Quest ' Demon Equipment '

Epitaph parts 【Power nuclus】: Strength +10 Reward: Zhu Que Caverns Bronze

Epitaph parts 【Magical power nucleus】: Magic +10 Reward: Shinagawa Catacombs Bronze

Epitaph parts 【Strong nucleus of strength】: Vitality +10 Reward: Ichigaya Camp Bronze

Epitaph parts 【Intellectual power's nucleus】: Intelligence +10 Reward: Celu Tower bronze

Epitaph parts 【Speed ​​of speed】: Speed +10 Reward: Shibuya Quartz Bronze

Epitaph Parts 【Lucky】: Luck +10 Reward: Ueno Mirage Bronze

Epitaph parts 【Ironically-priced nucleus】: HP cost -20% Reward: Suginami Tunnels Bronze

Epitaph parts 【The nucleus of fireworks】: MP cost -20% Reward: Nakano Ruins Bronze

Epitaph Parts 【Evolutionary nucleus】: Physical Defense +10 Reward: Suginami Tunnels Silver

Epitaph parts 【Muffler's nucleus】: Magical Defense +10 Reward: Nakano Ruins Silver

Epitaph parts 【Neighboring ginkgo】: Close range +10 Reward: Ichigaya Camp Silver

Epitaph parts 【Shoot 's nucleus】: Long range +10 Reward: Celu Tower Silver

Epitaph Parts 【Magical Berry】: Spell +10 Reward: Shibuya Quartz Silver

Epitaph parts 【Hurricane killer】: Critical+10/Critical Defense+10 Reward: Ueno Mirage Silver

Epitaph Parts 【Flame of destruction】: +20% LBP when using fire Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph Parts 【Flame of spiral】: +20% TAP when using fire Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【Freezing of destruction】: +20% LBP when using ice Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【Freezing of spiral】: +20% TAP when using ice Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【Shocking of destruction】 : +20% LBP when using electric Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【Shocking of Spiral】: +20% TAP when using electric Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【Impact of destruction】: +20% LBP when using force Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【Impact of spiral】: +20% TAP when using force Exchange: Ethereal powder at Shiho Laboratory

Epitaph parts 【accusers】: Fire/Ice/Elec/Force+40%, LBC+10%, Str/Mag/Int/Vit/Spd/Lck+20 Exchange: Tears at Azura in Alternate Nakano Camp

Epitaph Parts 【Theater of Death】: Cls/Long/Spell+30, Incant/Cooldown-30%, Almighty+30% Reward: Alternate Nakano Ruins

Epitaph parts 【Forbidden horse · devil】: Str/Mag/Spd +7, Luck-20 Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Forbidden horse · Fuku】: Str/Mag/Spd -7, Luck+20 Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【Major Eastern Wind】: Vit/Int -7, Phys Def/Mag Def +12 Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Senri horses】: Movement Speed +20%, HP/MP cost -5% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【love's nucleus】: Experience+5%, Crit +5, Charm+15% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【Fruit of Love】: Experience+10%, Crit+10, Charm+30% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Makunouchi】: Blunt resist+30%, Blunt+30%, Paralyse+20% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【swimmer】: Ice resist+30%, Ice+30%, Sleep+20% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【white noise】: Str/Vit+30, HP regen+10 Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Rain Black】: Mag/Int+30, MP regen+10 Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【unparalleled things】: Crit+30, Ailment+10%, Shot+15% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Libido】: HP+300, Damage to females+30%, Rapid+15% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【Annoying martyrs】: MP+100, MP cost-25%, Spin+15% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Katai intention】: Clench+5%, Crit Def+100, Repel phys/spell lv x0.05% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【Not a Nani】: Attack/Rush+20%, Counter+100% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Antequate】: Cls/Long/Spell +PT Number × 4% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【Quiet Night】: Sleep/Mute+20% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Kite flying】: Force+30%, Force absorb+30% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【German Turn】: Spin/Blunt+20% Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph parts 【Karuta】: Int/Spd+30, HP/MP regen+5 Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Parts 【Referee】: Experience+10%, Cls range damage+5% Exchange: Key of Life Ankh at Ordeal of Soul event

Epitaph Parts 【Referee II】: Experience+10%, Cls range damage+5%,HP+50 Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Prophecy】: Experience+10%, Lng range damage+5% Exchange: Key of Life Ankh at Ordeal of Soul event

Epitaph parts 【Prophecy II】: Experience+10%, Lng range damage+5%,HP+50 Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【guardian】: Experience+10%, Spell damage+5% Exchange: Key of Life Ankh at Ordeal of Soul event

Epitaph parts 【guardian II】: Experience+10%, Spell damage+5%,HP+50 Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Lord of Purgatory】: HP/MP cost-30%, IB damage +1500 Reward: Shinjuku Under Wonder Ground

Family/Species Epitaphs:

Epitaph parts 【Fruit of the God breaking】: +50% damage to God species Reward: Celu Tower gold

Epitaph Parts 【Fruit of the Flying Destiny】: +50% damage to Aerials species Reward: Shinagawa Catacombs Gold

Epitaph parts 【Fruit of the devil's break】: +50% damage to Icon species Reward: Zhu Que Caverns Gold

Epitaph Parts 【Fruitfulness of Ogre breaking】: +50% damage to Demoniacs species Reward: Ichigaya Camp Gold

Epitaph Parts 【Fruitfulness of the Devil Tears】: +50% damage to Magica species Reward: Suginami Tunnels Gold

Epitaph Parts 【Fruiting Bird Fracture】: +50% damage to Birds species Reward: Shibuya Quartz Gold

Epitaph parts 【Fruit of breaking beasts】: +50% damage to Beasts species Reward: Nakano Ruins Gold

Epitaph parts 【Fruiting of the Dragon breaking】: +50% damage to Dragons species Reward: Ueno Mirage Gold

Epitaph parts 【Fruit of the purple field breaking】: +50% damage to raptor, evil demon, wilder families Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph parts 【Fruit of break of green field】: +50% damage to dragon king, fairy, beast families Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph parts 【Fruiting of the infrared rupture】: +50% damage to evil dragon, femme, nocturne families Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph-Parts 【Fruit of the Blue Gate Break】: +50% damage to goddess, avian, yoma families Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph parts 【Fruit of the yellow break】: +50% damage to earth mother, dragon, brute families Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph parts 【DOOR-01 ~ 06】: +200% damage to enemies inside a DOOR Exchange: Dark Babel

Epitaph parts 【Jama】: +150% damage to "power of spirit" Exchange: Ziotite crystal at Alternate Nakano

Epitaph parts 【sabotage】: +150% damage to "referee" "brings death" "guards four sides" Exchange: Ziotite crystal at Alternate Nakano

Epitaph Parts 【Cathedral】: +100% damage to "power of spirit" "referee" "brings death" "guards four sides" Exchange: Ziotite crystal at Alternate Nakano

Epitaph parts 【Battle Battle】: +100% damage to Godly Spirit (Satan) Exchange: Ziotite crystal at Alternate Nakano

Summoner Epitaphs:

Epitaph Heart 【Fruit of the purple field breaking】: +50% damage to birds, disgusts, beasts, +3% damage to summoner Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph Heart 【Fruit of breaking the green border】: +50% damage to dragon king, fairy, demon, +3% damage to summoner Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph Heart 【Fruiting of the Red Border Break】: +50% damage to evil dragon, devil, night, +3% damage to summoner Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph Heart 【Fruit of the Blue Gate Break】: +50% damage to goddess, spiritual bird, demon, +3% damage to summoner Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph Heart 【Fruit of the Yellow Border Break】: +50% damage to mother god, Ryujin, a demon,+3% damage to summoner Exchange: Bethels at Pentalpha

Epitaph Heart 【Finalist】: +100% damage to god spirit to summoner Exchange: Ziotite crystal at Alternate Nakano

Epitaph Heart 【Theater of Death · PC】: Cls/Long/Spell+30, incant/cooldown-30%, Almighty+30% to summoner Reward: Alternate Nakano Ruins

Epitaph Parts 【Hero of the Red Nose】: Str/Int/Luck+10, Experience+10% to summoner Exchange: Fighting Spirit at Saien in Shinjuku Docks

Epitaph Heart 【Lord of Purgatory · PC】: HP/MP cost-30%, IB damage +1500 to summoner Shinjuku Under Wonder Ground

CP Epitaphs:

Epitaph parts 【Slash raise】: Slash+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Attack Improvement】: Thrust+50%

Epitaph parts 【striking elevation】: Blunt+50%

Epitaph parts 【Shooting raise】: Handgun+50%

Epitaph parts 【raise the penetration】: Penetrate+50%

Epitaph parts 【shot uplift】: Spread+50%

Epitaph parts 【Flight uphill】: Fire+50%

Epitaph parts 【ice cream elevation】: Ice+50%

Epitaph parts 【Electric shock raising】: Electric+50%

Epitaph parts 【Impulse rise】: Force+50%

Epitaph parts 【Demonic uplifting】: Expel+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Raise Curse】: Death+50%

Epitaph parts 【Magical uplifting】: Mystic+50%

Epitaph parts 【nerve uplifting】: Nerve+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Mental Exaltation】: Mind+50%

Epitaph parts 【Universal uplifting】: Almighty+50%

Epitaph parts 【Slash raise expansion】: Slash cap+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Attack Improvement expansion】: Thrust cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【striking elevation expansion】: Blunt cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Shooting raise expansion】: Handgun cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【raise the penetration expansion】: Penetrate cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【shot uplift expansion】: Spread cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Flight uphill expansion】: Fire cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【ice cream elevation expansion】: Ice cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Electric shock raising expansion】: Electric cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Impulse rise expansion】: Force cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Demonic uplifting expansion】: Expel cap+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Raise Curse expansion】: Death cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Magical uplifting expansion】: Mystic cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【nerve uplifting expansion】: Nerve cap+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Mental Exaltation expansion】: Mind cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Universal uplifting expansion】: Almighty cap+50%

Epitaph parts 【Slash raise】: Slash+100%, Slash cap+50%

Epitaph Parts 【Attack Improvement rage】: Thrust+100%, Thrust cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【striking elevation rage】: Blunt+100%, Blunt cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Shooting raise rage】: Handgun+100%, Handgun cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【raise the penetration rage】: Penentrate+100%, Penetrate cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【shot uplift rage】: Spread+100%, Spread cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Flight uphill rage】: Fire+100%, Fire cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【ice cream elevation rage】: Ice+100%, Ice cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Electric shock raising rage】: Electric+100%, Electric cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Impulse rise rage】: Force+100%, Force cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Demonic uplifting rage】: Expel+100%, Expel cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph Parts 【Raise Curse rage】: Death+100%, Death cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Magical uplifting rage】: Mystic+100%, Mystic cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【nerve uplifting rage】: Nerve+100%, Nerve cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph Parts 【Mental Exaltation rage】: Mind+100%, Mind cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Universal uplifting rage】: Almighty+100%, Almighty cap+50% Item Mixing

Epitaph parts 【Fire loading number】: Fire activation+1

Epitaph parts 【Frozen loading number】: Ice activation+1

Epitaph parts 【Dengek loading number】: Electric activation+1

Epitaph parts 【Impact loading number】: Force activation+1

Epitaph parts 【Flight chant mitigation】: Fire Incant-50%

Epitaph Parts 【Ice Casting Reduction】: Ice Incant-50%

Epitaph Parts 【Dengeki Chanting Reduction】: Electric Incant-50%

Epitaph Parts 【Impact Chant Reduction】: Force incant-50%

Epitaph parts 【Flame upper limit release】: Fire cap+100%

Epitaph parts 【Freezing freezing】: Ice cap+100%

Epitaph parts 【Dengeki celebrates liberation】: Electric cap+100%

Epitaph parts 【Shock upper limit release】: Force cap+100%

Epitaph parts 【Magical ceiling limit release】: Mystic cap+100%

Epitaph Parts 【Neuro Limited Release】: Nerve cap+100%

Epitaph parts 【Spirit limit release】: Mind cap+100%

Epitaph parts 【Attack uplifting】: Attack+30%

Epitaph parts 【rush uplifting】: Rush+30%

Epitaph parts 【Spin uplift】: Spin+30%

Epitaph parts 【Shot uplift】: Shot+30%

Epitaph parts 【blade rings】: Spin+50%, Spin cooldown-20%

Epitaph Parts 【Quick Load】: Rapid+50%, Rapid cooldown-20%

Epitaph parts 【national disintegration】: Shot+50%, Shot cooldown-20%

Epitaph parts 【Experience rise】: Experience+50%

Epitaph parts 【Hissover occurrence】: Critical+50

Epitaph Parts 【Knife Blade Move】: Close range+20, Critical+30, Incant-15%, Null magic LV × 1%

Epitaph Parts 【Bullets and Magic】: Long range+20, Critical+30, Incant-15%, Null magic LV × 1%

Epitaph Parts 【Miserable Maddon】: Spell+20, Critical+30, Incant-15%, Null magic LV × 1%

Epitaph parts 【spinning net】: Small chance of Stone

Epitaph parts 【Blinders】: Small chance of Sleep, Sleep+15%

Epitaph Parts 【Body Suicide】: Small chance of Charm, Charrm+15%

Epitaph Parts 【Worried Worst】: Ailments +30%

Epitaph Parts 【Nintendo】: 100% Clench when hit by repel

Epitaph parts 【clippings】: 20% Clench

Epitaph parts 【Kanemori Chikuhari】: 100% Clench

Epitaph Parts 【Strong Enthusiasm】: Null Interrupt and knockback

Epitaph Parts 【Extreme Precautions】: HP cost-100%

Epitaph parts 【extreme in brilliant fireworks】: MP cost-100%

Epitaph parts 【Technician】: Cooldown-50%

Epitaph parts 【seven steps talent】: Cooldown-50%, incant-30%

Epitaph parts 【impulses of destruction】: LBC+30%

Epitaph parts 【Role of spirals】: TAC/TAP+20%

Epitaph parts 【Rationale of consecutive shooting】: Pursuit chance/Pursuit power+20%

Epitaph Parts 【LB Mastery】: IB damage+3000

Epitaph parts 【shaking】: Small chance of Shock

Epitaph parts 【Benefits of order】: +50% LBP to Neutral/Chaos Enemies, Critical Correction+5%

Epitaph parts 【Benefits of equilibrium】: +50% LBP to Law/Chaos Enemies, Critical Correction+5%

Epitaph parts 【Benefits of chaos】: +50% LBP to Law/Neutral Enemies, Critical Correction+5%

Epitaph Parts 【Special Moves Correction】: Critical Correction+15%

Epitaph parts 【action shortening】: Cooldown-50%, Spell Activation+1

Epitaph parts 【knowledgeable cabinet】: HP/MP cost-50%

Epitaph parts 【gusty slow storm】: Cooldown-30%, Movement Speed boost works in battle

Epitaph parts 【bamboo tree】: Activation skill+1, TAC/TAP/Pursuit Chance/Pursuit Power+30%

Epitaph parts 【Revenger】: Counter+400%, HP+ LVx10

Epitaph Parts 【ROK】: Critical Correction+50%, LBP+100%, Cooldown-60%

Epitaph parts 【Kaneshiro Railway wall】: -50% Cls/Long/Spell damage taken, +120 critical defense

Epitaph Heart 【Proximity Uphill I】: +20% Close range damage to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Shooting Exaltation I】: +20% Long range damage to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Magical Enchantment I】: +20% Spell damage to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Slash raise】: +50% Slash to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Slash raise】: +50% Penetrate to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Flight uphill】: +50% Fire to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【ice creeping uplift】: +50% Ice to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Electric Shock Highness】: +50% Electric to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Impulse elevation】: +50% Force to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Flame / Freeze Ice Up】: +50% Fire/Force to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Electric shock · Impulse raise】: +50% Electric/Force to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Homemaking incentive】: -50% HP cost to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【spiritual wrangling】: -50% MP cost to summoner

Epitaph Heart 【Wolong Dragon Child】: Critical Correction+50%, LBP+100%, Cooldown-60% to summoner

Epitaph Piece 【Invitation to Grow】: Experience+100% to party members

Epitaph Piece 【Happiness】: Luck+10 to summoner, Luck+8 to party members

Epitaph Piece 【Destructive group】: LBC/LBP+10% to party members

Epitaph Piece 【Hissemic group】: +10% Critical Correction to party members

Pair Epitaph 【Bouncer】: HP cost-50% to demon and summoner, +5% Critical Correction to demon and summoner

Pair Epitaph 【Chisubu】:MP cost-50% to demon and summoner, -50% Cooldown to demon and summoner

Item Mixing Epitaphs:

Epitaph parts 【Proximity attack rise I】: Close range damage+20%

Epitaph parts 【Rising fire attack Ⅰ】: Long range damage+20%

Epitaph parts 【Magical effect increase Ⅰ】: Spell damage+20%

Epitaph Parts 【Hissatsu Increase Rising I】: Critical Correction+10%

Epitaph parts 【LB occurrence rising Ⅰ】: LBC/LBP+15%

Epitaph Parts 【TA Increase Ⅰ】 : TAC+10%, TAP+5%

Event Epitaphs:

Epitaph parts 【Trick】: Low chance of various ailments Halloween event 2013

Epitaph parts 【Treat】: HP/MP regen+100% Halloween event 2013

Epitaph parts 【Vanara】: -50% Cls/Long/Spell damage received, HP/MP cost -30%, Null Instant Death Winter Event 2015/2016

Epitaph parts 【Origin of samurai】: Ailments+15%, IB damage +1500, LBC+10%, Critical Correction+5% Summer challenge campaign