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[Knowledge] An Expertise Skill for an understanding of demonic life forms.
Side-effects: Experience/up, Negotiation Success Rate/up (for ally demons every 2 classes)
Double fusion Success rate (+1% for every 5 ranks)
Can be increased up to Class 7


Requirements to Unlock: None

This Expertise affects Synthesis Chain Expertise by 40%.
This Expertise affects Sharpshooter Chain Expertise by 40%.
This Expertise affects Mitama Demon Growth Science Chain Expertise by 60%. Jirae Sympathy 0-5 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Jirae race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Jirae race. Foul Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Foul race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Foul race. Yoma Sympathy 1-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Yoma race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Yoma race. Brute Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage demons of the Brute race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Brute race. Flight Sympathy 1-5 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Flight race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Flight race. Haunt Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Haunt race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Haunt race. Fairy Sympathy 2-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Fairy race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Fairy race. Wilder Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Wilder race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Wilder race. Beast Sympathy 2-5 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Beast race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Beast race. Snake Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Snake race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Snake race. Divine Sympathy 3-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Divine race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Divine race. Fallen Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Fallen race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Fallen race. Raptor Sympathy 3-5 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Raptor race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Raptor race. Femme Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Femme race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Femme race. Holy Sympathy 4-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Holy race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Holy race. Night Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Night race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned when summoning demons of the Night race. Avian Sympathy 4-5 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Avian race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Avian race. Drake Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Drake race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Drake race. Megami Sympathy 5-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Megami race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Megami race. Lady Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Lady race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Lady race. Jaki Sympathy 5-5 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Jaki race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Jaki race. Dragon Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Dragon race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Dragon race. Amatsu Sympathy 6-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Amatsu race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Amatsu race. Kunitsu
Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Kunitsu race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Kunitsu race. Vile Sympathy 7-0 Passive Special Curative 1
(Select 1)
- Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Vile race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Vile race. Genma
Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demon of the Genma race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Genma race. Guardian Sympathy Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that reduces damage from demons of the Guardian race by 20% and raises your Demon's XP earned by 20% when summoning demons of the Guardian race.

How to Train Expertise

  • Perform "Tarot Fusion" from Synthesis Chain Expertise with a useless equipment over and over.
  • Use bribery negotiation skills from the Talk expertise such as "1000 Macca Contract", "Gift: 1 Magic Stone", etc. to a group of Pixie, Lost Hua Po or Kodama found near Home III in Suginami or any place in the world with a group close by. The basic Greeting skill will not level up Demonology.
    • You do not have to form a contract with them, just using the skill on the demon raises it. Move on to the next target whenever they turn into a Demon Egg, Demon Box or disappear.
    • If they are completely refusing to talk to you anymore, hit them to reset the negotiation.
  • If you have an equipment with Cool-down/ Incantation, spam the skill and give the enemy little time to attack back. If not, you can talk to non-hostile such as Lost Hua Po.
  • Fuse Demons with low percent several times. Even though it will fail (or succeed), your expertise will raise faster than negotiating.
  • Fuse demons successfully. While you will spend more time catching demons, expertise increase for successful fusions is much, much higher.

Techniques: AttackSpinRushShotRapidGuardCounterDodgeCurative MagicDestruction MagicSupport MagicCurse MagicTalkThreatenTauntSummon
Knowledges: OccultismFusionDemonologyWeapon KnowledgeSurvival TechniquesPsychologyMedical SciencesCrushing TechniqueMineralogyBiologyBladesSketchingCreationCraftsGun KnowledgePursuitMagic ControlBless
Chain Expertise: Mastery of Three Forms of LifeSynthesisCrusading FistMitama Demon Growth ScienceCurse of the WretchedEnhancementSupport BulletFreischutzSharpshooterRampageRegal PresenceConditions of Melee CombatConditions of Ranged CombatConditions of Magic CombatSwordsmithArms MakerCraftsmanship