Feral Claw

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Feral Claw
A technique in which the user scratches at an enemy with razor-sharp claws.

Deals physical damage against all enemies in an area in front of the user, with the damage based on the user's Melee and a skill modifier of 95.

Type • Active
Affinity • Slash
Action Type -
Cost • HP 7%
Inheritance • Claw
Effect -
Modifier • 95
Stat • Melee
AOE Type • Frontal
Activation Range • 29
AOE Range • 29
Incantation • 0.2 seconds
Cooldown • 6 seconds
Knockback • 70

Learned by:

Already Learned

Lv 0-9

Lv 10-19

Lv 20-29

Lv 80-89

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