Great Hug

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Great Hug
A technique in which the user assumes a counter stance that deflects and reprises against an incoming Attack or Rush skill.

Deals counter damage against all enemies' HP and MP in an area centered around an intercepted enemy, with the damage based on the same attribute used by the basic offensive skill of the user's equipped weapon. HP damage is adjusted by a skill modifier of 50, while MP damage is adjusted by a skill modifier of 1.

The user's HP is restored by 75% of the damage dealt to HP by this skill.

The user will gradually lose MP after this skill's incantation until it is canceled or all of its uses have been exhausted.

Type • Active
Affinity • Special
Action Type • Counter
Cost • -
Inheritance • Unlimited
Effect -
Modifier • 50 HP, 1 MP
Stat • Melee
Incantation • 1.5 seconds
Cooldown • 5 seconds
Knockback • 70

Learned by:

Already Learned

Level Demon
- Princess of Pure Madness Alice

Lv 60-69

Level Demon
61 Illusion of Worldly Desires Mara
66 Bitter Black Muu Shuwuu
66 Bitter Black Titania
66 Bitter Black Tzitzimitl
66 Sweet White Lakshmi
66 Sweet White Jeanne D'Arc
66 Sweet White Parvati

Lv 80-89

Level Demon
87 Bai Suzhen
Return to Demon Skills