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How to Fuse

  • Heralds can only be made through Tri-fusion.

Herald Demon 1 Demon 2 Demon 3 Level Plugin needed ?
Uriel Virtue Dominion Power 80 Plug-in: Majestic Blaze
Inexperienced Uriel
Raphael Uriel Throne Throne 93 Plug-in: The Blessed Light
Gabriel Raphael Throne Odin 94 Plug-in: Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Virtue Samael 96 Plug-in: Michael
Seraph Uriel Raphael Gabriel 96 Plug-in: Seraph
Metatron Raphael Throne Loki 97 Plug-in: He who serves the Throne

http://i.imgur.com/g0vv78P.png Uriel

Main article: Uriel

A Seraph, one of the Four Archangels. Uriel appears widely in the Old and New Testaments, Apocrypha, and the pseudepigraphic Book or Enoch. His name may mean "Flame of God" or "Power of God." He wields a flaming sword and a shield that is never blemished. He is charged with controlling the heavens and protecting the Garden of Eden.

Uriel is also known as the angel of penitence. As the overseer of Hell, he burns those who defy God with fire and brimstone. On Judgment Day, he will summon all life on Earth to Hell and pass judgement on their sins.

Christianity and Judaism hold that there are 7 Seraphs, including Uriel. In Islam however, there are only 2 Seraphs, and Uriel is not one of them.

Uriel also appears as a bringer of prophecy, warning Noah of the coming Flood. He is the only angel who has ever taken human form.

http://i.imgur.com/L0jXoCU.png Raphael

Main article: Raphael

Within the hierarchy of angels from Christian mythology, Raphael is one of the four Seraphim, the highest rank. His name means "One that heals." He is said to be the guardian of the Tree of Life, opposite the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Most of Raphael's exploits take place in the Apocrypha, where he has roles as imprisoner of Azazel (an angel that gets exiled from Heaven for having sex with human females) and guide of Sheol, the Hebrew underworld.

http://i.imgur.com/rEbWjB9.png Gabriel

Main article: Gabriel

http://i.imgur.com/0LAXPLv.png Michael

Main article: Michael

http://i.imgur.com/3lShw28.png Seraph

Main article: Seraph

http://i.imgur.com/bWmaDPb.png Metatron

Main article: Metatron

Metatron is the voice of God. Whenever a human believes God has directly spoken to them, it is Metatron in reality acting as his vessel. One million eyes and mouths cover his body, and every mouth speaks a different language. He is said to have the largest body among all of the angels, having 36 wings, 3 representing the triumvirate of God the Father, and the Holy Ghost, multiplied by the 12 tribes of Israel. In ancient Judaism, his status is even higher than that of the Archangel Michael (whom the ancients believed to be Adam, the first man.) He received various titles such as "Face of God", "Angel of Contracts" synonymous with the Iranian God Mithra, "King of Angels" and others of the like.

Demons Uriel • Raphael • Gabriel • Michael • Seraph • Metatron
Variations Inexperienced Uriel • Inexperienced Raphael • Inexperienced Gabriel • Illusion of Love Seraph • Agent of God Metatron
Limited Furious Uriel • Bilocation Metatron • Bilocation Michael
Enemy Seraphim Uriel • Uriel Avatar • Fire of God who slipped into the Abyss Uriel • Mad Avatar Raphael • Raphael Avatar • Healer of God who slipped into the Abyss Raphael • Advent Messenger Gabriel • Gabriel Avatar • Messenger of God who slipped into the Abyss Gabriel • Shadow of He Who Carries Out The Will of God Michael‎ • He Who Carries Out The Will of God Michael‎ • One of God's Image who slipped into the Abyss Michael • Seraphim Seraph (Weak) • Seraphim Seraph (Strong) • Metatron Avatar • Ascertainment of Qualifications Metatron • Angel Who Slipped Into the Abyss Metatron‎ • One who manages the Abyss Metatron
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine