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Learned by:
Already Learned
Lv 50-59
Lv 60-69
- Accomplished Flamies (60)
- Inexperienced Surt (60)
- Greedy Surt (60)
- Inexperienced Feng Huang (62)
- Accomplished Bicorn (63)
- Inexperienced Sati (65)
- Feng Huang (67)
Lv 70-79
- Sati (71)
- Efreet (71)
- Inexperienced Samael (73)
- Accomplished Hua Po (74)
- Accomplished Choronzon (74)
- Nimble Feng Huang (74)
- Kartikeya (74)
- Black Storm Illusion Seth (75)
- Inexperienced Uriel (76)
- Furious Uriel (76)
- Bishamonten (78)
- Dionysus (78)
- Inexperienced Chimera (78)
- Accomplished Okuninushi (78)
Lv 80-89
- Surt (80)
- Mystic Ose (80)
- Lazy Mot (80)
- Inexperienced Zhu Que (80)
- Gojo Bridge Yoshitsune (80)
- Moloch (81)
- Inexperienced Inugami (82)
- Flamies (82)
- Bishamonten of Kuyo (82)
- Partner, Santa Frost (83)
- Thoth (84)
- Santa Pyro (84)
- Zhu Que (85)
- Parvati (85)
- Asura Cerberus (85)
- Lucky Vouivre (85)
- Conquering Yamata-no-Orochi (85)
- Berith (86)
- War bringer Berith (86)
- Yamata-no-Orochi (86)
- Sphinx (86)
- Uriel (87)
- Jack O'Lantern (88)
- Naughty Jack O'Lantern (88)
- Glittery Pyro Santa (88)
- Hospitable Jack O'Lantern (88)
- Hino-Kagutsuchi (88)
- Gryphon (88)
- Anat (89)
Lv 90-99
- Inugami (90)
- Mirror Inugami (90)
- Atavaka (90)
- Vouivre (90)
- Accomplished Kaiwan (90)
- Utai-Gaikotsu (90)
- Lost Hua Po (91)
- Ocypete (91)
- Accomplished Ocypete (91)
- Shining Ocypete (91)
- Lucky Hua Po (91)
- Nimble Hua Po (91)
- Onmoraki (92)
- Accomplished Onmoraki (92)
- Makami (92)
- Phoenix (92)
- Inexperienced Kartikeya (92)
- Samael (92)
- Nimble Orthrus (93)
- Onkot (93)
- Typhon (93)
- Inexperienced Typhon (93)
- Ose (93)
- Kartikeya (93)
- Dakini (94)
- Vritra (94)
- Choronzon (95)
- Nimble Cerberus (95)
- Accomplished Dis (95)
- Dis (95)
- Inexperienced Dominion (95)
- Lucky Dis (95)
- Cerberus (95)
- Cerberus (Digital Devil Saga) (95)
- Camazotz (95)
- Azazel (95)
- Nimble Bicorn (96)
- Unruly Bicorn (96)
- Deformed Bicorn (96)
- Accomplished Bicorn (96)
- Odin (96)
- White Rider (96)
- Gomory (96)
Return to Demon Skills