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The idea is to make something that a common user can copy-paste and fill in the blanks.
The reason is so that a general user doesn't have to think when filling in a missing page or correcting data.
And so that information currently lacking from item pages may be added with more efficiency.
--Crzymdscntst 02:17, 5 August 2011 (EDT)
Section 1 is the Example, Section 2 is the details pertaining to using the format.
Page Example
Basic Healing item.
- Methods of Obtaining item (If it's not simply: Drop/Chest/Etc.)
- Method for Obtaining alternate color(s) (Same as above)
Shops: Aya's Clinic, Shirakami Pharmacy, Yagiya
Dropped by: Pixie, Leader Pixie, Nozuchi
Quests obtained from:
- 20 obtained from Quest: Class Preparation : Item Delivery
Can be used in: Item Mixing
[+]Extractable Elements |
How to Use this Format
- Copy all the text in the "Basic Outline" section within the dotted-line box
- Paste onto page where data is missing or needs updated.
- Delete the parenthesis and text within them and fill it with the information as suggested.
(Stuff shown like this)
- If information is not relevant on the item delete parenthesis and text within them. Not Relevant is as follows:
- Stat does not pertain to item.
- Stat is non-existent for item.
- If information is unknown, you cannot find it, or incorrect: do not delete text and/or parenthesis. Follow Step 7.
- Stats should be considered incorrect if altered by any means.
- If information is not relevant on the item delete parenthesis and text within them. Not Relevant is as follows:
- Add links to all necessary words.
- Add a linebreak to the end of all viable lines in the "Details" section like this:
This is the first line<br/> This is the second line<br/>
- Only apply this to lines that have data after you replace the correct information.
- Appropriate proper Category
- If data is incomplete when you finish, Add to the top of the page:
-Doublecheck your page with by hitting the "Show Preview" button. Your editable section is right below the preview.
- If somethings wrong, fix it or put the "stub" tag to the top of the page if you don't know how.
- If it's correct, go back to the bottom of the page and hit "Save Page".
Congratulations, you're all done!
Guidelines for Data
- Information
- Stats should be considered incorrect if altered by any means.
- Links
- Things to link: Places, Names of Items, Names of Demons, Important Other Pages (If Specific Enough)
- Linking can be done by adding double brackets to a valid page name like this:
- Things to link: Places, Names of Items, Names of Demons, Important Other Pages (If Specific Enough)
[[Pixie]], [[Home III]], [[Jade]]
- Check your page links. If a wrong target page is acquired it will display red.
- I Like Cheese is not an actual page, so it displays red. If your link displays as such do a few things:
- If most of your post is linked to something, chances are you're doing something wrong. Don't link everything, but link enough keywords.
- Extracting
- All values in the Extracting section should be based off of a normal Extractor.
- All values in the Extracting section should be based off of a normal Extractor.
Basic Outline
{{ItemSI |Name = (Fill in item Name again here) |Picture = (32x32 Icon of the Item; the Link to the image goes here) |LargePicture = (128x128 Icon of the Item; the Link to the image goes here) (Alternate Colors of any equipment/item, but all other duplicate stats? Place those Image Links here again keep them 128x128. Keep links separated by a single space) <!-- Basic Info --> |Type = (List value if present.) |Maximum Stack = (List value if present.) |Sex = (List value if present.) |Affinity = (List value if present.) |Level = (List value if present. "-" represents above and below based on which side of the number it is on left for below, right for above) <!-- Basic Features --> |Durability = (Fill Max Durability.) |Boosts = (List value if present.) <!-- Armor --> |Physical Defense = (List value if present.) |Magical Defense = (List value if present.) <!-- Weapon --> |Melee = (List value if present.) |Ranged = (List value if present.) |Spell = (List value if present.) |Support = (List value if present.) |Critical = (List value if present.) <!-- COMP --> |Stock = (List value if present.) <!-- Enchant Info --> |Spiritual Mixing = (Yes or No) |Tarot Fusions = (Yes or No) |Soul Fusions = (Yes or No) <!-- Characteristics --> |Characteristics = (Fill in text if present) <!-- Explanation --> |Item Description = (White Text displayed on Item Display under "Explanation"; exclude text that should go in another slot) |Special Skill = (Fill in text if present) |Set Bonus = (If item is listed as part of a Set, white text pertaining to it goes here.) |Modification Material = (White Text displayed on Item Display after "Modification Material") |Bonus = (White Text displayed on Item Display after "Bonus") |Compatibility = (White Text displayed on Item Display after "Compatibility") <!-- Notes --> |Sale = (Auto-Sell Price) |Location = (General Location can be found, 1 word summary, expand upon each in the "Details" section.(Shop, Drop, Quest, Item Crafting)) |Notes = (Other Information if necessary and short.) }} ==Details== (Basic Description of Item.)<br/> (Any Important Notes about item too large for prior "Notes" section.) <br/> ("Shops:"Specific Shops obtained from.) <br/> ("Dropped by:" List demons, separate each Demon Name with a Comma followed by a Space like: "DemonA, DemonB")<br/> (#obtained followed by Quest or Job obtained from)<br/> ("Can be used in:" List things used in, separate each Ability with a Comma followed by a Space like: "Mixology, Synthesis, Armsmaking, Swordsmithing, Etc.") (Delete from these parenthesis and their contents to the parenthesis with "Here." in it if the item cannot be extracted. Otherwise if it can be extracted, just delete only these parenthesis and the text within.) ==Extraction== {{Extract | element1 = (First element listed) | element1image = (Link to First element image) | element1amount = (Amount of First element obtained denoted as "x#") | element1percent = (Success percentage of First element.) | element2 = (Second element listed) | element2image = (Link to Second element image) | element2amount = (Amount of Second element obtained denoted as "x#") | element2percent = (Success percentage of Second element.) | element3 = (Third element listed) | element3image = (Link to Third element image) | element3amount = (Amount of Third element obtained denoted as "x#") | element3percent = (Success percentage of Third element.) | element4 = (Fourth element listed) | element4image = (Link to Fourth element image) | element4amount = (Amount of Fourth element obtained denoted as "x#") | element4percent = (Success percentage of Fourth element.) | element5 = (Fifth element listed) | element5image = (Link to Fifth element image) | element5amount = (Amount of First element obtained denoted as "x#") | element5percent = (Success percentage of Fifth element.) | element6 = (Sixth element listed) | element6image = (Link to Sixth element image) | element6amount = (Amount of Sixth element obtained denoted as "x#") | element6percent = (Success percentage of Sixth element.) | element7 = (Seventh element listed) | element7image = (Link to Seventh element image) | element7amount = (Amount of Seventh element obtained denoted as "x#") | element7percent = (Success percentage of Seventh element.) | element8 = (Eighth element listed) | element8image = (Link to Eighth element image) | element8amount = (Amount of Eighth element obtained denoted as "x#") | element8percent = (Success percentage of Eighth element.) }} (Here.) [[Category:(List Category here)]]