Skill Compatibility

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Some skills require compatibility from demons to be inherited.

Inheritance types are Breath, Wing, Slam, Weapon, Claw, Needle, Fang, Eye, and Maiden.


- Article is a work in progress. Some demon names do not match the wiki's translation, and some listed are enemy only.

- Information is extracted from the DevilData sheet in True Demonic Compendium


Demon Alignment Family
Black Ooze Chaos
Blob Chaos
Slime Chaos
Ongyo-Ki Chaos
Shiki-Ouji Chaos
Yaksa Chaos
Turdak Chaos
Azumi Chaos
Shikigami Chaos
Oni Chaos
Kinki Chaos
Suiki Chaos
Fuki Chaos
Kumbhanda Chaos
Legion Chaos
Chatterskull Chaos
Choronzon Chaos
Ghoul Chaos
Preta Chaos
Poltergeist Chaos
Ananta Chaos
Quetzalcoatl Chaos
Qing-Long Chaos
Ganga Chaos
Coatlicue Chaos
Azazel Chaos
Flauros Chaos
Abraxas Chaos
Gomory Chaos
Ose Chaos
Orobas Chaos
Berith Chaos
Eligor Chaos
Forneus Chaos
Andras Chaos
Dakini Chaos
Yaksni Chaos
Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
Gorgon Chaos
Taraka Chaos
Lamia Chaos
Datsue-Ba Chaos
Arahabaki Chaos
Take-Minakata Chaos
Onamuchi Chaos
Okuninushi Chaos
Sukunahikona Chaos
Isis Chaos
Kali Chaos
Artemis Chaos
Vasuki Chaos
Kingu Chaos
Nidhoggr Chaos
Typhon Chaos
Basilisk Chaos
Tarasque Chaos
Cockatrice Chaos
Bishamonten Chaos
Jikokuten Chaos
Koumokuten Chaos
Zouchouten Chaos
Shiva Chaos
Indrajit Chaos
Susano-O Chaos
Kartikeya Chaos
Wu Kong Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
Beelzebub Human Chaos
Mara Chaos
Ahriman Chaos
Astaroth Chaos
Alsiel Chaos
Chi You Chaos
Lucifuge Rofocale Chaos
Surt Chaos
Abaddon Chaos
Loki Chaos
Moloch Chaos
Hecate Chaos
King Frost Chaos
Yaksini Chaos
Lucky Datsue-Ba Chaos
Dabster Yaksini Chaos
Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
unclear Chaos
Ambitious Eligor Chaos
Christmas King Frost Chaos
King Frost Balloon Chaos
Beelzebub Chaos
Preta Chaos
Ose Chaos
Herald Blob Chaos
Herald Slime Chaos
Manifestation Slime Chaos
Manifestation Oni Chaos
Ongyo-Ki Chaos
Kin-Ki Chaos
Sui-Ki Chaos
Shiki-Oujii Chaos
Nidhoggrs Chaos
Astaroth Avatar Chaos
Astaroth Vision Chaos
Mara? Chaos
The Flood caller Azumi Chaos
The Flood caller Ganga Chaos
The Flood caller Forneus Chaos
No.19 Chaos
No.5 Chaos
No.7 Chaos
No.16 Chaos
No.20 Chaos
No.21 Chaos
No.24 Chaos
War bringer Berith Chaos
Peacemaker Forneus Chaos
Winged messenger Andras Chaos
Pleasure bringer Orobas Chaos
Bringer of aging Eligor Chaos
Mystic Ose Chaos
Greedy Surt Chaos
No.35 Chaos
No.43 Chaos
UB - A03 Chaos
UB - A04 Chaos
UB - A09 Chaos
UB - A11 Chaos
UB - B05 Chaos
UB - B10 Chaos
UB - B11 Chaos
No.55 Chaos
No.57 Chaos
No.54 Chaos
No.58 Chaos
No.59 Chaos
No.53 Chaos
No.62 Chaos
No.63 Chaos
No.64 Chaos
No.61 Chaos
No.66 Chaos
No.67 Chaos
No.79 Chaos
No.80 Chaos
No.82 Chaos
No.90 Chaos
No.94 Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Brahman Law
Vishnu Law
Mithra Law
Baal Law
Odin Law
Atavaka Law
Horus Law
Indra Law
Thoth Law
Seth Law
Mada Law
Samael Law
Tao Tie Law
Pazuzu Law
Tezcatilpoca Law
Baphomet Law
Garuda Law
Yata-Garasu Law
Suparna Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Jatayu Law
Feng Huang Law
Hathor Law
Amaterasu Law
Take-Mikazuchi Law
Hino-Kagutsuchi Law
DB Kisugi Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Gurr Law
Furiae Law
Zhen Law
Onmoraki Law
Hecatonchires Law
Girimehkala Law
Edimmu Law
Cyclops Law
Rakshasa Law
Ogre Law
Morrigan Law
Badb Catha Law
Aello Law
Celaeno Law
Ocypete Law
Harpy Law
Ganesha Law
Efreet Law
Puksi Law
Jinn Law
Onkot Law
Isora Law
Titan Law
Sarutahiko Law
Ubelluris Law
Dwarf Law
Bucca-Boo Law
Knocker Law
Windy Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Furiae Law
Flame Furiae Law
Dense Forest Furiae Law
Dabster Furiae Law
Renegade Dwarf Law
unclear Law
Ogami Law
Infamous Harpy Law
Ambitious Odin Law
Fly Law
Hecatonchires (F-BOSS) Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Takemikazuchi Law
Furious Takemikazuchi Law
Mithras Law
Ubelluris' Law
The Flood caller Isora Law
Odin Vision Law
Chin Law
Shining Ocypete Law
Shining Celaeno Law
Shining Aello Law
Windy Harpy Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Dense Forest Chin Law
Lighting Furiae Law
Dense Forest Ocypete Law
Flame Celaeno Law
Windy Aello Law
Mighty Mt. Dwarf Law
Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo Law
Shining Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Titan Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
No.36 Law
No.39 Law
No.40 Law
UB - A01 Law
UB - A02 Law
UB - A05 Law
UB - A12 Law
UB - A13 Law
UB - B01 Law
UB - B04 Law
No.86 Law
No.96 Law
No.97 Law
No.91 Law
No.102 Law
No.103 Law
No.104 Law
No.105 Law
Beiji Weng Neutral
Guede Neutral
Chernobog Neutral
Persephone Neutral
Hel Neutral
Sleipnir Neutral
Chimera Neutral
Bai Hu Neutral
Kirin Neutral
Pa Bil Sag Neutral
Bai Ze Neutral
Apis Neutral
Unicorn Neutral
Shiisa Neutral
Gryphon Neutral
Cerberus Neutral
Dawon Neutral
Tan-Ki Neutral
Orthrus Neutral
Inugami Neutral
Cu Sith Neutral
Cait Sith Neutral
Troll Neutral
Kelpie Neutral
Gandharva Neutral
Pyro Jack Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Masakado Neutral
Trumpeter Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Pale Rider Neutral
Yoshitsune Neutral
Black Rider Neutral
Red Rider Neutral
White Rider Neutral
Tokisada Neutral
Hell Biker Neutral
Daisoujou Neutral
Alice Neutral
Matador Neutral
Saki Mitama Neutral
Kushimitama Neutral
Nigi Mitama Neutral
Ara Mitama Neutral
Hanuman Neutral
Hayagriva Neutral
Kurama-Tengu Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Fenrir Neutral
Catoblepas Neutral
Mothman Neutral
Nue Neutral
Raiju Neutral
Gyuki Neutral
Bicorn Neutral
Garm Neutral
Vritra Neutral
Yamatano-Orochi Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
Naga Neutral
Nozuchi Neutral
Lilith Neutral
Black Frost Neutral
Loa Neutral
Kaiwan Neutral
Incubus Neutral
Fomorian Neutral
Empusa Neutral
Alp Neutral
Barong Neutral
Anubis Neutral
Narasimha Neutral
Xuan-Wu Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Nandi Neutral
Kaichi Neutral
Makami Neutral
Santa Frost Neutral
Shishimai Frost Neutral
Santa Pyro Neutral
Shishimai Pyro Neutral
Partner, Shishimai Frost Neutral
Partner, Santa Frost Neutral
Brave Garm Neutral
Debug Frost Neutral
Mirror Inugami Neutral
Inferno Pyro Jack Neutral
Blizzard Jack Frost Neutral
Hospitable Pyro Jack Neutral
Naughty Pyro Jack Neutral
Shining Santa Frost Neutral
Shining Shishimai Frost Neutral
Lucky Valkyrie Neutral
Wounded Cerberus Neutral
Joyful Alice Neutral
Renegade Mothman Neutral
Trendy Cait Sith Neutral
Pyro Jack Balloon Neutral
Dashing Pyro Jack Neutral
Glittery Pyro Santa Neutral
Shocking Cait Sith Neutral
Unruly Unicorn Neutral
Unruly Bicorn Neutral
Sleipnir, the King Neutral
Joyful Black Frost Neutral
Vallkyrie Neutral
Bike Neutral
Saien's Big Nozuchi Neutral
Wanderer Nozuchi Neutral
Wanderer Alp Neutral
Mammoth Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Red) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Black) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (White) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Gold) Neutral
Herald Bai Ze Neutral
Manifestation Jack Frost Neutral
Manifestation Bicorn Neutral
Manifestation Nozuchi Neutral
Seven stars of death Beiji Weng Neutral
Stray Jack Frost Neutral
Manifestation Alice Neutral
Dengeki Unicorn Neutral
Nrisinha Neutral
Kelpy Neutral
Pyro Jack card Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
The Flood caller Tan-Ki Neutral
The Flood caller Kelpy Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Valkyrie En podio Neutral
No.8 Neutral
No.10 Neutral
No.18 Neutral
No.13 Neutral
No.6 Neutral
No.9 Neutral
No.15 Neutral
No.25 Neutral
No.28 Neutral
No.31 Neutral
No.23 Neutral
No.27 Neutral
No.30 Neutral
No.32 Neutral
Gluttonous Matador Neutral
Jealous Hell Biker Neutral
Prideful Black Frost Neutral
Lustful Alice Neutral
Crisis Neutral
Nightmare Neutral
Void Neutral
Crystal Inugami Neutral
Kaleidoscopic Inugami Neutral
No.41 Neutral
No.42 Neutral
No.44 Neutral
No.52 Neutral
UB - A06 Neutral
UB - B02 Neutral
000UB - B03 Neutral
UB - B06 Neutral
UB - B07 Neutral
UB - B08 Neutral
UB - B09 Neutral
UB - B12 Neutral
UB - B13 Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
JF - 01 Neutral
JF - 02 Neutral
JF - 03 Neutral
Emperor? Black Frost Neutral
No.81 Neutral
No.68 Neutral
No.69 Neutral
No.71 Neutral
No.74 Neutral
No.87 Neutral
No.88 Neutral
No.89 Neutral
No.84 Neutral
No.85 Neutral
No.95 Neutral
No.99 Neutral
No.101 Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Quetzalcoatl Chaos
Andras Chaos
Isis Chaos
Kingu Chaos
Basilisk Chaos
Cockatrice Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
No.7 Chaos
Winged messenger Andras Chaos
UB - A03 Chaos
No.53 Chaos
Karasu-Tengu Chaos
Koppa-Tengu Chaos
No.26 Chaos
Koppa-Tengu Chaos
No.72 Chaos
No.73 Chaos
Mithra Law
Horus Law
Seth Law
Samael Law
Pazuzu Law
Baphomet Law
Garuda Law
Yata-Garasu Law
Suparna Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Jatayu Law
Feng Huang Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Gurr Law
Furiae Law
Zhen Law
Onmoraki Law
Morrigan Law
Badb Catha Law
Aello Law
Celaeno Law
Ocypete Law
Harpy Law
Windy Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Furiae Law
Flame Furiae Law
Dense Forest Furiae Law
Dabster Furiae Law
Infamous Harpy Law
Fly Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Mithras Law
Chin Law
Shining Ocypete Law
Shining Celaeno Law
Shining Aello Law
Windy Harpy Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Dense Forest Chin Law
Lighting Furiae Law
Dense Forest Ocypete Law
Flame Celaeno Law
Windy Aello Law
Shining Furiae Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
No.39 Law
No.40 Law
UB - A13 Law
UB - B01 Law
UB - B04 Law
Satan Law
Metatron Law
Seraph Law
Michael Law
Gabriel Law
Rafael Law
Uriel Law
Nyarlathotep Law
Dominion Law
Virtue Law
Power Law
Principality Law
Archangel Law
Angel Law
Macha Law
Hua Po Law
Lucky Hua Po Law
Lucky Angel Law
Lost Hua Po Law
Stray Angel Law
Raphael Law
Enormous Power Law
Enormous Angel Law
Hao Pao Law
Manifestation Angel Law
Snowflake Dominion Law
Beelzebub Law
Dominion Amina Law
Virtues Amina Law
Principalities Law
Power En podio Law
Dominion En podio Law
Metatron Avater Law
No.12 Law
No.14 Law
No.11 Law
Furious Uriel Law
No.100 Law
Gryphon Neutral
Trumpeter Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Kurama-Tengu Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Mothman Neutral
Incubus Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Renegade Mothman Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
UB - B09 Neutral
No.74 Neutral
No.85 Neutral
Oberon Neutral
High Pixie Neutral
Pixie Neutral
Succubus Neutral
Lilim Neutral
Leader Pixie Neutral
Stormy Pixie Neutral
Dabster Pixie Neutral
Dabster Succubus Neutral
Lucky Pixie Neutral
Lilim the Little Demon Neutral
unclear Neutral
Dreaming Pixie Neutral
Succubus Amina Neutral
Succubus Prox Neutral
Succubus Krustallos Neutral
Succubus Blonde Neutral
Succubus Anemos Neutral
Succubus En podio Neutral
No.33 Neutral
No.34 Neutral
No.38 Neutral
UB - A10 Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Quetzalcoatl Chaos
Andras Chaos
Kingu Chaos
Basilisk Chaos
Cockatrice Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
No.7 Chaos
Winged messenger Andras Chaos
UB - A03 Chaos
No.53 Chaos
Karasu-Tengu Chaos
Koppa-Tengu Chaos
No.26 Chaos
Koppa-Tengu Chaos
No.72 Chaos
No.73 Chaos
Black Ooze Chaos
Blob Chaos
Slime Chaos
Ongyo-Ki Chaos
Yaksa Chaos
Turdak Chaos
Azumi Chaos
Shikigami Chaos
Oni Chaos
Kinki Chaos
Suiki Chaos
Fuki Chaos
Kumbhanda Chaos
Legion Chaos
Chatterskull Chaos
Choronzon Chaos
Ghoul Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Poltergeist Chaos
Huang-Long Chaos
Ananta Chaos
Qing-Long Chaos
Ganga Chaos
Coatlicue Chaos
Azazel Chaos
Flauros Chaos
Abraxas Chaos
Ose Chaos
Orobas Chaos
Berith Chaos
Eligor Chaos
Forneus Chaos
Dakini Chaos
Yaksni Chaos
Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
Gorgon Chaos
Taraka Chaos
Lamia Chaos
Datsue-Ba Chaos
Arahabaki Chaos
Take-Minakata Chaos
Onamuchi Chaos
Okuninushi Chaos
Sukunahikona Chaos
Kali Chaos
Artemis Chaos
Vasuki Chaos
Nidhoggr Chaos
Typhon Chaos
Tarasque Chaos
Bishamonten Chaos
Jikokuten Chaos
Koumokuten Chaos
Zouchouten Chaos
Shiva Chaos
Indrajit Chaos
Susano-O Chaos
Kartikeya Chaos
Wu Kong Chaos
Beelzebub Human Chaos
Mara Chaos
Ahriman Chaos
Astaroth Chaos
Alsiel Chaos
Chi You Chaos
Surt Chaos
Abaddon Chaos
Loki Chaos
Moloch Chaos
Hecate Chaos
King Frost Chaos
Yaksini Chaos
Lucky Datsue-Ba Chaos
Dabster Yaksini Chaos
Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
unclear Chaos
Ambitious Eligor Chaos
Christmas King Frost Chaos
King Frost Balloon Chaos
Beelzebub Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Ose Chaos
Herald Blob Chaos
Herald Slime Chaos
Manifestation Slime Chaos
Manifestation Oni Chaos
Ongyou-Ki Chaos
Kin-Ki Chaos
Sui-Ki Chaos
Nidhoggrs Chaos
Astaroth Avatar Chaos
Astaroth Vision Chaos
Mara? Chaos
The Flood caller Azumi Chaos
The Flood caller Ganga Chaos
The Flood caller Forneus Chaos
No.19 Chaos
No.5 Chaos
No.16 Chaos
No.20 Chaos
No.21 Chaos
No.24 Chaos
War bringer Berith Chaos
Peacemaker Forneus Chaos
Pleasure bringer Orobas Chaos
Bringer of aging Eligor Chaos
Mystic Ose Chaos
Greedy Surt Chaos
No.35 Chaos
No.43 Chaos
UB - A04 Chaos
UB - A09 Chaos
UB - A11 Chaos
UB - B05 Chaos
UB - B10 Chaos
UB - B11 Chaos
No.55 Chaos
No.57 Chaos
No.54 Chaos
No.58 Chaos
No.59 Chaos
No.62 Chaos
No.63 Chaos
No.64 Chaos
No.61 Chaos
No.66 Chaos
No.67 Chaos
No.79 Chaos
No.82 Chaos
No.90 Chaos
No.94 Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Shadow Chaos
Phantom Chaos
Specter Chaos
Mou-Ryou Chaos
Will O'Wisp Chaos
Yomotsu-Ikusa Chaos
Momunofu Chaos
Vetala Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
Yakkha Chaos
Decarabia Chaos
Rangda Chaos
Dionysus Chaos
Assassin Chaos
Renegade Momunofu Chaos
Spector Chaos
Popular Decarabia Chaos
Frenzied Gaian Chaos
Herald Mou-Ryou Chaos
Herald Will O'Wisps Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
Punks Chaos
Punks Coward Chaos
Punks Leader Chaos
No.22 Chaos
No.17 Chaos
Magician Decarabia Chaos
UB - A07 Chaos
UB - A08 Chaos
No.56 Chaos
No.75 Chaos
No.76 Chaos
No.77 Chaos
No.78 Chaos
No.83 Chaos
No.92 Chaos
No.93 Chaos
Mithra Law
Horus Law
Seth Law
Samael Law
Pazuzu Law
Baphomet Law
Garuda Law
Yata-Garasu Law
Suparna Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Jatayu Law
Feng Huang Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Gurr Law
Furiae Law
Zhen Law
Onmoraki Law
Morrigan Law
Badb Catha Law
Aello Law
Celaeno Law
Ocypete Law
Harpy Law
Windy Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Furiae Law
Flame Furiae Law
Dense Forest Furiae Law
Dabster Furiae Law
Infamous Harpy Law
Fly Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Mithras Law
Chin Law
Shining Ocypete Law
Shining Celaeno Law
Shining Aello Law
Windy Harpy Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Dense Forest Chin Law
Lighting Furiae Law
Dense Forest Ocypete Law
Flame Celaeno Law
Windy Aello Law
Shining Furiae Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
No.39 Law
No.40 Law
UB - A13 Law
UB - B01 Law
UB - B04 Law
Satan Law
Metatron Law
Seraph Law
Michael Law
Gabriel Law
Rafael Law
Uriel Law
Nyarlathotep Law
Power Law
Archangel Law
Macha Law
Raphael Law
Enormous Power Law
Beelzebub Law
Dominion En podio Law
Metatron Avater Law
No.14 Law
No.11 Law
Furious Uriel Law
Brahman Law
Vishnu Law
Baal Law
Odin Law
Atavaka Law
Indra Law
Thoth Law
Mada Law
Tao Tie Law
Tezcatilpoca Law
Hathor Law
Take-Mikazuchi Law
Hino-Kagutsuchi Law
DB Kisugi Law
Hecatonchires Law
Girimehkala Law
Edimmu Law
Cyclops Law
Rakshasa Law
Ogre Law
Ganesha Law
Efreet Law
Puksi Law
Jinn Law
Onkot Law
Isora Law
Titan Law
Sarutahiko Law
Ubelluris Law
Dwarf Law
Bucca-Boo Law
Knocker Law
Renegade Dwarf Law
unclear Law
Ogami Law
Ambitious Odin Law
Hecatonchires (F-BOSS) Law
Takemikazuchi Law
Furious Takemikazuchi Law
Ubelluris' Law
The Flood caller Isora Law
Odin Vision Law
Mighty Mt. Dwarf Law
Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo Law
Mighty Mt. Titan Law
No.36 Law
UB - A01 Law
UB - A02 Law
UB - A05 Law
UB - A12 Law
No.86 Law
No.96 Law
No.97 Law
No.91 Law
No.102 Law
No.103 Law
No.104 Law
No.105 Law
Alilato Law
Albion Law
Thor Law
Anat Law
Norn Law
Pallas Athena Law
Throne Law
Gogmagog Law
Sudama Law
Kodama Law
Manifestation Kodama Law
Pallas Athena Law
Throne Amina Law
Thor Vision Law
I.C.B.M Sudama Law
No.51 Law
No.60 Law
No.65 Law
No.70 Law
Gryphon Neutral
Trumpeter Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Mothman Neutral
Incubus Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Renegade Mothman Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
No.85 Neutral
Oberon Neutral
Guede Neutral
Chernobog Neutral
Persephone Neutral
Hel Neutral
Sleipnir Neutral
Chimera Neutral
Bai Hu Neutral
Kirin Neutral
Pa Bil Sag Neutral
Bai Ze Neutral
Apis Neutral
Unicorn Neutral
Shiisa Neutral
Cerberus Neutral
Dawon Neutral
Tan-Ki Neutral
Orthrus Neutral
Inugami Neutral
Cu Sith Neutral
Cait Sith Neutral
Troll Neutral
Kelpie Neutral
Gandharva Neutral
Pyro Jack Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Masakado Neutral
Pale Rider Neutral
Yoshitsune Neutral
Black Rider Neutral
Red Rider Neutral
White Rider Neutral
Tokisada Neutral
Hell Biker Neutral
Alice Neutral
Matador Neutral
Saki Mitama Neutral
Kushimitama Neutral
Nigi Mitama Neutral
Ara Mitama Neutral
Hanuman Neutral
Hayagriva Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Fenrir Neutral
Catoblepas Neutral
Nue Neutral
Raiju Neutral
Gyuki Neutral
Bicorn Neutral
Garm Neutral
Vritra Neutral
Yamatano-Orochi Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
Naga Neutral
Nozuchi Neutral
Black Frost Neutral
Loa Neutral
Kaiwan Neutral
Fomorian Neutral
Empusa Neutral
Alp Neutral
Barong Neutral
Anubis Neutral
Narasimha Neutral
Xuan-Wu Neutral
Nandi Neutral
Kaichi Neutral
Makami Neutral
Santa Frost Neutral
Shishimai Frost Neutral
Santa Pyro Neutral
Shishimai Pyro Neutral
Partner, Shishimai Frost Neutral
Partner, Santa Frost Neutral
Brave Garm Neutral
Debug Frost Neutral
Mirror Inugami Neutral
Inferno Pyro Jack Neutral
Blizzard Jack Frost Neutral
Hospitable Pyro Jack Neutral
Naughty Pyro Jack Neutral
Shining Santa Frost Neutral
Shining Shishimai Frost Neutral
Lucky Valkyrie Neutral
Wounded Cerberus Neutral
Joyful Alice Neutral
Trendy Cait Sith Neutral
Pyro Jack Balloon Neutral
Dashing Pyro Jack Neutral
Glittery Pyro Santa Neutral
Shocking Cait Sith Neutral
Unruly Unicorn Neutral
Unruly Bicorn Neutral
Sleipnir, the King Neutral
Joyful Black Frost Neutral
Vallkyrie Neutral
Bike Neutral
Saien's Big Nozuchi Neutral
Wanderer Nozuchi Neutral
Wanderer Alp Neutral
Mammoth Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Red) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Black) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (White) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Gold) Neutral
Herald Bai Ze Neutral
Manifestation Jack Frost Neutral
Manifestation Bicorn Neutral
Manifestation Nozuchi Neutral
Stray Jack Frost Neutral
Manifestation Alice Neutral
Dengeki Unicorn Neutral
Nrisinha Neutral
Kelpy Neutral
Pyro Jack card Neutral
The Flood caller Tan-Ki Neutral
The Flood caller Kelpy Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Valkyrie En podio Neutral
No.8 Neutral
No.10 Neutral
No.18 Neutral
No.13 Neutral
No.6 Neutral
No.9 Neutral
No.15 Neutral
No.25 Neutral
No.28 Neutral
No.31 Neutral
No.23 Neutral
No.27 Neutral
No.30 Neutral
No.32 Neutral
Gluttonous Matador Neutral
Jealous Hell Biker Neutral
Prideful Black Frost Neutral
Lustful Alice Neutral
Crisis Neutral
Nightmare Neutral
Void Neutral
Crystal Inugami Neutral
Kaleidoscopic Inugami Neutral
No.41 Neutral
No.42 Neutral
No.44 Neutral
No.52 Neutral
UB - A06 Neutral
UB - B02 Neutral
000UB - B03 Neutral
UB - B06 Neutral
UB - B07 Neutral
UB - B08 Neutral
UB - B12 Neutral
UB - B13 Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
JF - 01 Neutral
JF - 02 Neutral
JF - 03 Neutral
Emperor? Black Frost Neutral
No.68 Neutral
No.69 Neutral
No.71 Neutral
No.87 Neutral
No.88 Neutral
No.89 Neutral
No.84 Neutral
No.95 Neutral
No.99 Neutral
No.101 Neutral
Mot Neutral
Senri Neutral
Flamies Neutral
Aquans Neutral
Aeros Neutral
Erthys Neutral
Joan of Arc Neutral
Cu Chulainn Neutral
Setanta Neutral
Yurlungur Neutral
Mizuchi Neutral
Goto Neutral
unclear Neutral
Ambitious Cu Chulainn Neutral
Cu Chulaim Neutral
The Flood caller Mizuchi Neutral
Lazy Mot Neutral
No.37 Neutral
UB - BLK Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Quetzalcoatl Chaos
Kingu Chaos
Basilisk Chaos
Cockatrice Chaos
No.7 Chaos
UB - A03 Chaos
Black Ooze Chaos
Blob Chaos
Slime Chaos
Kumbhanda Chaos
Legion Chaos
Chatterskull Chaos
Choronzon Chaos
Ghoul Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Huang-Long Chaos
Ananta Chaos
Qing-Long Chaos
Orobas Chaos
Forneus Chaos
Gorgon Chaos
Lamia Chaos
Onamuchi Chaos
Nidhoggr Chaos
Typhon Chaos
Tarasque Chaos
Mara Chaos
Ahriman Chaos
Alsiel Chaos
Abaddon Chaos
Hecate Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Herald Blob Chaos
Herald Slime Chaos
Manifestation Slime Chaos
Nidhoggrs Chaos
Mara? Chaos
The Flood caller Forneus Chaos
No.19 Chaos
No.5 Chaos
No.20 Chaos
No.21 Chaos
Peacemaker Forneus Chaos
Pleasure bringer Orobas Chaos
No.54 Chaos
No.58 Chaos
No.62 Chaos
No.63 Chaos
No.64 Chaos
No.66 Chaos
No.67 Chaos
No.90 Chaos
No.94 Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
No.92 Chaos
Seth Law
Samael Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Feng Huang Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Onmoraki Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
Tao Tie Law
Hecatonchires Law
Isora Law
Hecatonchires (F-BOSS) Law
The Flood caller Isora Law
UB - A01 Law
Gryphon Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Sleipnir Neutral
Chimera Neutral
Bai Hu Neutral
Kirin Neutral
Pa Bil Sag Neutral
Bai Ze Neutral
Apis Neutral
Unicorn Neutral
Shiisa Neutral
Cerberus Neutral
Dawon Neutral
Tan-Ki Neutral
Orthrus Neutral
Inugami Neutral
Cu Sith Neutral
Kelpie Neutral
Hayagriva Neutral
Fenrir Neutral
Catoblepas Neutral
Nue Neutral
Raiju Neutral
Gyuki Neutral
Bicorn Neutral
Garm Neutral
Vritra Neutral
Yamatano-Orochi Neutral
Black Frost Neutral
Loa Neutral
Kaiwan Neutral
Empusa Neutral
Barong Neutral
Anubis Neutral
Narasimha Neutral
Xuan-Wu Neutral
Nandi Neutral
Kaichi Neutral
Makami Neutral
Brave Garm Neutral
Mirror Inugami Neutral
Wounded Cerberus Neutral
Unruly Unicorn Neutral
Unruly Bicorn Neutral
Sleipnir, the King Neutral
Joyful Black Frost Neutral
Mammoth Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Red) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Black) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (White) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Gold) Neutral
Herald Bai Ze Neutral
Manifestation Bicorn Neutral
Dengeki Unicorn Neutral
Nrisinha Neutral
Kelpy Neutral
The Flood caller Tan-Ki Neutral
The Flood caller Kelpy Neutral
No.13 Neutral
No.6 Neutral
No.9 Neutral
No.25 Neutral
No.28 Neutral
No.31 Neutral
No.23 Neutral
No.30 Neutral
Prideful Black Frost Neutral
Crisis Neutral
Void Neutral
Crystal Inugami Neutral
Kaleidoscopic Inugami Neutral
No.44 Neutral
UB - B02 Neutral
000UB - B03 Neutral
UB - B06 Neutral
UB - B07 Neutral
UB - B08 Neutral
UB - B12 Neutral
UB - B13 Neutral
Emperor? Black Frost Neutral
No.68 Neutral
No.69 Neutral
No.71 Neutral
No.84 Neutral
No.95 Neutral
No.99 Neutral
No.101 Neutral
Lilith Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Kumbhanda Chaos
Ghoul Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Huang-Long Chaos
Gorgon Chaos
Lamia Chaos
Nidhoggr Chaos
Typhon Chaos
Tarasque Chaos
Ahriman Chaos
Hecate Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Nidhoggrs Chaos
No.5 Chaos
No.20 Chaos
No.90 Chaos
No.94 Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
No.92 Chaos
Andras Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
Winged messenger Andras Chaos
No.53 Chaos
Flauros Chaos
Vetala Chaos
Yakkha Chaos
Rangda Chaos
No.17 Chaos
No.93 Chaos
Isis Chaos
Lucifuge Rofocale Chaos
Seth Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Feng Huang Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Onmoraki Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
Horus Law
Garuda Law
Yata-Garasu Law
Suparna Law
Jatayu Law
Gurr Law
Furiae Law
Morrigan Law
Badb Catha Law
Aello Law
Celaeno Law
Ocypete Law
Harpy Law
Windy Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Furiae Law
Flame Furiae Law
Dense Forest Furiae Law
Dabster Furiae Law
Infamous Harpy Law
Shining Ocypete Law
Shining Celaeno Law
Shining Aello Law
Windy Harpy Law
Lighting Furiae Law
Dense Forest Ocypete Law
Flame Celaeno Law
Windy Aello Law
Shining Furiae Law
No.39 Law
No.40 Law
UB - B01 Law
UB - B04 Law
Satan Law
Macha Law
No.11 Law
Tezcatilpoca Law
Cyclops Law
Ogre Law
No.86 Law
No.91 Law
Anat Law
Gryphon Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Chimera Neutral
Bai Hu Neutral
Pa Bil Sag Neutral
Shiisa Neutral
Cerberus Neutral
Dawon Neutral
Orthrus Neutral
Fenrir Neutral
Nue Neutral
Raiju Neutral
Gyuki Neutral
Garm Neutral
Empusa Neutral
Barong Neutral
Brave Garm Neutral
Wounded Cerberus Neutral
No.13 Neutral
No.25 Neutral
No.28 Neutral
No.31 Neutral
No.23 Neutral
Void Neutral
No.44 Neutral
UB - B02 Neutral
UB - B12 Neutral
No.95 Neutral
Lilith Neutral
Mothman Neutral
Incubus Neutral
Renegade Mothman Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
No.85 Neutral
Cait Sith Neutral
Matador Neutral
Alp Neutral
Trendy Cait Sith Neutral
Shocking Cait Sith Neutral
Wanderer Alp Neutral
No.10 Neutral
No.32 Neutral
Gluttonous Matador Neutral
Senri Neutral
UB - BLK Neutral
Nekomata Neutral
Lucky Nekomata Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Kumbhanda Chaos
Ghoul Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Huang-Long Chaos
Gorgon Chaos
Lamia Chaos
Nidhoggr Chaos
Typhon Chaos
Tarasque Chaos
Ahriman Chaos
Hecate Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Nidhoggrs Chaos
No.5 Chaos
No.20 Chaos
No.90 Chaos
No.94 Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
No.92 Chaos
Andras Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
Winged messenger Andras Chaos
No.53 Chaos
Flauros Chaos
Vetala Chaos
Yakkha Chaos
Rangda Chaos
No.17 Chaos
No.93 Chaos
Isis Chaos
Lucifuge Rofocale Chaos
Quetzalcoatl Chaos
Kingu Chaos
Basilisk Chaos
Cockatrice Chaos
No.7 Chaos
UB - A03 Chaos
Black Ooze Chaos
Blob Chaos
Slime Chaos
Legion Chaos
Chatterskull Chaos
Choronzon Chaos
Ananta Chaos
Qing-Long Chaos
Orobas Chaos
Forneus Chaos
Onamuchi Chaos
Mara Chaos
Alsiel Chaos
Abaddon Chaos
Herald Blob Chaos
Herald Slime Chaos
Manifestation Slime Chaos
Mara? Chaos
The Flood caller Forneus Chaos
No.19 Chaos
No.21 Chaos
Peacemaker Forneus Chaos
Pleasure bringer Orobas Chaos
No.54 Chaos
No.58 Chaos
No.62 Chaos
No.63 Chaos
No.64 Chaos
No.66 Chaos
No.67 Chaos
Karasu-Tengu Chaos
Koppa-Tengu Chaos
No.26 Chaos
Koppa-Tengu Chaos
No.72 Chaos
No.73 Chaos
Ongyo-Ki Chaos
Yaksa Chaos
Turdak Chaos
Azumi Chaos
Shikigami Chaos
Oni Chaos
Kinki Chaos
Suiki Chaos
Fuki Chaos
Poltergeist Chaos
Ganga Chaos
Coatlicue Chaos
Azazel Chaos
Abraxas Chaos
Ose Chaos
Berith Chaos
Eligor Chaos
Dakini Chaos
Yaksni Chaos
Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
Taraka Chaos
Datsue-Ba Chaos
Arahabaki Chaos
Take-Minakata Chaos
Okuninushi Chaos
Sukunahikona Chaos
Kali Chaos
Artemis Chaos
Vasuki Chaos
Bishamonten Chaos
Jikokuten Chaos
Koumokuten Chaos
Zouchouten Chaos
Shiva Chaos
Indrajit Chaos
Susano-O Chaos
Kartikeya Chaos
Wu Kong Chaos
Beelzebub Human Chaos
Astaroth Chaos
Chi You Chaos
Surt Chaos
Loki Chaos
Moloch Chaos
King Frost Chaos
Yaksini Chaos
Lucky Datsue-Ba Chaos
Dabster Yaksini Chaos
Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
unclear Chaos
Ambitious Eligor Chaos
Christmas King Frost Chaos
King Frost Balloon Chaos
Beelzebub Chaos
Ose Chaos
Manifestation Oni Chaos
Ongyou-Ki Chaos
Kin-Ki Chaos
Sui-Ki Chaos
Astaroth Avatar Chaos
Astaroth Vision Chaos
The Flood caller Azumi Chaos
The Flood caller Ganga Chaos
No.16 Chaos
No.24 Chaos
War bringer Berith Chaos
Bringer of aging Eligor Chaos
Mystic Ose Chaos
Greedy Surt Chaos
No.35 Chaos
No.43 Chaos
UB - A04 Chaos
UB - A09 Chaos
UB - A11 Chaos
UB - B05 Chaos
UB - B10 Chaos
UB - B11 Chaos
No.55 Chaos
No.57 Chaos
No.59 Chaos
No.61 Chaos
No.79 Chaos
No.82 Chaos
Shadow Chaos
Phantom Chaos
Specter Chaos
Mou-Ryou Chaos
Will O'Wisp Chaos
Yomotsu-Ikusa Chaos
Momunofu Chaos
Decarabia Chaos
Dionysus Chaos
Renegade Momunofu Chaos
Spector Chaos
Popular Decarabia Chaos
Herald Mou-Ryou Chaos
Herald Will O'Wisps Chaos
No.22 Chaos
Magician Decarabia Chaos
UB - A07 Chaos
UB - A08 Chaos
No.56 Chaos
No.75 Chaos
No.76 Chaos
No.77 Chaos
No.78 Chaos
No.83 Chaos
Shiki-Ouji Chaos
Gomory Chaos
Shiki-Oujii Chaos
No.80 Chaos
Atropos Chaos
Lachesis Chaos
Clotho Chaos
Skadi Chaos
Parvati Chaos
Kushinada-Hime Chaos
Kikuri-Hime Chaos
Manifestation Kikuri-Hime Chaos
No.29 Chaos
No.48 Chaos
Seth Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Feng Huang Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Onmoraki Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
Horus Law
Garuda Law
Yata-Garasu Law
Suparna Law
Jatayu Law
Gurr Law
Furiae Law
Morrigan Law
Badb Catha Law
Aello Law
Celaeno Law
Ocypete Law
Harpy Law
Windy Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Furiae Law
Flame Furiae Law
Dense Forest Furiae Law
Dabster Furiae Law
Infamous Harpy Law
Shining Ocypete Law
Shining Celaeno Law
Shining Aello Law
Windy Harpy Law
Lighting Furiae Law
Dense Forest Ocypete Law
Flame Celaeno Law
Windy Aello Law
Shining Furiae Law
No.39 Law
No.40 Law
UB - B01 Law
UB - B04 Law
Satan Law
Macha Law
No.11 Law
Tezcatilpoca Law
Cyclops Law
Ogre Law
No.86 Law
No.91 Law
Anat Law
Samael Law
Tao Tie Law
Hecatonchires Law
Isora Law
Hecatonchires (F-BOSS) Law
The Flood caller Isora Law
UB - A01 Law
Mithra Law
Pazuzu Law
Baphomet Law
Zhen Law
Fly Law
Mithras Law
Chin Law
Dense Forest Chin Law
UB - A13 Law
Metatron Law
Seraph Law
Michael Law
Gabriel Law
Rafael Law
Uriel Law
Nyarlathotep Law
Power Law
Archangel Law
Raphael Law
Enormous Power Law
Dominion En podio Law
Metatron Avater Law
No.14 Law
Furious Uriel Law
Brahman Law
Vishnu Law
Baal Law
Odin Law
Atavaka Law
Indra Law
Thoth Law
Mada Law
Hathor Law
Take-Mikazuchi Law
Hino-Kagutsuchi Law
Girimehkala Law
Edimmu Law
Rakshasa Law
Ganesha Law
Efreet Law
Puksi Law
Jinn Law
Onkot Law
Titan Law
Sarutahiko Law
Ubelluris Law
Dwarf Law
Bucca-Boo Law
Knocker Law
Renegade Dwarf Law
unclear Law
Ambitious Odin Law
Takemikazuchi Law
Furious Takemikazuchi Law
Ubelluris' Law
Odin Vision Law
Mighty Mt. Dwarf Law
Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo Law
Mighty Mt. Titan Law
No.36 Law
UB - A02 Law
UB - A05 Law
UB - A12 Law
No.96 Law
No.97 Law
No.102 Law
No.103 Law
No.104 Law
No.105 Law
Alilato Law
Albion Law
Thor Law
Norn Law
Pallas Athena Law
Throne Law
Gogmagog Law
Sudama Law
Kodama Law
Manifestation Kodama Law
Pallas Athena Law
Throne Amina Law
Thor Vision Law
I.C.B.M Sudama Law
No.51 Law
No.60 Law
No.65 Law
No.70 Law
Dominion Law
Virtue Law
Principality Law
Angel Law
Hua Po Law
Lucky Hua Po Law
Lucky Angel Law
Lost Hua Po Law
Stray Angel Law
Enormous Angel Law
Hao Pao Law
Manifestation Angel Law
Snowflake Dominion Law
Dominion Amina Law
Virtues Amina Law
Principalities Law
Power En podio Law
No.12 Law
No.100 Law
Amaterasu Law
Lakshmi Law
Scathach Law
Sati Law
Freya Law
Sarasvati Law
Ameno-Uzume Law
Tsukuyomi Law
Omoikane Law
Dis Law
Apsaras Law
R07 Sirius Law
R07A Arcturus Law
F07S Aldebaran Law
F07H Vega Law
F07G Fomalhaut Law
Lucky Dis Law
Dabster Sarasvati Law
Izar α Law
Izar β Law
Izar γ Law
Ame-no-uzume Law
The Flood caller Apsaras Law
Freya En podio Law
Dis En podio Law
No.47 Law
No.49 Law
No.50 Law
Gryphon Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Chimera Neutral
Bai Hu Neutral
Pa Bil Sag Neutral
Shiisa Neutral
Cerberus Neutral
Dawon Neutral
Orthrus Neutral
Fenrir Neutral
Nue Neutral
Raiju Neutral
Gyuki Neutral
Garm Neutral
Empusa Neutral
Barong Neutral
Brave Garm Neutral
Wounded Cerberus Neutral
No.13 Neutral
No.25 Neutral
No.28 Neutral
No.31 Neutral
No.23 Neutral
Void Neutral
No.44 Neutral
UB - B02 Neutral
UB - B12 Neutral
No.95 Neutral
Lilith Neutral
Mothman Neutral
Incubus Neutral
Renegade Mothman Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
No.85 Neutral
Cait Sith Neutral
Matador Neutral
Alp Neutral
Trendy Cait Sith Neutral
Shocking Cait Sith Neutral
Wanderer Alp Neutral
No.10 Neutral
No.32 Neutral
Gluttonous Matador Neutral
Senri Neutral
UB - BLK Neutral
Nekomata Neutral
Lucky Nekomata Neutral
Sleipnir Neutral
Kirin Neutral
Bai Ze Neutral
Apis Neutral
Unicorn Neutral
Tan-Ki Neutral
Inugami Neutral
Cu Sith Neutral
Kelpie Neutral
Hayagriva Neutral
Catoblepas Neutral
Bicorn Neutral
Vritra Neutral
Yamatano-Orochi Neutral
Black Frost Neutral
Loa Neutral
Kaiwan Neutral
Anubis Neutral
Narasimha Neutral
Xuan-Wu Neutral
Nandi Neutral
Kaichi Neutral
Makami Neutral
Mirror Inugami Neutral
Unruly Unicorn Neutral
Unruly Bicorn Neutral
Sleipnir, the King Neutral
Joyful Black Frost Neutral
Mammoth Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Red) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Black) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (White) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Gold) Neutral
Herald Bai Ze Neutral
Manifestation Bicorn Neutral
Dengeki Unicorn Neutral
Nrisinha Neutral
Kelpy Neutral
The Flood caller Tan-Ki Neutral
The Flood caller Kelpy Neutral
No.6 Neutral
No.9 Neutral
No.30 Neutral
Prideful Black Frost Neutral
Crisis Neutral
Crystal Inugami Neutral
Kaleidoscopic Inugami Neutral
000UB - B03 Neutral
UB - B06 Neutral
UB - B07 Neutral
UB - B08 Neutral
UB - B13 Neutral
Emperor? Black Frost Neutral
No.68 Neutral
No.69 Neutral
No.71 Neutral
No.84 Neutral
No.99 Neutral
No.101 Neutral
Trumpeter Neutral
Oberon Neutral
Guede Neutral
Chernobog Neutral
Persephone Neutral
Hel Neutral
Troll Neutral
Gandharva Neutral
Pyro Jack Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Masakado Neutral
Pale Rider Neutral
Yoshitsune Neutral
Black Rider Neutral
Red Rider Neutral
White Rider Neutral
Tokisada Neutral
Hell Biker Neutral
Alice Neutral
Saki Mitama Neutral
Kushimitama Neutral
Nigi Mitama Neutral
Ara Mitama Neutral
Hanuman Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
Naga Neutral
Nozuchi Neutral
Fomorian Neutral
Santa Frost Neutral
Shishimai Frost Neutral
Santa Pyro Neutral
Shishimai Pyro Neutral
Partner, Shishimai Frost Neutral
Partner, Santa Frost Neutral
Debug Frost Neutral
Inferno Pyro Jack Neutral
Blizzard Jack Frost Neutral
Hospitable Pyro Jack Neutral
Naughty Pyro Jack Neutral
Shining Santa Frost Neutral
Shining Shishimai Frost Neutral
Lucky Valkyrie Neutral
Joyful Alice Neutral
Pyro Jack Balloon Neutral
Dashing Pyro Jack Neutral
Glittery Pyro Santa Neutral
Vallkyrie Neutral
Bike Neutral
Saien's Big Nozuchi Neutral
Wanderer Nozuchi Neutral
Manifestation Jack Frost Neutral
Manifestation Nozuchi Neutral
Stray Jack Frost Neutral
Manifestation Alice Neutral
Pyro Jack card Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Valkyrie En podio Neutral
No.8 Neutral
No.18 Neutral
No.15 Neutral
No.27 Neutral
Jealous Hell Biker Neutral
Lustful Alice Neutral
Nightmare Neutral
No.41 Neutral
No.42 Neutral
No.52 Neutral
UB - A06 Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
JF - 01 Neutral
JF - 02 Neutral
JF - 03 Neutral
No.87 Neutral
No.88 Neutral
No.89 Neutral
Mot Neutral
Flamies Neutral
Aquans Neutral
Aeros Neutral
Erthys Neutral
Joan of Arc Neutral
Cu Chulainn Neutral
Setanta Neutral
Yurlungur Neutral
Mizuchi Neutral
Goto Neutral
unclear Neutral
Ambitious Cu Chulainn Neutral
Cu Chulaim Neutral
The Flood caller Mizuchi Neutral
Lazy Mot Neutral
No.37 Neutral
Kurama-Tengu Neutral
UB - B09 Neutral
No.74 Neutral
High Pixie Neutral
Pixie Neutral
Succubus Neutral
Lilim Neutral
Leader Pixie Neutral
Stormy Pixie Neutral
Dabster Pixie Neutral
Dabster Succubus Neutral
Lucky Pixie Neutral
Lilim the Little Demon Neutral
Dreaming Pixie Neutral
Succubus Amina Neutral
Succubus Prox Neutral
Succubus Krustallos Neutral
Succubus Blonde Neutral
Succubus Anemos Neutral
Succubus En podio Neutral
No.33 Neutral
No.34 Neutral
No.38 Neutral
UB - A10 Neutral
Beiji Weng Neutral
Daisoujou Neutral
Seven stars of death Beiji Weng Neutral
No.81 Neutral
Titania Neutral
Elf Neutral
Nyx Neutral
Queen Mab Neutral
Lucky Titania Neutral
Dabster Titania Neutral
Dengeki Titonia Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Kumbhanda Chaos
Hecate Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
Flauros Chaos
Karasu-Tengu Chaos
No.26 Chaos
No.73 Chaos
Ongyo-Ki Chaos
Yaksa Chaos
Turdak Chaos
Oni Chaos
Kinki Chaos
Suiki Chaos
Fuki Chaos
Ose Chaos
Berith Chaos
Eligor Chaos
Dakini Chaos
Yaksni Chaos
Taraka Chaos
Okuninushi Chaos
Kali Chaos
Artemis Chaos
Bishamonten Chaos
Jikokuten Chaos
Koumokuten Chaos
Zouchouten Chaos
Shiva Chaos
Indrajit Chaos
Susano-O Chaos
Kartikeya Chaos
Wu Kong Chaos
Beelzebub Human Chaos
Astaroth Chaos
Chi You Chaos
Surt Chaos
Yaksini Chaos
Dabster Yaksini Chaos
Ambitious Eligor Chaos
Beelzebub Chaos
Ose Chaos
Manifestation Oni Chaos
Ongyou-Ki Chaos
Kin-Ki Chaos
Sui-Ki Chaos
Astaroth Avatar Chaos
Astaroth Vision Chaos
No.24 Chaos
War bringer Berith Chaos
Bringer of aging Eligor Chaos
Mystic Ose Chaos
Greedy Surt Chaos
No.43 Chaos
UB - B05 Chaos
UB - B10 Chaos
No.55 Chaos
No.57 Chaos
No.59 Chaos
Yomotsu-Ikusa Chaos
Momunofu Chaos
Renegade Momunofu Chaos
No.22 Chaos
UB - A08 Chaos
No.83 Chaos
Assassin Chaos
Frenzied Gaian Chaos
Punks Chaos
Punks Coward Chaos
Punks Leader Chaos
Morrigan Law
Macha Law
No.11 Law
Cyclops Law
Ogre Law
No.86 Law
No.91 Law
Anat Law
Fly Law
Seraph Law
Michael Law
Gabriel Law
Rafael Law
Uriel Law
Power Law
Archangel Law
Raphael Law
Enormous Power Law
Dominion En podio Law
No.14 Law
Furious Uriel Law
Vishnu Law
Odin Law
Atavaka Law
Indra Law
Take-Mikazuchi Law
Girimehkala Law
Rakshasa Law
Ganesha Law
Puksi Law
Onkot Law
Titan Law
Sarutahiko Law
Dwarf Law
Bucca-Boo Law
Renegade Dwarf Law
unclear Law
Ambitious Odin Law
Takemikazuchi Law
Furious Takemikazuchi Law
Odin Vision Law
Mighty Mt. Dwarf Law
Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo Law
Mighty Mt. Titan Law
No.36 Law
UB - A05 Law
UB - A12 Law
Albion Law
Thor Law
Pallas Athena Law
Thor Vision Law
Principality Law
Principalities Law
DB Kisugi Law
Ogami Law
Incubus Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
Cait Sith Neutral
Matador Neutral
Trendy Cait Sith Neutral
Shocking Cait Sith Neutral
No.10 Neutral
No.32 Neutral
Gluttonous Matador Neutral
Narasimha Neutral
Nrisinha Neutral
Oberon Neutral
Guede Neutral
Chernobog Neutral
Masakado Neutral
Pale Rider Neutral
Yoshitsune Neutral
Red Rider Neutral
White Rider Neutral
Tokisada Neutral
Alice Neutral
Hanuman Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Naga Neutral
Lucky Valkyrie Neutral
Joyful Alice Neutral
Vallkyrie Neutral
Manifestation Alice Neutral
Valkyrie En podio Neutral
Lustful Alice Neutral
Nightmare Neutral
No.41 Neutral
UB - A06 Neutral
Joan of Arc Neutral
Cu Chulainn Neutral
Setanta Neutral
Goto Neutral
unclear Neutral
Ambitious Cu Chulainn Neutral
Cu Chulaim Neutral
Beiji Weng Neutral
Seven stars of death Beiji Weng Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Artemis Chaos
UB - B10 Chaos
Assassin Chaos
Isis Chaos
Ganga Chaos
Coatlicue Chaos
The Flood caller Ganga Chaos
UB - A09 Chaos
UB - A11 Chaos
Gomory Chaos
Atropos Chaos
Lachesis Chaos
Clotho Chaos
Parvati Chaos
Kushinada-Hime Chaos
Kikuri-Hime Chaos
unclear Chaos
Manifestation Kikuri-Hime Chaos
No.29 Chaos
No.48 Chaos
Morrigan Law
Anat Law
Gabriel Law
Pallas Athena Law
Pallas Athena Law
Hathor Law
Norn Law
Angel Law
Hua Po Law
Lucky Hua Po Law
Lucky Angel Law
Lost Hua Po Law
Stray Angel Law
Enormous Angel Law
Hao Pao Law
Manifestation Angel Law
No.12 Law
No.100 Law
Amaterasu Law
Lakshmi Law
Sati Law
Freya Law
Sarasvati Law
Dis Law
Apsaras Law
Lucky Dis Law
Dabster Sarasvati Law
The Flood caller Apsaras Law
Freya En podio Law
Dis En podio Law
No.47 Law
Alice Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Lucky Valkyrie Neutral
Joyful Alice Neutral
Vallkyrie Neutral
Manifestation Alice Neutral
Valkyrie En podio Neutral
Lustful Alice Neutral
Nightmare Neutral
Joan of Arc Neutral
Persephone Neutral
Hel Neutral
High Pixie Neutral
Pixie Neutral
Leader Pixie Neutral
Stormy Pixie Neutral
Dabster Pixie Neutral
Lucky Pixie Neutral
unclear Neutral
Dreaming Pixie Neutral
No.33 Neutral
No.34 Neutral
No.38 Neutral
Titania Neutral
Elf Neutral
Lucky Titania Neutral
Dabster Titania Neutral
Dengeki Titonia Neutral


Demon Alignment Family
Artemis Chaos
UB - B10 Chaos
Assassin Chaos
Isis Chaos
Ganga Chaos
Coatlicue Chaos
The Flood caller Ganga Chaos
UB - A09 Chaos
UB - A11 Chaos
Gomory Chaos
Atropos Chaos
Lachesis Chaos
Clotho Chaos
Parvati Chaos
Kushinada-Hime Chaos
Kikuri-Hime Chaos
unclear Chaos
Manifestation Kikuri-Hime Chaos
No.29 Chaos
No.48 Chaos
Kumbhanda Chaos
Hecate Chaos
No.98 Chaos
Beelzebub Fly Chaos
Flauros Chaos
Ongyo-Ki Chaos
Yaksa Chaos
Turdak Chaos
Oni Chaos
Kinki Chaos
Suiki Chaos
Fuki Chaos
Ose Chaos
Berith Chaos
Eligor Chaos
Dakini Chaos
Yaksni Chaos
Taraka Chaos
Okuninushi Chaos
Kali Chaos
Bishamonten Chaos
Jikokuten Chaos
Koumokuten Chaos
Zouchouten Chaos
Shiva Chaos
Indrajit Chaos
Susano-O Chaos
Kartikeya Chaos
Wu Kong Chaos
Beelzebub Human Chaos
Astaroth Chaos
Chi You Chaos
Surt Chaos
Yaksini Chaos
Dabster Yaksini Chaos
Ambitious Eligor Chaos
Beelzebub Chaos
Ose Chaos
Manifestation Oni Chaos
Ongyou-Ki Chaos
Kin-Ki Chaos
Sui-Ki Chaos
Astaroth Avatar Chaos
Astaroth Vision Chaos
No.24 Chaos
War bringer Berith Chaos
Bringer of aging Eligor Chaos
Mystic Ose Chaos
Greedy Surt Chaos
No.43 Chaos
UB - B05 Chaos
No.55 Chaos
No.57 Chaos
No.59 Chaos
Momunofu Chaos
Renegade Momunofu Chaos
No.22 Chaos
Frenzied Gaian Chaos
Punks Chaos
Punks Coward Chaos
Punks Leader Chaos
Ghoul Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Huang-Long Chaos
Gorgon Chaos
Lamia Chaos
Nidhoggr Chaos
Typhon Chaos
Tarasque Chaos
Ahriman Chaos
Gaki Chaos
Nidhoggrs Chaos
No.5 Chaos
No.20 Chaos
No.90 Chaos
No.94 Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
Pisaca Chaos
No.92 Chaos
Andras Chaos
Winged messenger Andras Chaos
No.53 Chaos
Vetala Chaos
Yakkha Chaos
Rangda Chaos
No.17 Chaos
No.93 Chaos
Lucifuge Rofocale Chaos
Quetzalcoatl Chaos
Kingu Chaos
Basilisk Chaos
Cockatrice Chaos
No.7 Chaos
UB - A03 Chaos
Black Ooze Chaos
Blob Chaos
Slime Chaos
Legion Chaos
Chatterskull Chaos
Choronzon Chaos
Ananta Chaos
Qing-Long Chaos
Orobas Chaos
Forneus Chaos
Onamuchi Chaos
Alsiel Chaos
Abaddon Chaos
Herald Blob Chaos
Herald Slime Chaos
Manifestation Slime Chaos
Mara? Chaos
The Flood caller Forneus Chaos
No.19 Chaos
No.21 Chaos
Peacemaker Forneus Chaos
Pleasure bringer Orobas Chaos
No.54 Chaos
No.58 Chaos
No.62 Chaos
No.63 Chaos
No.64 Chaos
No.66 Chaos
No.67 Chaos
Azumi Chaos
Shikigami Chaos
Poltergeist Chaos
Azazel Chaos
Abraxas Chaos
Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
Arahabaki Chaos
Take-Minakata Chaos
Sukunahikona Chaos
Vasuki Chaos
Loki Chaos
Moloch Chaos
King Frost Chaos
Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome Chaos
Christmas King Frost Chaos
King Frost Balloon Chaos
The Flood caller Azumi Chaos
No.35 Chaos
UB - A04 Chaos
UB - B11 Chaos
No.61 Chaos
No.79 Chaos
No.82 Chaos
Decarabia Chaos
Popular Decarabia Chaos
Magician Decarabia Chaos
No.56 Chaos
Shiki-Ouji Chaos
Shiki-Oujii Chaos
No.80 Chaos
Skadi Chaos
Morrigan Law
Anat Law
Gabriel Law
Pallas Athena Law
Hathor Law
Norn Law
Angel Law
Hua Po Law
Lucky Hua Po Law
Lucky Angel Law
Lost Hua Po Law
Stray Angel Law
Enormous Angel Law
Hao Pao Law
Manifestation Angel Law
No.12 Law
No.100 Law
Amaterasu Law
Lakshmi Law
Sati Law
Freya Law
Sarasvati Law
Dis Law
Apsaras Law
Lucky Dis Law
Dabster Sarasvati Law
The Flood caller Apsaras Law
Freya En podio Law
Dis En podio Law
No.47 Law
Macha Law
No.11 Law
Cyclops Law
Ogre Law
No.86 Law
No.91 Law
Fly Law
Seraph Law
Michael Law
Rafael Law
Uriel Law
Power Law
Archangel Law
Raphael Law
Enormous Power Law
Dominion En podio Law
No.14 Law
Furious Uriel Law
Vishnu Law
Odin Law
Atavaka Law
Indra Law
Take-Mikazuchi Law
Girimehkala Law
Rakshasa Law
Ganesha Law
Puksi Law
Onkot Law
Titan Law
Sarutahiko Law
Dwarf Law
Bucca-Boo Law
Renegade Dwarf Law
unclear Law
Ambitious Odin Law
Takemikazuchi Law
Furious Takemikazuchi Law
Odin Vision Law
Mighty Mt. Dwarf Law
Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo Law
Mighty Mt. Titan Law
No.36 Law
UB - A05 Law
UB - A12 Law
Albion Law
Thor Law
Thor Vision Law
Principality Law
Principalities Law
DB Kisugi Law
Ogami Law
Seth Law
Zhu Que Law
Phoenix Law
Feng Huang Law
Hresvelgr Law
Anzu Law
Camazotz Law
Onmoraki Law
Manifestation Onmoraki Law
Flame Onmoraki Law
Shadowy Camazotz Law
Horus Law
Garuda Law
Yata-Garasu Law
Suparna Law
Jatayu Law
Gurr Law
Furiae Law
Badb Catha Law
Aello Law
Celaeno Law
Ocypete Law
Harpy Law
Windy Furiae Law
Mighty Mt. Furiae Law
Flame Furiae Law
Dense Forest Furiae Law
Dabster Furiae Law
Infamous Harpy Law
Shining Ocypete Law
Shining Celaeno Law
Shining Aello Law
Windy Harpy Law
Lighting Furiae Law
Dense Forest Ocypete Law
Flame Celaeno Law
Windy Aello Law
Shining Furiae Law
No.39 Law
No.40 Law
UB - B01 Law
UB - B04 Law
Satan Law
Tezcatilpoca Law
Samael Law
Tao Tie Law
Hecatonchires Law
Isora Law
Hecatonchires (F-BOSS) Law
The Flood caller Isora Law
UB - A01 Law
Mithra Law
Pazuzu Law
Baphomet Law
Zhen Law
Mithras Law
Chin Law
Dense Forest Chin Law
UB - A13 Law
Metatron Law
Metatron Avater Law
Brahman Law
Baal Law
Thoth Law
Mada Law
Edimmu Law
Efreet Law
Jinn Law
Ubelluris Law
Knocker Law
Ubelluris' Law
UB - A02 Law
No.96 Law
No.97 Law
No.102 Law
No.103 Law
No.104 Law
No.105 Law
Throne Law
Gogmagog Law
Throne Amina Law
No.51 Law
Dominion Law
Virtue Law
Snowflake Dominion Law
Dominion Amina Law
Virtues Amina Law
Power En podio Law
Scathach Law
Omoikane Law
R07A Arcturus Law
F07S Aldebaran Law
F07H Vega Law
F07G Fomalhaut Law
Izar α Law
Izar β Law
Izar γ Law
No.49 Law
No.50 Law
Beelzebub Law
Alice Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Lucky Valkyrie Neutral
Joyful Alice Neutral
Vallkyrie Neutral
Manifestation Alice Neutral
Valkyrie En podio Neutral
Lustful Alice Neutral
Nightmare Neutral
Joan of Arc Neutral
Persephone Neutral
Hel Neutral
High Pixie Neutral
Pixie Neutral
Leader Pixie Neutral
Stormy Pixie Neutral
Dabster Pixie Neutral
Lucky Pixie Neutral
unclear Neutral
Dreaming Pixie Neutral
No.33 Neutral
No.34 Neutral
No.38 Neutral
Titania Neutral
Elf Neutral
Lucky Titania Neutral
Dabster Titania Neutral
Dengeki Titonia Neutral
Incubus Neutral
Incubus Amina Neutral
Incubus Prox Neutral
Incubus Krustallos Neutral
Incubus Blonde Neutral
Incubus Anemos Neutral
Incubus En podio Neutral
Cait Sith Neutral
Matador Neutral
Trendy Cait Sith Neutral
Shocking Cait Sith Neutral
No.10 Neutral
No.32 Neutral
Gluttonous Matador Neutral
Narasimha Neutral
Nrisinha Neutral
Oberon Neutral
Guede Neutral
Chernobog Neutral
Masakado Neutral
Pale Rider Neutral
Yoshitsune Neutral
Red Rider Neutral
White Rider Neutral
Tokisada Neutral
Hanuman Neutral
Naga Neutral
No.41 Neutral
UB - A06 Neutral
Cu Chulainn Neutral
Setanta Neutral
Goto Neutral
Ambitious Cu Chulainn Neutral
Cu Chulaim Neutral
Beiji Weng Neutral
Seven stars of death Beiji Weng Neutral
Gryphon Neutral
Mother Harlot Neutral
Tao Wu Neutral
Sphinx Neutral
Chimera Neutral
Bai Hu Neutral
Pa Bil Sag Neutral
Shiisa Neutral
Cerberus Neutral
Dawon Neutral
Orthrus Neutral
Fenrir Neutral
Nue Neutral
Raiju Neutral
Gyuki Neutral
Garm Neutral
Empusa Neutral
Barong Neutral
Brave Garm Neutral
Wounded Cerberus Neutral
No.13 Neutral
No.25 Neutral
No.28 Neutral
No.31 Neutral
No.23 Neutral
Void Neutral
No.44 Neutral
UB - B02 Neutral
UB - B12 Neutral
No.95 Neutral
Lilith Neutral
Mothman Neutral
Renegade Mothman Neutral
No.85 Neutral
Alp Neutral
Wanderer Alp Neutral
Senri Neutral
UB - BLK Neutral
Nekomata Neutral
Lucky Nekomata Neutral
Sleipnir Neutral
Kirin Neutral
Bai Ze Neutral
Apis Neutral
Unicorn Neutral
Tan-Ki Neutral
Inugami Neutral
Cu Sith Neutral
Kelpie Neutral
Hayagriva Neutral
Catoblepas Neutral
Bicorn Neutral
Yamatano-Orochi Neutral
Black Frost Neutral
Loa Neutral
Kaiwan Neutral
Anubis Neutral
Xuan-Wu Neutral
Nandi Neutral
Kaichi Neutral
Makami Neutral
Mirror Inugami Neutral
Unruly Unicorn Neutral
Unruly Bicorn Neutral
Sleipnir, the King Neutral
Joyful Black Frost Neutral
Mammoth Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Red) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Black) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (White) Neutral
Baby Goldfish (Gold) Neutral
Herald Bai Ze Neutral
Manifestation Bicorn Neutral
Dengeki Unicorn Neutral
Kelpy Neutral
The Flood caller Tan-Ki Neutral
The Flood caller Kelpy Neutral
No.6 Neutral
No.9 Neutral
No.30 Neutral
Prideful Black Frost Neutral
Crisis Neutral
Crystal Inugami Neutral
Kaleidoscopic Inugami Neutral
000UB - B03 Neutral
UB - B06 Neutral
UB - B07 Neutral
UB - B08 Neutral
UB - B13 Neutral
Emperor? Black Frost Neutral
No.68 Neutral
No.69 Neutral
No.71 Neutral
No.84 Neutral
No.99 Neutral
No.101 Neutral
Trumpeter Neutral
Troll Neutral
Gandharva Neutral
Pyro Jack Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
Black Rider Neutral
Hell Biker Neutral
Saki Mitama Neutral
Kushimitama Neutral
Nigi Mitama Neutral
Ara Mitama Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
Fomorian Neutral
Santa Frost Neutral
Shishimai Frost Neutral
Santa Pyro Neutral
Shishimai Pyro Neutral
Partner, Shishimai Frost Neutral
Partner, Santa Frost Neutral
Debug Frost Neutral
Inferno Pyro Jack Neutral
Blizzard Jack Frost Neutral
Hospitable Pyro Jack Neutral
Naughty Pyro Jack Neutral
Shining Santa Frost Neutral
Shining Shishimai Frost Neutral
Pyro Jack Balloon Neutral
Dashing Pyro Jack Neutral
Glittery Pyro Santa Neutral
Bike Neutral
Manifestation Jack Frost Neutral
Stray Jack Frost Neutral
Pyro Jack card Neutral
Jack Frost Neutral
No.8 Neutral
No.18 Neutral
No.15 Neutral
No.27 Neutral
Jealous Hell Biker Neutral
No.42 Neutral
No.52 Neutral
Raja Naga Neutral
JF - 01 Neutral
JF - 02 Neutral
JF - 03 Neutral
Yurlungur Neutral
Mizuchi Neutral
The Flood caller Mizuchi Neutral
No.37 Neutral
Kurama-Tengu Neutral
UB - B09 Neutral
No.74 Neutral
Succubus Neutral
Lilim Neutral
Dabster Succubus Neutral
Lilim the Little Demon Neutral
Succubus Amina Neutral
Succubus Prox Neutral
Succubus Krustallos Neutral
Succubus Blonde Neutral
Succubus Anemos Neutral
Succubus En podio Neutral
UB - A10 Neutral
Daisoujou Neutral
No.81 Neutral
Nyx Neutral
Queen Mab Neutral