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This demon cannot be obtained in any way, as it is enemy only.
Demon Statistics
{{{Picture}}} Name
Family {{{Family}}} Race {{{Race}}}
Inheritance Growth
Alignment {{{Alignment}}} Level {{{Level}}}
HP Melee
MP Ranged
Strength Spell
Magic Auxiliary
Vitality Phy. Defense
Intelligence Mgc. Defense
Speed Crit. Occurrence
Luck Crit. Avoidance
LB Chance LB Damage
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
Slash (SLA) Thrust (THR) Blunt (BLT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PIR) Spread (SPR)

Fire (FIR) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELC) Force (FRC) Expel (XPL) Death (DTH)

Mystic (MYS) Nerve (NRV) Mind (MND) Almighty (ALM) Curative (CR) Support (SPT)

Words of Power (WSP) Special (UNQ) Suicide (S.Epl)


Demon Skills
Enemy Only Skills

<!-- Demon Statistics -->

| Picture	= 
| Name		= 
| Level		= 
| Race	        = 
| Family           = 
| Alignment  = 
| Appearance= 
| HP		= 
| MP		= 
| Str		= 
| Melee	= 
| Mag		= 
| Ranged	= 
| Vit		= 
| Spell	= 
| Int		= 
| Aux  	= 
| Spd		= 
| PDef	= 
| Luck	= 
| MDef	= 
| CritOcc	        =
| CritAvd	        =
| LBCh	=
| LBDmg	=
| Inheritance= 
| Growth	 = 
| Drops       = 
| XP            = 

<!-- Features (Call features as templates) -->

| feat1		= 
| feat2		= 
| feat3		= 
| feat4		= 

<!-- Affinity Statistics -->

| Physical Resistance	= 
| Magical Resistance	= 
| Slash		= 
| SlashNAR	= 
| Thrust	= 
| ThrustNAR	= 
| Blunt		= 
| BluntNAR	= 
| Projectile	= 
| ProjectileNAR	= 
| Spread	= 
| SpreadNAR	= 
| Penetrate	= 
| PenetrateNAR	= 
| Fire		= 
| FireNAR	= 
| Ice		= 
| IceNAR	= 
| Force		= 
| ForceNAR	= 
| Electric	= 
| ElectricNAR	= 
| Expel		= 
| ExpelNAR	= 
| Death		= 
| DeathNAR	= 
| Mystic = 
| MysticNAR	= 
| Nerve		= 
| NerveNAR	= 
| Mind		= 
| MindNAR	= 
| Almighty	= 
| AlmightyNAR	= 
| Recovery	= 
| RecoveryNAR	= 
| Support	= 
| SupportNAR	= 
| Kotodama	= 
| KotodamaNAR	= 
| Suicide	= 
| SuicideNAR	= 
| Special	= 
| SpecialNAR	= 

<!-- Demon Skills -->

| DemonSkill1	= 
| DemonSkill2	= 
| DemonSkill3	= 
| DemonSkill4	= 
| DemonSkill5	= 
| DemonSkill6	= 
| DemonSkill7	= 
| DemonSkill8	= 

<!-- Enemy Demon Skills -->

| EnemySkill1	= 
| EnemySkill2	= 
| EnemySkill3	= 
| EnemySkill4	= 
| EnemySkill5	= 
| EnemySkill6	= 
| EnemySkill7	= 
| EnemySkill8	= 