Demonic Features: Difference between revisions

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(49 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
{{Flash Demons}}
{{Flash Demons}}
{{Slash Boost Demons}}
{{The Sound of Horse Hooves Demons}}
{{The Sound of Horse Hooves Demons}}
{{Strong Arm Demons}}
{{Strong Arm Demons}}
Line 16: Line 17:
{{Demon Destroyer's Sword Demons}}
{{Demon Destroyer's Sword Demons}}
{{Malice Demons}}
{{Malice Demons}}
{{The One Who Reigns over Gluttony Demons}}
{{Magic Torrent Demons}}
{{Magic Torrent Demons}}
{{Mind Induct Demons}}
{{Mind Induct Demons}}
{{Singsong Demons}}
{{Nerve Wield Demons}}
{{Nerve Wield Demons}}
{{Healing Kind Demons}}
{{Healing Kind Demons}}
{{Distant Prayer Demons}}
{{Warrior's Desire Demons}}
{{Warrior's Desire Demons}}
{{Companion of Hades Demons}}
{{Hand of Fate Demons}}
{{The First Angel Demons}}
{{The One of God's Image Demons}}
{{Unmatched Force Demons}}
{{Sunshine Demons}}
{{Unmelting Mind of Justice Demons}}
{{Ferocious Stance Demons}}
{{Saint's Prayer Demons}}
{{Boost of Four Gates Demons}}
{{Babylon the Great Demons}}
{{Keen Insight of Death Demons}}

==Affinity Negation==
==Affinity Negation==
Line 29: Line 44:
{{Invisibility Cap Demons}}
{{Invisibility Cap Demons}}
{{Kenpo Kill Demons}}
{{Kenpo Kill Demons}}
{{Chief God of the Army Demons}}

==Affinity Absorption==
==Affinity Absorption==
Line 38: Line 53:
{{Wind Rider Demons}}
{{Wind Rider Demons}}
{{Tenochtitlan Demons}}
{{Tenochtitlan Demons}}

==Race Boost==
==Race Boost==
Line 44: Line 58:
{{Beast Hunter Demons}}
{{Beast Hunter Demons}}
{{Dragon Killer Demons}}
{{Dragon Killer Demons}}
{{God Killer Demons}}
{{Grudgeful Woman Demons}}

==Race Resistance==
==Race Resistance==
Line 51: Line 66:
{{Death-Crazy Demons}}
{{Death-Crazy Demons}}
{{God of Demons Demons}}
{{God of Demons Demons}}

==Status Negation==
==Status Negation==
Line 58: Line 72:
{{Incubus Demons}}
{{Incubus Demons}}
{{Poison Glance Demons}}
{{Poison Glance Demons}}
{{Possession Protection Demons}}

{{Breath of Victory Demons}}
{{Step32 Demons}}
{{Step32 Demons}}
{{Fruits of Labor Demons}}
{{Fruits of Labor Demons}}
Line 68: Line 83:
{{Great Wit Demons}}
{{Great Wit Demons}}
{{Greatest Wit Demons}}
{{Greatest Wit Demons}}
{{Not yet Evidence of Existence Demons}}
{{Technician Demons}}
{{Technician Demons}}
{{Sorcery Torrent Demons}}
{{Guardian of Royal Power Demons}}
{{Archduke of Hell Demons}}
{{Spirit Breath of Reason Demons}}
{{Incarnation of Wordly Desires Demons}}
{{Boat Ride in the Desert Demons}}
{{Gold Rush Woman Demons}}
{{God of the Mountain Demons}}
{{Cursed Ring Demons}}
{{Vizier of Hell Demons}}

Line 95: Line 120:
{{The Three Nobles Demons}}
{{The Three Nobles Demons}}
{{Doso Goddess Demons}}
{{Doso Goddess Demons}}
{{Doso God Demons}}
{{Three Harpy Sisters E Demons}}
{{Three Harpy Sisters E Demons}}
{{Three Harpy Sisters M Demons}}
{{Three Harpy Sisters M Demons}}
{{Three Harpy Sisters Y Demons}}
{{Three Harpy Sisters Y Demons}}
{{Valley of the Kings Demons}}
{{Valley of the Kings Demons}}
{{Milton Demons}}
{{Four Spirits Demons}}
{{Eternal Slumber Demons}}
{{Three Precious Children Demons}}
{{Yōni samādhī Demons}}
{{Entourage Demons}}
{{Goodness of Illusion Demons}}
{{Bad Illusion Demons}}
{{Illusion Keeper Demons}}
{{Illusion Partner Demons}}
{{Illusion Leader Demons}}
{{Illusion Raiders Demons}}
{{Illusion Father Demons}}
{{Illusion Supervisor Demons}}
{{Illusion Student Demons}}
{{Illusion Child Demons}}

Line 105: Line 146:
{{Fairy Queen Demons}}
{{Fairy Queen Demons}}
{{Fairy King Demons}}
{{Fairy King Demons}}

==Crafting Assistance==
==Crafting Assistance==
Line 113: Line 153:
{{Nocturnus Assist Demons}}
{{Nocturnus Assist Demons}}
{{Sleepless Gunman Demons}}
{{Sleepless Gunman Demons}}
{{Earth Element Assist Demons}}
{{Jirae Assist Demons}}
{{Master of Swordsmith Demons}}
{{Master of Swordsmith Demons}}
{{Mother Earth Assist Demons}}
{{Mother Earth Assist Demons}}
{{Moon Goddess Demons}}
{{Moon Goddess Demons}}

==Demon Variations==
==Demon Variations==
Line 132: Line 171:
{{Great Joy Demons}}
{{Great Joy Demons}}
{{Thoroughbred of the Kings Demons}}
{{Thoroughbred of the Kings Demons}}
{{Open-Mind Demons}}
{{Extreme Red Color Demons}}
{{Extreme Blue Color Demons}}
{{Extreme Yellow Color Demons}}
{{Extreme Green Color Demons}}
{{Innocent Demons}}
{{Reach of Youthful Exuberance Demons}}
{{Butterfly's Wild Dance Demons}}
{{Glory of Heroism Demons}}
{{Clear Mind Demons}}
{{Confidant Demons}}
{{Hero Demons}}
{{Sailing Waves Demons}}
{{Unusual Talent Demons}}
{{Intelligent Demons}}
{{Dedication Demons}}
{{Proud Lord Demons}}
{{Manifested Lord Demons}}
{{Sweet White Demons}}
{{Bitter Black Demons}}
{{IC 1 Demons}}
{{IC 3 Demons}}
{{IC 5 Demons}}
{{IC 10 Demons}}
{{Young Demons}}
{{Rapture Demons}}
{{Premature Demons}}
{{Quickly Produced Demons}}
{{Horse Affinity Demons}}
{{Scarlet Illusion Demons}}
{{Illusion of Love Demons}}
{{Illusion of Recitation Demons}}
{{Illusion of Worldly Desires Demons}}
{{Present from the Angels Demons}}
{{Ruler of the Witches' Sabbath Demons}}
{{Musical Festival Demons}}
{{Usage of the Mysterious Person Demons}}
{{Fiery Demons}}
{{Kuyo Demons}}
{{The Conqueror Demons}}
{{Brave Red Capote Demons}}
{{Proud Black Demons}}
{{Summer Boost Demons}}
{{Late Afternoon Demons}}
{{Heaven-Piercing Demons}}
{{Ulster Demons}}
{{The Four of the Summer Demons}}

==Enemy Only==
==Enemy Only==
{{Rondo of Destruction Demons}}
{{Rondo of Destruction Demons}}
{{Sorcery Torrent Demons}}
{{Unhuman Demons}}
{{Unhuman Demons}}
{{Makai Reincarnate Demons}}
{{Makai Reincarnate Demons}}

Latest revision as of 02:03, 7 November 2023

This is a compilation of all known Demonic Features.

Affinity Boost

Feature Name Description Demons
Flash A demon with refined sword techniques.
Slash-based skills are 20% more effective.
UrielPallas AthenaTake-MikazuchiGirimekhalaRakshasaMorriganGaneshaTitanBeiji WengCait SithMatadorYoshitsuneHanumanNarasimhaYaksaTurdakOseEligorDakiniYaksniTarakaOkuninushiKaliBishamontenKoumokutenWu KongKresnikPulukishiDakiniOse Hallel
Slash Boost Slash-based skills are 50% more effective. Masakado
The Sound of Horse
A demon with hardened horse hooves.
Thrust skills are 50% more effective.
SleipnirKirinBai ZeApisUnicornValkyrieBicornNandiXiezhaiBerithEligorChi You
Strong Arm A demon with a strong arm.
Blunt-based skills are 20% more effective.
ThorHecatonchiresCyclopsOgreUbellurisTan-KiHanumanNueNozuchiNarasimhaOngyo-KiFukiSuikiKinkiOniOseJikokutenZouchoutenWu KongBai HuAtavakaTajikaraoMadaAresOse HallelFafnir
Falcon's Eye A demon hunter with Falcon's eyes.
Handgun and Penentrate based skills are 20%
more effective.
ArtemisKartikeyaInexperienced KartikeyaDiana
Fire Boost A demon with proficient control of flame.
Fire-based skills are 50% more effective.
UrielZhu QuePhoenixFeng HuangSatiHathorOnmorakiThroneEfreetHua PoMotCerberusDawonOrthrusJack O'LanternFlamiesHell BikerHayagrivaFenrirLoaSanta PyroBerithAndrasParvatiTyphonTarasqueDionysusWu KongSurtVouivreYamatano-OrochiChimeraMadaSamaelSeraphVritraHino-Kagutsuchi
Ice Boost A demon with proficient control of ice.
Ice-based skills are 50% more effective.
HresvelgrIsoraApsarasBucca-BooBeiji WengFrost AceJack FrostAquansNueMizuchiBlack FrostSanta FrostShishimai FrostSuikiAzumiQuetzalcoatlQing-LongGangaForneusArahabakiTyphonKing FrostVivianXuan WuBai HuAnantaIsisVasukiLeanan SidheYuki JyorouKudlakBai Suzhen
Electricity Boost A demon with proficient control of lightning.
Electricity attacks are 50% more effective.
GabrielThorIndraMishagujiPazuzuSethTake-MikazuchiEdimmuApsarasShiisaHigh PixieStormy PixieErthysTao WuNueRaijuMother HarlotLilithLilimKinkiShikigamiCoatlicueOnamuchiIndrajitAstarothBaalzebulBeelzebubYurlungurBarongMishagujiIndrajitKinguVasukiTake-MinakataProud Lord Beelzebub
A Feather in the
A demon with large wings.
Force-based skills are 20% more effective.
RafaelUrielGarudaYata-GarasuZhu QueSuparnaPhoenixJatayuFeng HuangHresvelgrCamazotzFuriaeZhenOnmorakiThroneDominionVirtuePowerPrincipalityArchangelAngelBadb CathaAelloCelaenoOcypeteMachaHarpyKurama-TenguMothmanKarasu-TenguKoppa-TenguCockatriceBasiliskAnzuSamaelSethSeraph
Force Boost A demon with proficient control of the winds.
Force-based skills are 50% more effective.
MetatronGabrielRafaelSethSuparnaMorriganHarpyMuu ShuwuuSudamaKodamaAerosHell BikerKurama-TenguMothmanLoaFukiKarasu-TenguKoppa-TenguPoltergeistOrobasSkadiChi YouMara (Amorphous)KresnikYurlungurAnzuJinnKumbhandaMaraSeraphHuntress SkadiGryphon
Demon Destroyer's
A demon with a sword that expels magic.
Expel-based attacks are 50% more effective.
Malice A demon who resents the living.
Death-based skills are 50% more effective.
The One Who Reigns over Gluttony +100% Death damage BeelzebubBaalzebulConquering BaalzebulProud Lord BeelzebubManifestation of Lord Beelzebub
Magic Torrent A demon with immense magical power.
Mystic damage +50%.
MithraOdinThothSethSamaelNyarlathotepTao TiePazuzuBaphometPallas AthenaScathachGirimekhalaDisBeiji WengTitaniaAliceTao WuBlack FrostLoaShadowPhantomSpecterShiki-OujiLegionChoronzonOrobasDecarabiaAndrasArahabakiLokiHecateYamatano-OrochiTzitzimitlNyxAlilatNornLakshmiSamaelClothoLachesisKudlakTzitzimitlBai SuzhenRuler of the Witches' Sabbath BaphometDianaLucifuge
Mind Induct A demon who can manipulate the mind of others.
Mind-based skills are 50% more effective.
NyarlathotepTao TieAliceMatadorCu SithKelpieCatoblepasBicornIncubusSuccubusBlack FrostKaiwanLoaLilithNandiPisacaDionysusYurlungurDavidNyxMadaLeanan SidheArachneKudlak
Singsong Incantation time - 30%. Mind-affinity skills are 50% more effective. Utai-Gaikotsu
Nerve Wield A demon who can control the nervous system
of others.
Nerve-based skills are 50% more effective.
NyarlathotepPallas AthenaAliceGyukiCatoblepasKaiwanMakamiAzumiDatsue-BaYomotsu-ShikomeVetalaOrobasDionysusMishagujiYuki JyorouRangdaFafnir
Healing Kind A demon who heals your pain.
Curative skills are 50% more effective.
RafaelPallas AthenaFortunaFreyaSarasvatiAmeno-UzumeHathorAngelHua PoHelInexperienced Bai ZeElfXiezhaiParvatiArtemisVivianJeanne D'ArcAlilatGabrielKinnariClothoBai Suzhen
Eternal Prayer A demon who heals your pain.
Curative skills are 100% more effective.
Amaterasu (M)AnantaJeanne D'ArcSphinxAnubisBlack Maria
Warrior's Desire A demon fighting for a place to die.
Suicide-based skills are 50% more effective
Companion of Hades While using Suicide-affinity skills: Suicide damage + 50%. Final critical correction + 10%. Suicide-affinity cap + 50% Utai-Gaikotsu
Hand of Fate +30% Expel
+30% Death
The First Angel Expel-based attacks are 100% more effective. Michael
The One of God's Image +30% Melee damage
+30% Ranged damage
+30% Almighty
Unmatched Force +50% Melee Damage Shiva
Sunshine +50% Spell Damage Amaterasu (F)
Unmelting Mind of Justice A devil with a heart full of justice. Crt, Crt Defense, Physical Defense, Magical Defense + LVL * 0.43 Frost Ace
Ferocious Stance Slash +25%
Blunt +30%
Tam LinIndraAtavakaSarutahikoSusano-oIndrajitFlauros
Saint's Prayer +100% Curative for all party members. Only applies on party members in the same area. Jeanne D'Arc
Boost of Four Gates +25% Fire
+25% Ice
+25% Electric
+25% Force
Babylon the Great Support + LVL * 1
Crt Defense +25
Party Member's Luck -10
Mother Harlot
Keen Insight of Death Instant Death + 20%, Poison + 20%, Critical + 100 David

Affinity Negation

Feature Name Description Demons
Nimble Nimble Demon.
Slash-based damage is negated at 1%
for every XP earned level.
SuparnaFreyaAmeno-UzumeEdimmuEfreetJinnOnkotNekomataCait SithRaijuTarakaYoshitsuneAnzuKinnariFlaurosArachneKudlak
Protean A demon without form.
Thrust-based damage is negated 1%
for every XP earned level.
FlamiesAquansAerosErthysRaijuBlack OozeBlobSlimeGogmagog
Invisibility Cap A demon with a strange cap.
Thrust-based damage is negated at 3%
for every earned XP level.
Kenpo Kill A demon with padding.
Blunt-based damage is negated at 1%
for every XP earned level.
HecatonchiresGirimekhalaGaneshaTrollHayagrivaFomorianShikigamiVetalaLegionKing FrostXuan WuGogmagog
Chief God of the Army A war hero who is certain to dominate the battlefield.
Slash, Blunt, and Thrust based damage negated at 5% per level
Chi You

Affinity Absorption

Feature Name Description Demons
Flame Eater A demon that feeds on fire, as it grows.
Will successfully absorb fire-based attacks at 1%
for every XP earned level.
Zhu QueEfreetMotCerberusJack O'LanternFlamiesHayagrivaFenrirGarmMizuchiSanta PyroWill O'WispChoronzonBerithTarasqueDionysusVouivreYurlungurHino-Kagutsuchi
Snow Countryman A demon that feeds on freezing cold,
as it grows.
Will successfully absorb ice-based attacks at 1%
for every XP earned level.
ChernobogTrollJack FrostAquansSanta FrostShishimai FrostQing-LongKing FrostXuan Wu
Electric Reserve A demon that feeds on lightning, as it grows.
Will successfully absorb electric-based attacks at 1%
for every XP earned level.
EdimmuShiisaTan-KiHigh PixiePixieErthysTao WuNueRaijuMizuchiQueen MabLilimShiki-OujiShikigamiQing-LongCoatlicueAstarothBai Hu
Wind Rider A demon that feeds on wind, as it grows.
Will successfully absorb force-based attacks at 1%
for every XP earned level.
Tenochtitlan A demon that offers sacrifice at Tenochitilan.
Suicide based damage is absorbed at 1%
for every level of the user

Race Boost

Feature Name Description Demons
Beast Hunter A demon proficient at beast hunting.
Damage towards Beast species is increased by 20%.
Dragon Killer A demon praised as a dragon killer.
Damage increased by 20% towards Dragon species.
God Killer A demon praised as a god killer.
Damage increased by 20% toward god species.
Grudgeful Woman +20% Damage against Females. Tzitzimitl

Race Resistance

Feature Name Description Demons
Phoenix A demon called "Phoenix".
Damage received from Vile species is decreased by 30%.
PhoenixFeng Huang
Death-Crazy A demon with a menacing grin not of this world.
Damage received from Reaper demons is
decreased by 30%.
ChernobogHell BikerMatadorPhantomYomotsu-IkusaChatterskullYakkhaGhoulPretaPoltergeistYomotsu-ShikomeDatsue-BaNidhoggrGuede
God of Demons A demon who stands as King even among Gods.
Damage received from God species is decreased
by 30%.
MithraOdinQuetzalcoatlOkuninushiSurtAmaterasu (M)Amaterasu (F)Baal

Status Negation

Feature Name Description Demons
Halfbeast A demon with a half-beast, half-human appearance.
Has complete resistance to "deadly poison" status.
ThothBaphometPa Bil SagGorgonLamiaKinnariRuler of the Witches' Sabbath BaphometAbraxas
Incubus A demon who controls impure dreams.
Has complete resistance to Charm and Sleep effects.
Poison Glance A terrible Demon with the magic of Stone.
Has complete resistance to Stone and Poison effects.
Possession Protection Null Poison/Paralysis/Blind/Stone/Instant Death Gryphon


Feature Name Description Demons
Breath of Victory Curative +50%, Incant -25%, Cooldown -25% LakshmiIsisIshtarAnat
Step32 A demon with optimized movement, no wasted energy.
Skills' HP cost drops 30%.
Cu ChulainnValkyrieTurdakMomunofuOseWu KongKresnikTam LinGuedeTajikaraoFlaurosOse Hallel
The Fruits of Labor A demon with refined techniques.
Skills' HP cost drops 50%.
TitanGyukiKoumokutenZouchoutenChi YouMara (Amorphous)DavidAtavakaAresAzazelTake-MinakataSeraph
The Greatest Fruit A demon with perfected skills.
Skills' HP cost is 0%.
ThorGirimekhalaHecatonchiresMatadorCrisisJeanne D'ArcIndraShivaAnantaVasukiSeraphMasakado
Magic Govern A demon with proficient magic control.
Skills' MP cost drops 30%.
BaphometOmoikaneEdimmuEfreetJinnElfOrobasArahabakiMolochHecateBarongAlilatRangdaTzitzimitlRuler of the Witches' Sabbath Baphomet
Great Wit A demon with ingenious magic use.
Skills' MP cost drops 50%.
Greatest Wit A demon profoundly ingenious magic use.
Skills' MP cost drop to 0.
Hell BikerNightmareVoidMara (Amorphous)TrumpeterVishnuLakshmiMichaelIndrajitAzazelLachesisMaraLucifuge
Not yet Evidence of Existence HP/MP cost - 30% Tsukuyomi
Technician A demon proud of its technical capabilities.
Cooling time decreased by 50%.
OdinPazuzuPrincipalityMorriganVishnuJeanne D'ArcMotChernobogAccomplished UnicornVoidMolochAstarothMara (Amorphous)ClothoLachesisAtroposYoshitsuneMichaelMishagujiSamaelShivaArachneSphinxMasakado
Sorcery Torrent A demon with enormous magic power.

Through superior magic use, incantation time is cut
by 50% and cool-down time decreases by 70%

Black FrostReincarnated Demonics TokisadaFiend DaisoujouDaisoujouTokisadaTrumpeterAnubisBlack Maria
Guardian of Royal Power Summoner's Curative +50%
Hp Cost - 50%
Archduke of Hell Clr + 35, Pde +20 Flauros
Spirit Breath of Reason Absorb all Physical 50%
Absorb all Magical 50%
Incarnation of Wordly Desires Cool time of all skills - 50%
HP Cost of all skills - 50%
Charm Success rate +30%
Boat Ride in the Desert Desert Storm's power + 100%. Gomory
Gold Rush Woman +100% Macca earned. +50% Magnetite earned. Expertise earned +15% Gomory
God of the Mountain Summoner's HP/MP regeneration + 20
Summoner's Curative received + 50%
Macca/Magnetite earned + 30%.
Cursed Ring Summoner earns +100% Macca. Summoner/Demon's Luck - 50 Fafnir
Vizier of Hell Summoner's Macca/Magnetite earned + 100% Lucifuge


Feature Name Description Demons
Erin Said to live in or around Ireland, once known as Eire. Bonuses are gained when partied with others who live there, as shown below.

Cu Chulainn: Strength +4, Speed +10
Scathach: Intelligence +10
Cait Sith: Strength +10
Pixie: Magic +10

ScathachMorriganBadb CathaMachaBucca-BooKnockerCu SithCait SithKelpiePixieCu ChulainnSetantaQueen MabFomorian
Fairy Dance Those who know how to join powers, exactly because
they are weak or small.
When Fairy Pixie is in the same party: Max HP +50
Max MP +30.
High PixiePixieQueen Mab
Knight of the Red Branch A courageous demon known as one of the Knights of the Red Branch. Gains bonuses from partied demons as listed below if in the same zone.

Setanta: Vitality +10

Cu Chulainn
Promised Fame A Demon soon destined to be called a hero.
When Genma Cu Chulainn is in the same party:
+5 SPD, +5 MAG.
When Megami Scathach is in the same party: +5 INT.
Jack Brothers F A demon that has a strong bond with Jack O'Lantern.
When Jack O'Lantern is in the same party:
Jack FrostSanta FrostShishimai Frost
Jack Brothers L A demon with a strong bond with Jack Frost.
When Jack Frost is in the same party:
Melee attack +10 Magic attack +10 MAX HP +50
Jack O'LanternSanta Pyro
Asgard Said to reside in Asgard.
When Deity Odin is in the same party: MGC+10.
When Genma Valkyrie is in the same party: STR+10.
Ragnarok Said to bring the end of the world.
When Tyrant Loki is in the same party: Magic+10.
When Tyrant Surt is in the same party: Strength+10.
One Night Lover A dwarf with a fondness for women and a knack
for metallurgy.
When Megami Freya is in the same party: LCK+20.
Guardians of East Four Heavenly Kings: Jikokuten's Household.
When Guardian Jikokuten is in the same party:
STR +10.
Guardians of North Four Heavenly Kings: Bishamonten's Household.
When Guardian Bishamonten is in the same party:
STR +10.
Guardians of South Four Heavenly Kings: Zouchouten's Household.
When Guardian Zouchouten is in the same party:
STR +10.
Guardians of West Four Heavenly Kings: Koumokuten's Household.
When Guardian Koumokuten is in the same party:
STR +10.
Raja NagaNaga
Four Heavenly Kings The Kings of the Four Corners of the world.
When these Demons are in the party, the following
resistance factors are increased:
Bishamonten: Fire
Jikokuten: Ice
Koumokuten: Force
Zouchouten: Electric
Heavenly Maiden
of Water
A Yoma known as "Water Fairy" as well as
"Heavenly Maiden".
When Husband Gandharva is in the same party:
Divine Musician Divine musician said to perform at Indrajit Palace.
When Wife Apsara is in the same party: STR +10
Rig Veda Those who are remembered in the ancient record,
Rig Veda.
When Brahma is in the same party: Magic+10.
When Vishnu is in the same party: Speed+10.
When Shiva is in the party: Strength+10
GarudaSuparnaSatiSarasvatiRakshasaApsarasDawonGandharvaRaja NagaNagaYaksaKumbhandaVetalaPisacaYakkhaPretaGangaYaksniTarakaBishamontenJikokutenKoumokutenZouchoutenAtavakaLakshmiMadaVasukiVritra
Four Beast Gods The beasts who are the four corners of the world.
When these demons are in the party,
the following attributes are raised.
Zhu Que: +10 MAG.
Qing Long: +50 MAX HP.
Bei Hu: +10 STR.
Xuan Wu: +10 VIT.
Zhu QueBai HuXuan WuQing-Long
Takamagahara A being said to live in Takamagahara. Gains bonuses from partied demons as listed below if in the same zone.

Amaterasu: Strength/Intelligence +10
Omoikane: Spell +10
Ameno-Uzume: Luck +10

Yata-GarasuTake-MikazuchiHino-KagutsuchiOmoikaneTajikaraoAmaterasu (M)Amaterasu (F)
Toyoashihara The deified who once lived in the land called
When Susano-O is in the same party: STR +10.
The Three Nobles Those who was born when Izanagi washed his face
clean of the pollutants of the the underworld.
When Amaterasu is in the same party: INT+10.
When Tsukuyomi is in the same party: MAG+10.
When Susano-O is in the same party: STR+10.
Doso Goddess The Amatsu Genmadess and protector of paths.
When Husband Sarutahiko is in the same party:
Magic +10.
Death-Crazy When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Ameno-Uzume: +10 STR
Three Harpy Sisters
Eldest of the Harpy Sisters.
When Ocypete is in the same party: Strength+10.
When Kelaino is in the same party: Speed+10.
Three Harpy Sisters
The Second Daughter of the Harpy Queens.
When Aello is in the same party: Magic+10.
When Kelaino is in the same party: Speed+10.
Three Harpy Sisters
Youngest of the Harpy Queens.
When Aello is in the same party: Magic+10.
When Ocypete is in the same party: Strength+10.
Valley of the Kings Considered a god in Ancient Egypt.
When Sphinx is in the same party: Magic +10
Milton It is told of in an epic, of the spirits who make up the world.

When these demons are in the party, the following resistances are raised:
+100% Fire resistance: Urizen
+100% Ice resistance: Tharmas
+100% Electric resistance: Urthona
+100% Force resistance: Luvah

Four Spirits When Aramitama is in the same party: Melee +50
When Nigimitama is in the same party: Spell + 50
When Kushimitama is in the same party: Ranged +50
When Sakimitama is in the same party : Critical +200
Eternal Slumber +10% Limit-break occurrence if Ananta is in the party. Vishnu
Three Precious Children When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 INT
Tsukuyomi: +10 MAG
Susano-O: +10 STR
Amaterasu (M)Amaterasu (F)Susano-oTsukuyomi
Yōni samādhī +10% Limit-break occurrence if Parvati is in the party. Shiva
Entourage +10% Limit break chance if Vishnu is in the party. Ananta
Goodness of Illusion If there is a Rangda in party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell Illusion Barong
Bad Illusion If there is a Barong in party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell Illusion Rangda
Illusion Keeper If Gabriel is in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Uriel
Illusion Partner If there is Loki in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Surt
Illusion Leader If Isis is in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Thoth
Illusion Raiders If there is a Surt in party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Loki
Illusion Father If there is a Chimera in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Typhon
Illusion Supervisor If Uriel is in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Gabriel
Illusion Student If Thoth is in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Isis
Illusion Child If Typhon is in the same party: +50 Close Range and +50 Spell. Illusion Chimera


Feature Name Description Demons
Fairy Queen Fairy Queen who glares at her husband harshly
simply due to her deep affection.
Damage from Demons of the Fairy group
is decreased 30%.
When Husband Oberon is in the same party:
Strength+20 Speed+10
Fairy King Fairy King who, though feared his wife's gaze,
has a strong affection for her.
Damage from Demons of the Fairy group
is decreased 30%.
When Wife Titania is in the same party:
Speed+20 Strength+10

Crafting Assistance

Feature Name Description Demons
Fairy Assist A fairy who boosts their summoner's growth in the Creation expertise from Cultivation, based on the fairy's own Intelligence and Luck. TitaniaOberonTrollElfKelpieGandharvaJack O'LanternHigh PixieJack FrostSanta FrostShishimai FrostSanta PyroTam LinVivian
Leprechaun Tag A fairy who boosts the effectiveness of Manure Items during Cultivation, based on the fairy's own Intelligence and Luck. Pixie
Nocturnus Assist A night demon who assists in armsmaking.
Will boost gunsmith skill, and make it easier to add
MOD-SLOTs in accordance with INT and LCK levels.
Sleepless Gunman A Sleepless Gunman who assists in armsmaking.
Will boost gunsmith skill, and make it easier to add
MOD-SLOTs in accordance with INT and LCK levels.
LilithQueen MabLilimNyx
An Jirae who assists in swordsmithing.
Will boost Swordsmith skill and make it easier to add
MOD-SLOTs in accordance with VIT and LCK levels.
UbellurisBucca-BooSudamaKnockerHua PoKodamaGogmagog
Master of
A demon unsurpassed in swordsmithing.
Will significantly boost Swordsmith skill, and make it
easier to add MOD-SLOTs in accordance with VIT and
LCK levels.
Mother Earth Assist Contributes to Occult Fusion skills performed by the summoner. Dependent on Intelligence and Luck. SkadiKaliParvatiKushinada-HimeKikuri-HimeIsisIshtar
Moon Goddess A Moon Goddess who assists in Synthesis.
Boosts the Synthesis skill of a summoner in accordance
with intelligence and LCK level.

Demon Variations

Feature Name Description Demons
Inexperienced An inexperienced demon.
Its growth has been hindered somehow.
XP earned raised by 25%.
Most Inexperienced demons, Annoying Shiki-Ouji
Inexperienced God Originally one of the powerful ancient gods
(or a creature of comparable strength) now embodied
in an imperfect body.
XP earned increased by 25%.
Inexperienced UrielInexperienced RaphaelInexperienced MithraInexperienced ThothInexperienced SatiInexperienced Take-MikazuchiInexperienced OkuninushiInexperienced ArtemisInexperienced ParvatiInexperienced KaliInexperienced SurtInexperienced Loki
Intelligent Snake A demon trained by Snakeman.
XP earned raised by 25 percent.
Brave GarmInexperienced CerberusStormy PixieBlizzard Jack FrostInferno Jack O'Lantern
Fresh A willing demon.
XP this demon earned increases 20%.
Fresh ArchangelFresh HarpyFresh Poltergeist
Deformed A deformed demon warped by I.C.B.M. or Obelisk.
XP earned dropped by 80%.
All Deformed demons
Wounded A demon who cannot display their true power
due to injury.
XP earned drops 90%.
Wounded Cerberus
Accomplished An accomplished demon for its class.
Characteristics vary.
All Accomplished demons
Lithe A demon that has received special training to transport
humans on its back.
Its fighting ability and spirithas been dampened
through the process.
All Nimble demons
Lucky A female demon that brings good fortune to the master.
Summoner's LCK +10
Lucky AngelLucky DisLucky Hua PoLucky NekomataLucky PixieLucky TitaniaLucky ValkyrieLucky Datsue-BaLucky Muu ShuwuuLucky VouivreLucky Leanan SidheLucky Fortuna
Great Joy A demon who comes with great joy and thanks to
events of celebration.
The summoners Strength, Speed, Magic and LCK
all increase +5, but in compensation,
demon's XP earned drops by 20%.
Joyful AliceJoyful Black Frost
of the Kings
This brilliant steed will only form a contract with those
who have won a Championship title.
Increases the demon's movement by 1.5 times.
Can move with normal movement even while guarding.
However, XP earned is reduced by 20%.
*Demon returns to normal speed during combat
Sleipnir, the King
Open-Mind Digitalize Points +5%, Experience +15%. Open-Minded RafaelOpen-Minded KresnikOpen-Minded LokiOpen-Minded LakshmiOpen-Minded LilithOpen-Minded IshtarOpen-Minded Tajikarao
Extreme Red Color Fire affinity +30%, Fire absorb +25%, Almighty affinity -20%, MP cost +5%. Colored KodamaColored MithraColored Jack FrostColored BarongColored SlimeColored Flauros
Extreme Ice Color Ice affinity +30%, Ice absorb +25%, Almighty affinity -20%, MP cost +5%. Colored KodamaColored MithraColored Jack FrostColored BarongColored SlimeColored Flauros
Extreme Yellow Color Electric affinity +30%, Electric absorb +25%, Almighty affinity -20%, MP cost +5%. Colored KodamaColored MithraColored Jack FrostColored BarongColored SlimeColored Flauros
Extreme Green Color Force affinity +30%, Force absorb +25%, Almighty affinity -20%, MP cost +5%. Colored KodamaColored MithraColored Jack FrostColored BarongColored SlimeColored Flauros
Innocent Summoner's Expertise points earned + 30% Innocent CerberusInnocent Jack FrostInnocent Lilim the Little DemonInnocent Tam Lin
Reach of Youthful Exuberance Melee, Ranged, and Spell damage +10%. HP and MP skill cost +50% Shana Yoshitsune
Butterfly's Wild Dance +20% Spell Damage. +1 Dodge skill stack Gojo Bridge Yoshitsune
Glory of Heroism A demon who was awarded the highest honor as a warrior. +30% Melee damage. +1 Counter skill stack Yoshitsune of Assault
Clear Mind A demon that has reached the height of mastery.
Melee, Ranged, and Spell damage +30%
Incantation time -50%
YoshitsuneHassou Tobi Yoshitsune
Confidant +150% Experience earned. Summoner's Limit Break power +20%, Demon's Limit Break power -40%. Summoner's critical +40, Demon's critical -40 Confidant ThorConfidant YoshitsuneConfidant MatadorConfidant AresConfidant Wu KongConfidant RakshasaConfidant NarasimhaConfidant Karasu-TenguConfidant Girimekhala
Hero Critical + 50
Limit Break Power + 20%
HP/MP cost of all skills + 100%
Rush damage + 20%
Hero Frost Ace
Sailing Waves Increases 10 Strength, Magic and Speed to party members. Sailing Waves Asura Cerberus
Unusual Talent Limit Break Power + 15%, Summoner Limit Break Power + 15%, Digitalize Points + 5% Unusual Talent FenrirUnusual Talent SethUnusual Talent AndrasUnusual Talent Cerberus
Intelligent Intelligence +10, Cooldown -30%, MP Cost +50% Intelligent ThothIntelligent HathorIntelligent ApisIntelligent SphinxIntelligent Anubis
Dedication To summoner; +150% experience gained, +50% curative, +10 physical and magic defense Dedication AnubisDedication Vivian
Proud Lord MP cost - 100%, Magic damage +50%, Greater resistance to ailments Proud Lord Beelzebub
Manifested Lord HP cost - 100%, Melee damage +50%, Greater resistance to ailments Manifestation of Lord Beelzebub
Sweet White Curative skills are 50% more effective. Null Paralyze/Bind ailments Sweet White LakshmiSweet White Jeanne D'ArcSweet White Parvati
Bitter Black +20% damage to men. +10% ailment landing rate. Chance of inflicting the Depression ailment on knockback Bitter Black Muu ShuwuuBitter Black TitaniaBitter Black Tzitzimitl
IC 1 +1 Strength, Magic, Vitality, Intelligence, Speed and Luck to Summoner. IC OnmorakiIC Hua PoIC KodamaIC Cait SithIC PixieIC AlpIC ShikigamiIC PretaIC Poltergeist
IC 3 +3 Strength, Magic, Vitality, Intelligence, Speed and Luck to Summoner. IC PowerIC SuparnaIC CerberusIC NekomataIC Yomotsu-ShikomeIC Pisaca
IC 5 +5 Strength, Magic, Vitality, Intelligence, Speed and Luck to Summoner. IC Cu ChulainnIC Decarabia
IC 10 +10 Strength, Magic, Vitality, Intelligence, Speed and Luck to Summoner. IC Lakshmi
Young Movement speed increases by 5%. Young UnicornYoung Bicorn
Rapture A demon filled with love. HP cost of all skills +50%. Summoner's Strength, Magic, and Speed + 10, Luck + 5. Rapture Muu ShuwuuCrazy NyxCrazy Susano-o
Premature Incantation -40%, Experience -90%. Premature SarasvatiPremature SetantaPremature Kikuri-HimePremature PhoenixPremature XiezhaiPremature Pa Bil SagPremature LilimPremature Camazotz
Quickly Produced A demon with faster growth. The maximum HP is higher. The experience increases by 600%. Quickly Produced ArchangelQuickly Produced YakkhaQuickly Produced TarasqueQuickly Produced ShikigamiQuickly Produced InugamiQuickly Produced PixieQuickly Produced KodamaQuickly Produced MachaQuickly Produced FlamiesQuickly Produced AquansQuickly Produced AerosQuickly Produced ErthysQuickly Produced Amaterasu MQuickly Produced Amaterasu FQuickly Produced GarmQuickly Produced BicornQuickly Produced GyukiQuickly Produced FenrirQuickly Produced XiezhaiQuickly Produced Tao TieQuickly Produced Kikuri-HimeQuickly Produced NekomataQuickly Produced Hathor
Horse Affinity Close/Long/Spell damage +10%, When HP is 50% or lower: Null incantation interruption Horse TajikaraoHorse OmoikaneHorse Ameno-UzumeHorse KoumokutenHorse JikokutenHorse Zouchouten
Scarlet Illusion An illusion of the demon riding a scarlet beast. Incantation time - 70%. HP Cost of all skills -70%. All Status-Changing Skills Success Rate +15% Scarlet Illusion Mother Harlot
Illusion of Love -50% HP/MP cost when using fire skills. +25% Fire damage. Cooldown for all skills -25% Illusion of Love Seraph
Illusion of Recitation -15% HP Cost to summoner. +15% Spin damage. +25% Nerve damage Illusion of Recitation Gomory
Illusion of Worldly Desires HP cost -70%, Mystic damage +15% Illusion of Worldly Desires Mara
Present from the Angels A demon who stood up to protect powerless humans. Summoner's Critical +10. Summoner's Limit Break Chance/Power +10% Christmas Eve Angel
Ruler of the Witches' Sabbath Mystic damage + 30%. MP cost for all skills - 30%. Null Poison ailment Ruler of the Witches' Sabbath Baphomet
Musical Festival Vitality, Intelligence, and Luck of all Party Members + 10. Movement Speed + 10% Musical Festival High Pixie
Usage of the Mysterious Person Mind/Nerve/Mystic + 50%, Ailments +10% Princess of Pure Madness Alice
Fiery A demon who wishes to create a scorched Earth. Critical +100. Fire-based skills are 30% more effective. Fiery GirimekhalaFiery KartikeyaFiery Tokisada
Kuyo Melee/Ranged/Spell damage + 15%
Fire damage + 25%
Electric damage + 10%
When using Fire-affinity skills:
+10% Technical Attack Power
-50% HP/MP cost
Amaterasu of KuyoBishamonten of Kuyo
The Conqueror Melee, Ranged, and Spell damage +15%. Technical Attack Power +10%. -30% Cool-down time for all skills Conquering MadaConquering BaalzebulConquering Yamata-no-Orochi
Brave Red Capote Fire + 25%, Crt +50, When MP is less than 50%, +10% Melee damage Brave Red Capote Matador
Proud Black Critical + 50. Fire-based skills are 25% more effective. When MP is less than 50%, +10% Ranged damage Blasted Road Hell Biker
Summer Boost Fire Null + (Lv x 1%) Akuma AngelAkuma Inexperienced MothmanAkuma King FrostAkuma HresvelgrAkuma HelAkuma OseAkuma OdinAkuma LilithAkuma Arahabaki
Late Afternoon Experience -70%, Incantation and Cooldown - (Lv × 0.5%). Late Afternoon ArtemisLate Afternoon CockatriceLate Afternoon UbellurisLate Afternoon BasiliskLate Afternoon Anzu
Heaven-Piercing Max HP + 15%, Critical + 25, Experience - 80%. Heaven-Piercing BaphometHeaven-Piercing GyukiHeaven-Piercing ChoronzonHeaven-Piercing OnmorakiHeaven-Piercing Cait SithHeaven-Piercing PoltergeistHeaven-Piercing MachaHeaven-Piercing TrollHeaven-Piercing GhoulHeaven-Piercing UbellurisHeaven-Piercing Jack FrostHeaven-Piercing Slime
Ulster When Cu Chulainn of Vermillion is in same party: Speed + 10

When Scathach of Vermillion is in same party: Intelligence + 10

When Morrigan of Vermillion is in same party: Strength + 10

When Queen Mab of Vermillion is in same party: Magic + 10

Cu Chulainn of VermillionMorrigan of VermillionQueen Mab of VermillionScathach of VermillionKnocker of VermillionPixie of VermillionCait Sith of VermillionCu Sith of VermillionBucca-Boo of VermillionKelpie of VermillionFomorian of VermillionSetanta of VermillionMacha of VermillionBadb Catha of VermillionOberon of VermillionTitania of Vermillion
The Four of the Summer When Fuki of Vermillion is in the same party: Speed + 10

When Kinki of Vermillion is in the same party: Vitality + 10

When Suiki of Vermillion is in the same party: Magic + 10

When Ongyo-Ki of Vermillion is in the same party: Strength + 10

Fuki of VermillionKinki of VermillionSuiki of VermillionOngyo-Ki of Vermillion

Enemy Only

Feature Name Description Demons
Rondo of
A demon enraged.
Knockback is ineffective, and skills
and attack recovery will not be canceled
by receiving damage.
Can be targeted by several characters at one time
White Rider (Boss)Red Rider (Boss)Black Rider (Boss)Pale Rider (Boss)Daisoujou (Boss)
Unhuman One who is called "Fiend".

(When HP drops below 50%: Melee damage: +50%
When HP drops below 10%: Cooldown: +50%
When HP drops below 10%: Melee damage: +100%
Reincarnated Demonics Tokisada
Makai Reincarnate Revived through the secret art made
through the negotiations of Jesuits
and the practitioners of Ninjutsu.

(Cooldown -30%
Cast time of Expel-based skills -50%
Cast time of Death-based skills -50%
Nulls the following status: Muddle
Reincarnated Demonics Tokisada
Wild Rage Demon rages wildly.
Power of defense and attack increase to
the degree their composure is lost.

Cls-R +15
Spell +15
P.Def +15
Ferocious Rage Demon rages ferociously.
Defense and attack increase
as much as their composure is lost.

Cls-R +30
Spell +30
P.Def +30
Skills and attack recovery will not be canceled
by receiving damage.
Guardian of Sin JikokutenFiend Daisoujou
Confined Potential A disease that prevents a summoned demon
from being able to deliver Power Blows.
Supposedly doesn't affect stronger demons.

Critical -50
Luck -15
This feature will not apply to player-controled demons.
Divine Protection
of Light
A demon who defends against all evils
and brings fortune to those in his
surroundings through the protection of
some incomprehensible power.

(Summoner's Luck: +10, Party Luck: +5

Nulls the following statuses:
Stone, Entombed, Sleep, Charm, Panic, Happy,
Aflame, Frozen, Paralysis, Stun Muddle, Mute,
Seal, Paralyze, Bind, Poison.
Stray Angel


Feature Name Description Demons
Selfish Alice is NOT selfish!
(Slash, Thrust, and Blunt based damage is negated
at 0.25% for every XP earned level.
Servant to
Asura's demons
A power exclusive to servants of Asura's demons.

(When HP drops below 50%: Melee damage: +50%)
Chains of Lethargy Demons lose their fighting spirit
and fail to attack with enthusiasm.
Critical -100.
Block Critical -15