Shining Shishimai Frost: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "| Species" to "| Family"
m Text replacement - "| Long" to "| Ranged"
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 11: Line 11:
| MP = 71
| MP = 71
| Str = 14
| Str = 14
| Close = 34
| Melee = 34
| Mag = 16
| Mag = 16
| Long = 29
| Ranged = 29
| Vit = 11
| Vit = 11
| Spell = 31
| Spell = 31
Line 22: Line 22:
| Luck = 19
| Luck = 19
| MDef = 8
| MDef = 8
| Crt = 20
| CritOcc = 20
| Dec = 25
| CritAvd = 25
| HPB = 142
| HPB = 142
| MPB = 81
| MPB = 81
| StrB = 26
| StrB = 26
| CloseB = 39
| MeleeB = 39
| MagB = 28
| MagB = 28
| LongB = 31
| RangedB = 31
| VitB = 15
| VitB = 15
| SpellB = 36
| SpellB = 36
| IntB = 18
| IntB = 18
| SuppB = 26
| AuxB = 26
| SpdB = 13
| SpdB = 13
| PDefB = 10
| PDefB = 10
| LuckB = 22
| LuckB = 22
| MDefB = 8
| MDefB = 8
| CrtB = 20
| CritOccB = 20
| DecB = 25
| CritAvdB = 25
| Inheritance = Ice
| Inheritance = Ice
| Growth = Big Hagalaz
| Growth = Big Hagalaz
Line 71: Line 71:
| Death = 10%
| Death = 10%
| DeathNAR =
| DeathNAR =
| Magic = 100%
| Mystic = 100%
| MagicNAR =
| MysticNAR =
| Nerve = 100%
| Nerve = 100%
| NerveNAR =
| NerveNAR =

Latest revision as of 00:36, 28 January 2024

This demon cannot be obtained by any normal Dyad Fusion.
Demon Statistics
Shining Shishimai Frost
Family Nether Race Fairy
Inheritance Type Ice Growth Type Big Hagalaz
Level 1 Force Slot 5
HP 133 Melee 34
MP 71 Ranged 29
Strength 14 Spell 31
Magic 16 Auxiliary 24
Vitality 11 Phy. Defense 10
Intelligence 12 Mgc. Defense 8
Speed 8 Crit. Occurrence 20
Luck 19 Crit. Avoidance 25
Locations Found Summon PG: Exorcism (Fuji)
Variations Inexperienced, Partner, Shining
Drops N/A
DCM Location N/A
Base Stat Estimation (Linked)
HP 142 Melee 39
MP 81 Ranged 31
Strength 26 Spell 36
Magic 28 Auxiliary 26
Vitality 15 Phy. Defense 10
Intelligence 18 Mgc. Defense 8
Speed 13 Crit. Occurrence 20
Luck 22 Crit. Avoidance 25
Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)
Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Rpl 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)
Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
Jack Brothers F
A demon that has a strong bond with Jack O'Lantern.
When Jack O'Lantern is in the same party:
Ice Boost
A demon with proficient control of ice.
Ice-based skills are 50% more effective.
Snow Countryman
A demon that feeds on freezing cold, as it grows.
Will successfully absorb ice-based attacks at 1% for every XP earned level.
Fairy Assist
A fairy who boosts their summoner's growth in the Creation expertise from Cultivation, based on the fairy's own Intelligence and Luck.
Demon Skills
Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill
Default Punch 5 Mabufu 50 Anti-Demon Stance
Default Galactic Frost Punch 10 Ice Breath 58 Bufudyne
Default Defensive Stance 15 Lullaby 63 Gale Force
Default Fierce Counter 20 Bufula 70 Mabufudyne
Default Bufu 25 Armor's Breath 77 Makatora
30 Mabufula 83 Absolute Zero
Default D.B.B. 39 Blizzard Cannon 92 10 Percent Life Boost
Default Gale 47 Megido 99 Megidolaon
Breath Wings Slam Fang Maiden Weapon Claw Needle Eyes
Fusion Information
Trifusion No Plugin N/A
Fusion Range N/A Success Rate N/A
Elemental Fusions
Erthys Aeros Aquans Flamies
Up Down Up Down
Race Combinations in Dyad Fusion
Megami x Snake Divine x Snake Divine x Flight Flight x Jirae
Jirae x Brute Night x Fallen Wilder x Brute
Synthesis Information
Gemstone Needed Aquamarine Synthesis Difficulty 2
Soul Fused Item Title -of New Beginnings Soul Fused Item's Type Ring, Earring, Extra
Tarot Effect Level Req. 11 Soul S. Effect Level Req. 11
Tarot Effect Soul Stone Effect
+1 max HP for party members STR +1 MAG +1 SPD +1 INT +1 VIT +1 LCK +1
If all items obtained by using Soul Fusion on the King Frost, Jack Frost, Santa Frost and Shishimai Frost's Crystals are equipped at once:
- Temporarily learn Galactic Frost Punch skill
- Effect of Ice-based skills +50%

Demons Pixie • Jack Frost • High Pixie • Jack O'Lantern • Gandharva • Kelpie • Elf • Troll • Tam Lin • Vivian • Oberon • Titania
Variations Kissy Pixie • Leader Pixie • Lucky Pixie • Stormy Pixie • Quickly-Produced Pixie • Accomplished Jack Frost • Blizzard Jack Frost • Deformed Jack Frost • Insufferable Chatterbox Deformed Jack Frost • Inexperienced Jack Frost • Rainbow of Victory Jack Frost • Stray Jack Frost • Accomplished High Pixie • Accomplished Jack O'Lantern • Deformed Jack O'Lantern • Inexperienced Jack O'Lantern • Inferno Jack O'Lantern • Accomplished Kelpie • Inexperienced Elf • Deformed Troll • Insufferable Chatterbox Troll • Accomplished Oberon • Inexperienced Oberon • Inexperienced Titania • Lucky Titania
Limited Inexperienced Pixie • Nimble Pixie • Manifestation Jack Frost • Santa Frost • Shining Santa Frost • Shishimai Frost • Inexperienced Shishimai Frost • Partner, Shishimai Frost • Shining Shishimai Frost • Dashing Jack O'Lantern • Hospitable Jack O'Lantern • Naughty Jack O'Lantern • Santa Pyro • Glittery Pyro Santa • Partner, Santa Frost • Baby Goldfish (Black) • Baby Goldfish (Gold) • Baby Goldfish (Red) • Baby Goldfish (White) • Dedication Vivian • Eternal Partner Oberon • Dengeki Titania • Musical Festival High Pixie • Bitter Black Titania
Enemy Collector Pixie • Collector Pixie (Big) • Dabster Pixie • Electronic Fairy Pixie • Arbitrate Pixie • Battle-Scarred Veteran Jack Frost • Gathered Servant Jack Frost • Nightmare Jack Frost • Jack Frost Awoken to the Wave of Evil Power • Electronic Fairy High Pixie • Arbitrate High Pixie • Battle-Scarred Veteran Jack O'Lantern • Embodiment of Balance Jack O'Lantern • Fanatic of the Depths Jack O'Lantern • Netherworld-Guiding Flame Jack O'Lantern • Nightmare Jack O'Lantern • The Flood caller Kelpy • The Kappa Bully Kelpy • Disciple of Sin Gandharva • Arbitrate Gandharva • Arbitrate Elf • Electronic Fairy Oberon • Unhappy Wife's Husband Oberon • Dabster Titania • Strong Wife Titania • Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish • Mammoth Baby Goldfish
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine