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demon is not yet implemented. not the official stats.

| Picture =
| Appearance = Fusion
| Name = Clotho
| Level = 48
| Race = Femme
| Species = Demoniac
| Alignment = Chaos
| ForceS = 3
| HP = 612
| MP = 265
| Str = 46
| Close = 54
| Mag = 58
| Long = 48
| Vit = 39
| Spell = 63
| Int = 76
| Supp  = 72
| Spd = 34
| PDef = 18
| Luck = 24
| MDef = 31
| Crt = 20
| Dec = 30
| Inheritance = Expel
| Growth = Master Eihwaz
| Variations =
| DCM =
| Drops =
| Physical Resistance = 100%
| Magical Resistance = 100%
| Slash = 100%
| SlashNAR =
| Charge = 100%
| ChargeNAR =
| Blunt = 100%
| BluntNAR =
| Long Range = 100%
| Long RangeNAR =
| Penetrate = 100%
| PenetrateNAR =
| Spread = 100%
| SpreadNAR =
| Fire = 70%
| FireNAR =
| Ice = 70%
| IceNAR =
| Electric = 70%
| ElectricNAR =
| Force = 200%
| ForceNAR =
| Expel = 0%
| ExpelNAR = Null 100%
| Death = 0%
| DeathNAR = Null 100%
| Magic = 70%
| MagicNAR =
| Nerve = 70%
| NerveNAR =
| Mind = 70%
| MindNAR =
| Almighty = 100%
| AlmightyNAR =
| Recovery = 100%
| RecoveryNAR =
| Support = 100%
| SupportNAR =
| Kotodama = 100%
| KotodamaNAR =
| Suicide = 100%
| SuicideNAR =
| Special = 100%
| SpecialNAR =
| Demon Skill 1 = Magic Shot
| Demon Level 1 = Default
| Demon Skill 2 = Hell's Eyes
| Demon Level 2 = Default
| Demon Skill 3 = Hama
| Demon Level 3 = Default
| Demon Skill 4 = Samarecarm
| Demon Level 4 = Default
| Demon Skill 5 = Diarama
| Demon Level 5 = Default
| Demon Skill 6 = Eternal Sleep
| Demon Level 6 = Default
| Demon Skill 7 = Marin Karin
| Demon Level 7 = Default
| Demon Skill 8 = Gale Force
| Demon Level 8 = Default
| Demon Skill 9 = Anti-Demon Stance
| Demon Level 9 = 49
| Demon Skill 10 = Media
| Demon Level 10 = 51
| Demon Skill 11 = Diarahan
| Demon Level 11 = 53
| Demon Skill 12 = Mepatra
| Demon Level 12 = 55
| Demon Skill 13 = Dekunda
| Demon Level 13 = 59
| Demon Skill 14 = Immunity 2
| Demon Level 14 = 63
| Demon Skill 15 = Mediarama
| Demon Level 15 = 65
| Demon Skill 16 = Manma
| Demon Level 16 = 69
| Demon Skill 17 = Mediarahan
| Demon Level 17 = 73
| Demon Skill 18 = Etnadi
| Demon Level 18 = 77
| Demon Skill 19 = Sexy Dance
| Demon Level 19 = 79
| Demon Skill 20 = Closedi
| Demon Level 20 = 82
| Demon Skill 21 = Makarakarn
| Demon Level 21 = 85
| Demon Skill 22 = Hamaon
| Demon Level 22 = 89
| Demon Skill 23 = Eternal Rest
| Demon Level 23 = 92
| Breath =
| Wings =
| Slam =
| Teeth =
| Claw =
| Needle =
| Weapon =
| Eyes =
| Maiden =
| feat1 = {{Magic Torrent}}
| feat2 = {{Healing Type}}
| feat3 = {{Hand of Fate}}
| feat4 = {{Technician}}
| Y/N =
| Plugin = Unimplemented
| Range = [[Lamia]] + [[Aello]]
| Rate =
|Vis1 = x
|Vis2 = x
|Vis3 = x

Revision as of 02:48, 13 March 2013

This content is unimplemented on the Marvelous USA International server.

Information may be subject to change.

This demon cannot be obtained by any normal Dyad Fusion.
This demon cannot be contracted.
This demon is fusion-only.
Demon Statistics
Family Race Femme
Inheritance Type Expel Growth Type Master Eihwaz
Base Level 48 Force Slot 3
HP 612 Melee
MP 265 Ranged
Strength 46 Spell 63
Magic 58 Auxiliary
Vitality 39 Phy. Defense 18
Intelligence 76 Mgc. Defense 31
Speed 34 Crit. Occurrence
Luck 24 Crit. Avoidance
Locations Found Fusion
DCM Location
Base Stat Estimation (Linked)
HP Melee
MP Ranged
Strength Spell
Magic Auxiliary
Vitality Phy. Defense
Intelligence Mgc. Defense
Speed Crit. Occurrence
Luck Crit. Avoidance
Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)


Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Null 100%
Null 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)

Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
Magic Torrent
A demon with immense magical power.
Mystic damage +50%.
Healing Type
A demon who heals your pain. Curative skills are 50% more effective.
Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death
A demon proud of its technical capabilities.
Cooling time decreased by 50%.
Demon Skills
Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill
Default Magic Shot 49 Anti-Demon Stance 73 Mediarahan
Default Hell's Eyes 51 Media 77 Etnadi
Default Hama 53 Diarahan 79 Sexy Dance
Default Samarecarm 55 Mepatra 82 Closedi
Default Diarama 59 Dekunda 85 Makarakarn
Default Eternal Sleep 63 Immunity 2 89 Hamaon
Default Marin Karin 65 Mediarama 92 Eternal Rest
Default Gale Force 69 Manma
Breath Wings Slam Fang Maiden Weapon Claw Needle Eyes
Fusion Information
Trifusion Plugin Unimplemented
Fusion Range Lamia + Aello Success Rate
Elemental Fusions
Erthys Aeros Aquans Flamies
Up Down Up Up
Race Combinations in Dyad Fusion
Megami × Yoma Megami × Jaki Megami × Brute Raptor × Brute
Amatsu × Wilder Yoma × Kunitsu Yoma × Brute Avian × Night
Flight × Kishin Raptor × Brute Jirae × Foul Genma × Lady
Night × Kishin Night × Dragon Snake × Lady Holy × Brute
Kishin × Lady Fallen × Lady Lady × Haunt
Synthesis Information
Needed Gemstone Synthesis Difficulty
Soul Fused Item's Title Soul Fused Item's Type
Tarot Effect Level Req. Soul S. Effect Level Req.
Tarot Effect Soul Stone Effect
Mitama Statistics
Growth Master Eihwaz Level 48
Force Slot 8 Success Rate
HP 612 Melee
MP 265 Ranged
Strength 46 Spell 63
Magic 58 Auxiliary
Vitality 39 Phy. Defense 18
Intelligence 76 Mgc. Defense 31
Speed 34 Crit. Occurrence
Luck 24 Crit. Avoidance
Mitama Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)


Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Null 100%
Null 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)

Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
Mitama Features

Demons Datsue-Ba • Acheri • Taraka • Gorgon • Yomotsu-Shikome • Leanan Sidhe • Yuki Jyorou • Lamia • Clotho • Arachne • Lachesis • Yaksni • Atropos • Dakini • Rangda
Variations Lucky Datsue-Ba • Inexperienced Datsue-Ba • Lucky Acheri • Deformed Taraka • Deformed Gorgon • Deformed Yomotsu-Shikome • Deformed Lamia • Lucky Arachne • Accomplished Yaksini • Inexperienced Yaksini
Limited Lucky Leanan Sidhe • Inexperienced Clotho • Inexperienced Lachesis • Inexperienced Atropos
Enemy Inhabitant of the Night Datsue-Ba • Employed by Punks Datsue-Ba • Datsue-Ba (Boss) • Twilight of Hades Acheri • Imp of Chaos Taraka • Imp of Chaos Taraka (Service Entrance A) • Inhabitant of the Night Taraka • Inexperienced Taraka • Invading Taraka • Employed by Punks Taraka • Superior Demon Taraka • Denizen of the Dark Gorgon • Employed by Punks Gorgon • Invading Gorgon • Inhabitant of the Night Yomotsu-Shikome • Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome • Denizen of the Dark Lamia • Spinner of Fate Clotho (Greater) • Superior Demon Clotho • Darkness of the Abyss Clotho • Twilight of Hades Arachne • Measurer of Fate Lachesis (Greater) • Superior Demon Lachesis • Darkness of the Abyss Lachesis • Dabster Yaksini • Superior Demon Yaksni • Yaksni (JB) • Cutter of Fate Atropos (Greater) • Superior Demon Atropos • Darkness of the Abyss Atropos • Invading Dakini • Superior Demon Dakini • Fierce Intruder Dakini • Witch That Endlessly Fights Rangda
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine