Akuma Angel
| Picture =
| Appearance = 300 Fossil Rocks exchange in Virtual Beach
| Name = Akuma Angel
| Level = 30
| Race = Divine
| Species = Aerial
| Alignment = Law
| ForceS = 8
| HP = 204
| M HP = 348
| MP = 86
| M MP = 212
| Str = 18
| M Str = 35
| Close = 27
| M Close = 51
| Mag = 12
| M Mag = 41
| Long = 35
| M Long = 62
| Vit = 17
| M Vit = 27
| Spell = 30
| M Spell = 56
| Int = 35
| M Int = 59
| Supp = 43
| M Supp = 73
| Spd = 13
| M Spd = 33
| PDef = 12
| M PDef = 27
| Luck = 22
| M Luck = 36
| MDef = 22
| M MDef = 44
| Crt = 30
| M Crt = 50
| Dec = 30
| M Dec = 50
| Inheritance = Expel
| Growth = Small Eihwaz
| Variations = Inexperienced Angel, [[Lucky Angel], Manifestation Angel, Holy Night Angel, Angel
| DCM = Arcadia Cathedral of Shadows
| Drops =
| Physical Resistance = 100%
| Magical Resistance = 100%
| Slash = 120%
| SlashNAR =
| Thrust = 110%
| ThrustNAR =
| Blunt = 100%
| BluntNAR = Null 25%
| Long Range = 100%
| Long RangeNAR =
| Penetrate = 120%
| PenetrateNAR =
| Spread = 110%
| SpreadNAR =
| Fire = 100%
| FireNAR =
| Ice = 100%
| IceNAR =
| Electric = 100%
| ElectricNAR =
| Force = 200%
| ForceNAR =
| Expel = 100%
| ExpelNAR = Null 100%
| Death = 200%
| DeathNAR =
| Magic = 75%
| M Magic = 60%
| MagicNAR =
| Nerve = 75%
| M Nerve = 60%
| NerveNAR =
| Mind = 200%
| MindNAR =
| Almighty = 100%
| AlmightyNAR =
| Recovery = 100%
| RecoveryNAR =
| Support = 100%
| SupportNAR =
| Kotodama = 50%
| KotodamaNAR =
| Suicide = 100%
| SuicideNAR =
| Special = 100%
| SpecialNAR =
| Demon Skill 1 = Magic shot
| Demon Level 1 = Default
| Demon Skill 2 = Gale
| Demon Level 2 = Default
| Demon Skill 3 = Counter
| Demon Level 3 = Default
| Demon Skill 4 = Dia
| Demon Level 4 = Default
| Demon Skill 5 = Hama
| Demon Level 5 = Default
| Demon Skill 14 = Zan
| Demon Level 14 = 32
| Demon Skill 15 = Media
| Demon Level 15 = 39
| Demon Skill 16 = Marakukaja
| Demon Level 16 = 47
| Demon Skill 17 = Diarahan
| Demon Level 17 = 53
| Demon Skill 18 = Mediarahan
| Demon Level 18 = 57
| Demon Skill 19 = Marin Karin
| Demon Level 19 = 61
| Demon Skill 20 = Recarm
| Demon Level 20 = 69
| Demon Skill 21 = Mamakanda
| Demon Level 21 = 77
| Demon Skill 22 = Sexy Eyes
| Demon Level 22 = 86
| Demon Skill 23 = Masamakaja
| Demon Level 23 = 93
| Demon Skill 24 = Megidolaon
| Demon Level 24 = 99
| Breath = X
| Wings = O
| Slam = X
| Teeth = X
| Claw = X
| Needle = O
| Weapon = X
| Eyes = O
| Maiden = O
| feat1 =
Summer Boost |
Fire Null + (Lv x 1%) |
| feat2 =
Fire Boost |
A demon with proficient control of flame. Fire-based skills are 50% more effective. |
| feat3 =
Healing Type |
A demon who heals your pain. Curative skills are 50% more effective. |
| feat4 =
A Feather in the Wind |
A demon with large wings. Force-based skills are 20% more effective. |
| mfeat1 =
Envoy's Duty |
Summoner Str, Mag, Spd +25 |
| mfeat2 =
Healing Type |
A demon who heals your pain. Curative skills are 50% more effective. |
| mfeat3 =
A Feather in the Wind |
A demon with large wings. Force-based skills are 20% more effective. |
| mfeat4 =
Children of Everlasting Summer |
Fire Drain + (Lv x 1%), Fire Incantation and Cooldown -70%. |
| Range =
| Rate =
| M Rate =
| Gem = Turquoise
| Part = Neck
| Title = -of Millenarian
| TLevel = 1
| Tarot =Expel Resist +1%
Death Resist -1%
| SSLevel = 10
| Soul Stone = Null Charm
| Difficulty = 0
| Vis1 =
| Vis2 =
| Vis3 =
Demonic Compendium | ||
By Alignment | Law | Herald • Entity • Deity • Vile • Avian • Megami • Amatsu • Raptor • Divine • Jaki • Flight • Yoma • Jirae • Machine |
Neutral | Reaper • Holy • Beast • Fairy • Element • Fiend • Genma • Wilder • Snake • Night • Avatar | |
Chaos | Foul • Brute • Haunt • Dragon • Fallen • Femme • Kunitsu • Lady • Drake • Kishin • Omega • Tyrant • Gaean | |
By Family | God | Deity • Megami • Entity |
Aerial | Herald • Divine • Fallen | |
Icon | Vile • Amatsu • Reaper • Kunitsu • Lady • Kishin • Omega | |
Demon | Jaki • Jirae • Brute • Femme | |
Dragon | Snake • Dragon • Drake | |
Nether | Yoma • Fairy • Genma • Night • Tyrant | |
Bird | Avian • Raptor • Flight | |
Beast | Holy • Beast • Wilder • Avatar | |
Scourge | Haunt | |
Pagan | Foul | |
Prime | Element | |
Human | Fiend • Gaean | |
Device | Machine |