Joyful Alice
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This is a list of where to go to learn certain inherit skills.
Demon skills can also be inherited in PvP, where players use a wide range of affinities. However, it is considered polite to wait until after a match to inherit by coordinating with a member of the opposing team.
- Inexperienced Orthrus: Suginami ----- Fire Breath (spin)
- Pyro Jack: Nakano ------ Agi (Accomp. Pyro Jack also uses Agilao)
- Titania: Shibuya ------ Maragion
- Oberon: Shibuya ------ Heat Wave
- Accomplished Hua Po: Shibuya ----- Agi
- Raging Atmos Flamies, Pure Flame Flamies: Suginami Tunnels (Gold) ----- Corona Cannon, Agidyne, Maragion, Hellfire
- Accomplished Naga: Shinjuku Docks ----- Heatwave
- Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama (Fire): Home III COMP-Hack Dungeon 1-A ----- Corona Cannon
- Choronzon: Ichigaya(Night only) ----- Agi
- Ocypete: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz(Bronze) ----- Agi
- Specter: Ueno, Old Ichigaya Camp(Silver) ----- Agi
- Taraka: Ueno ------ Heat Wave
- Macha: Celu Tower (Silver) ------ Heat Wave
- Dis: Shinjuku Docks ----- Agilao
- Raging Atmos Aquans, Pure Drop Aquans: Suginami Tunnels (Gold) ----- Blizzard Cannon, Bufudyne, Mabufula, Absolute Zero
- Jack Frost: Suginami, Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) ----- Bufu
- Rainbow of Victory Jack Frost: Home III Camp ------ Frost Punch
- Titania: Shibuya ------ Absolute Zero
- Aello: Shibuya Quartz (Bronze) ------ Mabufula
- Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama (Ice): Home III COMP-Hack Dungeon 1-A ----- Blizzard Cannon
- Azumi: Nakano ----- Bufu
- Bucca-Boo: Suginami, Shibuya ----- Bufu
- Oberon: Shibuya ----- Mabufula
- Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama (Elec): Home III COMP-Hack Dungeon 1-A ----- Lightning Cannon
- Raging Atmos Erthys, Pure Clump Erthys: Suginami Tunnels (Gold) ----- Lightning Cannon, Ziodyne, Mazionga, Electric Discharge
- High Pixie: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz (Bronze) ----- Zio
- Elf: Shibuya Quartz (Bronze) ------ Zionga
- Oberon: Shibuya ------ Electric Discharge
- Imp of Chaos Shikigami: Suginami ----- Zio
- Virtue: Shinagawa ----- Zio
- Kelaino: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz(Bronze) ----- Zio
- Raja Naga: Shinagawa (Night) ----- Electric Discharge
- Cait Sith/Deformed Cait Sith: Suginami, Suginami Tunnels(Bronze-Silver) ----- Lightning Thrust
- Raiju: STEVEN floor 22 ----- Zio, Electric Discharge
- Nue: STEVEN floor 23 ----- Electric Discharge
- Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama (Force): Home III COMP-Hack Dungeon 1-A ----- Hurricane Cannon
- Raging Atmos Aeros, Pure Wind Aeros: Suginami Tunnels (Gold) ----- Hurricane Cannon, Zandyne, Mazanma, Sonic Boom
- Principality: Celu Tower (Silver), Shinagawa ------ Zan
- Harpy: Shibuya, Celu Tower (Bronze), Shibuya Quartz (Bronze) ------ Wing Flap
- Koppa-Tengu/Deformed Koppa-Tengu: Celu Tower(Bronze), Old Ichigaya Camp (Bronze) ----- Wing Flap
- High Pixie: Shibuya/Shibuya Quartz(Bronze) ----- Wing Flap
- Aello: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz(Bronze) ----- Wing Flap
- Ocypete: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz(Bronze) ----- Wing Flap
- Karasu-Tengu: Ueno, Old Ichigaya Camp (All) ---- Violent Wind
- Yomotsu-Shikome: Ueno, Shinagawa Catacomb of the Templar Knights (New Moon) ---- Mazanma
- Deformed Karasu-Tengu: Old Ichigaya Camp(Silver, Gold) ---- Violent Wind
- Karasu-Tengu: Ueno ----- Violent Wind
- Accomplished Naga: Shinjuku Docks ----- Heatwave
- Cait Sith: Suginami, Suginami Tunnels (Bronze) ------ Lightning Thrust
- Rainbow of Victory Jack Frost: Home III Camp ------ Frost Punch
- Macha: Celu Tower (Silver) ------ Heat Wave
- Oberon: Shibuya ------ Heat Wave
- Taraka: Ueno ------ Heat Wave
- Ogre: Celu Tower(Bronze) ----- Hell Thrust
- Fomorian: Ichigaya ----- Hell Thrust
- Gaki: Ueno, Shinjuku Docks, Old Ichigaya Camp (Bronze) ----- Bite
- Garm: Nakano ----- Bite
- Mirror Inugami: Shibuya Quartz(Bronze) ----- Charm Bite
- Incubus: Shinjuku Docks, Ichigaya(Night only) ----- Hell Thrust
Curative and Support skills can be inherited by having any player or demon use them on your demon. This includes antis, nulls, and reflects.
For Defensive and Passive moves, have your demon either dodge, counter, or guard attacks or have their attacks dodge, countered, or guarded against. Moves like Estoma are also inherited in this way.
- Angel: Suginami Tunnels (Bronze), Shinagawa ----- Hama
- Lucky Angel: Shinagawa ----- Hama, Manma
- Best Option since she has both first tier expel spells, fastest way is to kill her after she has used both and find a new one because of the long cooldown.
- Archangel: Shinagawa ------ Hama
- Principality: Shinagawa ------ Hama
- Virtue: Shinagawa ------ Hama
- Turdak: Zhu Que Cavern(Bronze) ----- Hama
- Apis: Celu Tower(Bronze) ----- Hama
- Karasu-Tengu: Ueno ----- Hama
- Madness-Stricken Legion: Ueno (at night) ----- Mudo, Hell's Eye
- Best option since Legion will pretty much spam Mudo and Hell's Eye
- Nightmare Arahabaki: Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold, b12-107) ----- Mudo, Mamudo, Mudoon, Mamudoon
- Arahabaki also pretty much just spams these skills but takes a long time for them to cooldown.
- Celaeno: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz (Bronze) ----- Mudo
- Legion: Old Ichigaya Camp (Silver) ----- Mudo, Hell's Eye
- Shadow: Ueno, Old Ichigaya Camp (Silver) ----- Mamudo
- Lustful Fiend Legion: Kuchinawa Cave (Bronze) ----- Mamudo
- Kissy Pixie: Suginami ------ Kiss Throw
- Hua Po: Shibuya ------ Kiss Throw
- Apsaras: Shinjuku Docks, Shinagawa ------ Kiss Throw, Lullaby
- Lilim: Shinjuku Docks ------ Kiss Throw
- Nekomata: Suginami Tunnels(Bronze) ----- Marin Karin
- Isora: Shinjuku Docks -----Marin Karin
- High Pixie: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz----- Kiss Throw
- Harpy: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz, Celu Tower (Bronze) ----- Dormina
- Ocypete: Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz ----- Lullaby
- Harpy: Shibuya, Celu Tower (Bronze), Shibuya Quartz (Bronze) ------ Magic Shot
- Titania: Shibuya ------ Magic Shot
- Angel, Lucky Angel: Shinagawa ------ Magic Shot
- Principality: Shinagawa ------ Magic Shot
- Blob: Ueno, Shinjuku Docks, Suginami Tunnels (Silver), Celu Tower (Silver, Bronze), Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Bronze) ----- Fool's Voice, Death Touch
- Yakkha: Ichigaya, Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Bronze) ----- Fool's Voice, Death Touch
- Ghoul: Ichigaya, Shinjuku Docks ----- Death Touch
- Lilim: Shinjuku Docks ----- Death Touch, Soul Suck
- Pisaca: Ichigaya, Old Ichigaya Camp(Silver) ----- Death Touch
- Legion: Old Ichigaya Camp(Silver) ----- Death Touch
- Raja Naga: Shinagawa(Night only) ----- Death Touch
- Vetala: Shinagawa Catacomb of the Templar Knights(New Moon) ----- Death Touch
- Specter: Ueno, Old Ichigaya Camp (Silver) ----- Soul Suck
- Choronzon: Ichigaya (Night only) ----- Petra eye
Long Range
- Embodiment of Form Artemis boss: Shibuya ------ Chain Shot
- R07A Arcturus: Shinjuku Docks (Act 12 staging area) ------ all attacks
- Apsaras: Shinjuku Docks ----- 99 Needles
- Will O'Wisp: Nakano ----- 99 Needles
- Mou-Ryou: Nakano ----- Poison Needle
- Zhen: Shinagawa ----- Poison Needle
- Embodiment of Form Angel: Shibuya ------ Megido
- Lustful Fiend Legion: Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Bronze) ------ Megido
- He use it fairly often, the rest of his skills are mostly debuffs except Mamudo.
- Slime + Black Ooze + Blob bosses: Shinjuku Babel Comp Hack DB Watanabe ------ Megidola
- They rarely use it....better to try the Angel boss.
- Slime + Black Ooze + Blob bosses: Shinjuku Babel Comp Hack ALPHA (DB Saito) ------ Megidola
- This hack requires the special item Hacked Chip Alpha and must be done solo to get the 3 fouls (entering with a party triggers a different variation of the run). But the three bosses use almighty skills constantly, so this is a pretty fast way to learn the skills if you have the means to do so!
- Deformed Power and Embodiment of Form Power ------- Megidola, Megidolaon
- Both spawn with Raphael field boss in the clearing east of Celu Tower. Deformed Powers are also found in Suginami Tunnels (Gold). They cast it (even too) often; since they spawn in numbers crowd control might get difficult.
- Embodiment of Form Odin, False Demon God Odin boss: Celu Tower (Silver, Gold) ------ Gungnir
- Preferably one of the more simpler ways to get an Almighty skill inherited, as Odin uses this fairly often. For those that do not know what the skill looks like, Odin will be surrounded by runic symbols, and then will shoot a crystal lance at an enemy.
- Alp: Shinjuku Docks-----Shibaboo
- Knocker: Shibuya-----Shibaboo
- Koppa-Tengu: Celu Tower(bronze)-----Shibaboo
- Poltergeist: Ichigaya-----Shibaboo
This was referenced from Locations to Inherit skills