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The divine class of demons involves lawful humanoids, mostly of the angelic or semi-angelic type.

How to Fuse

Demon 1 Demon 2 Fusion Range Demon Level Cost Success Rate
Goddess Fallen 1-21 Angel 11 60 84%
Heavenly God Fairy 22-33 Archangel 17 144 75%
Vile Seraph 34-49 Principality 25 312 63%
Yoma Wild Bird 50-71 Power 36 648 46%
Yoma Nocturne 72-101 Virtue 51 1300 24%
Yoma Godly Beast 102-127 Dominion 64 2048 4%
Yoma Holy Beast 128+ Throne 71 6%
Seraph Avian
Avian Earth Spirits
Wild Bird Fairy
Demigod Brute
Fairy Godly Beast
Fairy Beast
Godly Beast Fallen
Earth Mother Brute

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/angel.png Angel

Main article: Angel

|The ninth class of angels in the Angelic Hierachy. They appear in Christianity. Islam. and Judaism as manifestations of God's will. The generic angels depicted in paintings are almost always of this class.

The word "angel" means "messenger" in Greek. Angels serve as a link between God and humankind. They are also sometimes referred to as "servants." Angels appear in many parts of the Bible and other scriptures.

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http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/archangel.png Archangel

Main article: Archangel

|The eighth class of angels, members of the Third Sphere, they are directly involved in the world of humans as the bearers of God's will, acting as a bridge between humans and their Lord. At the end of the world, they will be charged with the blowing the Seven Horns.

Archangels have a spiritual awareness two levels higher than humans. Unlike angels, their role is to guide groups and nations rather than individuals.

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http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/principality.png Principality

Main article: Principality

|The seventh class of angels. These angels protect the leaders of nations and large cities on Earth. They have an orthodox view of good and evil, but are said to be stubborn. Principalities are charged with patrolling the borders of regions overrun by demons and can create harmony between those in conflict. However, they are also the most easily corrupted of all angels.

Their spiritual awareness is three levels higher than humans. They are said to rule over time.

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http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/power.png Power

Main article: Power

The sixth class of angels, members of the Second Sphere. Their name signifies the power of God. They are also known as "Dynamis" and "Polantias".

Powers are tasked by their masters with destroying sinners who defy Heaven. They serve largely as holy soldiers, seen as capable of both good and evil. This is because they have the most contact with devils, compared to any other type of angel and thus are the most prone to fall from grace. They patrol the corridors of Heaven, always ready to stand on the front lines and defend Heaven from demons and other enemies.

Powers have a spiritual awareness four levels higher than humans. They help protect law and order in the natural world. They also took part in the Creation and serve as spiritual guides to all humanity.

Camuel, leader of the Powers, commands one million of these angels, while Raphael, one of the four Archangels, oversees the class.

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http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/virtue.png Virtue

Main article: Virtue

The fifth class of angels, ranked second among the Second Sphere. Their name signifies the virtue of God.

Virtues lack physical bodies and cannot directly affect reality. They are known as "the shining ones" and "the luminous ones". Virtues manifest themselves in the form of miracles. They create miracles before all who strive toward noble goals or fight in the name of good, bestowing favor and courage upon them.

It is said that two of these angels of might were summoned to accompany Christ during his Ascension. They also acted as midwives for the birth of Cain, Adam and Eve's first child.

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http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/dominion.png Dominion

Main article: Dominion

In the Christian hierarchy of angels, Dominions are part of the second sphere and are said to watch over nations and regulate the duties of lesser angels.In Moses Maimonides' hierarchy of angels according to Jewish lore, they are Hashmallim, the fourth rank of angels, and are mentioned briefly in the Hebrew version of the Book of Ezekiel.

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http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4272178/MTWiki/Icon/throne.png Throne

Main article: Throne

The third of nine classes of angels, they are angels of knowledge. The Thrones or Elders, also known as the Erelim or Ophanim, are a class of celestial beings mentioned by Paul of Tarsus in Colossians 1:16 (New Testament) and related to the throne of God. They are living symbols of God's justice and authority. They come the closest of all Angels to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with mirror-like goodness. They, despite their greatness, are intensely humble, an attribute that allows them to dispense justice with perfect objectivity and without fear of pride or ambition. Because they are living symbols of God's justice and authority, they are called Thrones and have as one of their symbols the throne.

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Demons Angel • Archangel • Principality • Power • Virtue • Dominion • Throne • Ose Hallel • Flauros Hallel
Variations Lucky Angel • Inexperienced Angel • Accomplished Archangel • Deformed Archangel • Accomplished Principality • Deformed Principality • Inexperienced Principality • Deformed Power • Inexperienced Dominion
Limited Manifestation Angel • Fresh Archangel • Eternal Partner Dominion • Christmas Eve Angel
Enemy Angel Iskios • Embodiment of Form Angel • Invading Angel • Inviolable Servant Angel • Stray Angel • Archangel Iskios • Invading Archangel • Inviolable Servant Archangel • Archangel (Boss) • Invading Principality • Inviolable Servant Principality • Nightmare Principality • Principalities Iskios • Embodiment of Form Power • Invading Power • Power En podio • Power Iskios • Power (JB) • Invading Virtue • Inviolable Servant Virtue • Virtue Amina • Virtue (JB) • Dominion Amina • Dominion En podio • Enforcer of Law Dominion • Dominion (JB) • Invading Throne • Throne Amina • Warden of the Coffin Throne • Throne (JB) • Frenzied Throne • Seraphim Ose Hallel • Seraphim Flauros Hallel
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine