Magic Control

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An Expertise Skill for controlling magical power in addition to various types of attacks.

Side Effects: Lowered MP cost for all skills, shorter incantation time for all skills.


Requirements to unlock: None


Class 2, Rank 0

1 Skill Point available

Sorcery Circulation

A passive skill that reduces MP costs by improving the efficiency of the Player's life energy criculation during incantation.<br/> Type: Passive<br/> Affinity: Special<br/> Action Type: Curative<br/> Cost: None<br/>

Class 3, Rank 0

1 Skill Point available

Lord of the Frost

A switch skill that increases ice-based damage and reduces incantation time by synchronizing the attacker's soul with the latent power of water that exists in all creation. Also decreases fire-based damage.<br/> Type: Switch<br/> Affinity: Special<br/> Action Type: Curative<br/> Cost: None<br/>

Class 4, Rank 0

1 Skill Point available

Lady of Static

A switch skill that increases electric-based damage and reduces incantation time by synchronizing the attacker's soul with the latent power of the earth that exists in all creation. Also decreases force-based damage.<br/> Type: Switch<br/> Affinity: Special<br/> Action Type: Curative<br/> Cost: None<br/>

Class 5, Rank 0

1 Skill Point available

Advanced Sorcery Circulation

A passive skill that reduces MP costs and incantation time by further improving the efficiency of the Player's life energy circulation during incantation.<br/> Type: Passive<br/> Affinity: Special<br/> Action Type: Curative<br/> Cost: None<br/>

Class 6, Rank 0

1 Skill Point available

Lord of the Storms

A switch Skill that increases force-based damage and reduces incantation time by synchronizing the attacker's soul with the latent power of wind that exists in all creation. Also decreases electric-based damage.<br/> Type: Switch<br/> Affinity: Special<br/> Action Type: Curative<br/> Cost: None<br/>

Class 7, Rank 0

1 Skill Point available

Lady of the Flames

A switch Skill that increases fire-based damage and reduces incantation time by synchronizing the attacker's soul with the latent power of fire that exists in all creation. Also decreases ice-based damage.<br/> Type: Switch<br/> Affinity: Special<br/> Action Type: Curative<br/> Cost: None<br/>

Techniques: AttackSpinRushShotRapidGuardCounterDodgeCurative MagicDestruction MagicSupport MagicCurse MagicTalkThreatenTauntSummon
Knowledges: OccultismFusionDemonologyWeapon KnowledgeSurvival TechniquesPsychologyMedical SciencesCrushing TechniqueMineralogyBiologyBladesSketchingCreationCraftsGun KnowledgePursuitMagic ControlBless
Chain Expertise: Mastery of Three Forms of LifeSynthesisCrusading FistMitama Demon Growth ScienceCurse of the WretchedEnhancementSupport BulletFreischutzSharpshooterRampageRegal PresenceConditions of Melee CombatConditions of Ranged CombatConditions of Magic CombatSwordsmithArms MakerCraftsmanship