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Blaze of Ambition

The new update content "Blaze of Ambition" to Shin Megami Tensei: IMAGINE features VERSUS, a Player versus Player known as PvP is now available. There are two types of VERSUS battle you can partipate; Fate and Valhalla. Players with Level 30 or more can join.


During VERSUS, rules will be different than your typical battle.

  • The Health Bar on your Character and Demon will be boosted 10 times.
  • Some Items and Commands will not be functional.
  • Team Chat is available to communicate with the whole team.
  • Null, Absorb, and Reflect will instead replace with minimum damage. Knockback and Stun still applies.
  • If a Player is defeated, you will not suffer Death Penalty (lose of Experience Points).
    • If the Player decides to resuscitate "Back to Resuscitate Point", the Player will revive at a select spawn site. Also, will gain "Super Armor" buff for 30 seconds.
  • If a Demon is defeated, Friendship Level will remain the same.
  • Equipments and Weapons will not suffer Durability lose unless stated such as "Flying" Wings and Electric Guitar: Assault, Electric Guitar (Buster) via D.M.C. skill.
  • Experience Points will be rewarded after the Match.
  • [Note]: If a Player force quits during a Match 3 times, he/she will not be able to join for some certain amount of time.

The Story

Several years had passed since the Gaia and the Messiah signed a treaty to cease fire... Tokyo was peaceful on the surface, but neither side had lost the desire to conquer the other in the future. As the tension mounds and the fear spreads, the extremists were anxious to start yet another war. One day, a mysterious man approached both sides with a proposition.

"I can provide you with a place where you can unleash your anger and frustration..."

Nobody knew what he was trying to accomplish by encouraging them to battle each other. But one thing was certain - the peaceful era was about to end. Face your density and investigate this new movement, Devil Busters!


"Gondo" is the mastermind who established FATE and VALHALLA as well as the illegal gambling syndicate. His business has been very lucrative as he controls the entire VERSUS operations using Yaginuma. By day, he works for the government as "Secretary Gondo". However, only a handful of those in power are aware of his true identity.

After a certain event, you may learn the truth and attempt to stop him...


When the VERSUS operation began, a mysterious woman only known as "Yaginuma" started to appear in every town. Appointed by "Gonzo", she is currently in charge of the VERSUS operations. Her mannerism and her horns may remind you of someone else...

We are not sure what Gonzo and Yaginuma are, just yet.

How to Participate in VERSUS

First-time participation:

  • Talk with any Yaginuma; "Ask about VERSUS" to start the Quest: Yaginuma's Letter. They are located next to any Home Point in every cities.
  • Talk with Yaginuma in Nakano to start the Quest: Clash of the Titans: VERSUS.
    • Register in FATE.
    • Regardless of winning or losing in FATE, VERSUS is available to you.
    • [Note]: If your character is below Level 30, you will able to join as that level only once for this quest. But cannot enter until your character is Level 30 or more.

Participation completed both quests:

  • Talk with any Yaginuma next to any Home Point in any cities or Yaginuma in Nakano; "Register" and choose between FATE or VALHALLA.
  • After reaching the requirement amount of players, there is a 2 minute wait.
    • If a Player cancelled their entry, timer will stop and reset when the requirement is met again.
  • Click "Ready" when Timer reaches 0. If you wait or click "Forfeit", this will count as a Penalty.

Forming Teams

There are 2 teams in VERSUS; Azure and Scarlet. Players are split according to their Alignment regardless of Levels, but there are times when they are more LAW Players than CHAOS and vice-versa when they will be forced to join the other team.

Law Players will join Azure
Chaos Players will join Scarlet
Neutral Players will join either side

You can form a team before joining. Regardless of the players alignment, they will be able to join. This only applies to Valhalla.


http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/GUI/vs_fate_01.png http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/GUI/pvp_start_font_01.png

Fate is based on capture-the-flag type battle 15 versus 15 players (or more). The battlefield is in a private area away from the Commune in Fujimi Midgard Battleground. The objective is to occupy strategic locations. Pillars are scattered across the map in 5 locations with each different number (1 , 3 , 5 , 7, 10). Points will be rewarded to the whole team for every 30 seconds continuously as long the occupation is captured on your side and will gain bonus points over time. Points can be awarded faster by capturing the Pillars with the most white bars next to it. 3 being the fastest and 1 the slowest. (Bonus points increase in the order of 15 ? 30 ? 45 ? 60 ? 75)
• You can only view the white bar next to the poles via map only.
• 10 will always will be in the center with 1 white bar.
Teamwork is key while someone defends the important Pillar and the rest captures the rest. The team with the most points win when 13 minutes expires.
• During battle, if Shot (including Destruction Magic) and Rapid user are on the high ground, Dodge skills is invalid for the lower ground.

Accident!/ Surprise Event!

At some point during Fate, a message will appear in your chat box an event occurred. These events are triggered randomly whenever someone captures a Pillar. These events cannot be avoided and will grant that "surprise". The "surprise" lasts until it expires or the player is dead.

Stone • Player gains Stone aliment despite the user is equipped with Anti-Stone protection.
Slight Dilema • Player is weak against Close-range, Long-range and Spell damage while suffering Poison effect.
Stealth Chance • You are invisible to others and cannot attack. You still suffer damage.
Surprise Event!
Demon Chance • Player turns into Jack Frost for a certain amount of time. Reduces your Incantation and Cool-down time.
Element Chance (Fire) • Your weapon affinity is now Fire and also you will greatly suffer from Ice-based attacks.
Element Chance (Ice) • Your weapon affinity is now Ice and also you will greatly suffer from Fire-based attacks.
Element Chance (Electric) • Your weapon affinity is now Electric and also will greatly suffer from Force-based attacks.
Element Chance (Force) • Your weapon affinity is now Force and also will greatly suffer from Electric-based attacks.
Last-Minute Comeback • Your Close-range, Long-range and Spell Damage is greatly boosted.

VERSUS - Valhalla

http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/GUI/vs_Wal_01.png http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/GUI/pvp_start_font_02.png

Valhalla is more focused on PvP unlike Fate with 5 versus 5 players (minimum is 3 versus 3 players). The battlefield is a private area in the Colosseum. The objective is to reach 15 points for the team. Each Demon Buster (Player) is worth 2 points and Demons are worth 1 points.
• [Important Note]: You will lose GP when you lose the match.

Ranks & GP

GP stands for Grade Point. You will gain regardless of winning or losing in Fate, however it will decrease when you lose in Valhalla. Accumulating certain amounts of GP will grant you a different rank. After obtaining Midgard rank, the only way to raise your rank is to successfully win matches in Valhalla.

Rank GP Needed
Einherjar ~ 1.990+ GP
Valgrind ~ 1.989 GP
Gladsheim ~ 1.899 GP
Asgard ~ 1.699 GP
Bifrost ~ 1.499 GP
Midgard ~ 1.299 GP
Jotunheim ~ 0.999 GP
Helhiem ~ 0.499 GP
Muspellzheum 0 ~ 0.249 GP

PvP Advice

  • Recommend Enhancement classes have around 140 Intelligence for +70% Assault and Solid Pulses.
  • Curse of the Wretched is very effective due to high area effect and cause status aliment.
  • If you're focus on certain affinity attacks, bring an Extra/ Talisman equipment that boosts your attack.
  • Hex skills are useful to boost your damage.
  • Adding skills such as Guard, Counter and Dodge to your Command Bar will help fend off enemies. Adding healing items also helps and save time.
  • Stock up a lot on Ointment (L) and Chakra Gum (L). Might using up a lot during battles.

Demon Skills

  • Bringing a Demon with certain protection skills is helpful.
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0001a.png Anti-Fire Temporarily raises resistance to fire-based damage. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0002a.png Anti-Ice Temporarily raises resistance to ice-based damage. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0003a.png Anti-Electric Temporarily raises resistance to electric-based damage. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0004a.png Anti-Force Temporarily raises resistance to force-based damage. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0005a.png Anti-Expel Temporarily raises resistance to expel-based damage. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0006a.png Anti-Death Temporarily raises resistance to death-based damage. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0007a.png Anti-Melee Increases Slash, Charge and Blunt resistance for short period of time. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0008a.png Anti-Shot Increases Long-range, Pierce and Spread resistance for a short period of time. (For 5 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0021a.png Negate Fire Magic that negates fire-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0022a.png Negate Ice Magic that negates ice-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0023a.png Negate Electric Magic that negates electric-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0024a.png Negate Force Magic that negates force-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0025a.png Negate Expel Magic that negate expel-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0026a.png Negate Death Magic that negate death-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0041a.png Reflect Fire Magic that reflects fire-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0042a.png Reflect Ice Magic that reflects ice-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)
http://www.nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20dskill/icon_SD20_0043a.png Reflect Electric Magic that reflects electric-based damage up to 3 times in a set time. (For 3 minutes)


  • Certain Talisman can prevent you some gaining bad status aliment. Purchased at the Armor Shop (Accessory) in any cities. (Cannot be traded)
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0243a.png Flash Amulet (Remembrance) Nulls Muddle
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0244a.png Flash Amulet (Flexibility) Nulls Stone
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0245a.png Flash Amulet (Openness) Nulls Mute
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0246a.png Flash Amulet (Tenacity) Nulls Charm
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0247a.png Flash Amulet (Vigilance) Nulls Sleep
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0248a.png Flash Amulet (Mobility) Nulls Paralyze

  • Exchange 75 Valuable Cards to Hardworking Yagiya.
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0252a.png Talisman of Mind Control Nulls Mute and Muddle
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0253a.png Talisman of the Body Control Nulls Stone and Paralyze
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20talisman/icon_A49_0254a.png Talisman of Will Control Nulls Charm and Sleep

Soul Stones

Thoth Head Lv.40+ +10 MAX MP, -5 Strength, -5 Speed
If Player have 50 Intelligence or more, additionally, Void Muddle
If Player is LAW, +15 MAX MP
Nandi Top Lv.30+ Null Mute, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength
If Player is between Level 44 and 54, additionally, +1 additional round for Support-based skills
If Player is NEUTRAL, +10% Curative-based skill effects
Parvati Bottom Lv.50+ Void Mute
If Player is CHAOS, additionally, +10 Intelligence, +4 Magic
Freya Neck Lv.30+ Void Mute
Angel Neck Lv.11+ Null Charm
Kaichi Neck Lv.20+ Void Bind, +1 Intelligence, +1 Luck, -1 Strength
Pallas Athena Arms Lv.70+ Void Mute, Void Muddle, Level x 0.25% chance of reflect Magic-affinity
If Player is LAW, additionally, +1 Strength, +1 Magic
If Player is CHAOS, additionally, -10% Rush damage
Pisaca Back Lv.30+ Level 0.1% Void Mind-based skills
-15% Fire resistance
Lilim Talisman Lv.20+ Void Sleep, +1 Magic
Lilith Talisman Lv.75+ Player gains Whisper of Temptation when equipped
If Player is NEUTRAL additionally, Void Charm, Void Sleep, +1 Intelligence, +1 Magic
Lamia Ring, Earring, Extra Lv.30+ +5 Mind-based skill effects
If Player is NEUTRAL or CHAOS, additionally, Void Charm, Void Bind

Rewards & BP

BP stands for Battle Point. You will gain from from Fate or Valhalla. You can exchange BP for equipment, weapons or supplies. Talk with any Yaginuma next to any Home Point to exchange.

VERSUS Weapons

http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20axe/icon_W07_0027a.png Mana Eater Axe Blunt - Players with 1.300+ GP 120,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%201handedsword/icon_W02_0097a.png Quietus 1-Handed Sword Slash 2 Players with 1.900+ GP 120,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20spear/icon_W06_0039a.png White Shark Spear Charge - Players with 1.300+ GP 120,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20thrustingsword/icon_W03_0040a.png Miseri Cordis (Ceremonial) Thrusting Sword Charge 2 Players with 1.900+ GP 600,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20shotgun/icon_W12_0035a.png Ogre Blow Shotgun Spread - Players with 1.300+ GP 120,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20rifle/icon_W11_0022a.png Dedushka Rifle Penetrate 2 Players with 1.900+ GP 600,000 BP


http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/Icon%20head/icon_A18_0126a.png Protozipanium Headgear Head ? Lv.40+ 2,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/Icon%20head/icon_A18_0127a.png Protozipanium Headgear Head ? Lv.40+ 2,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20Top/icon_A05_0458a.png Protozipanium Suit Top ? Players with 1.700+ GP 2,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20Top/icon_A05_0459a.png Protozipanium Suit Top ? Players with 1.700+ GP 2,000 BP

VERSUS Accessory

http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20arm/icon_A07_0070a.png Protozipanium Gloves Arms ? Players with 1.000 GP+ 30,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20arm/icon_A07_0070a.png Protozipanium Gloves Arms ? Players with 1.000 GP+ 30,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20back/icon_A17_0044a.png Zipanium Backpack Back ? Players with 1.000 GP+ 30,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20back/icon_A17_0045a.png Zipanium Backpack Back ? Players with 1.000 GP+ 30,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20extra/icon_A19_0032a.png Blaze of Ambition Extra - Players with 1.500 GP+ 300,000 BP


http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0057a.png Ointment (L) Consumable 10 VERSUS 5 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0059a.png Magic Stone (L) Consumable 10 VERSUS 5 BP for 15x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0058a.png Chakra Gum (L) Consumable 10 VERSUS 5 BP for 20x

VERSUS Magical Items

• [Note]: PvP Anti Items cannot be stacked, they will override the existing if used.

http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0071a.png Incense of Effort Consumable 1000 Cannot be traded 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0072a.png Incense of Learning Consumable 1000 Cannot be traded 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0060a.png Antiheat Consumable 10 VERSUS 20 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0061a.png Anticold Consumable 10 VERSUS 20 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0062a.png Antisonic Consumable 10 VERSUS 20 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0063a.png Antishock Consumable 10 VERSUS 20 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0064a.png Antistrike Consumable 10 VERSUS 20 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0065a.png Antishot Consumable 10 VERSUS 20 BP for 10x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0073a.png Heat Guard Consumable 10 VERSUS 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0074a.png Cold Guard Consumable 10 VERSUS 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0075a.png Sonic Guard Consumable 10 VERSUS 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I31_0076a.png Shock Guard Consumable 10 VERSUS 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I07_0004a.png Maragi Stone Consumable 10 - 10 BP for 5x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I08_0004a.png Mabufu Stone Consumable 10 - 10 BP for 5x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I09_0004a.png Mazio Stone Consumable 10 - 10 BP for 5x
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I15_0004a.png Mazan Stone Consumable 10 - 10 BP for 5x

VERSUS Surprise Items

http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20voucher/icon_I26_0103a.png Yellow Surprise Consumable 100 - 500 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20voucher/icon_I26_0104a.png Red Surprise Consumable 100 - 5,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20equipment/icon%20voucher/icon_I26_0105a.png Purple Surprise Consumable 100 - 30,000 BP

VERSUS Soul Stones

http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
10 Top Magic-affinity Res +20%
Magic-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone: Spiritus Mendaciorm 10 Head CHR Res +20%
Charge-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
Vasa Iniquitatis
10 Back MND Res +20%
Mind-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone: Ultores Scelorum 10 Talisman DTH Res +20%
Death-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone: Praestigiatores 10 Bottom ELC Res +20%
Electric-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone: Aereae Potestates 10 Neck XPL Res +20%
Expel-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
10 Weapon BLT Res +20%
Blunt-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone: Criminatores 10 Earring PNT Res +20%
Penetrate-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
Tentatores Maligenii
10 Bottom Handgun Res +20%
Handgun-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
10 Arms SLA Res +20%
Slash-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
10 Extra ICE Res +20%
Ice-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone:
10 Face NRV Res +20%
Nerve-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP
http://nerfjax.com/kuenaimaku/images/megaten/icons%20-%20misc/icon%20consumable/icon_I71_0016a.png Soul Stone: Transgression 10 Ring FRC Res +20%
Forced-based skill effects +10%
455,000 BP