How to Initiate
Talk to Yamamoto the Steel-Willed after completing Act 15: The Prisoners
[+]Choice: If you fought Uriel in Act 13
Summary - Part One:
- Talk to Yamamoto to start the mission. He will tell you which lord to go to first for your mission.
- Lord Doukan is in CHAOS City - Souhonzan.
- Lord Judah is in LAW City - Arcadia.
- Once you have talked to both Lords and received Doukan's Plate (道灌のプレート), form a party, and head on over to the Ichigaya Obelisk and talk to the Innocent.
- After Surt is defeated, a cut scene will play, after which you will be asked three questions.
- Warning: These questions will change your alignment by a lot. (NOTE: options may not be listed in the same order in-game; refer to the Japanese for the desired answers)
- Question: What, Demon Buster, do you aim to achieve by fighting?
- To achieve Peace - LAW Shift (平和を得る)
- To gain Freedom - CHAOS Shift (自由を得る)
- If you selected "Peace" on Question 1: When that day arrives, will you side with God or us Demons?
- God - LAW Shift
- Demons - CHAOS Shift (悪魔)
- If you selected "God" on Question 2: When you talk of the 'Rebirth of Tokyo', is it the Millennial Kingdom that you envision?
- Yes - LAW Shift
- No - CHAOS Shift
- If you selected "Freedom" on Question 1: You must choose a Freedom dictated by the ideologies of Demons!
- Choose a freedom dictated by demons - CHAOS Shift (悪魔による自由を選ぶ)
- Reject this kind of freedom - LAW Shift (悪魔による自由は選ばない)
- If you selected "Freedom dictated by demons" on Question 2: When you face God, will you take the side of the demons he banished?
- I will take their side. - CHAOS Shift (悪魔と手を組む)
- I will not. - LAW Shift (悪魔と手を組まない)
- If you selected "Reject this kind of freedom" on Question 2: Who will you stand with, the Savior or the Commune?
- The Commune. - No Shift (共同体社会)
- The Savior. - LAW Shift (救世主)
- Talk to Lord Doukan to return to Shinjuku Babel.
- Report to Yamamoto.
Summary - Part Two:
- Yamamoto will tell you to speak with Lord Judah. (Lord Judah is in LAW City - Arcadia)
- Return to Yamamoto to obtain the Seance Plate.
- Go to the Old Ichigaya Camp and begin the Seance Plate.
- Talk to every single standing person you see, except for Innocents.
- Talk to DB Mikangi. He will instruct you to relay his order to the Gaians and Messians, as well as find a way to reactivate the door behind him.
- Back track and go to the elevator down to B6
- The NPCs you need to talk to are: DB Kano, DB Yamaguchi, Knight Templar Hiragi, Knight Templar Futagami, Knight Templar (no name - 12, 21), Gaian Priest Toto, Gaian (no name - 23, 20), Gaian (no name - 23, 22)
- To open the door, activate all switches.
- The switches you need to hit are: Rin, Tou, Sha, Hei, Kai
- Once the order has been relayed, return to Mikangi to continue on to the boss room. Here you must fight Ogami.
- During the fight with Ogami, there are four switches in the room to hit, these switches stop the spawning of a type of monster.
- Once Ogami is defeated, there is another cutscene, and another question.
Stab her (止めを刺す) -> Chaos shift
Spare her (刺さない) -> Law shift
- Talk to Mikangi to return to Shinjuku Babel.
- Report to Yamamoto.
[+]Choice: If you fought Surt in Act 13
Summary - Part One:
- Talk to Yamamoto to start the mission. He will tell you which lord to go to first for your mission.
- Lord Judah is in LAW City - Arcadia.
- Lord Doukan is in CHAOS City - Souhonzan.
- Once you have talked to both Lords and received Judah's Plate (ユダのプレート), form a party, and head on over to the Shibuya Obelisk and talk to the Innocent.
- After Uriel is defeated, a cut scene will play, after which you will be asked three questions.
- Warning: These questions will change your alignment. (NOTE: options may not be listed in the same order in-game; refer to the Japanese for the desired answers)
- Question: What do you fight for?
- To achieve peace - LAW Shift (平和を得る)
- To achieve freedom - CHAOS Shift (自由を得る)
- If you answered "To achieve freedom" for the first question:
- Question: Do you really desire 'Freedom' so much that you would create a 'race of the weak'?
- Yes - CHAOS Shift
- No - ? Shift
- If you answered "Yes" for the second question:
- Question: Are you one who desires the resurrection of the Tyrant Lucifer?
- Yes - CHAOS Shift
- No - ? Shift
- If you answered "Peace" on the first question:
- Question: When that times comes, will you cooperate with the Savior as is the will of God?
- I will cooperate - LAW Shift (救世主に協力する)
- I will not - CHAOS Shift (救世主に協力しない)
- If you answered "I will not" for the second question:
- Question: When the time comes, who will you fight for?
- The Devils - CHAOS Shift (悪魔)
- The Commune - No Shift (共同体社会)
- Question: Do you pledge to fight for the Millennial Kindgom this kingdom of God?
- Yes. - LAW Shift (誓う)
- No. - CHAOS Shift
- Talk to Lord Judah to return to Shinjuku Babel.
- Report to Yamamoto.
Summary - Part Two:
- Yamamoto will tell you to speak with Lord Souhonzan.(Lord Doukan is in CHAOS City - Souhonzan)
- Return to Yamamoto to obtain the Seance Plate
- Go to the Old Ichigaya Camp and begin the Seance Plate.
- Talk to every single standing person you see, except for Innocents.
- Talk to DB Mikangi. He will instruct you to relay his order to the Gaians and Messians, as well as find a way to reactivate the door behind him.
- Back track and go to the elevator down to B6
- The NPCs you need to talk to are: DB Kano, DB Yamaguchi, Knight Templar Hiragi, Knight Templar Futagami, Knight Templar (no name - 12, 21), Gaian Priest Toto, Gaian (no name - 23, 20), Gaian (no name - 23, 22)
- To open the door, activate all switches.
- The switches you need to hit are: Rin, Tou, Sha, Hei, Kai
- Once the order has been relayed, return to Mikangi to continue on to the boss room. Here you must fight Ogami.
- During the fight with Ogami, there are four switches in the room to hit, these switches stop the spawning of a type of monster.
- Once Ogami is defeated, there is another cutscene, and another question.
Kill her (止めを刺す) -> Chaos shift
Spare her (刺さない) -> Law shift
- Talk to Mikangi to return to Shinjuku Babel.
- Report to Yamamoto.
On Act 13 -> (Law path / Chaos path)
Part 1: Surt/Uriel battle
- Talk to Yamamoto the Steel-Willed.
- Head to (Souhonzan / Holy City of Arcadia).
- Talk to (Doukan / Judah).
- You obtain (Doukan's Plate / Judah's Plate).
- Run and talk to the Innocent in (Ichigaya / Shibuya)
- Defeat (Surt / Uriel) and their minions.
- Talk to (Surt / Uriel), then talk to (Doukan / Judah).
- Talk to Yamamoto the Steel-Willed.
Part 2: Relay message
- Run to (Holy City of Arcadia / Souhonzan).
- Talk to (Judah / Doukan).
- Return to Shinjuku Babel and talk to Yamamoto the Steel-Willed.
- You obtain Old Ichigaya Camp Plate (Seance).
Part 3: Ogami war
- Run to Old Ichigaya Camp.
- Use the plate on the machine and enter Old Ichigaya Camp (Seance).
- Hit the first switch you see.
- Go down and speak to DB Mikanagi, then go back up.
- Use the elevator to B6.
- Talk to the 3 Living NPCs on the left and right side.
- Return up using the elevator and go down using the stairs.
- Talk to DB Mikanagi.
- Defeat Ogami and her minions.
- Talk to DB Mikanagi.
- Talk to DB Mikanagi again.
- Talk to Yamamoto the Steel-Willed.
Note: You do not need the ones by the first doors after elevator.
[+]Important peoples!
DB Kano, Gaian Priest Toto, Gaian (no name - 23, 20), Gaian (no name - 23, 22)], DB Yamaguchi, Knight Templar Hiiragi, Knight Templar Futagami, Knight Templar (no name - 12, 21)
Cleared Surt / Uriel Battle
Cleared Old Ichigaya Camp (Seance)
End of Act
Total XP
- It does not matter who you choose to fight first in Act 13.
- When speaking with Surt, give all Chaos answers, or all Neutral answers.
- When speaking with Uriel, give all Law answers, or all Neutral answers.
- If you've followed these instructions correctly, you will receive the Plug-in: Gates of Hades upon entering the third phase of Act 16. This will allow you to perform a special tri-fusion to create the Reaper Mot.
- Upon completion of this act, new gifts are available at Yagigami.
During Ogami War
- Person(s) who have the Act must talk to the NPCs.
- Your party can help you hit the switches.
- You don't need to hit the switches in Ogami room if you defeated her before the switches were pressed.
- Some of the NPC only appear after clearing there room. DB Kino an Yamaguchi in the elevator room or not part of the total of 6 NPC to talk with.
After Ogami War
- [1.622U update] Setsu will appear for the Quest: Brother and Sister. Finishing it will allow you to gain access to WILDCAT.
- Diaspora is unlocked. Please check Diaspora page for more info about the minimum requirement.