Celu Tower (Bronze)

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Floor Maps


Normal Enemies

Demon Resistances Exp Notes Drops
Inexperienced Koppa-Tengu Weaknesses: Mystic/Magic, Penetrate

Resists: Handgun, Spread, Electric, Expel, Death, Mind
Nulls: Force (100% chance)

1,700 Small Runestone of Secrets
Koppa-Tengu Weaknesses: Mystic/Magic, Penetrate

Resists: Handgun, Spread, Electric, Expel, Death, Mind
Nulls: Force (100% chance)

1,900 Small Runestone of Secrets
Macha Weaknesses: Nerve, Force, All ranged affinities

Resists: Expel, Death, Thrust, Blunt
Null: Slash (25% chance)

1,700 Small Runestone of Change, Jade
Black Ooze Weaknesses: Electric, Expel, Almighty

Resists: Slash, Blunt, Handgun, Penetrate, Nerve, Mind
Null: Death (100% chance), Thrust (25% Chance)

Apis Weaknesses: Mystic/Magic, Death

Resists: Thrust, Spread, Fire, Ice, Electric, Force
Null: Expel (100% chance), Blunt (100% Chance)

2,400 DCM: Apis, Small Runestone of Knowledge
Ogre Weaknesses: Thrust, All ranged affinities, Electric, Mystic/Magic, Nerve, Mind

Resists: Death
Null: Expel (100% chance)
Reflects: Slash

2,500 DCM: Ogre


Demon Resistances Exp Notes Drops
Omoikane Weaknesses: All Melee Affinities, All Ranged affinities

Resists: Death
Null: All Magic (100% chance)

11,100 DCM: Omoikane, Makanda Stone, Rakunda Stone, Samanda Stone, Tarunda Stone, Tarukaja Stone
Nozuchi Weaknesses: Fire, Electric, Spread, Mystic/Magic

Resists: Ice, Expel, Death
Reflects: Force (100% Chance)

1,800 Coral

Normal Boss

Demon Resistances Exp Notes Drops
Embodiment of Form Hathor Weaknesses: Spread

Resists: All elemental affinities, Mystic/Magic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Expel

53,000 Small Runestone of Knowledge
Archangel Weaknesses: Ice, Death, Nerve

Nulls: Expel (100% Chance), Blunt (25% Chance)

6,100 Mandala Melon for Divines

Ultimate Summon Orb Boss

Demon Resistances Exp Notes Drops
Hell Biker Weaknesses: Blunt, Spread, Ice

Resists: Thrust
Nulls: Fire, Expel, Death, Mystic/Magic, Nerve, Mind
Reflects: Force



  • If there is a robed man on the floor you're on, you are on the floor with the Omoikane Mini-Boss.
  • There is one switch on some floors. You have to press the ones that say 'ロックセキュリティシステム解除'.
  • Using an Ultimate Summon Orb upon entering the boss room changes the boss to Hell Biker.


Treasure Chests

Normal Boss Chest

Ultimate Summon Orb Boss Chest