Nakano Underground Ruins (Gold)

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Lvl Name Resistances Notes
9 Accomplished Garm Weaknesses: All Ranged, Fire
Resistances: Ice, Electric, Death, Mystic, Mind
Absorbs: Fire (Feature)

20 Accomplished Jack O'Lantern Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Expel, Death
Absorbs: Fire

25 Accomplished Kelpie Weaknesses: Force
Resistances: All Ranged, Ice, Electric, Expel, Death, Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Absorbs: Ice, Force

74 Deformed Makami Weaknesses: Death, Mystic
Resistances: All Ranged, Thrust, Blunt, Ice, Electric, Force
Nulls: Fire
Reflects: Expel

75 Deformed Shiisa Weaknesses: Penetrate, Fire, Force
Resistances: Death, Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Slash
Absorbs: Electric

76 Deformed Garm Weaknesses: All Ranged, Fire
Resistances: Ice, Electric, Death, Mind
Absorbs: Fire (Feature)

79 Deformed Tao Wu Weaknesses: Fire, Expel
Resistances: Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Death
Absorbs: Electric

77 Deformed Hayagriva Weaknesses: Penetrate, Ice, Mystic
Resistances: Spread, Mind
Nulls: Blunt (Feature), Fire, Expel, Death

78 Deformed Tan-Ki Weaknesses: All Ranged, Fire
Resistances: Ice, Electric, Death, Mind
Absorbs: Electric (Feature)

67 Traditional Tan-Ki Weaknesses: Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Fire
Resistances: Ice, Electric, Death, Mind

Spawns on Floor 2 at (X29, Y20) once both switches on the east side are pressed
64 Traditional Nozuchi Weaknesses: Fire, Electric, Mystic
Resistances: Ice, Expel, Death
Reflects: Thrust

Spawns on Floor 1 at (X20, Y17)
71 Traditional Orthrus Weaknesses: Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Ice
Resistances: Electric, Death, Mind
Absorbs: Fire

Spawns on Floor 2 at (X13, Y20) if all switches on the floor are pressed and the switches on the east side are pressed first
69 Traditional Cerberus Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Expel, Death
Reflects: Fire

Spawns on Floor 2 at (X28, Y20) if all switches on the floor are pressed and the switches on the west side are pressed first
67 Traditional Tarasque Resistances: Fire, Ice, Electric, Expel, Death

Spawns on Floor 3 at (X20, Y17) if SW3-1 is pressed and at (X20, Y24) if SW3-2 is pressed
? Nightmare Alp Weaknesses: Penetrate, Electric
Resistances: Death, Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Thrust (Feature), Expel

74 Nightmare Nozuchi Weaknesses: Fire, Electric, Mystic
Resistances: Ice, Expel, Death
Reflects: Force

74 Nightmare Azumi Weaknesses: Fire
Resistances: Ice, Expel, Death
Nulls: Electric

75 Nightmare Kaiwan Weaknesses: Expel
Resistances: Fire, Ice, Electric, Force, Mystic
Nulls: Death

75 Nightmare Mothman Weaknesses: Electric
Resistances: Mystic
Nulls: Fire

75 Nightmare Catoblepas Weaknesses: All Ranged, Force
Resistances: Ice, Mind
Nulls: Death
Reflects: Electric

76 Nightmare Raiju Weaknesses: Force
Resistances: All Melee, Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Slash/Thrust (Feature), Death
Reflects: Electric
Absorbs: Electric (Feature)

76 Nightmare Nandi Weaknesses: Death, Mystic
Resistances: Fire, Ice, Electric, Force

76 Nightmare Nidhoggr Resistances: Fire, Ice, Electric, Expel, Death

70 Fierce Jack O'Lantern Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Expel, Death
Reflects: Fire
Absorbs: Fire (Feature)

70 Fierce Unicorn Weaknesses: Electric, Death
Resistances: Fire, Ice, Force
Nulls: Thrust, Expel, Mystic, Mind

70 Fierce Gyuki Weaknesses: All Ranged
Resistances: Death
Nulls: All Physical, Expel

73 Fierce Phantom Weaknesses: Electric, Force, Expel
Resistances: All Ranged, Ice, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Death

65 Intruder Nightmare Jack Frost Weaknesses: Spread, Fire
Resistances: Expel, Death
Reflects: Ice

65 Intruder Nightmare Alp Weaknesses: Penetrate, Electric
Resistances: Death, Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Thrust, Expel

65 Intruder Nightmare Chernobog Weaknesses: Spread, Fire
Resistances: Ice, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Expel, Death
Absorbs: Ice (Feature)

65 Intruder Nightmare Rakshasa Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Expel, Death
Nulls: Penetrate, Fire
Reflects: Slash

65 Intruder Nightmare Kurasu Tengu Weaknesses: Penetrate, Mystic
Resistances: Handgun, Spread, Electric, Expel, Death, Mind
Reflects: Force

75 Intruder Fierce Kurama Tengu Weaknesses: Penetrate, Mystic
Resistances: Handgun, Spread, Electric, Death, Mind
Absorbs: Force

75 Intruder Fierce Black Frost Resistances: Spread, Mystic
Nulls: Expel
Reflects: Fire, Ice, Death

75 Intruder Fierce Taraka Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Fire, Expel, Death, Mystic
Nulls: Slash (Feature), Nerve

75 Intruder Fierce Dakini Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Fire, Expel, Death, Mystic

75 Intruder Fierce Kali Weaknesses: Ice
Resistances: Mystic
Nulls: Fire, Expel
Reflects: Death

75 Intruder Fierce Girimekhala ?
90 Intruder Fierce Yurlungur ?
  • Special Enemies
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
75 Stone Guardian's Water Guide Mizuchi Weaknesses: Penetrate, Thrust, Fire
Resistances: Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Ice, Death
Reflects: Electric

75 Stone Guardian's Thunder Guide Nue Weaknesses: Penetrate, Thrust, Fire
Resistances: Electric, Mystic, Nerve, Mind
Nulls: Ice, Death

85 The Great Messenger Nyarlathotep Resistances: Expel, Death, Nerve, Mind
Absorbs: All Magic

  • True Karma Orb Mini Boss
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
80 Fiend Daisoujou ?
88 ? Spawns if the previous Daisoujou is killed while the player is affected by the Entering Meditation status effect
96 ?
  • Normal Boss
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
64 Traditional Nozuchi Weaknesses: Fire, Electric, Mystic
Resistances: Ice, Expel, Death
Reflects: Thrust

80 [BOSS] Illusion of Black Haze Xaun Wu Weaknesses: Electric
Resistances: Slash, Handgun, Fire, Death
Nulls: Blunt
Reflects: Expel
Absorbs: Ice

  • True Boss
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
80 Stone Guardian's Thunder Guide Chimera Weaknesses: Ice, Nerve, Mind
Resistances: Death
Nulls: Expel
Reflects: Fire

80 Stone Guardian's Water Guide Nozuchi Weaknesses: Fire, Electric, Mystic
Resistances: Ice, Expel, Death
Reflects: Thrust

90 [BOSS] Mad Holy Beast Xuan Wu Weaknesses: Electric
Resistances: Slash, Handgun, Fire, Death
Nulls: Blunt
Reflects: Expel
Absorbs: Ice

Floor Maps

Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4

Floor 5

Floor 6 : Boss Room


Entry Requirements

Obtaining the Plate

  • Sold by the Yagiya in the dungeon lobby (6,000 Macca)
  • Created through compounding

Important Items

  • Valuable Item 'Fuhito Branch' : Side Quest 'The Shining Jewel of Ingress' Upon accepting the quest you will receive the valuable item 'Fuhito Branch'. Activating switches throughout the run with the valuable item will cause the branch to slowly increase in brightness. Once the branch can get no brighter, the door on Floor 5 at (X20-21, Y22) can be interacted with giving the following options:
    • "Bring the Fuhito Branch closer", resulting in the True Boss spawning on Floor 6
    • "Bring the True Karma Orb and Fuhito Branch closer", resulting in the mini boss Daisoujou spawning on Floor 5 and the True boss spawning on Floor 6

Both options will result in the Fuhito Branch shattering and you losing the key item.

  • Valuable Item 'Moonstone' : Once the Fuhito Branch has been fully charged, it can be returned to Hua Po in return for the valuable item 'Moonstone'. Possession of the Moonstone allows for switches SW1-1, SW1-2, SW1-3 & SW1-4 on Floor 1 to be activated. Once any of the switches are activated the Moonstone will shatter and you will lose the key item.
  • NSSR Card II : Interacting with the 1st switch in the dungeon while having the NSSR Card II in your inventory will prompt with the following three options:
    • "Mad Turtle of Death and Rebirth", teleporting you to the boss room with the true boss
    • "Where Intruders Gather", teleporting you to the mini boss room on Floor 5
    • "Do not use NSSR Card II", allowing you to continue the dungeon normally

The card can be used repeatedly and expires after a period of 2 hours.

True Boss Strategy

  • Phases 1&2 : Xuan Yu will respawn infinitely when killed. Kill all of the lesser demons first and then Xuan Yu last to prevent this
  • Phase 3 : Xuan Yu will no long respawn when killed. Kill the demons in this phase in any order

Fiend Daisoujou

By bringing a True Karma Orb to the door on Floor 5 at (X20-21, Y22) the mini boss can be changed to the Fiend Daisoujou. If Daisoujou is killed while the player is inflicted with the Entering Meditation status (Gained by using the Ghanta of Meditation) , he will respawn slightly stronger. Once Daisoujou has been killed 3 times, the boss fight will end and a plasma will spawn at the back of the room. Interacting with it gives a low chance of acquiring Plugin: Daisoujou.

Note if NSSR II card is available player may use to skip to "Where Intruders Gather" to reach this fight

Intruder Barong

If the player has accepted the quest Subdue Barong! a plasma will appear on Floor 1 at (X27, Y24). Interacting it while a Drum of the Forest's King is in your inventory will spawn the Intruder Barong.


  • Treasure Chest (Brown Box)
Reward Chance
Opal/Topaz x1~2 100.0%
Ashes of the Seance 15.0%
Helmbreaker 7.5%
Relic Piece [Stone Shell] 2.5%
  • Clear Reward (Green Box)
Reward Normal True Chance
Opal/Topaz x20 100.0%
Repair Kit 7.5%
Mirror of Moonlight (Lunar Eclipse) 7.5%
Black Heaven Comet (Axe) 10.0%
Dragon Turtle Crest ♂/♀ (Face) 7.5%
Epitaph Parts [Fruit of the Beast] 7.5%
Demonic Compendium Memory: Xuan Wu 7.5%
Arctic Crystal 5.0%