Shinagawa Catacomb of the Templar Knights (Gold)

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Lvl Name Resistances Notes
57 Nightmare Phoenix
92 Precocious Phoenix
69 Nightmare Power
85 Insane Power
65 Nightmare Throne
81 Insane Throne
65 Nightmare Baphomet
81 Nightmare Pabilsag
65 Nightmare Feng Huang
93 Insane Feng Huang
85 Insane Senri
57 Nightmare Bai Ze
93 Insane Bai Ze
92 Precocious Xiezhai
57 Nightmare Camazotz
81 Insane Kaiwan
92 Precocious Lilim
73 Insane Lilith
  • Special Enemies
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
85 Insane Tao Wu Has a 12.5% chance to drop Teardrop Ring of Electra, Teardrop Ring of Sheratan & Teardrop Ring of Meissa
81 Insane Tao Tie
81 Insane Baphomet
77 Insane Legion
92 Precocious Camazotz Has a 3.75% chance to drop Fruit of Wrath, Fruit of Greed, Fruit of Sloth & Fruit of Lust
92 Precocious Pabilsag
  • Normal Boss
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
85 Insane Senri
93 Insane Feng Huang
85 Mythical Beast of White Haze Bai Hu
  • True Bai Hu Boss
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
90 Bringer of Peril to the West Tao Tie
90 Bringer of Peril to the West Tao Wu
93 Mad Holy Beast Bai Hu
  • Samael Boss
Lvl Name Resistances Notes
95 Bringer of Death to Children Hel
95 Bringer of Death to Children Chernobog
95 Bringer of Death to Children Pazuzu
95 Seducer of the Red Land Samael

Floor Maps

Entrance Floor

Floor A

Floor B

Floor C

Floor D

SAM Floor

Boss Floor

Dungeon Layout

When moving through the dungeon, the player will follow the path:

Entrance Floor → Floor 1 → Floor 2 → SAM Floor → Floor 3 → Floor 4 → Entrance FloorBoss Floor

Where Floor 1, Floor 2, Floor 3 & Floor 4 can be any of Floor A, Floor B, Floor C or Floor D.

Note: No two floors can be the same (i.e. Floor 1 & Floor 2 cannot both be Floor A).


Entry Requirements

  • Character is Lv65+
  • Character has B-Class DB License or higher

Obtaining the Plate

  • Sold by the Yagiya in the dungeon lobby (6,030 Macca)
  • Created through compounding

Important Items

  • Teardrop Ring of Sheratan/Electra/Meissa : Offering these to fountains throughout the run open paths that are required to progress through the dungeon during the True Bai Hu and Samael routes.
  • Fruit of Wrath/Greed/Sloth/Lust : Offering all four of these fruits to fountains throughout the run results in Seducer of the Red Land Samael spawning as the dungeon's boss
  • Fruit of Recusancy : Interacting with the fountain at the back of the 1st room while having the Fruit of Recusancy in your inventory will prompt with the following two options:
    • "Face the Seducer of the Red Land", teleporting you to the boss room where Seducer of the Red Land Samael will have spawned
    • "Face the Mad White Sacred Beast", teleporting you to the boss room where Mad White Sacred Beast Bai Hu will have spawned

The fruit can be used repeatedly and expires after a period of 2 hours.

  • DBOR-GOLD / Epitaph Parts [?] : Demonic Wards throughout the run will give enemies resistances to different elements. By equipping either yourself or you demon with these items you will be able to bypass the wards and hit the enemies normally. NOTE: These items do not bypass the enemy demons' innate resistances.

Normal Route

The shortest of the three routes, resulting in a boss fight with White Mist Phantom Beast Bai Hu.


  • Entrance Floor : Interact with the fountain in the 1st room and proceed either North or South to the next floor.
  • Floor 1 : Proceed through the floor until you encounter a switch. Interact with it and select [ENTRANCE FLOOR]. Return the way you came and go back to the Entrance Floor
  • Entrance Floor : Continue down the path that has now been unlocked towards (X25, Y21) and enter the Boss Floor

True Bai Hu Route

The middle of the three routes, resulting in a boss fight with Mad White Sacred Beast Bai Hu.


  • Entrance Floor : Interact with the fountain in the 1st room and proceed either North or South to the next floor.
  • Floor 1/2 : Proceed through the floor until you encounter the floor's switch (marked in orange on this wiki's map). Interact with it and select [NEXT FLOOR]. When you arrive at the location coloured in blue on this wiki's map, kill the enemies there until one drops a ring. Take this ring and offer it to fountain F (the fountain that is present is determined by the direction you entered the floor from). Clear the rest of the floor and enter Floor 2. Note: If you are on Floor D, you can proceed through the entire floor as there are no rings to obtain.
  • SAM Floor : Follow the shortest possible path through the maze. Referring to SAM Floor, you will follow the path:




After completing the maze, interact with the switch, kill the enemies and go through the teleporter.

  • Floor 3/4 : Follow the same process as done in Floor 1/2 previously. Interact with the switches - selecting [NEXT FLOOR] - and kill the enemies in the blue highlighted areas and offer their items to the fountains (F).
  • Entrance Floor : Continue down the path that has now been unlocked towards (X25, Y21) and go through the teleporter to the Boss Floor.

Samael Route

  • Entrance Floor : Interact with the fountain in the 1st room and proceed either North or South to the next floor.
  • Floor 1/2 : Proceed through the floor until you encounter the floor's switch (marked in orange on this wiki's map). Interact with it and select [NEXT FLOOR]. When you arrive at the location coloured in blue on this wiki's map, kill the enemies there until one drops a ring. Take this ring and offer it to fountain F (the fountain that is present is determined by the direction you entered the floor from).
    • Interact with the fountain marked F1 on the map. Offering 1,000 magentite to it will revive the enemies in the areas highlighted in red. Continue to spawn and kill these enemies until one of them drops a Fruit. Offer this fruit to the same fountain used to revive the enemies (F1). This will unlock another room on the same floor with another fountain (F2). Interact with this fountain and clear the floor as normal.
  • Floor B4 : Imagining that the map is rotated 90°, you will follow the path that would spell 'SAM'. Referring to SAM Floor, you will follow the path:




    After completing the maze, interact with the switch, kill the enemies and go through the teleporter.

  • Floor 3/4 : Follow the same process as done in the previous Floor 1/2. Interact with the switches - selecting [NEXT FLOOR] - and kill the enemies in the blue/red highlighted areas and offer their items to the fountains. Ensure that you interact with fountain F2 on each floor after offering a fruit to fountain F1.
  • Floor B0 : Continue down the path that has now been unlocked towards (X25, Y21) and go through the teleporter.
  • Floor B4 : You will enter this floor through a different point than earlier in the run. Follow the path all the way to the teleporter and step through to the Boss Floor.


  • Treasure Chests (Brown Boxes)
Reward Quantity Chance
Amethyst 1~2 100.0%
Ruby 1~2 100.0%
Ashes of the Seance 1 15.0%
Eggshell of an Avian 1 12.5%
DCM: Hresvelgr 1 7.5%
DCM: Lilith 1 7.5%
  • Clear Rewards : Normal Route (Green Boxes)
Reward Quantity Chance
Oppressed's Wheel 1 100.0%
Amethyst/Ruby 8 100.0%
Mirror of Moonlight (Lunar Eclipse) 1 10.0%
Repair Kit 1 7.5%
Epitaph Parts [飛天破りの結実] 1 5.5%
Tiger Eye Ring 1 5.5%
DCM: Bai Hu 1 6.0%
  • Clear Rewards : True Bai Hu Route (Green Boxes)
Reward Quantity Chance
Deific Poison Crystal 1 100.0%
Amethyst/Ruby 20 100.0%
Mirror of Moonlight (Lunar Eclipse) 1 12.5%
Repair Kit 1 7.5%
Epitaph Parts [飛天破りの結実] 1 5.5%
Tiger Eye Ring 1 5.5%
Shiratake Ice Tusks 1 3.5%
DCM: Bai Hu 1 6.0%
Roaring Hammer of Life's Lament 1 15.0%*

* 9.0% if using Fruit of Recusancy

  • Clear Rewards : Samael Route (Green Boxes)
Reward Quantity Chance
Deific Poison Crystal 1 100.0%
Amethyst/Ruby 28 100.0%
Epitaph Parts [飛天破りの結実] 1 5.5%
Fire Snake Wings ♂/♀ 1 10.0%
DCM: Samael 1 6.0%
Bitter Alcohol of Deceit 1 12.5%*

* 7.0% if using Fruit of Recusancy
