Soul Stone Set Bonus

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Demon Crystals

2 Soul Stones

Cerberus Face
  • Fire-affinity +50% (Movement Boost)
  • Nulls "-nda" status ailments
Orthrus Neck
Oberon Top
  • MAX HP +30, MAX MP +20, STR +2, MAG +2
Titania Bottom
Gandharva Bottom
  • HP +20, LUC +5
Apsaras Shoes
CritAvdarabia Head
Forneus Face
Jack Frost Arms
Jack O'Lantern Weapon
Incubus Bottom
Succubus Top
Cu Chulainn Weapon
  • Magic-affinity +20%
Scathach Bottom
Onamuchi Bottom
  • INT +8, SPD +5, CRT +30
Sukunahikona ?
Macha Weapon
  • CRT +15
  • Rapid damage +10%
Morrigan Back
Badb Catha Weapon
  • +30% damage to Vile
Morrigan Back
Cu Chulainn Weapon
  • If HP is less than 20%, Weapon-based skill effects +10%
Morrigan Back
Berith Weapon
  • Thrust-based skill effects +20%
Eligor Bottom
Tao Wu Top
  • STR, SPD, VIT, MAG +4
  • Attack, Spin, Rush damage +5%
Tao Tie Neck
Parvati Bottom
  • +10% Spell damage
  • -10% incantation for Spells
  • MAX HP +20, MAX MP +30, status ailment resistance +5 to all Party members
Dawon Shoes
Yaksa Earring
  • +10% damage to Protectors
  • -10% damage suffered from Protectors
  • If Player is LAW or NEUTRAL, Ice-based skill effects +30%
Yaksini Arms
Ameno-Uzume Bottom
  • Player gains the Sexy Dance skill
Sarutahiko Weapon
Kushinada-Hime Ring/Earring/Extra
  • STR + 5, MAG + 5
  • +15% Force-based damage, +30% Curative
  • If Player is CHAOS, Melee damage +5%
Susano-o Neck
Ose Hallel Bottom
  • STR + (Base x LV x 0.002)
Flauros Hallel Face

3 Soul Stones

Aello Head, Face
  • MP +10, SPD +7, INT +5, CRT +50
Ocypete Top
Kelaino Bottom
Clotho Head, Face
  • MAG + (Base x LV x 0.001)
  • INT + (Base x LV x 0.001)
  • Spell Damage +20%
Atropos Top
Lachesis Bottom
Amaterasu (Male) or Amaterasu (Female) Head
  • Limit Break Chance + 10%
  • Limit Break Power + 20%
  • During the day, Fire/Electric damage + 40%
  • At night, Ice/Force damage + 40%
Tsukuyomi Face
Susano-o Neck

4 Soul Stones

Bishamonten Head
  • Weapon-based skill effects +10%
  • VIT +10, INT +10
  • If Player is LAW, MAX HP -100, Melee -15
Jikokuten Top
Koumokuten Bottom
Zouchouten Shoes
Jack Frost Arms
  • Ice-affinity +50%
  • Player gains the Galactica Frost Punch skill
  • (You can use Shining, Glittery or etc since the Soul Stone will remain the same)
Santa Frost Ring, Earring, Extra
Shishimai Frost Ring, Earring, Extra
King Frost Back
Kin-Ki Back The Four Oni of Fujiwara no Chikata
  • STR + (Base x LV x 0.002)
  • MAG + (Base x LV x 0.002)
  • CRT +15
  • Fire resistance +30%, Electric resistance +30%
  • MAX HP +20
Sui-Ki Shoes
Fuu-Ki Ring
Ongyo-Ki Head
Aramitama Back
  • STR, MAG, SPD, LCK +10
Nigimitama Arms
Kushimitama Earring
Sakimitama Ring
White Rider Arm
  • General Melee, Magic, and Gun Damage +15%
  • CRT +10
Red Rider Back
Black Rider Head
Pale Rider Top
Zhu Que Back
  • Fire, Ice, Force, Electric Skill Cooldown Time -20%
  • Player gains the Elemental Dodge skill
  • During the Full Moon, Fire and Force Resistance +100%
  • During the New Moon, Ice and Electric Resistance +100%
Qing Long Head
Bai Hu Arm
Xuan Wu Shoes

Soul Stones

12 Signs of the Zodiac Various
  • All parameters +12
  • Experience and Expertise earned +12%
  • Null Elec, Stun, Ice, Fire
12 Signs of the Zodiac Various
  • If HP is less than 13%, Weapon-based skill effects +130%
Soul Stone: The Serpent Holder Ring
Soul Stone: Sirius Face
  • XP earned +50%
  • Expertise earned +50%
Soul Stone: Betelgeuse Top
Soul Stone: Procyon Bottom
Soul Stone: Pollux Head
  • MAX HP +180
  • MAX MP +180
Soul Stone: Capella Shoes
Soul Stone: Aldebaran Back
Soul Stone: Rigel Arms
Soul Stone: Deneb Top
  • Melee damage +20%
  • Ranged damage +20%
  • Spell damage +20%
Soul Stone: Vega Ring
Soul Stone: Altair Arms
Soul Stone: Arcturus Head
  • Expertise Gain +300%
Soul Stone: Spica Ring
Soul Stone: Denebola Neck
Soul Stone: Cor Caroli Earring
Soul Stone: Algenib Ring
  • 123% Party XP earned
Soul Stone: Alpheratz Earring
Soul Stone: Markab Talisman
Soul Stone: Scheat Extra
Soul Stone: White Water / Green Wood / Copper Earrings
  • +5% (Melee, Ranged, or Magic) Damage
  • +20 Critical
  • +5% Limit Break power
Soul Stone: Black Soil / Yellow Soil / White Soil Talisman
Soul Stone: Blue Wood / Platinum / Violet Flame Extra
Soul Stone: Crescent Moon Shoes
  • Player temporarily learns the Eclipse skill
Soul Stone: New Moon Face
Soul Stone: Full Moon Back
Lunar Calendar Various
  • Player/Demon's Final Critical Rate +40%
  • Player/Demon's Limit Break Chance And Power +40%
  • Player/Demon's Pursuit Chance And Power +40%
  • Player/Demon's Technical Attack Chance And Power +40%
