Synthesis Materials - Soul Stones

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Level Requirement

  • All Soul Stones in the Big Dipper, 12 Signs of the Zodiac, Great Winter Triangle, Winter Hexagon, Summer Triangle, Diamond of Virgo and Autumn Rectangle require Level 30 or higher to equip.
  • All Soul Stones in the VERSUS Reward require Level 60 or higher to equip.

Soul Fusions

Big Dipper

Soul Stone: Dubhe 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Dubhe. Contains the Dubhe star spirit. Arms
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1
Soul Stone: Merak 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Merak. Contains the Merak star spirit. Neck
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1
Soul Stone: Phecda 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Phecda. Contains the Phecda star spirit. Talisman
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1
Soul Stone: Megrez 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Megrez. Contains the Megrez star spirit. Head
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1
Soul Stone: Alioth 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Alioth. Contains the Alioth star spirit. Back
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1
Soul Stone: Mizar 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Mizar. Contains the Mizar star spirit. Weapon
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1
Soul Stone: Alkaid 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Alkaid. Contains the Alkaid star spirit. Shoes
  • STR +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, LUC -1

12 Signs of the Zodiac

  • [Note]: Completing Demon Friend Quest 150th and 650th in a row successfully will reward you with 1 random Soul Stone.
  • [Set Bonus]: If all items obtained by using Soul Fusion on the Soul Stones of all 12 zodiac signs are equipped at once:
    • All parameters +12
    • XP & Expertise earned +12%
    • Null Elec, Stun, Ice, Fire
Soul Stone: The Ram 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Ram. Contains the Ram star spirit. Top
  • Mystic-affinity Res +10%
  • Mystic-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Bull 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Bull. Contains the Bull star spirit. Head
  • CHR Res +10%
  • Thrust-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Twins 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Twins. Contains the Twins star spirit. Back
  • Mind Res +10%
  • Mind-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Crab 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Crab. Contains the Crabs star spirit. Talisman
  • DTH Res +10%
  • Death-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Lion 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Lion. Contains the Lion star spirit. Bottom
  • ElC Res +10%
  • Electric-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Virgin 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Virgin. Contains the Virgin star spirit. Neck
  • XPL Res +10%
  • Expel-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Scales 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Scales. Contains the Scales star spirit. Weapon
  • BLT Res +10%
  • Blunt-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Scorpion 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Scorpion. Contains the Scorpion star spirit. Earring
  • PNT Res +10%
  • Penetrate-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Archer 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Archer. Contains the Archer star spirit. Shoes
  • Handgun Res +10%
  • Handgun-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Goat 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Goat. Contains the Goat star spirit. Arms
  • SLA Res +10%
  • Slash-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Water Bearer 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Water Bearer. Contains the Water Bearer star spirit. Extra
  • ICE Res +10%
  • Ice-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Fish 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Fish. Contains the Fish star spirit. Face
  • NRV Res +10%
  • Nerve-based skill effects +20%
Soul Stone: The Serpent Holder 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Serpent Holder. Contains the Serpent Holder star spirit. Ring
  • FRC Res +10%
  • Force-based skill effects +20%
  • Care/Mooch: Raja Naga
  • Events: Escape from Home III

Great Winter Triangle

  • [Note]: Sirius, Betelgeuse and Procyon are marked as "Cannot be traded", but they actually ARE trade-able, displayed in Bazaars and Trade List.
  • [Set Bonus]: If all items obtained by using Soul Fusion on the Soul Stones of the great triangle in winter:
    • XP earned +50%
    • Expertise earned +50%
Soul Stone:
10 A stone carved with the symbol of Sirius. Contains the Sirius star spirit. Face
  • Spell Damage: +10%
  • Promotion
Soul Stone: Betelgeuse 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Betelgeuse. Contains the Betelgeuse star spirit. Top
  • Melee Damage: +10%
  • Promotion
Soul Stone:
10 A stone carved with the symbol of Procyon. Contains the astral of Procyon. Bottom
  • Ranged Damage: +10%
  • Promotion

Winter Hexagon

  • [Set Bonus]: All Winter Diamond except those of the Great Winter triangle Soul Stones attached by Soul Fusion are equipped at the same time:
    • MAX HP 180
    • MAX MP 180
Soul Stone: Pollux 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Pollux. Contains the Pollux star spirit. Head
  • Magic +10
  • Promotion
Soul Stone: Capella 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Capella. Contains the Capella star spirit. Shoes
  • Strength +10
  • Promotion
Soul Stone: Aldebaran 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Aldebaran. Contains the Aldebaran star spirit. Back
  • Vitality +10
  • Promotion
Soul Stone: Rigel 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Rigel. Contains the Rigel star spirit. Arms
  • Speed +10
  • Promotion

Summer Triangle

  • [Set Bonus]: If items with each Soul Stones of the Great Triangle in Summer attached by Soul Fusion are equipped at the same time:
    • +20% Melee Damage
    • +20% Ranged Damage
    • +20% Spell Damage
Soul Stone: Deneb 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Deneb. Contains the Deneb star spirit. Top
  • Status Ailment Resistance +30%
  • Promotion
Soul Stone: Vega 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Vega. Contains the Vega star spirit. Ring
  • Critical +20
  • Promotion
Soul Stone: Altair 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Altair. Contains the Altair star spirit. Arms
  • Block Critical +20
  • Promotion

Diamond of Virgo

  • [Set Bonus]: If items with each Soul Stones of the Diamond of Virgo attached by Soul Fusion are equipped at the same time:
    • +300% Expertise Gain
Soul Stone: Arcturus 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Arcturus. Contains the Arcturus star spirit. Head
  • None
Soul Stone: Spica 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Spica. Contains the Spica star spirit. Ring
  • None
Soul Stone: Denebola 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Denebola. Contains the Denebola star spirit. Neck
  • None
Soul Stone: Cor Caroli 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Cor Caroli. Contains the Cor Caroli star spirit. Earring
  • None

Autumn Rectangle

  • [Set Bonus]: If all of the Soul Stones are equipped at the same:
    • +123% Party XP earned
Soul Stone:Algenib 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Algenib. Contains the Algenib star spirit. Ring
  • +10% Player XP
  • Full House Box
Soul Stone: Alpheratz 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Alpheratz. Contains the Alpheratz star spirit. Earring
  • +10% Player XP
  • Full House Box
Soul Stone: Markab 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Markab. Contains the Markab star spirit. Talisman
  • +10% Player XP
  • Full House Box
Soul Stone: Scheat 10 A stone carved with the symbol of Scheat. Contains the Scheat star spirit. Extra
  • +10% Player XP
  • Full House Box

PvP Reward

Soul Stone: Pseudothei 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Ram. It emits a dim glimmer. Top
  • Mystic-affinity Res +20%
  • Mystic-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Spiritus Mendaciorum 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Bull. It emits a dim glimmer. Head
  • CHR Res +20%
  • Thrust-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Vasa Iniquitatis 10 A stone carved with the Twins symbol. It emits a dim glimmer. Back
  • MND Res +20%
  • Mind-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Ultores Scelorum 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Crab. It emits a dim glimmer. Talisman
  • DTH Res +20%
  • Death-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Praestigiatores 10 A stone carved with the Symbol of the Lion. It emits a dim glimmer. Bottom
  • ELC Res +20%
  • Electric-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Aereae Potestates 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Virgin. It emits a dim glimmer. Neck
  • XPL Res +20%
  • Expel-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Furiae 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Scales. It emits a dim glimmer. Weapon
  • BLT Res +20%
  • Blunt-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Criminatores 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Scorpion. It emits a dim glimmer. Earring
  • PNT Res +20%
  • Penetrate-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Tentatores Maligenii 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Archer. It emits a dim glimmer. Shoes
  • Handgun Res +20%
  • Handgun-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Malefici 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Goat. It emits a dim glimmer. Arms
  • SLA Res +20%
  • Slash-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Apostatae 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Water Bearer. It emits a dim glimmer. Extra
  • ICE Res +20%
  • Ice-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Infideles 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Fish. It emits a dim glimmer. Face
  • NRV Res +20%
  • Nerve-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP
Soul Stone: Transgression 10 A stone carved with the symbol of the Serpent Holder. It emits a dim glimmer. Ring
  • FRC Res +20%
  • Forced-based skill effects +10%
  • PvP Reward: 455,000 BP

Five Elements/Wu Xing

  • [Set Bonus]: If all of the related (e.g. all melee) Soul Stones are equipped at the same:
    • +5% (Melee, Ranged, or Magic) Damage
    • +20 Critical
    • +5% Limit Break power
Soul Stone: White Water 10 ? Earrings
  • If Strength is 99 or higher, +10 Melee
Soul Stone: Black Soil 10 ? Talisman
  • Strength/Vitality + 10
Soul Stone: Blue Wood 10 ? Extra
  • Maximum HP - 100, Slash/Blunt/Thrust damage + 10%
Soul Stone: Green Wood 10 ? Earrings
  • If Speed is 99 or higher, +10 Ranged
Soul Stone: Yellow Soil 10 ? Talisman
  • Speed/Luck + 10
Soul Stone: Platinum 10 ? Extra
  • Maximum HP - 100, Handgun/Penetrate/Spread damage + 10%
Soul Stone: Copper 10 ? Earrings
  • If Magic is 99 or higher, +10 spell
Soul Stone: White Soil 10 ? Talisman
  • Magic/Intelligence + 10
Soul Stone: Violet Flame 10 ? Extra
  • Maximum HP - 100, Fire/Ice/Electric/Force damage + 10%

Moon Phases

  • [Set Bonus]: If all of the Soul Stones are equipped at the same:
    • Player temporarily gains the skill Eclipse.
Soul Stone: Crescent Moon 10 ? Shoes
  • Almighty affinity cap + 20%
  • If Player is NEUTRAL, Almighty damage + 30%
Soul Stone: New Moon 10 ? Face
  • Almighty affinity cap + 20%
  • If Player is CHAOS, Almighty damage + 30%
Soul Stone: Full Moon 10 ? Back
  • Almighty affinity cap + 20%
  • If Player is LAW, Almighty damage + 30%

Lunar Calendar

  • [Set Bonus]: If all of the Soul Stones are equipped at the same:
    • Player/Demon's Final Critical rate correction, Limit Break chance/power, Technical Attack chance/power, and Pursuit chance/power + 40%
Soul Stone: First Month 魂合石・睦月 10 ? Extra
  • Ice affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Ice affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Second Month 魂合石・如月 10 ? Talisman
  • Blunt affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Blunt affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Third Month 魂合石・弥生 10 ? Shoes
  • Handgun affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Handgun affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Fourth Month 魂合石・卯月 10 ? Ring
  • Force affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Force affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Fifth Month 魂合石・皐月 10 ? Back
  • Mind affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Mind affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Sixth Month 魂合石・水無月 10 ? Head
  • Thrust affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Thrust affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Seventh Month 魂合石・文月 10 ? Top
  • Fire affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Fire affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Eighth Month 魂合石・葉月 10 ? Neck
  • Spread affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Spread affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Ninth Month 魂合石・長月 10 ? Arm
  • Slash affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Slash affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Tenth Month 魂合石・神無月 10 ? Bottom
  • Electric affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Electric affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Eleventh Month 魂合石・霜月 10 ? Face
  • Nerve affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Nerve affinity cap + 50%
Soul Stone: Twelfth Month 魂合石・師走 10 ? Earring
  • Penetrate affinity cap + 50%
  • Demon's Penetrate affinity cap + 50%


Soul Stone: Morning Star 魂合石・暁星 10 ? All
  • Digitalize Duration + 10%
  • While Digitalized: Limit Break/Technical Attack/Pursuit power + 10%
  • CP Campaigns
Soul Stone: Shooting Star 魂合石・流星 10 ? All
  • Partner's Limit Break Damage Dealt Cap: +500
  • While Digitalized: Partner's Technical Attack Chance And Power +5%
  • CP Campaigns
Soul Stone: Hazy Moon 魂合石・淡月 10 ? All
  • Limit Break Damage Dealt Cap: +300
  • While Digitalized: Limit Break Chance: +5%
  • CP Campaigns

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials