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http://i.imgur.com/aY4ND.png Vessel of the Accursed 幻夢闇経 - 10 No Yes Yes The wearer is haunted by a spirit that was unable to reincarnate, and has been roaming the world without a body ever since. • Expel Boost: +5%
• Death Boost: +5%
* Cannot be traded
Drop: Reincarnated Demonics Tokisada
Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold; Summon Orb (B108))
Proof of the Faithful 信仰する者の証 - 5 Yes Yes Yes Sent by the gods as a thank-you for one's cooperation. This is proof of one's desire for order. [Characteristics]
• +10% damage to Neutral and Chaos enemies
Exchange: Invoke System
Proof of the Balanced 中立な者の証 - 5 Yes Yes Yes Sent by the gods as a thank-you for one's cooperation. This is proof of one's desire for neutrality. [Characteristics]
• +10% damage to Law and Chaos enemies
Exchange: Invoke System
Proof of the Destroyer 破壊する者の証 - 5 Yes Yes Yes Sent by the gods as a thank-you for one's cooperation. This is proof of one's desire for chaos. [Characteristics]
• +10% damage to Law and Neutral enemies
Exchange: Invoke System
http://i.imgur.com/sZYt3.png Blaze of Ambition ブレイズオブアンビジョン - 30 No Yes Yes The ambitious force emanating from this item can be seen by others as well. Unfortunately, it does not in any way help the wielder subconsciously learn moves after seeing them performed once. [Players with 1.500+ GP]
• Cool-down Time: -10%
• +10% damage to Humans (Group)
• +10% Curative-based skill effects
• -10% incantation time for all skills
* Cannot be traded
VERSUS Prize: 300,000 BP
http://i.imgur.com/sZYt3.png UB Blaze of Ambition UB・ブレイズオブアンビジョン - 30 Yes Yes Yes The ambitious force emanating from this item can be seen by others as well. Unfortunately, it does not in any way help the wielder subconsciously learn moves after seeing them performed once. • Cool-down Time: -10%
• +10% damage to Humans (Group)
• +10% Curative-based skill effects
• -10% incantation time for all skills
Reward: Casino Arena
http://i.imgur.com/ckjAr.png Kr Nekomata's Tail Kr:ネコマタテイル 30 No Yes Yes A tail that Nekomata only gives to those who she recognizes as her master. - Sketching
Judgement of Logos ロゴスの裁き - 20 Yes Yes Yes 大淫婦に裁きを行う為に 天より下った刃。 [Characteristics]
• When HP is 50% or lower, effects of all weapon-based skills +50%
• +5% Digitalize duration
• +10% Digitalize points earned
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
• Reward: Abyss Tower - Mother Harlot
Judgement of Logos + 1 ロゴスの裁き+1 - 20 Yes Yes Yes 大淫婦に裁きを行う為に 天より下った刃。 [Characteristics]
• When HP is 50% or lower, effects of all weapon-based skills +75%
• +8% Digitalize duration
• +15% Digitalize points earned
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
Judgement of Logos+ 2 ロゴスの裁き+2 - 20 Yes Yes Yes 大淫婦に裁きを行う為に 天より下った刃。 [Characteristics]
• When HP is 50% or lower, effects of all weapon-based skills +100%
• +10% Digitalize duration
• +20% Digitalize points earned
• While using Digitalize: +5% Final Critical correction
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
Judgement of Logos + 3 ロゴスの裁き+3 - 20 Yes Yes Yes 大淫婦に裁きを行う為に 天より下った刃。 [Characteristics]
• When HP is 80% or lower, effects of all weapon-based skills +100%
• When HP is 5% or less, +30% Final Critical correction
• +10% Digitalize duration
• +30% Digitalize points earned
• While using Digitalize: +5% Final Critical correction
• +1 Skill stack for all Shot skills (Includes Destruction Magic)
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
Special Hee-Ho Belt スペシャルヒーホーベルト / 20 Yes Yes Yes 英雄に憧れる者が装着するベルト。 [Characteristics]
• Expertise earned + 50%
[Appearance Bonus]
• While Digitalized, Critical + 100
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
• Reward: Abyss Tower - Frost Ace
Special Hee-Ho Belt + 1 スペシャルヒーホーベルト + 1 / 20 Yes Yes Yes 英雄に憧れる者が装着するベルト。 [Characteristics]
• Expertise earned + 100%
[Appearance Bonus]
• While Digitalized, Critical + 150
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
Special Hee-Ho Belt + 2 スペシャルヒーホーベルト + 2 / 20 Yes Yes Yes 英雄に憧れる者が装着するベルト。 [Characteristics]
• Expertise earned + 150%
[Appearance Bonus]
• While Digitalized: Critical + 150, Limit Break Chance + 5%, Limit Break Power + 10%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
Special Hee-Ho Belt + 3 スペシャルヒーホーベルト + 3 / 20 Yes Yes Yes 英雄に憧れる者が装着するベルト。 [Characteristics]
• Expertise earned + 200%
[Appearance Bonus]
• While Digitalized: Critical + 150, Limit Break Chance + 5%, Limit Break Power + 10%, 100% chance to reflect Ice damage
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
http://i.imgur.com/pwLc4.png Lost soul (Five fires) 迷える魂・五火 - 5 No Yes Yes This wandering spirit appears at summer night. It'll follow you without any reason. [Characteristics]
• +1% damage inflicted by your Partner
• Partner obtains +5% XP
Event: Give me Fighting Spirit!
http://i.imgur.com/HIL1C.png Lost soul (Crossroads) 迷える魂・二道 - 5 No Yes Yes This wandering spirit appears at summer night. DB Katori treated this poor spirit as a thing. [Characteristics]
• +3% damage inflicted by your Partner
• Partner obtains +10% XP
Event: Give me Fighting Spirit!
http://i.imgur.com/EMWMz.png Lost soul (Deathbringer) 迷える魂・死招 - 5 No Yes Yes Very powerful spirit that appears at summer night. One look at it and you'll soon be dead. [Characteristics]
• +30% damage inflicted by your Partner
• Partner obtains +70% XP
Event: Give me Fighting Spirit!
Drop: Daisoujou (D Egg)

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials