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Ranged = Ranged • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Nambu Type 100 Handgun +22 +28 +22 +07 22 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A handgun based on the design of that commissioned by the Japan LAW Syndicate. -
Nambu Type 100 (Mystical) Handgun +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes 1 A handgun based on the design of that commissioned by the Japan LAW Syndicate. A mysterious power contained within slightly reduces skill cool-down times.
  • Cool-down Time: -15%
Nambu Type 100 (Unnatural) Handgun +22 - - +07 20 Yes Yes Yes 1 A handgun based on the design of that commissioned by the Japan LAW Syndicate. A mysterious power contained within reduces skill cool-down times.
  • Cool-down Time: -30%
Nambu Type 100 (Argyros) Handgun +28 +31 +23 +07 21 Yes Yes Yes - A Nambu Type 100 with minor modification. By tweaking its interior mechanism, function has slightly improved. -
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Protopia
Sweeper Handgun +25 +27 +20 +16 27 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A revolver used by an assassin known as the Cleaner. -
Sweeper (Black) Handgun +25 +27 +20 +16 27 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A revolver used by an assassin known as the Cleaner. -
  • Random Treasure Box: Shibuya Quartz (Bronze)
  • Created from Arms Maker
Type 54 Handgun +24 +30 +24 +07 31 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A handgun with huge piercing power that was officially commissioned by the Communist Army to better deal with the Rambuses. -
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia, Souhonzan
  • Created from Arms Maker
Type 54 (Modified) Handgun +27 +32 +25 +08 30 Yes Yes Yes - A modified Type 54 that reduce its knockback effect while increasing its penetrability. -
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Protopia
Rambus 92FS Handgun +26 +32 +25 +07 37 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 An automatic 9mm handgun used by syndicates around the world. -
Desert Rambus Handgun +26 +33 +27 +07 40 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 When it was first launched. this weapon was the most powerful handgun in the world. -
Marsbuster Handgun +28 +36 +18 +02 38 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A raygun created by a mad scientist who predicted the invasion of Martians.
  • Max MP: +3
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel
  • Created from Arms Maker
Lotus Purifier Handgun +30 +33 +15 +07 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A holy gun designed to cleanse evil beings that is said to have the power to erase the desired of those who wield it. [Players Level 40+]


  • +2 INT to all Party members
  • Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel
  • Created from Arms Maker
Reaper's Colt Handgun +37 +32 +05 +07 20 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A handgun that chips away at the life of those who wield it in exchange for the horrifying power to be able to instantly kill anything they hit.
  • Max HP: -40
  • Random Reward: Ichigaya Camp (Silver)
  • Random Treasure Box: Ichigaya Camp (Gold)
  • Created from Arms Maker
Dead West Handgun +37 +32 +07 +05 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 Lured by the promises of gold, hundreds of starving men once drifted to the West only to die in the light of setting sun. Their unfulfilled dreams turned to grudges that forevermore haunted their guns. [Players Level 60+]
  • Death Boost: +10%


  • -15% Shot incantation time
  • +10% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
Golden Gun Handgun +30 +23 +25 +50 35 Yes Yes Yes 4 A firearm once owned by a skilled assassin who lived somewhere in the East. [Characteristics]
  • +8 LUC to all Party members
  • +15% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • +15% Rapid damage
  • +50% MP cost
Titanomachia Handgun +36 +36 +15 +17 33 Yes Yes Yes - A spiritual gun imbued with the magic of Hecatonchires. Further research may enhance this weapon's capability. [Characteristics]
  • -2% Shot incantation for each Shot expertise
  • -2% Shot cool-down for each Shot expertise
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • +20% damage to Demoniacs
Five Spirit Shooter (Junk) Handgun +28 +24 +02 +01 30 Yes Yes Yes - A Five Spirit Shooter that was discarded during the manufacturing process for its faulty make. Although not as powerful, it still makes a capable weapon. [CHAOS Players Only]


  • +30% Ranged damage to Law enemies
  • -30% Ranged damage to Chaos enemies.

[ Equipment Set Bonus ]

Five Spirit Shooter Handgun +36 +31 +02 +01 30 Yes Yes Yes - An ancient gun left over in this world that uses spiritual powers to fire sharp bullets. Only those seeking power may lay their hands on this weapon. [CHAOS Players Only]


  • +30% Ranged damage to Law enemies
  • -30% Ranged damage to Chaos enemies.

[ Equipment Set Bonus ]

  • Weapon Shop: Souhonzan during Moon Phase (3/8), (48), (5/8)
Five Spirit Shooter (Flash) Handgun +38 +33 +20 +17 3 No No No - A handgun crafted from a Five Spirit Shooter and designed to weed out the weak from this world. It fires bullets like flashes of light, so that the weak cannot even begin to follow their trajectories. [Lv.50+ CHAOS Players Only]


  • +50% Ranged damage to Law enemies
  • -30% Ranged damage to Neutral and Chaos enemies
  • Cannot be traded or repaired
Cal' Maria Handgun +38 +37 +35 +15 34 Yes Yes Yes 3-5 A latent sense of serenity overwhelms those who find themselves at the other end of this gun. In the instant their life begins to fade away, the Cal' Maria absolves them of their sins.
  • Intelligence: +7
Handgun D Handgun +39 +31 +09 +11 28 Yes Yes Yes 3-5 Compact and light. No flaws are seen in its design. An exemplary handgun. [Characteristics]
  • +5% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
Tartarusmachy Mystic +41 +41 +33 +22 33 Yes Yes Yes 3 A spiritual gun imbued with a large dose of Hecatonchire's magic. [Players Level 62+]


  • -3% Shot incantation for each Shot expertise
  • -3% Shot cool-down for each Shot expertise
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • +30% damage to Demoniacs
Deathbringer (Handgun) Handgun +33 +18 +27 +6 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A pistol of death that feeds on the life of its wielder. Those lacking a strong heart will soon lose their soul and flesh to this weapon.
  • Ranged, Spell Damage Taken: +20%


  • +10% Shot damage
    • Includes Destruction Magic
  • +10% Rapid Damage
  • Random Reward: Suginami Tunnels (Bronze; WILDCAT Summon Orb)
Deathbringer (Wheel of Life) (Handgun) Handgun +36 +19 +28 +06 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A pistol of death that feeds on the life of its wielder. Those lacking a strong heart will soon lose their soul and flesh to this weapon.
  • Ranged, Spell Damage Taken: +50%


  • +25% Shot, Rapid damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
Legacy Peacemaker Handgun +40 +0 +0 +06 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A weapon said to have once been used in the Cathedral.

• Speed + 30
• Vitality + 30
• Handgun damage + 15%

• Temporarily learn the Destruction Ray skill
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

Random Reward: Cathedral (Dungeon)

Legacy Peacemaker II Handgun +40 +0 +0 +15 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A weapon said to have once been used in the Cathedral.

• Speed + 30
• Vitality + 30
• Handgun damage + 15%
• Limit Break Chance + 5%

• Temporarily learn the Destruction Ray skill
•Technical Attack chance/power + 5%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

• ?

Legacy Peacemaker III Handgun +55 +0 +0 +25 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A weapon said to have once been used in the Cathedral.

• Speed + 40
• Vitality + 40
• Handgun damage + 20%
• Shot damage + (Level * 0.2%) * Includes Destruction Magic • Rapid damage + (Level * 0.2%)
• Temporarily learn the Destruction Ray skill
• Technical Attack chance + 10%
•Technical Attack power + 5%
•When using Ranged/Penetrate/Spread affinity skills, +10% Technical Attack power
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

• ?

CP Promotional

Ranged = Ranged • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Walther AC41 ? Handgun +27 +35 +27 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A handgun used by the greatest thief of the last century, of whom it was said there was nothing he couldn't steal.
  • Luck: +5
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Protopia, Arcadia for 2280 AC
Raygun ? Handgun +27 +35 +27 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A handgun made more powerful with the infusion of spiritual powers ad used to deal out justice.
  • Max MP: +6
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Protopia, Arcadia for 2280 AC
Five Spirit Shooter (Rapid) ? Handgun +33 +31 +14 +01 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Five Spirit Shooter. It looks exactly like a Five Spirit Shooter, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well. [Characteristics]
  • +10% Rapid damage
M103-L ? Handgun +35 +17 +17 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A long-barreled machine pistol developed for taking down vicious criminals. Has huge destructive powers for a handgun. [Characteristics]
  • -20% Shot incantation time
  • Fortune Cards
Nightwalker ? Handgun +31 +30 +06 +06 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A handgun designed to maintain accuracy even when used in the dark of night. [Characteristics]
  • -10% Shot cool-down time
  • +15% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • Fortune Cards
Death Walker ? Handgun +31 +30 +06 +06 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 A customized handgun which has improved upon the killing power of the Nightwalker. Its setup is prohibitive for all but advanced users, but it's the best firearm for those extreme situations. [Characteristics]
  • -10% Shot cool-down time
  • +15% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
Red Rain ? Handgun +32 +28 +08 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A small, vertical twin-barrel mounted gun that fits in the palm of an adult hand. Its portability and concealability make it an assassin's weapon of choice.
  • Speed: +4


  • +15% Shot damage
  • +15% Rapid damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • Fortune Cards
Full Metal Shooter ? Handgun +35 +10 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A handgun that was created to quickly develop skills against impending threats.
  • Acquire Expertise: +50%
  • Fortune Cards
Full Metal Shooter - Revised ? Handgun +35 +10 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A handgun that was created to quickly develop skills against impending threats.
  • Acquire Expertise: +100%
Para Bellum ? Handgun +32 +25 +12 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A firearm imbued with an understated power exerted only to maintain the peace. [Characteristics]
  • (LV x 0.3)% Shot damage
  • (LV x 0.3)% Rapid damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
http://i.imgur.com/WMqyv.png Demonic Punisher ? Handgun +37 +16 +15 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 It's simple to use. First load it with a bullet then pull the trigger. You're rewarded to look at the grotesque bullet mark. [Characteristics]
  • +50 CRT to your Partner
  • BLK CRT +50 to your Partner
  • +50% damage inflicted by your Partner
  • Fortune Cards
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y62/Koykoichan/smt/pesticide.png Pesticide ? Handgun +25 +30 +25 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A chemical concoction developed by scientists to combat the activiti of pestilent creatures during the summer. -
  • Beach Comp Hack (Store) for 1,800 AC
Jet Black ? Handgun +50 +35 +10 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 ?

[Basic Features]

  • Final Critical correction + 5%


  • Shot damage + (Level * 0.9)% (Includes Destruction Magic)
  • Rapid damage + (Level * 0.9)% (Includes Destruction Magic)
  • +2 consecutive uses for all skills
  • +(Level * 0.4)% chance of status changing skill success
  • Fortune Cards
Renegade レネゲイダー Almighty +75 - - +48 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 ?

[Basic Features]

  • Limit Break chance + 5%
  • Limit Break power + 20%


  • Temporarily learn the skill Corpse Maker.
  • While Digitalized:
  • +50% Limit Break power
  • +3500 Limit Break damage cap
  • Special Abilities can not be transferred through Spiritual Mixing, etc.
  • Fortune Cards
PWz63c PWz63c Handgun +55 +45 - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down Time: -20%
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Limit Break Power + 50%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• While Digitalized, Melee/Ranged/Magic damage + 30%
Fortune Cards
Sacred Treasure • White Falcon 神器・白隼 Almighty +75 +75 +50 0 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 ?
  • Almighty boost +50%
  • Final Critical Correction +5%

• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• While Digitalized: Technical Attack Chance + 10%, Technical Attack Power +30%, Pursuit Chance +10%, Pursuit Power +30%
• +70% Melee/Ranged/Magic damage
• +2000 Limit Break Damage cap
• Final Critical Correction +5%
• +50% Digitalize duration
• While Digitalized: +2000 Limit Break Damage Cap, +50% Limit Break Power
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

Behemoth Blaster ベヒモ・ブラスター Almighty +82 +82 +45 +80 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 ? [Basic Features]
• Almighty resistance + 50%
[Appearance Bonus]
• Digitalize duration + 10%
• Final Critical correction + 20%
• Shot/Counter damage + (Level * 0.7)% * Includes Destruction Magic
• Temporarily learn the equipment skill Beautiful Team: Godspeed
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Leviathan Blaster レヴァイ・ブラスター Almighty +82 +82 +45 +80 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 ? [Basic Features]
• Almighty resistance + 50%
[Appearance Bonus]
• Digitalize duration + 10%
• Final Critical correction + 20%
• Shot/Rapid damage + (Level * 0.7)% * Includes Destruction Magic
• Temporarily learn the equipment skill Mass Taunt
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

CP Elemental

Ranged = Ranged • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Mobile Inferno Fire +36 +22 +15 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The flames that shoot from the muzzle of this gun will engulf your enemies in a ceaseless blaze.
  • Flame Boost: +20%


  • -15% Rapid cool-down time
  • Fortune Cards
Baby Smile Fire +40 +30 +15 +20 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 A handgun that fires a rapid amount of revolutions that explode upon contact.
  • Flame Boost: +30%
Nightmare Sacrifice Death +40 +30 +15 +20 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 Don't spit on yourself. Spit in the face of the guy who makes you sick. Flip him off and laugh. But when he comes around, remember that he's an ally.
  • Death Boost: +30%
Holy Exorcism Expel +40 +30 +15 +20 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 This special modified handgun can destruct and things.
  • Expel Boost: +30%
Evil Blaster Nerve +33 +33 +11 +33 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A once-righteous gun that held a distinguished record for having shot down countless demons. It has since been twisted by the dark desires of the demons whose lives it has claimed. When fired, the shots sound of the demons' dying agony.
  • Landing consecutive blows on an enemy results in a 20% chance of inflicting that enemy with Paralysis. (This effect cannot be transferred through Spiritual Mixing)
  • Nerve Boost: +20%
  • Fortune Cards
Shangri-la Mind +33 +33 +11 +33 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 This handgun acquired its nickname after it was said that one shot could send you to paradise. With its attractive design and ease of use, this prototype is popular with both high-ranking officials and technical engineers.
  • Landing consecutive blows on an enemy results in a 20% chance of inflicting that enemy with Charm. (This effect cannot be transferred through Spiritual Mixing)
  • Mind Boost: +30%
  • Fortune Cards
未実装 Suicide +70 +70 +70 - 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 ? [Characteristics]
• Suicide-affinity cap + 300%
• Demon's Suicide-affinity cap + 300%
• Demon's Suicide damage + 100%
[Appearance Bonus]
While using Suicide-affinity skills,
• Limit Break chance + 100%
• Limit Break power + 100%
• Technical Attack chance + 100%
• Technical Attack power + 100%
• Limit Break damage cap + 2000

Limit Breaker

Ranged = Ranged • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Baby Smile (Destruction) Fire +40 +30 +15 +20 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 A handgun that fires a rapid amount of revolutions that explode contact. This special modified handgun can destruct any things.
  • Flame Boost: +30%
  • Limit Break Chance: +10%


  • Limit Break Power +30%
Nightmare Sacrifice (Destruction) Death +40 +30 +15 +20 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 Don't spit on yourself. Spit in the face of the guy who makes you sick. Flip him off and laugh. But when he comes around remember that he's an ally. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely.
  • Death Boost: +30%
  • Limit Break Chance: +10%


  • Limit Break Power +30%
Holy Exorcism (Destruction) Expel +40 +30 +15 +20 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 The deep dark that came like that draft stagnates and the tepid wind is shrouded. The trail of shining bullet came out of nowhere. It was like the sun rises in the horizon. The trail gradually strengthen its brightness and all the darkness becomes a thing of the past.
  • Expel Boost: +30%
  • Limit Break Chance: +10%


  • Limit Break Power +30%
Heaven's Magnum Handgun +44 +22 - +44 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 This handgun is given only to the one that the master chooses. The bullet that is unleashed from this gun possesses great power.
  • Limit Break Chance: +10%


  • Limit Break Power +30%

[ Equipment Set Bonus ]

  • Fortune Cards

Limited Time/ Event Reward

Ranged = Ranged • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Beginner's Handgun Handgun +25 +27 +20 +16 50 No No No - An easy-to-use handgun made for newbie Demon Busters. [Players Level -30]
  • Expertise Acquired: +20%
  • EXP Acquired: +20%
  • Cannot be traded, sold, or stored

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials