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Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Spear ? Thrust +23 +24 +24 +07 25 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 An ordinary spear with a sharp tip. - Yagiya Shop: Nakano
Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel
Created from Swordsmith
Trident ? Thrust +25 +26 +26 +07 31 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A three-pronged spear that is a symbol of Poseiden, Greek God of the Seas. - Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia
Created from Swordsmith
Cross-Shaped Spear ? Thrust +30 +20 +30 +07 15 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A spear with small blades jutting out both sides of the tip. A lot of practice is needed to master this weapon. [Players Level 30+]
• Strength: +2
• MAX HP: +8
Weapon Shop: Home III
G1 Trial: 200 Yagiya Seals
Created from Swordsmith
Lance of Vitality ? Thrust +30 +22 +23 +12 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A demonic spear that accurately pierces an enemy's weak spot. • Vitality: +2 Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia
Created from Swordsmith
Screw Lance ? Thrust +32 +20 +28 +11 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A heavy mechanical lance created from a drill used for digging into the bedrock. Although it can pierce an enemy's armor and drill into its flesh, its weight makes it difficult for most people to use. [Players Level 40+]
• +2 VIT to all Party members
Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel
Created from Swordsmith
Lance of the Paladin ? Thrust +33 +13 +26 +12 30 Yes Yes Yes - A modified Vital Lance given out to members of the Knight Templar. [LAW Players Only]
• Physical Defense: +1
• +30% Melee damage to Chaos enemies
• -30% Melee damage to Law enemies
[ Set Bonus ]
Arcadia Lottery
Lance of the Paladin (Imperial) ? Thrust +40 +28 +12 +09 3 No No No - A two-handed sword crafted out of a Lance of the Paladin and designed to destroy those who stand up to God. Its tip will pierce through any foe that puts a Messian's life at risk. [Lv.50+ LAW Players Only]
• +50% Melee damage to Chaos enemies
• -30% Melee damage to Neutral and Law enemies
* Cannot be traded or repaired
Item Mixing: 150 Cross Regenerator (L) + Lance of the Paladin
Exchange: 400 Award from Messian Church
Spear of Magma ? Thrust +30 +36 +03 +05 30 Yes Yes Yes - A demonic spear imbued with the heat of searing lava. [CHAOS Players Only]
• +20% Spell damage to Law enemies
• -20% Spell damage to Chaos enemies
Weapon Shop: Souhonzan during Moon Phase (New Moon), (1/8), (2/8)
Spear of the Inferno ? Thrust +07 +40 +30 +10 3 No No No - A two-handed sword crafted from a Spear of Magma and designed to weed out the weak from this world. It has been forged in fires so hot, it singes its wielder and burns its victims into ash. [Lv.50+ CHAOS Players Only]
• +50% Spell damage to Law enemies
• 30% Spell damage to Neutral and Chaos enemies
* Cannot be traded or repaired
Item Mixing: 150 Cross Regenerator (C) + Spear of Magma
Exchange: 400 Award from Gaia Church
Grand Partisan ? Thrust +35 +12 +26 +07 30 Yes Yes Yes - A large lance that can inspire allies fighting for a cause. The large spikes that extend from the tip make it effective for attacking the enemy as well as making them cower. [Lv.30+ NEUTRAL Players Only]
• MAX HP: -35
• +10% Melee damage to Law and Chaos enemies
• -10% Melee damage to Neutral enemies
Weapon Shop: Protopia
Caladbolg ? Thrust +38 +34 +24 +14 20 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A heavy lance with a name that translate into "Hard Scabbard" that was wielded by Cu Chulainn's friend Fergus. A single blow with this weapon is said to be able to split a hill down the middle. • Thrust Boost: +10% Created from Swordsmith
Spear of Wave and Wind ? Thrust +26 +15 +13 +13 25 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A wild wave and wind, think therefore I am. - Created from Swordsmith
Wild Spear ? Thrust +27 +22 +23 +07 10 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A spear that looks primitive with its stone tip. - Drop: Naga, Accomplished Naga
Created from Swordsmith
Jiabo ? Thrust +28 +27 +27 +09 40 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A spear with a snake-like tip wielded by Zhange Fei, a hero during the Three Kingdoms era. • MAX HP: +10 Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Silver)
Created from Swordsmith
Serpentine Destructor ? Thrust +30 +30 +30 +15 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A powerful spear once wielded by Zhange Fei, the Great Tiger of Protection. Some say it is still imbued with the impressive might he was known for throughout the kingdom of Shu Han. • Thrust Boost: +15%
• +15% Spin damage
Spear of Mangus ? Thrust +29 +25 +28 +05 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 The lance wielded by the famed chieftain Mangus. Those who wield this weapon are considered the finest warrior. [Characteristics]
• +1 PHYS DEF to all Party members
Random Reward: Suginami Tunnels (Silver)
Created from Swordsmith
Great Spear of Mangus ? Thrust +34 +30 +30 +09 30 Yes Yes Yes 3-4 A little-known weapon wielded by the great chieftain Mangus, said to have been used only when his people were endangered by a formidable threat. [Characteristics]
• +1 consecutive Giant Swing attack
Hitentaisei ? Thrust +30 +34 +17 +15 15 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 The lance wielded by Li Gun, a hero from the Ming Dynasty novel Water Margin. • Strength: +2
• MAX HP: +8
Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Silver)
Random Treasure Box: Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold)
Created from Swordsmith
Hyoshito ? Thrust +28 +27 +27 +09 40 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 The lance wielded by Lin Chong, a hero from the Ming Dynasty novel Water Margin. • MAX HP: +10 Random Reward: Shinagawa Catacomb of the Templar Knights (Bronze)
Created from Swordsmith
Crimson Dust of Death ? Thrust +01 +40 +02 +10 10 Yes Yes Yes 2 An accursed crimson lance created by a wizard who reincarnated into this world from Demonic City. [Characteristics]
• When HP is less than 60%, +10% Spell damage
• +50% Skill cool-down time
Random Reward: Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Bronze)
Three-Bladed Vajra ? Thrust +35 +04 +05 +05 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 The Heavenly King Bishamonten once owned this weapon, a holy artifact said to represent the Buddha. • Expel Boost: +10% Drop: Guardian of Sin Bishamonten (Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold))
Gae Bolg ? Thrust +28 +28 +28 +11 20 No Yes Yes 3-4 The lance bequeathed to the Genma Cu Chulainn by the Megami Scathach. Those who wield it gain enormous power in exchange for a heavy sadness. [Characteristics]
• Player gains the Gae Bolg skill
White Shark ? Thrust +32 +54 +48 +10 50 No No No - A heretical spear, its tip implanted with the tissue of an artificially created demon. It is a prototype created by a certain defense contractor, and offers powers unimaginable in a commercial product. Difficult to upgrade. [Players with 1.300+ GP]
• Magic: +10
• Intelligence: +10
• Spell Damage: +10%
• +20% damage to Humans (Group)
* Cannot be traded
VERSUS Prize: 120,000 BP
Flame Banner ? Thrust +0 +0 +35 +0 20 Yes Yes Yes 1 ? • Vitality + 40
• Melee/Ranged/Magic damage taken -3%
• +20% damage inflicted by your Partner.
Reward: Cathedral (Dungeon)
Flame Banner: Unity ? Thrust +0 +0 +35 +0 20 Yes Yes Yes 1 ? • Vitality + 40
• Melee/Ranged/Magic damage taken -3%
• +40% damage inflicted by your Partner.
• Temporarily learn the Prayer, Zeal, and Worship skills
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Exchange: Cathedral (Dungeon)
Flame Banner: Guidance ? Thrust +0 +0 +40 +0 20 Yes Yes Yes 1 ? • Vitality + 50
• Melee/Ranged/Magic damage taken -5%
• +40% damage inflicted by your Partner.
• +20% Demon Limit Break power
• +15% Demon Technical Attack power
• -15% Cooldown time for all skills for your demon.
• Temporarily learn the Prayer, Zeal, and Worship skills
• Incantation time of all skills - 10%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Exchange: Cathedral (Dungeon)

In-Game Elemental

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Phlegethon ? Fire +32 +36 +25 +03 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A spear formed out of the magma produced by the flames of Hell. A constant stream of fire flows out of the tip of this weapon, like the river it is named after. [Players Level 81+]
• Flame Boost: +20%
Poseidon's Trident ? Ice +32 +36 +25 +03 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 The trident wielded by Poseidon, ruler of the seas. Said to be able to reproduce a stream if struck into the earth and freeze the soul if struck into an enemy. [Players Level 81+]
• Freeze Boost: +20%
Mistilteinn ? Mystic +26 +32 +28 +07 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A demonic lance that gained a reputation as a godslayer when it was used to kill Baldur, the Nordic God of Light. It is said to always return to the hand of its owner, no matter how far away. • Mystic Boost: +10% Created from Swordsmith
Inhuman Howl ? Death +05 +45 +02 +01 20 Yes Yes Yes 3 The source of this howl is unknown, but it is certainly one of the most disturbing sounds known to mankind. • Almighty Boost: +20%
• +50% MP cost
• -30% Spell incantation time
• -30% Spell cool-down time
• +5% Fire, Ice, Electric, Force-based skills

CP Promotional

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Lance of Longinus ? Thrust +28 +28 +28 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A spear that became a holy artifact when it was used to pierce a holy man who was crucified on the hills of Golgotha. • Magic Defense: +3
• MAX MP: +3
Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia for 4,080 MC
Spear of Romulus ? Thrust +30 +35 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The lance wielded in numerous battles by Romulus, the man who built Tome. It is said to have turned into a giant tree when it was thrust into Palatine Hill. • Magic: +3 Weapon Shop: Arcadia for 5,400 MC
Armorpiercer ? Thrust +30 +29 +29 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A giant lance that can pierce through even the toughest armor. It is said only a select few powerful soldiers were able to handle this weapon. • Thrust Boost: +10% Weapon Shop: Souhonzan for 7,080 MC
Lance of Vitality (Heavy) ? Thrust +33 +24 +23 +12 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Lance of the Vitality. It looks exactly like a Lance of the Vitality, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well. [Characteristics]
• +10% Attack damage
Tag (Heavy Blade)
Longinus (Speed) ? Thrust +28 +28 +28 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Longinus. It looks exactly like a Longinus, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well. [Characteristics]
• +10% Spin damage
Tag (Speed Blade)
Spear of Magma (Magic) ? Thrust +32 +31 +03 +05 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Spear of Magma. It looks exactly like a Spear of Magma, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well. • Magic: +10 Tag (Magic Blade)
Berial's Wiper ? Thrust +30 +30 +30 +22 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 This wiper was originally made to clean the floor but after it was given a demonic name, it has possessed one hell of a power. Don't know exactly why but it is said that depending on the demon's friendship level, your strength will increase. • Cool-down Time: -10%
• When Friendship Level is above "Linked by Fate", +20% Melee and Spell damage
• When Friendship Level is above "Open Hearts", +10% Melee and Spell damage
Fortune Cards
Focus Lance ? Thrust +33 +22 +11 +44 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 Spear created in the image of the devil. People become frightened when they see the nail in the center. [Characteristics]
• (LV x 0.3)% Spin damage
• (LV x 0.3)% Rush damage
Fortune Cards
Demonic Piercer ? Thrust +37 +16 +15 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 It is simple to use. First, you take the spiere and raise it high, then swing down straight to the enemy's head. A clear hole can be seen as a reward. [Characteristics]
• -20% cool-time for Skill to your Partner
• +50% Melee, Ranged and spell damage inflicted by your Partner
Fortune Cards

CP Elemental

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Spear of Duftach ? Fire +31 +33 +05 +07 40 Yes Yes Yes 3 A demonic spear with powers that have been sealed with sleeping grass. It shoots out flames on its own will and lets out a howl as its wielder charges into battle. • Strength: +3
• Flame Boost: +20%
Fortune Cards
Poliahu ? Ice +34 +31 +10 +01 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A lance blessed by the goddess of snow. The cold air it produces is said to be able to instantly freeze boiling magma. • Freeze Boost: +20% Fortune Cards
Stormpiercer ? Force +31 +26 +26 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A magical lance with wind woven into its tip. A single swing can produce several winds that will rip into the enemy. • Shock Boost: +20% Fortune Cards
Stormpiercer S ? Force +31 +26 +26 +07 3 No No No - A magical lance with wind woven into its tip. A single swing can produce several winds that will rip into the enemy. • Shock Boost: +20%
* Cannot be traded, sold or repaired
Voucher (S Weapon Set)
Magnum Injection ? Mystic +28 +26 +32 +09 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 This lance's ridiculously large size is enough to make any sensible person become overwhelmed with terror. • Mystic Boost: +20% Fortune Cards
Last Judgment ? Expel +40 +30 +11 +22 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 Residing in your body is a white demon, whose sweet temptations you must be pure of heart to resist. "You are not alone," the spear whispers. "We can overcome this together." • Expel Boost: +30% Silver Jack Parts
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/74289761/megaten/0/00/Item-Icon_Hideous_Lance.png Hideous Lance ? Mind +33 +33 +11 +33 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A prototype created during the development of "Deathbringer." Many soldiers were able to claim easy victory with this demon spear's awesome power. However, in the middle of a training mission, the spear's cruel appearance and untamed power went out of control, obliterating the spirit of all those nearby. Landing consecutive blows on an enemy results in a 20% chance of inflicting that enemy with Charm
* This trait cannot be passed on through Spiritual Mixing
• Mind Boost: +20%
Fortune Cards
Yeagar Lance イェーガーランス Almighty +72 +72 +67 - 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 ? [Basic Features]
• Almighty Boost: +40%
• Limit Break chance + 5%
• Final Critical correction + 5%
• Limit Break chance + 10%
• While Digitalized, +100% Almighty boost
Fortune Cards

Limit Breaker

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Last Judgment (Destruction) ? Expel +40 +30 +11 +22 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 Residing in your body is a white demon, whose sweet temptations you must be pure of heart to resist. "You are not alone," the spear whispers. "We can overcome this together." A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything. • Expel Boost: +30%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• Limit Break Power +30%
Exchange: 2 Last Judgment to 100M Shop Taizo
? ? Thrust +44 +22 - +44 ? Yes Yes Yes 3 Not Yet Available! • Limit Break Chance: +10%
• Limit Break Power +30%
Fortune Cards

Limited Time

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Joulupukki ? Thrust +30 +30 +20 +20 25 No Yes Yes 3 A weapon crafted by Nicholas. The energy contained within can tear through Impenetrable Fields. * (Note) During the event only, the affinity was called "Power of Words"
* Cannot be traded
Christmas Event 2010

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials