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Sergei Emile セルゲイ・エミール Penetrate +25 +19 +26 +12 22 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A rifle that has been used in many great battle. - Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel
Created from Arms Maker
R40 R40 Penetrate +27 +19 +28 +12 31 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A rifle officially commissioned by the Navy. - Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia
Created from Arms Maker
G-M16 G-M16 Penetrate +31 +05 +27 +12 15 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A superior assault rifle commissioned by every country and once used by a renowned hitman. [Players Level 30+]
• Speed: +2
• MAX MP: +4
Weapon Shop: Home III
G1 Trial: 200 Yagiya Seals
Created from Arms Maker
Plasma Rifle プラズマライフル Penetrate +30 +16 +28 +17 35 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A rifle powered by plasma that was designed by a science teacher at a now extinct high school. - Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia
Created from Arms Maker
Gauss Canon ガウスキャノン Penetrate +32 +29 +10 +07 30 Yes Yes Yes - A rifle that uses electromagnetic power to fire its bullets. An inbuilt condenser allows for phased acceleration that delivers huge amounts of of damage. • Speed: +3
• If player is NEUTRAL, +5% Rapid damage
Weapon Shop: Protopia during Moon Phase (3/8), (4/8), (5/8)
Rambus SVD ランバスSVD Penetrate +38 +19 +30 +18 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A sniper rifle with steady aim designed by the gunmaker Dragunov. [Characteristics]
• +5% Rapid damage
Created from Arms Maker
Type 99 Rifle 九九式小銃 Penetrate +37 +12 +15 +19 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 The followup to the Type 38 Infantry Rifle. Very powerful, and has an accuracy as good as today's finest rifles. • Speed: +3 Created from Arms Maker
L96SR L96SR Penetrate +43 +14 +07 +13 29 Yes Yes Yes 3-5 A gun that can be loaded and fired quickly and with ease. No war has ever been fought without this weapon. • Speed: +8
• MAX MP: +10
Created from Arms Maker
Type 38 Infantry Rifle 三八式歩兵銃 Penetrate +29 +12 +33 +12 25 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 This rifle was once the main firepower of infantrymen in the Imperial Japanese Army. Has a chrysanthemum motif. • Speed: +3 • Treasure Chest: Nakano Underground Ruins (Bronze)
Drop: Troll, Gyuki, Yomotsu-Ikusa, Vetala
Negotiate: Gyuki
Created from Arms Maker
Scarlet Electric Lancer 紅電騎槍 Penetrate +35 +15 +02 +15 30 Yes Yes Yes 2 A rifle imported from the Sleeping Giant that can fire crimson thunder from its barrel. [Characteristics]
• When HP is less than 20%, +50% Ranged damage
End Chest: Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Bronze) Both Routes
Dedushka ジェードゥシュカ Penetrate +54 +31 +25 +20 20 No Yes Yes 2 The grandson of a famous gunsmith created this magnificent firearm in an attempt to surpass anything his grandfather ever made. It is a prototype created by a certain defense contractor, and offers powers unimaginable in a commercial product. [Player with 1.900+ GP]
• Speed: +20
• Luck: +10
• +30% damage to Humans (Group)
* Cannot be traded
VERSUS Prize: 600,000 BP
UB Dedushka UB・ジェードゥシュカ Penetrate +54 +31 +25 +20 20 Yes Yes Yes 5 ? - • Drop: Casino Arena (Round 5)
http://i.imgur.com/SF2i3su.png Avalon Trigger アヴァロントリガー Penetrate +35 +20 +8 - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 ?

•HP regeneration: +100% [Characteristics] -

http://i.imgur.com/SF2i3su.png Avalon Trigger II アヴァロントリガーⅡ Penetrate +35 +20 +8 - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 ?

•HP and MP regeneration: +100%
[Characteristics] •VIT, INT, LUCK +5

http://i.imgur.com/SF2i3su.png Avalon Trigger III アヴァロントリガーⅢ Penetrate +44 +20 +8 20 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 ?

•HP and MP regeneration: +100%

http://i.imgur.com/SF2i3su.png Avalon Trigger IV アヴァロントリガーⅣ Penetrate +44 +20 +8 - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 ?

•HP and MP regeneration: +100%
• Upon summoning a demon, Player gains the status Majesty of the King

Fiery Amatsu Gun 火雷天神砲 Penetrate +108 - - +99 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 Cool-down time - 50%
Final Critical correction + 5%
Demon Partner's Ranged + 108
Demon's Final Critical correction + 5%
Demon's Critical + 99
-50% Cool-down time for all skills to your Demon
• Limit Break Chance + 20%
• Limit Break Power + 40%
• Limit Break damage cap + 3000
• Demon's Limit Break Chance + 20%
• Demon's Limit Break Power + 40%
• Demon's Limit Break damage cap + 3000

In-Game Elemental

Merciless Lacquer 漆風アンフォウギヴン Mind +45 +05 +02 +01 20 Yes Yes Yes 3 Is the power that runs through this weapon Lust? Gluttony? Greed? Sloth? Wrath? Envy? Pride? No one knows for sure. What is known is that the dark powers of this weapon can destroy the mental state of its wielder. [Players Level 70+]
• Mind Boost: +20%
• -20% Shot incantation time
• +50% Shot cool-down time
• +10% Rapid damage
• When HP is 100%, Weapon-based skill effects +10%

CP Promotional

Tanegashima 種子島 Penetrate +30 +20 +34 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The first arquebus introduced to Japan. • Speed: +5 Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia for 48 CP
Tanegashima Gun of Griefing Wings (Bondage) 哭翼の種子島(緊縛) Penetrate +40 +20 +20 +5 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The first matchlock gun came to Japan. It is said that you'll cry out and mourn when the bullet hits. 20% chance of adding Bind effect when attacks are dealt or knocking back the enemy
The traits can't be passed with Spiritual Mixing or by other means
• +20% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
• When HP is less than 90%, Ranged damage -5%
• When MP is less than 90%, Ranged damage -5%
• +10% Ranged damage
Fortune Cards
Foresta フォレスタ Penetrate +34 +20 +30 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A rifle made from the wood of a sacred tree. Those who wield it are imbued with the blesssings of the Earth. • Physical Defense: +3 Fortune Cards
AVALON-24 AVALON-24 Penetrate +33 +31 +20 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A mass-produced rifle customized with enhanced features for urban warfare. Although very powerful, very few were made due to cost and difficulty of use. [Characteristics]
• +20% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
Fortune Cards
AVALON-24 S ? Penetrate +33 +31 +20 +07 3 No No No - A mass-produced rifle customized with enhanced features for urban warfare. Although very powerful, very few were made due to cost and difficulty of use. [Characteristics]
• +20% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
*Cannot be traded, sold or repaired.
Voucher (S Weapon Set)
Plasma Rifle (Rapid) プラズマライフル【瞬弾】 Penetrate +30 +27 +28 +17 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Plasma Rifle. It looks exactly like a Plasma Rifle, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well. [Characteristics]
• +10% Rapid damage
Tag (Instant Shooter)
Barrel of the Floret 花封長筒 Penetrate +31 +19 +28 +08 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A rifle with an organic form that conjures images of flowers breathing. • Speed: +6
• +10% damage to Elements
Fortune Cards
Highlander Musket ハイランダーマスケット Penetrate +30 +21 +28 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 An infantry rifle based on the design of those that Western riflemen used in medieval times. Despite its name, its mechanism is completely modern. • Speed: +4
• +10% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
Fortune Cards
Jackpot ジャック・ポット Penetrate +30 +30 +12 +05 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The latest model of an assault rifle commissioned by countries around the world. • Speed: +2
• +15% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
Fortune Cards
Jackpot A ジャック・ポット・A Penetrate +30 +30 +12 +05 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The latest model of an assault rifle commissioned by countries around the world. [Players Level -35]
• Speed: +2
• +15% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
Fortune Cards
lost:sight lost:sight Penetrate +37 +07 +06 +05 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 A rifle designed for combat against much larger foes than yourself. The prey enters the field of the scope, and I pull the trigger. [Characteristics]
• +30% damage to Beasts (Species)
Special Ticket A
lost:sight (Spiral) 螺旋のlost:sight Penetrate +37 +07 +06 +05 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 A rifle designed for combat against much larger foes than yourself. The prey enters the field of the scope, and I pull the trigger. [Characteristics]
• +30% damage to Beasts (Species)
[Appearance Bonus]
• Technical Attack chance + 5%
•Technical Attack power + 10%
Item Mixing
http://i.imgur.com/cgnZJ9N.png Demonic Thruster デモナ・アッシャー Penetrate +37 +16 +15 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 It is simple to use. First load it with a bullet then pull the trigger. You can be known as Life Ender as a reward. [Characteristics]
• -20% cool-time for Skill to your Partner
• +50% Melee, Ranged and spell damage inflicted by your Partner
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/cgnZJ9N.png Reverse Demonic Thruster デモナ・アッシャー・裏 Penetrate +37 +16 +15 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 It is simple to use. First load it with a bullet then pull the trigger. You can be known as Life Ender as a reward. [Appearance Bonus]
• -10% cool-time for Skill to your Partner
• +25% Melee, Ranged and spell damage inflicted by your Partner
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/WtA6pVD.png C-M16 C-M16 Penetrate +40 +20 +20 +22 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 Assault rifle that has been a favorite over a long time in many countries. Performance and colors are customized for urban warfare. Extensibility is better than Old Type. [Characteristics]
• -20% incantation time to all skills
• +25% Shot, Rapid damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/WtA6pVD.png C-M16
(Old Type)
C-M16(旧式) Penetrate +40 +20 +20 +22 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Assault rifle that has been a favorite over a long time in many countries. Performance and colors are customized for urban warfare. [Characteristics]
• -20% incantation time to all skills
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/oNIC3Lg.png Outrage アウトレイジ Penetrate +30 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Players Level 60+]
Player gains the Deadly Rage skill
The traits can't be passed with Spiritual Mixing or by other means
• -30% incantation time to all skills
• [Fortune Cards]
http://i.imgur.com/oNIC3Lg.png Auto Barrette アウトバレット Penetrate +30 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Players Level 60+]
Player gains the Deadly Penetrate skill
The traits can't be passed with Spiritual Mixing or by other means
• -30% incantation time to all skills
• [Fortune Cards]
http://i.imgur.com/ceK8mTK.png GSL36-8 GSL36-8 Penetrate +35 +30 +10 +13 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Characteristics]
• Shot damage +(LV x 0.3)%
* Includes Destruction Magic
• Rapid damage +(LV x 0.3)%
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/ceK8mTK.png GSL36-9 GSL36-9 Penetrate +41 +20 +10 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 [Basic Features]
• Limit Break chance + 10%
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/ceK8mTK.png GSL36-9.1 GSL36-9.1 Penetrate +33 +33 +17 +33 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Characteristics]
• +1 Consecutive usage of any skill
• Limit Break chance + 5%
• Limit Break power + 10%
• [Fortune Cards]
Scarlet Flash Thunder Gun 緋閃雷砲 Penetrate +36 +32 +11 +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Characteristics]
• Damage to Haunts + 20%
• Shot/Rapid damage + (Level * 0.2)%
[Appearance Bonus]
• While equipped, it is possible to activate the plasma within Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Gold) more than once
• Null Singled Out
Set Bonus
• Damage to Susano-o, Amaterasu (Female and Male), enemies with the prefix Raging Hades (荒れ狂う幽界の) and Messenger of the Sun God (日の神使) + 200%
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/8m5jabZ.png XΣ‐∞(BK) XΣ-∞(BK) Penetrate +41 +20 +10 +20 ? Yes Yes Yes 3 • Cool-down Time: -10% Fortune Cards
Vis Eraser ヴィスイレイザー Penetrate +42 +36 +8 - 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down Time: -10%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• Technical Attack chance/power + 10%
• Shot/Rapid damage + 25%
[Appearance Bonus]
• Technical Attack chance + 5%
• Technical Attack power + 25%
Fortune Cards
Trace Eraser トレースイレイザー Penetrate +42 +36 +8 - 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down Time: -10%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• Pursuit chance/power + 10%
• Shot/Rapid damage + 25%
[Appearance Bonus]
• Pursuit chance + 5%
• Pursuit power + 10%
• Critical + 30
Fortune Cards
MG96A MG96A Penetrate +90 - - +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• Limit Break Chance + 5%
[Appearance Bonus]
• Temporarily learn the skill Myriad Barrage of Arrows
[CP Campaigns]
MG96A-PBC MG96A-PBC Penetrate +90 - - +20 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• Limit Break Chance + 5%
[Appearance Bonus]
• Temporarily learn the skill Myriad Barrage of Arrows and Giga Pile Breaker
Item Mixing
Gedorai ゲードライ Penetrate +55 +45 - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down Time: -20%
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Limit Break Power + 50%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• While Digitalized, Melee/Ranged/Magic damage + 30%
Fortune Cards

CP Elemental

AVALON-24: Crimson Formula AVALON-24・紅蓮式 Fire +45 +45 - +20 ? Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Final Critical rate correction + 5%
• Shot/Rapid damage + (Level * 0.3)%
• On knockback, low chance of inflicting Large Fire ailment on targets
Equipment Set Bonus
• Limit Break chance + 5%
• Limit Break power + 10%
Fortune Cards
AVALON-24: Lightning Formula AVALON-24・雷電式 Electric +45 +45 - +20 ? Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Final Critical rate correction + 5%
• Shot/Rapid damage + (Level * 0.3)%
• On knockback, low chance of inflicting Large Shock ailment on targets
Equipment Set Bonus
• Limit Break chance + 5%
• Limit Break power + 10%
Fortune Cards
Cardinal カーディナル Fire +80 +60 +44 +44 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 [Basic Features]
• Fire damage + 80%
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Limit Break chance + 5%
• Limit Break power + 60%
• Consecutive usage of Fire skills + 1
Fortune Cards
Blue Flash Thunder Cannon 蒼閃雷砲 Ice +80 +60 +44 +44 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 [Basic Features]
• Ice damage + 80%
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Limit Break chance + 5%
• Limit Break power + 60%
• Consecutive usage of Ice skills + 1
Fortune Cards
Grandis グランディス Electric +32 +36 +8 - 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Basic Features]
• HP/MP regeneration + 2
[Appearance Bonus]
• Nullify the effects of miasma (affinities being disabled in a dungeon) for the four elements
• +200% damage against enemies with the title Reflection of a Winter Month? (寒月を反照せし者)
• While equipped, it is possible to activate the icicles at the end of Shinagawa Ice Cave more times
Fortune Cards
Wind Master's Havoc ウィンドブレード Force +32 +36 +12 +08 50 No Yes Yes 3 A weapon used by a wind-user who lives in another world, striving daily to battle the monsters that infest it. • Shock Boost: +10%
• +15% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
• +15% Rapid damage
• Player gains the Death Smiles skill
Windia's Data Ticket
Windia/Noir's Data Voucher
Fortune Cards
Burst Haze バーストへイズ Force +40 +30 +12 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 A rifle that uses compressed air to increase the pressure and subsequent explosion of gunpowder in its ammunition. • Shock Boost: +30% Green Jack Parts
Cross Jack Parts
Fortune Cards
Electric Guitar (Buster) 慧烈気ギター【バスター】 Electric +38 +30 +07 +04 50 No Yes Yes 3 "Shot" from the guitar. • Electric Boost: +10%
• +15% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
• +15% Rapid damage
• Player gains the D.M.C. skill
Electric Weapon Data Ticket
Positron Rifle ポジトロンライフル Electric +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 This special modified Rifle can destruct any things. • Electric Boost: +30% Yellow Jack Parts
Fortune Cards
Naska-55 Naska-55 Mystic +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 The Master of the rifle used to use this gun. The reputation of the rifle was bad but this master proved it to be a great rifle. • Mystic Boost: +30% Blue Jack Parts
Cross Jack Parts
Fortune Cards
Necromancer's Wrath ホーンティングシザース Death +32 +36 +08 +12 50 No Yes Yes 3 A weapon used by a necromancer who lives in another world, striving daily to battle the monsters that infest it. Its malevolent form can freeze all who gaze upon it. • Death Boost: +10%
• +15% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
• +15% Rapid damage
• Player gains the Death Smiles skill
Casper's Data Ticket
Casper/Rouge's Data Voucher
Fortune Cards

Limit Breaker

Burst Haze (Destruction) バーストへイズ(破壊) Force +40 +30 +12 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 A rifle that uses compressed air to increase the pressure and subsequent explosion of gunpowder in its ammunition. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely. • Force Boost: +30%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• +30% Limit Break Power
Exchange: 2 Burst Haze to 100M Shop Taizo
Positron Rifle (Destruction) ポジトロンライフル(破壊) Electric +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 You feel the beat. You hold your breath while aiming at the target. You pull the trigger with determination. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely. • Electric Boost: +30%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• +30% Limit Break Power
Exchange: 2 Positron Rifle to 100M Shop Taizo
Naska-55 (Destruction) Naska-55(破壊) Mystic +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 align="left"| • Mystic Boost: +30%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• +30% Limit Break Power
Exchange: 2 Naska-55 to 100M Shop Taizo
Burst Haze II (Destruction) バーストへイズⅡ(破壊) Force +40 +30 +12 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 A rifle that uses compressed air to increase the pressure and subsequent explosion of gunpowder in its ammunition. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely. • Force Boost: +50%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• +30% Limit Break Power
• (Level * 0.5)% Null Force
Item Mixing
Positron Rifle II (Destruction) ポジトロンライフルⅡ(破壊) Electric +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 You feel the beat. You hold your breath while aiming at the target. You pull the trigger with determination. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely. • Electric Boost: +50%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• +30% Limit Break Power
• (Level * 0.5)% Null Electric
Item Mixing
Naska-55 II (Destruction) Naska-55Ⅱ(破壊) Mystic +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 align="left"| • Mystic Boost: +50%
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• +30% Limit Break Power
• (Level * 0.5)% Null Mystic
Item Mixing
Burst Haze (Evil Thoughts) バーストへイズ・悪心 Force +40 +30 +12 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 A rifle that uses compressed air to increase the pressure and subsequent explosion of gunpowder in its ammunition. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely. • Force Boost: +50%
• Cooldown time -10%
[Appearance Bonus]
While Digitalized:
• +50% Force Boost
• Critical + 50
Fortune Cards
Positron Rifle (Evil Thoughts) ポジトロンライフル・悪心 Electric +40 +20 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 You feel the beat. You hold your breath while aiming at the target. You pull the trigger with determination. A special repair is given and it has power to destroy everything completely. • Electric Boost: +50%
• Cooldown time -10%
[Appearance Bonus]
While Digitalized:
• +50% Electric Boost
• Critical + 50
Fortune Cards

Limited Time

(7 Days)
Penetrate +50 +10 +10 +30 50 No No No - A mass-produced rifle customized with enhanced features for urban warfare. Although very powerful, very few were made due to cost and difficulty of use. [Characteristics]
• +20% Shot damage
* Includes Destruction Magic
* Cannot be traded

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials