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http://i.imgur.com/TWd8rNO.png Shard of Heaven ? - 27 Yes Yes Yes An earring made from lapis lazuli. In ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was the jewel associated with Osiris, the lord of the dead. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2
• Magic: -3
• Speed: +3
Drop: Embodiment of Form Hathor, Embodiment of Power Kushinada-Hime, Demonic Aria Sarasvati, Nightmare Hathor
Random Reward: Celu Tower (Bronze/ Silver)
Random Treasure Box: Celu Tower (Gold)
http://i.imgur.com/mhHcwbJ.png Normal Earring ? - 20 Yes Yes Yes A very simple earring. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2
Armor Shop (Accessory): Home III, Shinjuku Babel
Drop: Kodama
http://i.imgur.com/uCrjllj.png Teardrop Earring ? - 24 Yes Yes Yes A teardrop-shaped earring. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 6
• Block Critical: +2
• Strength: -1
• Magic: +1
Armor Shop (Accessory): Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia
http://i.imgur.com/mj2r3Nc.png Earring of Protection ? - 20 Yes Yes Yes An earring that produces a force field around the wearer that reduces physical damage. [Basic Features]
• Physical Defense + 1
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2
Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Bronze)
http://i.imgur.com/QQdMA4T.png Earring of Resistance ? - 20 Yes Yes Yes An earring that produces a force field around the wearer that reduces spell damage. [Basic Features]
• Physical Defense - 1
• Magical Defense + 7
• Block Critical: +2
Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Bronze)
http://i.imgur.com/7GxG0n9.png Earring of Devotion
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Melee: -2
• +4 Melee to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/n00uoe7.png Earring of Sacrifice
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Melee: -4
• +8 Melee to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/AsvGRwJ.png Earring of Pillage
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Melee: +2
• -4 Melee to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/Q6Ctoai.png Earring of Blood Drain
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Melee: +4
• -8 Melee to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/7GxG0n9.png Earring of Devotion
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Ranged: -2
• +4 Ranged to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/n00uoe7.png Earring of Sacrifice
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Ranged: -4
• +8 Ranged to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/AsvGRwJ.png Earring of Pillage
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Ranged: +2
• -4 Ranged to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/Q6Ctoai.png Earring of Blood Drain
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Ranged: +4
• -8 Ranged to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/7GxG0n9.png Earring of Devotion (Magic) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Spell: -2
• +4 SPL to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/n00uoe7.png Earring of Sacrifice (Magic) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Spell: -4
• +8 SPL to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/AsvGRwJ.png Earring of Pillage (Magic) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Spell: +2
• -4 SPL to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/Q6Ctoai.png Earring of Blood Drain
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Spell: +4
• -8 SPL to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/7GxG0n9.png Earring of Devotion
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Support: -2
• +4 SPT to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/n00uoe7.png Earring of Sacrifice (Support) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Support: -4
• +8 SPT to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/AsvGRwJ.png Earring of Pillage (Support) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Support: +2
• -4 SPT to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/Q6Ctoai.png Earring of Blood Drain
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, Support: +4
• -8 SPT to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/7GxG0n9.png Earring of Devotion
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX HP: -10
• +20 MAX HP to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/n00uoe7.png Earring of Sacrifice (HP) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX HP: -20
• +40 MAX HP to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/AsvGRwJ.png Earring of Pillage (HP) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX HP: +10
• -20 MAX HP to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/Q6Ctoai.png Earring of Blood Drain
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX HP: +20
• -40 MAX HP to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/7GxG0n9.png Earring of Devotion
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX MP: -5
• +15 MAX MP to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/n00uoe7.png Earring of Sacrifice (MP) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the wearer's strength to strengthen their demons. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX MP: -10
• +30 MAX MP to your Partner
Drop: Fanatic Girimekhala, Enforcer of Law Dominion, Inviolable Servant Angel
http://i.imgur.com/AsvGRwJ.png Earring of Pillage (MP) ? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX MP: +5
• -15 MAX MP to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/Q6Ctoai.png Earring of Blood Drain
? - 5 Yes Yes Yes A cursed earring that sacrifices the strength of demons to strengthen their summoner. [Basic Features]
• Magical Defense + 5
• Block Critical: +2, MAX MP: +10
• -30 MAX MP to your Partner
Drop: Merciless Queen Kali, Merciless Queen Hecate
http://i.imgur.com/N1WX77S.png Force Earring ? 20 Yes Yes Yes An earring that creates a special force field to protect its wearer from both physical and magic attacks. Unfortunately, the field is difficult to control and, as a result, the wearer cannot attack as well as usual. [Basic Features]
• Physical Defense + 3
• Magical Defense + 3
• Block Critical: +2
Armor Shop (Accessory): Protopia
http://i.imgur.com/N1WX77S.png Force Earring ? 20 Yes Yes Yes [Basic Features]
• Physical Defense + 3
• Magical Defense + 3
• Block Critical: +2
Armor Shop (Accessory): Protopia
http://i.imgur.com/vEKb7OV.png Wing of the
Zhu Que
? 33 No Yes Yes This item is proof that you faced Zhu Que and lived to tell the tale. [Characteristics]
• If Partner is Zhu Que, Zhu Que gets +10 Spell
[ Set Bonus ]
* Cannot be traded
Drop: Mythical Beast of Red Mists Zhu Que
Random Reward: Kagurazaka Zhu Que Cavern (Bronze)
http://i.imgur.com/vEKb7OV.png Lively Wing of the
Zhu Que
? 33 Yes Yes Yes This item is proof that you faced Zhu Que and lived to tell the tale. [Basic Features]
• +2% Melee/Ranged/spell damage done
• -2% Melee/Ranged/spell damage received
[ Set Bonus ]
Item Mixing
Earrings of Black Sun 黒い太陽のイヤリング 20 Yes Yes Yes ? [Basic Features]
• +3% Melee/Ranged/spell damage done
• +5% Friendship Level increase
• +100 Limit Break Damage cap
Temporarily learn the Black Sun skill.
Event: Spiraling into the Abyss: the Shinjuku Wonder Underground
https://wiki.smtimagine.com/images/c/ce/Fruit_of_Life_Icon_Transparent.png Fruit of Life 生命の果実 20 Yes Yes Yes ? [Characteristics]
• Demon's Pursuit chance/power + 4%
[Appearance Bonus]
• (Level * 0.1)% chance to Null all Physical
• +40% damage to Chaos enemies
• While Digitalized, Almighty damage + 20%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
• Reward: Abyss Tower - Metatron
https://wiki.smtimagine.com/images/c/ce/Fruit_of_Life_Icon_Transparent.png Fruit of Life + 1 生命の果実 + 1 20 Yes Yes Yes ? [Characteristics]
• Demon's Pursuit chance/power + 6%
[Appearance Bonus]
• (Level * 0.15)% chance to Null all Physical
• +60% damage to Chaos enemies
• While Digitalized, Almighty damage + 30%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
https://wiki.smtimagine.com/images/c/ce/Fruit_of_Life_Icon_Transparent.png Fruit of Life + 2 生命の果実 + 2 20 Yes Yes Yes ? [Characteristics]
• Demon's Pursuit chance/power + 8%
[Appearance Bonus]
• (Level * 0.2)% chance to Null all Physical
• +80% damage to Chaos enemies
• While Digitalized, Almighty damage + 40%
• When Demon's friendship is Linked By Fate, +1 consecutive activation for all skills.
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing
https://wiki.smtimagine.com/images/c/ce/Fruit_of_Life_Icon_Transparent.png Fruit of Life + 3 生命の果実 + 3 20 Yes Yes Yes ? [Characteristics]
• Demon's Pursuit chance/power + 10%
[Appearance Bonus]
• (Level * 0.25)% chance to Null all Physical
• +100% damage to Chaos enemies
• While Digitalized, Almighty damage + 50%
• When Demon's friendship is Linked By Fate, +2 consecutive activations for all skills.
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.
Item Mixing

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials