1-handed Swords

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Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Machete Slash +24 +22 +23 +07 20 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A mountain sword better suited to chopping than slashing. -
  • Initial equipment
  • Weapon Shop: Home III
  • Created from Swordsmith
  • Appraisal: Decayed Scrap Iron (Blade)
Dwarf's Machete Slash +24 +22 +23 +07 20 No Yes Yes 2 A mountain sword better suited to chopping than slashing.
  • Cannot be traded
Slicer Slash +26 +23 +24 +07 26 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A knife that looks like a giant razor with its rectangular blade. -
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel
  • Created from Swordsmith
Yanagiba Slash +28 +24 +25 +08 36 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A katana with a long, curved blade like that of a willow leaf. -
  • Weapon Shop: Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia, Souhonzan
  • Created from Swordsmith
Mirage Slash +30 +38 +12 +11 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A demonic sword that lure enemies to the brink of their recollections, painlessly leading those it cuts straight into the underworld. Those who use it shall sense an almost overpowering evil force coming from within.
  • Magic: +5
Sonic Blade Slash +30 +36 +03 +05 30 Yes Yes Yes - The shockwaves produced by this blade can slice through enemies. [LAW Players Only]


  • +20% Spell damage to Chaos enemies
  • -20% Spell damage to Law enemies

[ Equipment Set Bonus ]

  • Weapon Shop: Arcadia during Moon Phase (New Moon), (1/8), (2/8)
Katana of Renki Slash +25 +30 +22 +07 15 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A katana shaped from intense ki of the maker, the purity of which has turned the weapon into a vessel for trapping various magical powers. -
Gram Slash +29 +26 +25 +08 45 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 Also known as the Balmung, this sword was stuck in a giant tree by Odin and offered to anyone who could pull it out. The hero Sigmund used it to defeat the dragon Fafnir and become immortal. -
  • Random Treasure Box: Celu Tower (Gold)
  • Random Reward: Celu Tower (Silver/ Gold)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Balmung Slash +35 +26 +25 +10 35 Yes Yes Yes 4 The Legendary Sword of Nibelungen, said to have been wielded by Siegfried. It is also known as Gram, a sword crafted by the Nordic God Odin. [Players Level 70+]
  • HP Regeneration: +3
  • Expel Boost: +10%
  • Death Boost: +10%


  • +30% damage to Dragons (Species)
  • Nulls Muddle
Kamudonotsurugi Slash +30 +28 +15 +08 42 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 Also known as the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, this is the legendary sword Izanagi cut the Fire God Kagutsuchi with. -
  • Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Bronze)
  • Random Treasure Box: Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Ohagari Slash +38 +30 - +10 30 Yes Yes Yes 3-4 Also known as the Kamundo-no-Tsurugi, this holy katana was forged by the Gods themselves. [Players Level 50+]


  • +20% damage to Gods Species
  • Nulls Aflame status
Crystal Sword Slash +07 +37 +15 +01 20 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A magical sword forged from the crystals in Shibuya Quartz dungeon. The powerful magic within slighty reduces cool-down time between skills.
  • Cool-down Time: -7%
  • Random Reward: Shibuya Quartz (Bronze)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Emperor Sword Slash +35 +32 +19 +08 40 Yes Yes Yes 3 Only a select few are allowed to even touch this legendary sword. Once wielded, its great powers will protect those who choose to fight beside its owner. [Characteristics]
  • +3 PHYS DEF to all Party members
  • +3 MAG DEF to all Party members
Iron Fan Slash +30 +26 +25 +15 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A fan crafted from the strips of metal to make it effective as a weapon. The sight of someone attacking with the fan is like watching a deadly yet beautiful dance. -
Sol Blade Slash +33 +22 +22 +08 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A sword blessed by the powers of the sun, said to move on its own to protect its owner when in danger.
  • Physical Defense: +3
  • Random Reward: Suginami Tunnels (Bronze)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Lunar Blade Slash +22 +35 +34 +08 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A sword blessed by the powers of the moon, said to bestow its owner with mystical powers.
  • Magic Defense: +3
  • Random Reward: Suginami Tunnels (Bronze)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Fan of Exorcism Slash +30 +32 +12 +15 30 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A fan cleansed with the spiritual waters of Mount Penglai that has the power to ward off unholy presences. [Characteristics]
  • +30% chance of inflicting Freeze
  • Random Reward: Suginami Tunnels (Silver)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Fan of Demonic Ice Slash +30 +38 +15 +15 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A fan cleansed with the spiritual waters of Mount Penglai that has power to ward off unholy presences. Increases chance of additional ice-based damage to skills that apply. [Players Level 55+]
  • Freeze Boost: +20%


  • +30% chance of inflicting Freeze
Ichijosei Slash +29 +33 +25 +25 36 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 One of a pair of swords used by Hu San Ning, the wild swordsman in the Ming Dynasty novel Water Wargin.
  • Luck: +3
  • Random Reward: Old Ichigaya Camp (Bronze)
  • Random Treasure Box: Old Ichigaya Camp (Gold)
  • Created from Swordsmith
Kongo Sword Slash +34 +04 +05 +05 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 The Heavenly King Jikokuten once owned this weapon, a holy artifact said to represent the Buddha.
  • Expel Boost: +10%
Bloodstained Spoon Slash +20 - - - 15 Yes Yes Yes 0 Cooking utensils owned by Titania. Bloodstain adheres in some places. [Characteristics]
  • Melee, Ranged, Spell damage +100% against Oberon
Tyrfing Slash +30 +30 +15 +02 25 No Yes Yes 3-4 A magical sword that is said to bring certain victory to its wielder. It grants 3 wishes, but those who yearns for more are guide straight to the Underworld. [Players Level 70+]
  • Luck: -6
  • Mystic Boost: +15%


  • Player gains the Magic Blade status
  • -20% Shot cool-down time
  • +10% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • +10% Attack damage
Quietus Slash +62 +34 +20 +10 50 No Yes Yes 2 The technology used in developing the Mana Eater was used to reproduce this magic sword of Fallens. No evil powers seem to course through its blade, despite its ominous appearance. It is a prototype created by a certain defense contractor, and offers powers unimaginable in a commercial product. [Players with 1.900+ GP]
  • Strength: +20
  • Vitality: +10


  • +30% damage to Humans (Group)
  • Cannot be traded
  • VERSUS Prize: 120,000 BP
Sky Sword Slash +27 +26 +24 +18 25 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A sword that slashes the great sky in half and sheds a radiant light. -
Kusanagi Slash +40 +23 - - 40 Yes Yes Yes 3 The Sword which Susanoo acquired as he defeated Yamata-no-Orochi.
  • Magic: +4
  • Luck: +2
  • Slash Boost: +20%


  • +10% Spin damage
Deathbringer (1-Handed) Slash +32 +32 +12 +6 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A blade of death that feeds on the life of its wielder. Those lacking a strong heart will soon lose their soul and flesh to this weapon.
  • Melee, Spell Damage Taken: 20%


  • +10% Attack, Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • Random Reward: Celu Tower (Bronze; WILDCAT Summon Orb)
Deathbringer (1-Handed) (Wheel of Life) Slash +34 +34 +16 +06 35 Yes Yes Yes 3 A blade of death that feeds on the life of its wielder. Those lacking a strong heart will soon lose their soul and flesh to this weapon.
  • Melee, Spell Damage Taken: +50%


  • +25% Attack, Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
Sword of Heaven Slash +40 +0 +0 +15 20 Yes Yes Yes 1 According to legend, this is a sword of God bestowed by Heaven. However, its true origin is unknown.
  • Strength/Vitality + 30
  • Melee Damage +15%

• Temporarily learn the Bow of the Rainbow and Arrow of Thunder skills
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

Random Reward: Cathedral (Dungeon)

Sky-Rending Sword of Heaven Slash +40 +0 +0 +15 20 Yes Yes Yes 1 According to legend, this is a sword of God bestowed by Heaven. However, its true origin is unknown.
  • Strength/Vitality + 30
  • Melee Damage +15%
  • Limit Break Chance +5%

• Temporarily learn the Bow of the Rainbow and Arrow of Thunder skills
• Technical Attack chance/power + 5%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

Exchange: Cathedral (Dungeon)

Star-Breaking Sword of Heaven Slash +55 +0 +0 +25 30 Yes Yes Yes 1 According to legend, this is a sword of God bestowed by Heaven. However, its true origin is unknown.
  • Strength/Vitality + 40
  • Melee Damage +20%
  • Limit Break Chance +10%
  • Limit Break Power +20%


  • Attack/Rush/Spin damage + (Level * 0.2)%

• Temporarily learn the Bow of the Rainbow and Arrow of Thunder skills
• Technical Attack chance + 10%
• Technical Attack power + 5%
• While using Slash/Blunt/Thrust-affinity skills, Technical Attack power + 10%
• Special abilities cannot be transferred via Soul Fusion, etc.

Exchange: Cathedral (Dungeon)

In-Game Elemental

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Enka no Hanamichi ? Blunt +10 +34 +31 +13 40 Yes Yes Yes 0-5 A microphone made exclusively for the most famous enka ballard singers of the past. Both practical and cool.
  • Almighty Boost: +10%
Machete (Fire) ? Fire +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Ice) ? Ice +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Electric) ? Electric +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Force) ? Force +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Nerve) ? Nerve +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Mind) ? Mind +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Mystic) ? Mystic +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Expel) ? Expel +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Machete (Death) ? Death +20 - - +07 10 Yes Yes Yes - A seemingly ordinary machete that appears to have magical powers. -
Gram (Expel) ? Expel +30 - - +07 25 Yes Yes Yes - Odin stuck this sword in a giant tree and offered it to anyone who could pull it out. It appears to have magical powers. -
Gram (Death) ? Death +30 - - +07 25 Yes Yes Yes - Odin stuck this sword in a giant tree and offered it to anyone who could pull it out. It appears to have magical powers. -
Blade of Flames ? Fire +39 +20 +02 +01 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword that functions as the barrier between Paradise and Hell, and engulfs all in its path in flames. -
Hino-Kagutsuchi (Weapon) ヒノカグツチ Fire +55 +55 +45 - 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 A flaming sword that is the incarnation of a god. [Basic Features]
• All stats + 48
• Fire Boost + 30%
• +50% damage against Loki
• +50% damage against Trickster Loki
[Appearance Bonus]
• Player gains 100% chance to reflect Fire-affinity damage
• Demon gains 100% chance to reflect Fire-affinity damage
• Pursuit chance/power + 10%
• Demon's Pursuit chance/power + 10%
• Melee/Spell + 100
The tale of Blue Dragon ? Ice +30 +27 +12 - 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 The sword made by a Swordsmith who caught the Dragon in the great river. He made this sword by imitating it's blue shining tail.
  • Speed: +5
  • Intelligence: +5
  • Freeze Boost: +20%


  • +10% Spin damage
  • +10% Melee and Spell damage to Law enemies
Daybreaker ? Ice +32 +30 +05 +01 30 Yes Yes Yes 3-4 The first swing slices through the cloud; The second swing shatters the night; The third swing brings forth the cold light of day. [Players Level 80+]
  • Ice Resistance: +5%
  • Freeze Boost: +20%


  • +50 MAX MP to all Party members
  • +25% damage to Reapers, Night, and Fallens
Blade of the Wind God ? Force +32 +35 +10 +15 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword imbued with the powers of the wind god Shinatsuhiko. A single swing can produce a tornado.
  • Shock Boost: +20%
Sorrowful Storm ? Force +36 +38 +28 +25 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A blade of the wind god with it's full potential unleashed. the hurricanes that spin out from it's blade can blow away the most ancient of grudges. [Players Level 86+]
  • Shock Boost: +25%
Blade of the Thunder God ? Thunder +36 +31 +28 +15 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword imbued with the powers of Sugawara no Michizane, who became a god after his death. Every swing shall call forth a storm.
  • Electric Boost: +20%
Sorrowful Thunder ? Electric +38 +36 +28 +25 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A Blade of the Thunder God with it full potential unleashed. The lightning that shoots out of its blade can even decimate the lost souls of hell. [Players Level 86+]
  • Electric Boost: +25%
Futsu-no-Mitama ? Electric +37 +24 +12 +12 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword said to have been wielded by Takemikazuchi in his campaign to bring order to Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni in ancient Japan.
  • Electric Boost: +25%


  • If player is LAW, +15% Spin damage
  • +15% damage to Kunitsus
  • +5 LUC to all Party members
Sword of Sunlight ? Expel +36 +34 +29 +03 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword blessed by Suryaprabha, bodhisattva of sunlight. It is said that fusing this weapon with its counterpart, the Sword of Moonlight, will allow it to regain its original powers and form. [Players Level 91+]
  • Expel Boost: +25%
Sword of Moonlight ? Death +34 +36 +29 +03 25 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword blessed by Candraprabha, bodhisattva of moonlight. It is said that fusing this weapon with its counterpart, the Sword of Sunlight, will allow it to regain its original powers and form. [Players Level 91+']
  • Death Boost: +25%
Quietus 永劫のデスブリンガー Nerve - - +60 +30 50 Yes Yes Yes - The technology used in developing the Mana Eater was used to reproduce this magic sword of Fallen Angels. No evil powers seem to course through its blade, despite its ominous appearance.

It is a prototype created by a certain defense contractor, and offers powers unimaginable in a commercial product. || align="left" | [Basic Features]
• Nerve Boost + 30%
• Incantation time - 30%
• Ailment success rate + 30%
Curative boost + 100%

Diaspora Suginami

CP Promotional

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Damascus Sword ? Slash +30 +30 +25 +07 60 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword made from the legendary metal damascus, said to be able to even cut through armor. Has a high durability. -
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Protopia, Arcadia, and Souhonzan for 4,080 AC
  • Fortune Cards
Schiavona ? Slash +30 +30 +25 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The familiar broadsword carried by the Venetian Guard, with a beautiful knuckle guard with a cage-like design.
  • Physical Defense: +3
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Arcadia for 4,680 AC
Dainslef ? Slash +32 +32 +25 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 Literally "Dain's Legacy". Once drawn, this cursed sword cannot be sheathed until it has caused destruction. Offers tremendous power to swordsmen who can use magic. -
  • Weapon Shop: Home III, Shinjuku Babel, Protopia, Arcadia, Souhonzan for 5,880 AC
  • Fortune Cards
10t Wham-Bam Hammer ? Slash +10 +05 +06 +08 50 No Yes Yes 3 Listen and tremble!! This monstrous hammer has been equipped with a 10t weight, reduced to size using the latest in compression technology! Behold: the ultimate war hammer!! Eh, I'm just joking, it's a gag item. [Characteristics]
  • 100M Shop Taizo: 1,800 AC
Jet War Fan ? Slash +08 +08 +10 +06 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 Listen and tremble!! This war fan, with its unique folds, can create jet air currents that can hurl jokes faster than the speed of sound! Yeah, it's just a gag item. -
  • 100M Shop Taizo: 1,800 AC
Rock Bisector ? Slash +32 +22 +25 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A large sliver so heavy that swinging it down can even split a rock in half.
  • Slash Boost: +10%
  • Weapon Shop: Souhonzan for 7,080 AC
Demon Hagoita (Shishimai Frost) ? Slash +25 +22 +15 +10 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Happy New Year!
  • Luck: +10
  • Fortune Cards
Demon Hagoita (Shishimai Pyro) ? Slash +25 +22 +15 +10 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Happy New Year!
  • Luck: +10
  • Fortune Cards
Demon Hagoita (Nandi) ? Slash +25 +22 +15 +10 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Happy New Year!
  • Intelligence: +10
  • Fortune Cards
Demon Hagoita (Gyuki) ? Slash +25 +22 +15 +10 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Happy New Year! [Characteristics]
  • +5 VIT to all Party members
  • Fortune Cards
Iron Fan of the Empress ? Slash +30 +32 +1 +03 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A long time ago, a demon owned this flame-red metal fan. The magical power imbued in it helps aid in the incantation magic. [Characteristics]
  • +10% Shot damage
  • -20% Shot incantation time
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • Fortune Cards
Gabishi ? Slash +32 +30 +20 +13 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The crescent-moon shape tip of this sword makes it easier to deliver a clean cut to any enemy.
  • Luck: +5
  • Weapon Shop: Protopia for 5,880 AC
  • Fortune Cards
White Fang ? Slash +36 +20 +02 +01 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A gleaming silver sword that conjures images of the white tiger's fangs. Its blade is sure to cleanly dice all enemies in your path. [Characteristics]
  • +20% Attack damage
  • Fortune Cards
White Fang S ? Slash +36 +20 +02 +01 3 No No No - A gleaming silver sword that conjures images of the white tiger's fangs. Its blade is sure to cleanly dice all enemies in your path. [Characteristics]
  • +20% Attack damage
  • Cannot be traded, sold or repaired.
Fang of Rage ? Slash +36 +20 +02 +01 50 Yes Yes Yes 4 A refined version of the White Fang. One fell swoop from this silver blade shreds everything in its path in one great surge. [Characteristics]
  • +20% Attack damage
Pachipachiou ? Slash +29 +34 +25 +08 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A katana forged by the swordsmith Awatagunchi Kuniyoshi that is said to be able to split an enemy's helmet in half. [Characteristics]
  • -20% MP cost
  • Fortune Cards
Sonic Blade (Heavy) ? Slash +32 +29 +17 +05 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Sonic Blade. It looks exactly like a Sonic Blade, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well. [Characteristics]
  • +10% Attack damage
Katana of Renki (Magic) ? Slash +29 +33 +22 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Katana of Renki. It looks exactly like a Katana of Renki, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well.
  • Magic: +10
Sonic Blade (Magic) ? Slash +30 +32 +25 +05 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A well-made imitation of a Sonic Blade. It looks exactly like a Sonic Blade, but because it was made differently, its functions are completely different as well.
  • Magic: +10
Blade of the Snowy Night ? Slash +33 +19 +05 +09 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword with a pale-blue sheen like the snow that falls on a dark night. [Characteristics]
  • +10% damage to Elements
  • -20% MP cost
  • Fortune Cards
Carbide Sword ? Slash +30 +30 +25 +07 60 Yes Yes Yes 3 A longsword made from damascus. A distinctive motif floats along the blade, made through a technology that no longer exists.
  • Strength: +2
  • Magic Defense: +5


  • +15% Attack power
  • Fortune Cards
Phantom Rapier ? Slash +30 +30 +25 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A slender sword with a beautiful knuckle guard that thrusts forth with the speed and suddenness of an illusion.
  • Physical Defense: +5
  • MAX HP: +8


  • +15% Rush damage
  • Fortune Cards
Vanquisher ? Slash +30 +18 +20 +08 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A blade crafted to rid the world of the wickedness that permeates it. it is imbued with mystical powers that increase it's sharpness against all forms of evil.
  • Slash Boost: +10%


  • +10% damage to Fouls, Haunts, Brutes, and Femmes
  • Fortune Cards
Phlogiston ? Slash +23 +35 +30 +02 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The radiant flames of this weapon burn as powerfully as the Strength of its owner.
  • Flame Boost: +20%


  • +3 consecutive Agi attacks
  • +3 consecutive Agilao attacks
  • Fortune Cards
Beast Slaughter ? Slash +33 +28 +16 +08 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The blood of the numerous beasts this sword has slain remains encrusted on the blade, giving it a eerie red sheen. [Characteristics]
  • +15% damage to Beasts (Species)
  • -10% HP cost
  • Fortune Cards
Grassblade ? Slash +33 +25 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The tip of the blade, curved inward like the tip of a sprouting plant, digs deep into the wounds of enemies. [Characteristics]
  • +15% Rush damage
  • -20% Rush incantation time
  • Fortune Cards
Curved Edge ? Slash +26 +32 +04 +08 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 The smooth curve of this blade allows the wielder to deliver a swift slashing attack as if just in passing.
  • Magic: +4


  • +20% Rush damage
  • -10% HP cost for Rush skills
  • Fortune Cards
Schwarzritter ? Slash +33 +30 +20 +09 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 Those who wield this sword shall be able to decimate their foes with burning might, like a fire that trails across the earth.
  • Flame Boost: +10%
  • Cool-down Time: -10%


  • +10% Shot damage
  • Includes Destruction Magic
  • +10% Spin damage
  • +15% damage to Chaos enemies
  • Fortune Cards
Sword of Etude ? Slash +35 +10 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 An imitation of a legendary weapon that was created to train skills quickly in preparation of battle against impending threats. [Characteristics]
  • Acquire Expertise: +50%
  • Fortune Cards
Sword of Etude - Revised ? Slash +35 +10 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 An imitation of a legendary weapon that was created to train skills quickly in preparation of battle against impending threats. [Characteristics]
  • Acquire Expertise: +100%
Blade of Etude ? Slash +10 +35 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 An imitation of a legendary weapon that was created to train skills quickly in preparation of battle against impending threats. [Characteristics]
  • Acquire Expertise: +50%
  • Fortune Cards
Blade of Etude - Revised ? Slash +10 +35 +10 +07 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 An imitation of a legendary weapon that was created to train skills quickly in preparation of battle against impending threats. [Characteristics]
  • Acquire Expertise: +100%
NEW Sweet Fork ? Slash +30 +30 +10 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 Piece by an eccentric craftsman who put his heart and soul to create a large fork.
  • 20% chance of adding Charm effect when attacks are dealt or knocking back the enemy
  • The traits can't be passed with Spiritual Mixing or by other means
  • Fortune Cards
Scorpion スコルピオン Slash +55 +45 - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 刃が数珠状に連結された、武骨なデザインの剣。ノコギリで引き裂かれたかのような ひどい傷跡をつくる。 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down Time: -20%
• Limit Break Chance + 10%
• Limit Break Power + 50%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• Final Critical Correction + 5%
• While Digitalized, Melee/Ranged/Magic damage + 30%
Temporarily learn the Equipment Skill Clematis.
Fortune Cards
Onigiri おにぎりもどき Slash +33 +33 +33 +33 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 New food developed by the devil snack maker. It is made to imitate what was eaten in Tokyo before the collapse.

The taste is bad so it can't be eaten at all. But it feels good and solid, so it's popular to use it as a weapon.

• Maximum HP + 1000
• Incantation time for all skills - 50%
Fortune Cards
Turkey ターキーもどき Slash +33 +33 +33 +33 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 [Characteristics]
• Maximum MP + 1000
• Incantation time for all skills - 50%
Fortune Cards
Yellow Driver イエロードライバー Thrust +82 +82 +45 +80 60 Yes Yes Yes 5 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down time - 30%
• Maximum MP + 1000
• When Demon's friendship level is "Wishes Death on", Limit Break chance + 20%, Limit Break Power + 80%
Fortune Cards
Red Driver レッドドライバー Thrust +82 +82 +45 +80 60 Yes Yes Yes 5 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down time - 30%
• Maximum MP + 1000
• When Demon's friendship level is "Linked By Fate", Limit Break chance + 10%, Limit Break Power + 50%
Fortune Cards
SPANNER SPANNER Blunt +82 +82 +45 +80 60 Yes Yes Yes 5 [Basic Features]
• Cool-down time - 30%
• Weapon-based skill stack + 1
Weapon-based skill effects + 50%
Fortune Cards

CP Elemental

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Commander's Baton Blunt +30 +10 +30 +10 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A baton only allowed to be wielded by those leading their men into battle. Inspires those who see it. [Characteristics]
  • +20% Spin damage
  • +50 MAX HP to all Party members
  • Fortune Cards
Rainy Umbrella Blunt +33 +33 +33 +03 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 This item is a must when it rains. There is nothing to worry about if you have this. By the way, this is not originally designed to swing around or to be used as a weapon. [Characteristics]
  • If Demon's Friendship is Open Hearts or higher, Ice-based Skill Effects +30%
  • Fortune Cards
Fire Sword Agni Fire +09 +37 +05 +05 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 A one-handed sword designed for combat against much larger foes than yourself. What a beautiful sight it is, to see your enemy wrapped in hellfire and withering away into nothingness. [Characteristics]
  • +30% damage to Beasts
  • +1 consecutive Fire-based attack
Maxwell Electric +40 +30 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 An item that speaks in a mysterious space language...
  • Electric Boost: +30%
Amethyst Sword Mind +31 +22 +23 +01 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A sword forged from natural amethyst. The amethyst's magical properties boost the user's mental powers.
  • Mind Resistance: +10%
  • Mind Boost: +10%
  • Magic Defense: +1
  • Fortune Cards
Combat Dancing Fan Nerve +31 +32 +12 +03 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 An iron fan made for combat. Those who fight with one in their hand will appear to almost be dancing.
  • Strength: +1
  • Nerve Resistance: +10%
  • Nerve Boost: +10%
  • Fortune Cards

Limit Breaker

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Maxwell (Destruction) Electric +40 +30 +11 +22 15 Yes Yes Yes 4 An item that speaks in a mysterious space language...
  • Electric Boost: +30%
  • Limit Break Chance: +10%


  • Limit Break Power +30%
Small Karasuma Slash - +108 - +99 30 Yes Yes Yes 4 Cool-down time - 50%
Final Critical correction + 5%
Demon Partner's Spell + 108
Demon's Final Critical correction + 5%
Demon's Critical + 99
-50% Cool-down time for all skills to your Demon
• Limit Break Chance + 20%
• Limit Break Power + 40%
• Limit Break damage cap + 3000
• Demon's Limit Break Chance + 20%
• Demon's Limit Break Power + 40%
• Demon's Limit Break damage cap + 3000

Bags & Fans

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Seven Sisters Bag Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A replica of a school bag carried by students of Seven Sisters High School in Tokyo before the Great Destruction. -
  • Fortune Cards
Karukozaka HS Bag Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A replica of a school bag carried by Karukozaka High School students in Shinjuku before the Great Destruction. -
  • Fortune Cards
Destructive School Bag Slash +35 +05 +10 +15 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A school bag made of incredibly tough canvas interwoven with steel thread. Can be used to carry a blade without worrying of ruining the bag. Using centrifugal force, the destructive power of the bag is greatly increased. [Characteristics]
  • +20% Spin damage
  • +10% Attack damage
  • +10% Rush damage
  • Fortune Cards
Curative School Bag Slash +05 +28 +38 +06 50 Yes Yes Yes 3 A school bag that intensifies Curative Magic. A simple emergency repair kit can fit inside. It is very similar to a certain high school's bag before the Great Destruction in Tokyo. [Characteristics]
  • +20% Curative-based skill effects
  • -10% MP cost for Curative
  • -10% MP cost Support
  • Fortune Cards
Cherry Blossom Pouch
Slash +05 +11 +20 +30 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A multi-purpose scarlet pouch. Fashionable and functional.
  • Intelligence: +3
  • Luck: +7
Cherry Blossom Pouch
Slash +05 +11 +20 +30 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A multi-purpose violet pouch. Fashionable and functional.
  • Intelligence: +3
  • Luck: +7
Cherry Blossom Pouch
Slash +05 +11 +20 +30 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A multi-purpose white and pink pouch. Fashionable and functional.
  • Intelligence: +3
  • Luck: +7
Cherry Blossom Pouch
(Porcelain White)
Slash +05 +11 +20 +30 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A multi-purpose porcelain pouch. Fashionable and functional.
  • Intelligence: +3
  • Luck: +7
Cherry Blossom Pouch
(Gold Vermilion)
Slash +05 +11 +20 +30 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A multi-purpose gold pouch. Fashionable and functional.
  • Intelligence: +3
  • Luck: +7
Goldfish Drawstring Bag
Slash - - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A drawstring bag with a goldfish motif, part of LoClo's summer collection. Goes well with Yukata.
Goldfish Drawstring Bag
Slash - - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A drawstring bag with a goldfish motif, part of LoClo's summer collection. Goes well with Yukata.
Goldfish Drawstring Bag
Slash - - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A drawstring bag with a goldfish motif, part of LoClo's summer collection. Goes well with Yukata.
Goldfish Drawstring Bag
Slash - - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A drawstring bag with a goldfish motif, part of LoClo's summer collection. Goes well with Yukata.
Paper Fan (Snakeman) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a Snakeman motif. -
Paper Fan (Goldfish) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a goldfish motif. -
Paper Fan (Fireworks) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a fireworks motif. -
Paper Fan (Morning Glory) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a morning glory motif. -
Paper Fan (Harvest Moon) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a harvest motif. -
Paper Fan (Relaxing) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a relaxing motif. -
Paper Fan (Ripple) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a ripple motif. -
Paper Fan
Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a wave motif. -
Paper Fan (Flower) Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a flower motif. -
Paper Fan
Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a IMAGINE motif. -
Paper Fan
Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 In the summer, this fan can add a touch of grace to the ruined landscape of Tokyo. Has a new imaginative motif. [Characteristics]
  • +3% damage to Element
  • +3% damage to Beast

Limited Time/ Event Reward

Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Star Lemon Slash +01 - - - 20 Yes Yes Yes - A strange lemon that makes the owner want to constantly strike a pose. -
  • Event
Purist's Rock Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A novelty item once sold at Shibuya 199, famed for bringing complete transparency to games of Rock, Paper, Scissors. -
  • Event
Purist's Scissors Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A novelty item once sold at Shibuya 199, famed for bringing complete transparency to games of Rock, Paper, Scissors. -
  • Event
Purist's Paper Slash +01 - - - 30 Yes Yes Yes - A novelty item once sold at Shibuya 199, famed for bringing complete transparency to games of Rock, Paper, Scissors. -
  • Event
Demon Hagoita (Jack Frost) Slash +25 +22 +22 +15 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Happy New Year!
  • Events
File:Item-Icon Demon Hagoita (Jack O'Lantern).png Demon Hagoita (Jack O'Lantern) Slash +25 +22 +22 +15 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 Happy New Year!
  • Events
Demonic Cucumber (Fresh) Slash +1 - - - 10 Yes Yes Yes - Devilishly mysterious cucumber that wants to bite instinctively because it is too fresh. However eating it never heals you.
  • Events
Demonic Cucumber (Gift) Slash +1 - - - 10 No Yes Yes - Devilishly mysterious cucumber that was given by person name Kappa. You can't eat it but it has power to haste the growth. [Characteristics]
  • Partner's Experience Gain +5%
  • Partner's Melee, Ranged, Spell Damage +2%
  • Events
Demonic Cucumber (Tribute) Slash +1 - - - 10 No Yes Yes - Devilishly ultra mysterious cucumber that was given by person name Kappa. You can't eat it but it has power to haste the growth. [Characteristics]
  • Partner's Experience Gain +50%
  • Partner's Melee, Ranged, Spell Damage +20%
  • Events


Melee = Melee • Spell = SPL • Support = SPT • Critical = CRT • Durability = Durable
Weapons with "Ceremonial" in their names are a different type of weapon. They cannot be Spiritually Infused with non-Ceremonial weapons!
Sonic Blade (Baptism) (Ceremonial) Slash +08 +40 +27 +05 3 No No No - A one-handed sword crafted out of a Sonic Blade and designed to destroy those who stand up to God. The holy light emitted by the blade shall absolve all who seek redemption of their sins. [Lv.50+ LAW Players Only]


  • +50% Spell damage to Chaos enemies
  • -30% Spell damage to Neutral and Law enemies
  • Cannot be traded or repaired
Spirit Sapper (Ceremonial) Expel 15 36 36 0 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A one-handed ceremonial sword made from the wood of a peach tree used in rituals for purifying the impure souls of evil creatures. [Players Level 51+]
Spirit Slasher (Ceremonial) Expel 21 12 10 0 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A one-handed ceremonial sword made from the wood of a peach tree used in rituals for purifying the impure souls of evil creatures. [Players Level 51+]


  • Expel-based Skills +20%
  • Expel-based Skills +Lvl*0.25%
Expel Dance Sword (Ceremonial) Expel 10 6 4 0 30 Yes Yes Yes 3 A metal sword used in a ritualistic dance performed to expel evil spirits. Not durable enough for combat use. [Players Level 51+]

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials