IC Cu Chulainn: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{{Demon+ | Picture = http://i.imgur.com/V4z5XRS.jpg | Name = IC Cu Chulainn | Level = 44 | Race = Demigod | Species = Magica | Alignment = Neutral | Appearance = Summ..."
m Text replacement - "| Long" to "| Ranged"
(14 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| Picture = http://i.imgur.com/V4z5XRS.jpg
| Picture = http://i.imgur.com/V4z5XRS.jpg
| Name = IC Cu Chulainn
| Name = IC Cu Chulainn
| Level = 44
| Level = 44
| Race = Demigod
| Race = Genma
| Species       = Magica
| Family       = Magica
| Alignment = Neutral
| Alignment = Neutral
| Appearance = Summon PG
| Appearance = Summon PG
Line 10: Line 10:
| MP = 102
| MP = 102
| Str = 59
| Str = 59
| Close = 66
| Melee = 66
| Mag = 26
| Mag = 26
| Long = 46
| Ranged = 46
| Vit = 39
| Vit = 39
| Spell = 38
| Spell = 38
| Int = 24
| Int = 24
| Supp = 39
| Aux = 39
| Spd = 25
| Spd = 25
| PDef = 21
| PDef = 21
| Luck = 26
| Luck = 26
| MDef = 12
| MDef = 12
| Crt = 60
| CritOcc = 60
| Dec = 45
| CritAvd = 45
| ForceS = 8
| ForceS = 8
| HPB = 321
| HPB = 321
| MPB = 103
| MPB = 103
| StrB = 37
| StrB = 37
| CloseB = 50
| MeleeB = 50
| MagB = 22
| MagB = 22
| LongB = 39
| RangedB = 39
| VitB = 28
| VitB = 28
| SpellB = 31
| SpellB = 31
| IntB = 17
| IntB = 17
| SuppB = 30
| AuxB = 30
| SpdB = 21
| SpdB = 21
| PDefB = 16
| PDefB = 16
| LuckB = 19
| LuckB = 19
| MDefB = 6
| MDefB = 6
| CrtB = 60
| CritOccB = 60
| DecB = 45
| CritAvdB = 45
| Inheritance = All Physical
| Inheritance = All Physical
| Growth = Tiwaz
| Growth = Tiwaz
Line 50: Line 50:
| Slash = 65%
| Slash = 65%
| SlashNAR =  
| SlashNAR =  
| Charge = 65%
| Thrust = 65%
| ChargeNAR =  
| ThrustNAR =  
| Blunt = 65%
| Blunt = 65%
| BluntNAR =  
| BluntNAR =  
| Long Range = 130%
| Projectile = 130%
| Long RangeNAR =  
| ProjectileNAR =  
| Spread = 130%
| Spread = 130%
| SpreadNAR =  
| SpreadNAR =  
Line 72: Line 72:
| Death = 50%
| Death = 50%
| DeathNAR =  
| DeathNAR =  
| Magic = 200%
| Mystic = 200%
| MagicNAR =  
| MysticNAR =  
| Nerve = 200%
| Nerve = 200%
| NerveNAR =  
| NerveNAR =  
Line 98: Line 98:
| Demon Skill 4 = Counter
| Demon Skill 4 = Counter
| Demon Level 4 = Default
| Demon Level 4 = Default
| Demon Skill 5 = Assault
| Demon Skill 5 = Lunge
| Demon Level 5 = Default
| Demon Level 5 = Default
| Demon Skill 6 = Tarukaja
| Demon Skill 6 = Tarukaja
Line 134: Line 134:
| Demon Skill 22= Zandyne
| Demon Skill 22= Zandyne
| Demon Level 22= 96
| Demon Level 22= 96
| Demon Skill 23= Megidoraon
| Demon Skill 23= Megidolaon
| Demon Level 23= 99
| Demon Level 23= 99
| Breath = N
| Breath = N
Line 167: Line 167:


Latest revision as of 00:30, 28 January 2024

This demon cannot be contracted.
This demon is fusion-only.
Demon Statistics
http://i.imgur.com/V4z5XRS.jpg Name
IC Cu Chulainn
Family Magica Race Genma
Inheritance Type All Physical Growth Type Tiwaz
Level 44 Force Slot 8
HP 323 Melee 66
MP 102 Ranged 46
Strength 59 Spell 38
Magic 26 Auxiliary 39
Vitality 39 Phy. Defense 21
Intelligence 24 Mgc. Defense 12
Speed 25 Crit. Occurrence 60
Luck 26 Crit. Avoidance 45
Locations Found Summon PG
Variations Ambitious, Eternal Partner, Nimble, Inexperienced, Hero of Akaeda, Normal, Demi-Fiend's
Drops None
DCM Location Shinjuku Babel Cathedral of Shadows (Full, New Moon).

80,000 http://i.imgur.com/DvgHy.png

Base Stat Estimation (Linked)
HP 321 Melee 50
MP 103 Ranged 39
Strength 37 Spell 31
Magic 22 Auxiliary 30
Vitality 28 Phy. Defense 16
Intelligence 17 Mgc. Defense 6
Speed 21 Crit. Occurrence 60
Luck 19 Crit. Avoidance 45
Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
Normal Normal
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)
Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Reflect 100%
Null 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)
Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
A demon with optimized movement - no wasted energy.
Skills' HP cost drops 30%.
IC 5
+5 Strength, Magic, Vitality, Intelligence, Speed and Luck to Summoner.
Demon Skills
Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill
Default Thrust 47 Manma 84 Guillotine Cut
Default Spinning Slash 50 Deathbound 88 Gale Force
Default Defensive Stance 54 Makajam 91 Media
Default Counter 57 Hell Thrust 92 Fierce Counter
Default Lunge 61 Matarukaja 94 Tetraja
Default Tarukaja 68 Sonic Boom 96 Zandyne
Default Gale 72 Diarahan 99 Megidolaon
45 Zanma 79 Suicide Assault
Breath Wings Slam Fang Maiden Weapon Claw Needle Eyes
Fusion Information
Trifusion No Plugin N/A
Fusion Range Success Rate
Elemental Fusions
Erthys Aeros Aquans Flamies
Down Down Down Down
Race Combinations in Dyad Fusion
Megami x Fairy Yoma x Deity Avian x Brute Snake x Femme
Snake x Fallen Fairy x Dragon Avatar x Dragon
Synthesis Information
Gemstone Needed Sapphire Synthesis Difficulty 3
Soul Fused Item Title -of Geis Soul Fused Item's Type Weapon
Tarot Effect Level Req. 30 Soul S. Effect Level Req. 40
Tarot Effect Soul Stone Effect
STR +1, CRT +2 Weapon gains Magic Affinity

Demons Setanta • Valkyrie • Cu Chulainn • Frost Ace • Kurama-Tengu • Hayagriva • Kresnik • Hanuman
Variations Lucky Valkyrie • Hero of Akaeda Cu Chulainn • Hero Frost Ace • Deformed Kurama-Tengu • Noble Demon King Kurama-Tengu • Deformed Hayagriva • Deformed Hanuman
Limited Inexperienced Setanta • Nimble Valkyrie • Ambitious Cu Chulainn • Eternal Partner Cu Chulainn • Inexperienced Cu Chulainn • Nimble Cu Chulainn • Inexperienced Kresnik • Nimble Hayagriva
Enemy Obsession Enslaved Valkyrie • Valkyrie En podio • Superior Demon Valkyrie • Unknown Hero Cu Chulainn
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine