Knocker: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "M Dec" to "M CritAvd"
(20 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 8: Line 8:
| Name = Knocker
| Name = Knocker
| Level = 11
| Level = 11
| Race = Earth Element
| Race = Jirae
| Species = Demoniacs
| Family = Demoniacs
| Alignment = Law
| Alignment = Law
| ForceS = 6
| ForceS = 6
Line 18: Line 18:
| Str = 8
| Str = 8
| M Str = 21
| M Str = 21
| Close = 32
| Melee = 32
| M Close = 51
| M Melee = 51
| Mag = 16
| Mag = 16
| M Mag = 24
| M Mag = 24
| Long = 29
| Ranged = 29
| M Long = 44
| M Ranged = 44
| Vit = 16
| Vit = 16
| M Vit = 42
| M Vit = 42
Line 30: Line 30:
| Int = 17
| Int = 17
| M Int = 29
| M Int = 29
| Supp = 30
| Aux = 30
| M Supp = 45
| M Aux = 45
| Spd = 12
| Spd = 12
| M Spd = 25
| M Spd = 25
Line 40: Line 40:
| MDef = 7
| MDef = 7
| M MDef = 20
| M MDef = 20
| Crt = 30
| CritOcc = 30
| M Crt = 60
| M CritOcc = 60
| Dec = 26
| CritAvd = 26
| M Dec = 180
| M CritAvd = 180
| HPB = 128
| HPB = 128
| MPB = 45
| MPB = 45
| StrB = 12
| StrB = 12
| CloseB = 32
| MeleeB = 32
| MagB = 22
| MagB = 22
| LongB = 29
| RangedB = 29
| VitB = 20
| VitB = 20
| SpellB = 24
| SpellB = 24
| IntB = 22
| IntB = 22
| SuppB = 31
| AuxB = 31
| SpdB = 15
| SpdB = 15
| PDefB = 13
| PDefB = 13
| LuckB = 15
| LuckB = 15
| MDefB = 7
| MDefB = 7
| CrtB = 30
| CritOccB = 30
| DecB = 26
| CritAvdB = 26
| Inheritance = Force
| Inheritance = Force
| Growth = Small Peorth
| Growth = Small Peorth
| Variations    = [[Accomplished Knocker|Accomplished]]
| Variations    = [[Accomplished Knocker|Accomplished]], [[Knocker of Vermillion|Vermillion]]
| DCM          = Shibuya Yagiya Shop (Full Moon)
| DCM          = Shibuya Yagiya Shop (Full Moon)
| Drops        = 82 [[Grain of Sand: Blue]], [[Revival Orb]], [[Altered Magnetite]], [[Topaz]], 20 [[Bullets]], [[Celu Tower Plate (Bronze)]], [[Grain of Sand: Gold]]
| Drops        = 82 [[Grain of Sand: Blue]], [[Revival Orb]], [[Altered Magnetite]], [[Topaz]], 20 [[Bullets]], [[Celu Tower Plate (Bronze)]], [[Grain of Sand: Gold]]
Line 69: Line 69:
| Slash = 100%
| Slash = 100%
| SlashNAR =
| SlashNAR =
| Charge = 100%
| Thrust = 100%
| ChargeNAR =
| ThrustNAR =
| Blunt = 90%
| Blunt = 90%
| BluntNAR =
| BluntNAR =
| Long Range = 110%
| Projectile = 110%
| Long RangeNAR =
| ProjectileNAR =
| Penetrate = 100%
| Penetrate = 100%
| PenetrateNAR =
| PenetrateNAR =
Line 93: Line 93:
| DeathNAR =
| DeathNAR =
| M DeathNAR = Null 50%
| M DeathNAR = Null 50%
| Magic = 150%
| Mystic = 150%
| MagicNAR =
| MysticNAR =
| Nerve = 75%
| Nerve = 75%
| NerveNAR =
| NerveNAR =
Line 157: Line 157:
| Demon Skill 23 = Mazandyne
| Demon Skill 23 = Mazandyne
| Demon Level 23 = 88
| Demon Level 23 = 88
| Demon Skill 24 = Megidoraon
| Demon Skill 24 = Megidolaon
| Demon Level 24 = 99
| Demon Level 24 = 99
| Breath = O
| Breath = O
Line 168: Line 168:
| Eyes = O
| Eyes = O
| Maiden = X
| Maiden = X
| feat1 = {{Earth Element Assist}}
| feat1 = {{Jirae Assist}}
| feat2 = {{Elyn}}
| feat2 = {{Elyn}}
| feat3 =
| feat3 =
| feat4 =
| feat4 =
| mfeat1 = {{Jirae Assist}}
| mfeat2 = {{Earth Pulse Guide}}
| mfeat3 = {{Elyn}}
| mfeat4 =
| Plugin = -
| Plugin = -
| Y/N = -
| Y/N = -
| Range      = 10-21
| Range      = 10-21
| Rate = 100%
| Rate = 100%
| M Rate = 94%
| Gem        = [[Topaz]]
| Gem        = [[Topaz]]
| Part        = Pants
| Part        = Pants

Latest revision as of 01:41, 28 January 2024

Fairies that inhabit the mines of the Cornwall region of England. They appear as little people and live in mine shafts. Knockers perform acts of kindness towards humans, such as showing them where rich ores lie. However, forgetting to thank a knocker will result in a curse, and the knocker will never again show you where the ore lies.

Knockers are also said to be the souls of Jews who were condemned to remain on earth for having crucified Jesus Christ.

Demon Statistics
Family Demoniacs Race Jirae
Inheritance Type Force Growth Type Small Peorth
Base Level 11 Force Slot 6
HP 149 Melee 32
MP 46 Ranged 29
Strength 8 Spell 23
Magic 16 Auxiliary 30
Vitality 16 Phy. Defense 14
Intelligence 17 Mgc. Defense 7
Speed 12 Crit. Occurrence 30
Luck 12 Crit. Avoidance 26
Locations Found Shibuya, Shibuya Quartz (Silver)
Variations Accomplished, Vermillion
Drops 82 Grain of Sand: Blue, Revival Orb, Altered Magnetite, Topaz, 20 Bullets, Celu Tower Plate (Bronze), Grain of Sand: Gold
DCM Location Shibuya Yagiya Shop (Full Moon)
Base Stat Estimation (Linked)
HP 128 Melee 32
MP 45 Ranged 29
Strength 12 Spell 24
Magic 22 Auxiliary 31
Vitality 20 Phy. Defense 13
Intelligence 22 Mgc. Defense 7
Speed 15 Crit. Occurrence 30
Luck 15 Crit. Avoidance 26
Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)
Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Null 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)
Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
Jirae Assist
An Jirae who assists in swordsmithing. Will boost Swordsmith skill and make it easier to add MOD-SLOTs in accordance with VIT and LCK levels.
Said to reside in the land once called Elyn, and the area surrounding it.
When Genma Cu Chulainn is in the same party: STG +4, SPD +10.
When the goddess Scathach is in the same party: INT +10.
Fairy Pixie: MGC +10. Demon Beast Cait Sith: STG +10.
Demon Skills
Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill
Default Punch 12 Posumudi 51 Mediarama
Default Shibaboo 14 Zan 54 Patra
Default Defensive Stance 17 Tarukaja 61 Gale Force
Default Counter 21 Dia 63 Matarukaja
26 Earth Protection 71 Sukunda
32 Media 76 Fierce Counter
39 Petradi 88 Mazandyne
47 Mazan 99 Megidolaon
Breath Wings Slam Fang Maiden Weapon Claw Needle Eyes
Fusion Information
Trifusion - Plugin -
Fusion Range 10-21 Success Rate 100%
Elemental Fusions
Erthys Aeros Aquans Flamies
Up Up Down Down
Race Combinations in Dyad Fusion
Yoma × Vile Yoma × Jaki Yoma × Reaper Yoma × Fairy
Yoma × Fallen Yoma × Haunt Divine × Haunt Reaper × Brute
Holy × Kunitsu Beast × Wilder Wilder × Haunt Lady × Drake
Lady × Foul Fallen × Brute Kishin × Brute
Synthesis Information
Needed Gemstone Topaz Synthesis Difficulty 0
Soul Fused Item's Title Soul Fused Item's Type Pants
Tarot Effect Level Req. 1 Soul S. Effect Level Req. 10
Tarot Effect Soul Stone Effect
Blunt Resist +1%

Slash Resist -1%

HP +20
Mitama Statistics
Growth Small Peorth Level 11
Force Slot 8 Success Rate 94%
HP 371 Melee 51
MP 92 Ranged 44
Strength 21 Spell 41
Magic 24 Auxiliary 45
Vitality 42 Phy. Defense 26
Intelligence 29 Mgc. Defense 20
Speed 25 Crit. Occurrence 60
Luck 42 Crit. Avoidance 180
Mitama Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)
Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Null 100%
Null 50%
Null 50%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)
Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
Mitama Features
Jirae Assist
An Jirae who assists in swordsmithing. Will boost Swordsmith skill and make it easier to add MOD-SLOTs in accordance with VIT and LCK levels.
Earth Pulse Guide
Absorb Fire/Ice/Electric/Force at (Level * 1)%
Said to reside in the land once called Elyn, and the area surrounding it.
When Genma Cu Chulainn is in the same party: STG +4, SPD +10.
When the goddess Scathach is in the same party: INT +10.
Fairy Pixie: MGC +10. Demon Beast Cait Sith: STG +10.

Demons Kodama • Hua Po • Knocker • Sudama • Bucca-Boo • Dwarf • Sarutahiko • Ubelluris • Titan • Gogmagog
Variations Accomplished Hua Po • Lost Hua Po • Lucky Hua Po • Inexperienced Hua Po • Accomplished Knocker • Accomplished Sudama • Inexperienced Sudama • Accomplished Dwarf • Deformed Dwarf • Deformed Ubelluris
Limited Manifestation Kodama • Nimble Hua Po
Enemy Rowdy Avatar Kodama • Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama • Arbitrate Hua Po • Nightmare Hua Po • MEIOSIS C Hua Po • MEIOSIS M Hua Po • Hazardous Sudama • Explosive Sudama • I.C.B.M Sudama • Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo • Collector Dwarf • Collector Dwarf (Big) • Mighty Mt. Dwarf • Nightmare Dwarf • Renegade Dwarf • Vanguard of Eight Crossroads Sarutahiko • Nightmare Ubelluris • Mighty Mt. Titan
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine