Accomplished Ameno-Uzume: Difference between revisions

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(18 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| Picture =
| Picture =
| Appearance = [[COMP-Hack Dungeon 4-A]] Reward  
| Appearance = [[COMP-Hack Dungeon 4-A]] Reward  
| Variations    = [[Ameno-Uzume|Ameno-Uzume]], [[Accomplished Ameno-Uzume|Accomplished]]
| DCM          =
| Drops        =
| Name = Accomplished Ameno-Uzume
| Name = Accomplished Ameno-Uzume
| Level = 24
| Level = 24
| Race = Goddess
| Race = Megami
| Species = Gods
| Family = Gods
| Alignment = Law
| Alignment = Law
| ForceS = 8
| ForceS = 8
Line 14: Line 11:
| MP = 92
| MP = 92
| Str = 18
| Str = 18
| Close = 30
| Melee = 30
| Mag = 20
| Mag = 20
| Long = 39
| Ranged = 39
| Vit = 20
| Vit = 20
| Spell = 35
| Spell = 35
| Int = 36
| Int = 36
| Supp = 48
| Aux = 48
| Spd = 18
| Spd = 18
| PDef = 10
| PDef = 10
| Luck = 18
| Luck = 18
| MDef = 23
| MDef = 23
| Crt = 10
| CritOcc = 10
| Dec = 10
| CritAvd = 10
| HPB = 120
| HPB = 120
| MPB = 67
| MPB = 67
| StrB = 15
| StrB = 15
| CloseB = 26
| MeleeB = 26
| MagB = 18
| MagB = 18
| LongB = 36
| RangedB = 36
| VitB = 16
| VitB = 16
| SpellB = 31
| SpellB = 31
| IntB = 33
| IntB = 33
| SuppB = 44
| AuxB = 44
| SpdB = 18
| SpdB = 18
| PDefB = 7
| PDefB = 7
| LuckB = 18
| LuckB = 18
| MDefB = 21
| MDefB = 21
| CrtB = 10
| CritOccB = 10
| DecB = 10
| CritAvdB = 10
| Inheritance = Curative
| Inheritance = Curative
| Growth = Big Eihwaz
| Growth = Big Eihwaz
| Variations    = [[Ameno-Uzume|Ameno-Uzume]], [[Accomplished Ameno-Uzume|Accomplished]]
| DCM          =
| Drops        =
| Physical Resistance = 100%
| Physical Resistance = 100%
| Magical Resistance = 100%
| Magical Resistance = 100%
| Slash = 120%
| Slash = 120%
| SlashNAR =
| SlashNAR =
| Charge = 120%
| Thrust = 120%
| ChargeNAR =
| ThrustNAR =
| Blunt = 120%
| Blunt = 120%
| BluntNAR =
| BluntNAR =
| Long Range = 100%
| Projectile = 100%
| Long RangeNAR =
| ProjectileNAR =
| Penetrate = 100%
| PenetrateNAR =
| Spread = 120%
| Spread = 120%
| SpreadNAR =
| SpreadNAR =
| Penetrate = 100%
| PenetrateNAR =
| Fire = 75%
| Fire = 75%
| FireNAR =
| FireNAR =
| Ice = 75%
| Ice = 75%
| IceNAR =
| IceNAR =
| Electric = 200%
| ElectricNAR =
| Force = 75%
| Force = 75%
| ForceNAR = Null 100%
| ForceNAR = Null 100%
| Electric = 200%
| ElectricNAR =
| Expel = 200%
| Expel = 200%
| ExpelNAR = Null 100%
| ExpelNAR = Null 100%
| Death = 100%
| Death = 100%
| DeathNAR =
| DeathNAR =
| Magic = 25%
| Mystic = 25%
| MagicNAR =
| MysticNAR =
| Nerve = 75%
| Nerve = 75%
| NerveNAR =
| NerveNAR =
Line 105: Line 105:
| Demon Skill 8 =
| Demon Skill 8 =
| Demon Level 8 = Default
| Demon Level 8 = Default
| Demon Skill 9 = Sexy Eyes
| Demon Skill 9 = Sexy Gaze
| Demon Level 9 = 25
| Demon Level 9 = 25
| Demon Skill 10 = Masukukaja
| Demon Skill 10 = Masukukaja
Line 150: Line 150:
| feat3 = {{Nimble}}
| feat3 = {{Nimble}}
| feat4 = {{Doso Goddess}}
| feat4 = {{Doso Goddess}}
| Title = Dancer's-
| Title =  
| Difficulty = 1
| Difficulty = 1
| Gem = [[sapphire]]
| Gem = [[Sapphire]]
| Part = Pants
| Part = Bottom
| TLevel = 10
| TLevel = 10
| Tarot =
| Tarot = Fire resists +2%
Fire resists +2%
Electric resist -1%
Electric resist -1%
| SSLevel = 20
| SSLevel = 20
| Soul Stone = -20% damage from Evil Demon
| Soul Stone = -20% damage from Jaki
| Vis1 = x
| Vis1 = x
| Vis2 =  
| Vis2 = x
| Vis3 =  
| Vis3 =  
[[Category:Accomplished |{{PAGENAME}}]]

Latest revision as of 00:26, 28 January 2024

This demon cannot be obtained by any normal Dyad Fusion.
This demon cannot be contracted.
Demon Statistics Name
Accomplished Ameno-Uzume
Family Gods Race Megami
Inheritance Type Curative Growth Type Big Eihwaz
Level 24 Force Slot 8
HP 188 Melee 30
MP 92 Ranged 39
Strength 18 Spell 35
Magic 20 Auxiliary 48
Vitality 20 Phy. Defense 10
Intelligence 36 Mgc. Defense 23
Speed 18 Crit. Occurrence 10
Luck 18 Crit. Avoidance 10
Locations Found COMP-Hack Dungeon 4-A Reward
Variations Ameno-Uzume, Accomplished
DCM Location
Base Stat Estimation (Linked)
HP 120 Melee 26
MP 67 Ranged 36
Strength 15 Spell 31
Magic 18 Auxiliary 44
Vitality 16 Phy. Defense 7
Intelligence 33 Mgc. Defense 21
Speed 18 Crit. Occurrence 10
Luck 18 Crit. Avoidance 10
Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)
Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Null 100%
Null 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)
Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
An accomplished demon for its class. Characteristics vary.
Healing Type
A demon who heals your pain. Curative skills are 50% more effective.
Nimble Demon.
Slash-based damage is negated at 1% for every XP earned level.
Doso Goddess
The Amatsu Genmadess and protector of paths.
When Husband Sarutahiko is in the same party: Magic +10.
Demon Skills
Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill
Default 99 Needles 25 Sexy Gaze 58 Pulinpa
Default Zanma 28 Masukukaja 62 Bufudyne
Default Mazan 30 Sexy Dance 67 Megido
Default Counter 34 Recarm 72 Agilao
Default Marin Karin 40 Mediarahan 77 Matarunda
Default Media 46 Manma 84 Mazandyne
50 Zandyne 88 Anti-Force
54 Lullaby 99 Maragidyne
Breath Wings Slam Fang Maiden Weapon Claw Needle Eyes
Fusion Information
Trifusion Plugin
Fusion Range Success Rate
Elemental Fusions
Erthys Aeros Aquans Flamies
Down Down Down Down
Race Combinations in Dyad Fusion
Deity × Divine Amatsu × Yoma Amatsu × Snake Amatsu × Lady
Yoma × Herald Herald × Divine Herald × Genma Divine × Genma
Divine × Fairy Divine × Avatar Divine × Holy Divine × Lady
Divine × Dragon Avian × Femme Fairy × Holy Avatar × Holy
Synthesis Information
Gemstone Needed Sapphire Synthesis Difficulty 1
Soul Fused Item Title Dancer's- Soul Fused Item's Type Bottom
Tarot Effect Level Req. 10 Soul S. Effect Level Req. 20
Tarot Effect Soul Stone Effect
Fire resists +2%

Electric resist -1%

-20% damage from Jaki

Demons Hathor • Ameno-Uzume • Sarasvati • Freya • Fortuna • Sati • Scathach • Norn • Pallas Athena • Lakshmi • Anat
Variations Inexperienced Hathor • Accomplished Ameno-Uzume • Inexperienced Sarasvati • Inexperienced Norn • Inexperienced Lakshmi • Lucky Fortuna
Limited Inexperienced Sati • Passion of the Poltergeist Sati • Inexperienced Scathach • Sweet White Lakshmi
Enemy Embodiment of Form Hathor • Nightmare Hathor • Ame-no-uzume • Timewise Teenager Amenouzume • Embodiment of Balance Ame no Uzume • Demonic Aria Sarasvati • Dabster Sarasvati • Sarasvati (JB) • Obsession Enslaved Freya • Freya En podio • Obsession Enslaved Scathach • Fountain of Life Norn • Darkness of the Abyss Norn • Obsession Enslaved Pallas Athena • Superior Demon Pallas Athena • Grief Caller Lakshmi • Superior Demon Lakshmi • Responsible for Fertility and Good Luck and Beauty Lakshmi
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine